Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Decided by spinny-wheel when both wrestlers enter!
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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Tina and Alaina were both backstage wearing their two piece tiger print wrestling attire along with their tag team ring jackets each one wore for their matches together looking confident as they walked through the arena hallways. "There is nothing this lady can do that I haven't faced yet. She is gonna go down hard." Tina said with a big smile.

"I know, and don't worry at all about the other two. They can't directly interfere but I bet they try to come at me to distract you. I can handle them and even if somehow they look like they have me down don't get distracted. Focus on Bernadette and win that match." Alaina said patting Tina on the back. "They can't possibly take us solo or in any team setting."

"I know Allie, we got this. These wannabes can't handle real wrestlers in this ring." Tina added with a wink.

Tina's music played and the duo came out to a loud roar from the crowd. They both flexed and struck some poses at the top of the ramp before bounding down towards the ring high diving fans and looking quite confident tonight. Alaina stayed outside the ring as Tina slid in, standing tall with her arms out soaking up the cheers as Alaina stood outside the ring near Tina's corner. Tina bounced around looking to be ready to roll and indeed she was eager to get her hands on Bernadette.

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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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The Harbingers were backstage in the locker room after Candice’s match with Yukino. The sad news was for the trio is that Candice was too banged up to go out with them and had to lay down to checked out my the medical staff.”Damn it…. This sucks…” The green Thunderbolt let a groan of frustrated as her body twitch in pain as she felt frustrated in herself for not just the match but not being able to assist her leader when she needed it the most.”Don’t worry Candy. You did great and I’m sure Bernie is going to win so just rest up.” Annabelle smiled giving a gentle pat ok Candice’s shoulder to reassure her that she did good. Then Bernadette would walk forward with her arms crossed looking over her downed command.”I have to agree. You did good Candice, so leave everything to me. Rest up that’s an order!” She said firmly ordering her partner to rest up for the night with Candice giving a gentle nod.”Understood… give him hell…” She said softly before grinning with her final words as Bernadette nodded in agreement.”Alright Annabelle you ready?” She turned to Annabelle with Annabelle nodding cutely.”Off course, Bernie let’s go win.” She giggled as Bernadette and Annabelle left the locker room as soon as the doctor came in to check on Candice.

Soon the two harbingers would walk through the hallway with Bernadette wearing her red PPV entrance wings as the duo were now behind the curtains. The lights would go down as the announcer then said.”And her opponent from Miami, Florida! Accompanied by Annabelle “The Love” Valentine! And Representing The Harbingers, standing at 5’11 and weighing in at 165 pounds…. BERNADETTE “THE BOMB” NOBEL!!!”
Soon enough the screen would show a jungle filled with animals but most notably a tiger high on the mountain until a rain of bombs come crashing down blowing the mountain and jungle to Smithereens leaving nothing but ashes. That was then Bernadette’s name would flash as she came out wearing her red PPV wings with a grin on her face as she stood at the top ramp extending her arms out for