Vacation at the Hotel Madison

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Vacation at the Hotel Madison

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The Madison Gambit, the latest in LAW's series of supercards partnering with new and innovative venues to bring unique experiences to the fans, was underway. Predictably, the event had brought quite a bit of attention to the Hotel Madison, and activity around the establishment had never been quite this buzzing. Plenty of LAW wrestlers were checking into their rooms, mingling around the public spaces, and preparing for matches. But beyond that, the attention garnered by the Madison Gambit had caught the eye of the public, and now the lobby was packed with guests looking to experience the hotel's luxuries for themselves.

Among those looking to check into the hotel were none other than Nashi Dragneel and Yukino Fuyumi - the Idol Dragons. The reigning WOWW Tag Team Champions, and a fixture of LAW's tag scene, the two idols had made quite a name for themselves in the business. Anywhere they went, they were bound to get the attention of the press - they likely would've had photographers in their faces at this very moment, were their attention not directed elsewhere thanks to the ongoing preparations for the supercard. But Nashi and Yukino weren't here to compete. When they heard about a luxury hotel lending its space out to host the next LAW event, they were happy to check it out for themselves. Considering that Yukino was coming off a grueling shock collar match against Candice Edison at Turning Point, the Winter Idol was happy to have the chance to sit down and rest her legs for once. Something like this, she thought, was just what she needed.

"Hold on, Nashi-! Wait for me," Yukino huffed, following after her partner as she lugged their suitcases behind them. She stopped just outside the door, panting for breath. "A-Ah...I'm okay," she said, then cleared her throat. Still, when she looked back at Nashi, it was with a smile on her face. "You excited, though? I've really been looking forward to this trip..."
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Re: Vacation at the Hotel Madison

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Earlier this year, Nashi and Yukino got tickets to see the upcoming Fight the LAW three despite not competing in it. To close out the year, both of them were invited to Madison Hotel. They were here not only to relax at the luxurious hotel, but also because Nashi had a match booked for the weekend and wanted to enjoy herself before slugging it out in the ring. Due to their success as the WOWW tag team champions, they were given their own car and chauffeur finally stopping right in front of the hotel.

Without missing a beat, Nashi opened the door of the car and hop out letting out a big stretch from the car ride.Crack! "Ahhh that felt so good!" The pinkette giggled as began to loosen up her joints before turning her attention straight towards the Madison Hotel."This is going to be fun right Yukino?.... uhhhh Yukino....?" Nashi called out her partner but was nowhere to be found. That was until her snowy companion came out with their suitcases in hand trying to catch up to her.

"Oh there you are!' Nashi waved out for her. When she finally came Nashi couldn't help but smile being in Yukino's presence, ever since they were kids going to a luxury hotel was something they wanted to do and to do it twice in one year was so impressive she couldn't help but be excited."Yeah obviously, we got a photoshoot in a little bit, then we could go out to the pool and relax and you can come to my match. What's not to love?" She snickered leaning her head forward to Yukino."Is your leg holding up?" Nashi asked with a tiny look of concern. After Yukino's last match, her leg was banged up and all the pinkette cared about was if Yukino could handle herself this weekend.
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Re: Vacation at the Hotel Madison

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Smiling a little, Yukino nodded her head to what Nashi had to say. "Heh, you could say we're really living the high life now, huh?" With a wink, she elbowed Nashi in the side. Taking her own luggage, she began to make her way to the door - but when she put her weight down on her foot, she let out a yelp, stumbling a step further and dropping to a knee. She winced as a stinging pain shot its way up along her limb. She was, after all, just coming off of her match against Candice at Turning Point, and that match had been a grueling one that had demanded she draw on every reserve of strength she had, practically leaving her body broken by the end of it. She would still, no doubt, be feeling those aches for some time afterward.

Catching her breath, Yukino rubbed at her leg before straightening herself to her feet and wiping her brow. "Yeah...yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry about that, Nashi. Just...worked really hard back there. It's not broken or anything." She took a moment to stretch. After everything she'd been through in that match, she really needed some time to regroup and relax.

"You know, that pool does sound really good right now," she said. With that, she held herself straighter and headed through the door - and as soon as she was inside, Yukino's eyes went wide with wonder, her jaw hanging agape in a silent gasp. Any concerns she might've had about her leg were soon forgotten. Suddenly, she was surrounded with luxury. Fine furnishings, crystal chandeliers, a dim light that cast everything in a flickering glow. She could hardly imagine a place like this so close to home! "Whoah..!"

As Yukino took in the sights, a short but buxom girl in a bunny outfit stepped up to her, placing her hand on her hip as she cocked it to the side and gave them a wink. "Heeeey there, welcome to the Hotel Madison!~" she cheered. "My name's Sakuri, and you must be the Idol Dragons? guys are pretty cool!~" She giggled to herself before standing up straighter. "Right! So, you guys need me to take your bags for you?"
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Re: Vacation at the Hotel Madison

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If there was anything someone could rely on when it came Nashi, it was being above all else a good friend. She would giggle at Yukino's joke about living the high life, casually giving her a brush on the shoulder. However, joking with her best friend wasn't enough to show how much of a good friend she was, as soon as Yukino dropped on her knee, Nashi was quick to step down and put her hands on her shoulders for first aid if Yukino needed any assistance with walking. Thankfully Yukino was able to straighten herself out giving Nashi a sigh of relief."That's good at least, here let me help you." She smiled as she reached out to grab her by the hand to help her up to her feet."I mean we can also show if you know what I mean." She teased back with a wink as the duo stepped into the hotel. The website said it was one of the best hotels in Japan and the website was dead wrong... it was better!

Everything looked like a dream place to have a relaxing vacation to get away from all of the troubles of everyday life. Nashi joined in on her partner with her mouth dropped to the floor unable to process this, the only thing Nashi knew was they had the entire weekend to this luxury and they were going to make every second count!

It would only take a moment for them to be snapped out of their trance as a short bunny girl appeared right in from them. Nashi had to blink a few times before smacking herself on her cheekbones when Sakuri addressed them as the Idol Dragons."Ummm yes that's us. Thank you if you don't mind can you direct us in the best place for relaxation, I have a match scheduled for tomorrow, on top of us having a photoshoot planned and my partner here needs attention for her busted leg." Nashi spoke on their behave because despite just getting there, they needed a lot to get done and even gestured to Yukino's injured leg hoping to be put in the best direction for it to be fixed.
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Re: Vacation at the Hotel Madison

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Yukino still hadn't quite gotten used to walking on her bad leg, but even if she did make a wrong step, she at least had Nashi to catch her and help her back up. As her friend came up behind her to steady her, Yukino looked back at her with a smile, letting out a breath. "Ah, yeah...thanks, Nashi," she said with a smile. Yukino wanted to be strong. She didn't want anything to hold her back - not even the damage her leg had suffered in her previous match. She'd rather bear through the pain than take care of herself. But, she told herself, she wouldn't need to do that any more. Nashi was here for her, and she was going to let her. This was her time to unwind and have a vacation - if she was going to take a break from being a wrestler, she needed to stop thinking like one.

That said, Yukino was certainly being recognized for her in-ring exploits! When Sakuri saw Nashi's confused reaction, she giggled to herself, grinning an even wider grin. "Awww, what's the matterrrrrr?~ Not used to fans? Hey, if you guys don't want fans you should stop doing cool moves!" She giggled to her own joke, then cleared her throat. She did have a job to do here, after all.

"If you need a place to unwind, I'd recommend the spa - it's down that hall and to the right, up the stairs. Or, uh, maybe you should take the elevator," she added, looking at Yukino's leg. "Yeah, that looks pretty nasty..."

Almost out of instinct, Yukino cut in to try and blow off Sakuri's concerns. "I'm fine...I'm fine," she said. A moment later, though, she took a deep breath and continued in a softer voice. "Thanks, though."
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Re: Vacation at the Hotel Madison

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While this was a time to unwind and have a vacation after Yukino's previous Supercard match, Nashi still had a lot on her mind. Yukino was currently in a bad shape as her leg left her unable to compete for a bit. It also didn't that they had booked a photoshoot and needed to make sure Yukino can handle whatever pose the photographer requested of them to do. There was also Nashi's upcoming match on the card that she needed to win since it was the last even of the year. With all of this in mind she didn't intend to come off as rude or uninterested in Sakuri, more so wanting to just relax before everything got so hetetic this weekend. Thankfully for Nashi, Sakuri seemed to be a fan of their work making the pinkette rise her head up with a smile forming."Wait really!? What's your favorite move of ours?" Suddenly Nashi's mode began to change for the better as she spoke out giggling with joy that they were recognized immediately and people who worked here we're fans of them.

"Thank you, will keep that in mind also thank you for taking our luggage. You ready Yukino?" Nashi said respectfully to Sakuri before turning her attention to Yukino. "SO you ready?" She asked as she opened the elavator pressing the button for the spa room. "Ya know Yukino it was a smart idea to have our swimsuits under our regular clothing." Nashi leaned in to whisper to partner walking into the changing room to take off their clothes. Nashi came out wearing a black and pink swimsuit with pink bra and black briefs. From there the pinkette would lay on one of the chairs turning her head to Yukino."Not gonna lie I wish we brought our belts. It could be our sort of traditional of getting a massage with our belts on our backs ya know?" She playfully teased as the masue walked in. "Hello ladies I was informed one of you has a busted leg that needs attending who may that be?" A young handsome man walked in after being informed by Sakuri about the situation. Nashi popped up from the chair looking at him to see who it was."Oh well it's my friend here Yukino." She said pointing to her tag partner as the man walked up."I see, don't worry Ms. Dragneel your masue will be on the way shorty. Now Ms. Fuyumi what's the trouble with your leg?" He asked folding his arms wondering what needed to be done about her poor leg before he got started.
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Re: Vacation at the Hotel Madison

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A wide grin lit up across Sakuri's face, and she let out a giggle. She might've just taken this job as a side gig to help make money, but if she got to work the hotel during its collaboration with LAW, and met some of her favorite talent - well, she couldn't complain! "Yukino's Ice Splitter is so cool!~ And Nashi, when you used the Dragon's Den in your Apex match - man, I wish I could do stuff like that." Then, though, she cleared her throat and stood back up straight. No matter how cool this was, she did have a job to do. "Right, yeah! I'll get these to your rooms for you!"

As Sakuri carried their luggage off, Yukino let out a sigh, rubbing her head as she followed Nashi to the elevator. "Well, it's nice to know our fans care about us," she said with a huff, "but I'm looking forward to having a chance to take it easy." She thought back to their last vacation, and the fervor of signing autographs. Being both a famous idol duo and a tag team meant they had a lot of responsibilities to juggle, and while it did mean they had a substantial fan following, it could be a bit exhausting.

In the locker room, Yukino got changed into a pale blue bikini, then hobbled her way over to a table. As soon as she got off her feet, she let out a long sigh - it felt good to be off her feet, especially after the fall she'd almost had coming in. She took a moment to stretch as her body sprawled out over the surface, though she did look back at Nashi with her eyebrow raised. "I mean," she cut in, "we do have a photoshoot coming up, so we can always stage a shot like that. I'd be careful about waving those belts around too much, though. Especially ahead of your match. I don't want anyone getting any ideas, and if anyone gets a jump on you, I wouldn't be able to do much to protect you..." Yukino sighed, looking down at her leg. There were, after all, plenty of other wrestlers milling about at the hotel, and surely the more unscrupulous types would see an opportunity to soften Nashi up before her match if Yukino wouldn't be able to step in for her.

When her masseur stepped into the room, Yukino turned to lay back on the bench, stretching out her leg. She winced as the motions pulled at the muscles and tendons along her limb. "Er, just...had a lot of pressure on it at my last match, and it's still a little sore," she explained. "You think you could help with that?"
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Re: Vacation at the Hotel Madison

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It was always nice being recognize by a fan, especially when they have the compassion to not shout it out for everyone to here. Thankfully Sakuri was just like that as was able to keep her excitement while talking about some of her favorite moves and being willing to take their luggage to their room for them. "Oh thank you so much. If you want, we, might you give an autograph later." Nashi leaned in to whisper her token of appreciation of her not letting the Idol's presence be known. From there the Idol waved goodbye to their fan as Yukino accompanied her to the elevator. "Yeah especially when they don't blurt it out to everyone ya know?" She added on with a light chuckle giving Yukino a pat on the shoulder tilting her head forward. The pinkette noticed Yukino looked concerned as she went to tap her shoulder. "Come on Yukino we had a lot of fun remember? We got to stand up to some bullies and look good doing it." She chuckled thinking back to their last vacation to now.

As the door opened as both girls changed in front each other as Nashi's pitched an idea before letting Yukino speak her thoughts on it. "Oooooh that's a good point Yukino. We could totally do that for upcoming shoot." She smiled ear to ear before hearing what Yukino also had to say."Oh... Yukino..." That once former smile turned to a frown as she looked down at Yukino's busted up leg from her last match."Hey don't worry if we're lucky the masseur can fix it up for you." Nashi added on wanting to give Yukino a reassuring hug to let her know everything will be okay. She would take her hand lightly, looking in her blue eyes."You ready?" She asked calmy wanting to make sure she was okay before walking into the room.

Once the man started to work on Yukino's leg he heard the poor girl groan out in pain wanting to know if he would be enough to fix it. "Don't worry
young lady I can do more than that."
He smirked proudly as he went to grab ointment for his hands before carefully putting his hands back on the Idol's beaten leg."This will sting but it's going to help." He reassured her as he went up and down her leg massaging it carefully wanting to smoothen it down gently. Meanwhile Nashi watched on before another man walked in as she got into place. "I'm ready when you are." She giggled as she brushed her hair out to the side to get ready for her own massage.
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Re: Vacation at the Hotel Madison

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Sakuri giggled to herself at the thought of having an autograph from the Idol Dragons, but for now, she was happy to see them off - and one she was out of the picture, Yukino let out a sigh. As Nashi recounted what had happened at their last outing, she thought back to how they had ended up picking a fight with a couple of local wrestlers, courtesy of a drunk Nashi, and ended up with the tag titles from a small Austrian promotion to add to their list of accomplishments. All was well that ended well, Yukino supposed, but she really wasn't looking to get into any more trouble like that - particularly with a bad leg. "Yeah, I suppose...just, I'm in no shape to pick fights right now, and you have a match coming up, so you shouldn't risk it." Still, she did look off a little and smile as she thought back on that match. She couldn't deny it, being in the ring with Nashi at her side had been fun...

And she could trust in Nashi to always have her side, no matter what happened. Even now, when she was still nursing the pain in her leg, Nashi was there to show her support - and when Yukino heard it, she looked up to Nashi, letting out a breath as the tension began to flow away from her. The hint of a smile came to her, and she pulled herself closer to Nashi to return the hug. Whether it was a match or just a massage, as long as Yukino had Nashi, she didn't need to worry. "Thanks, Nashi...yeah, I'm ready."

Once on the massage table, Yukino rolled over onto her side, letting the masseur work over her leg. As the muscles and joints along her leg were pushed back into place, she hissed through her teeth, her body growing tense as a jolt of pain shot through her. "O-Oww, ow..!" Only a moment later, she looked back at the masseur and managed a weak smile. "S-Sorry...uh, I really hope I'm not making this hard for you..." The last thing she wanted was to be a burden to anyone.

The other masseur, meanwhile, proceeded to rub his hands with some lotion as he moved over to Nashi. "On your stomach, please," he said. If Nashi got into position, he would start with her back, prodding at the muscles along her spine with his fingertips before he began to sink his grip in deeper and push the fibers into place. "Anywhere you want me to focus on in particular?"
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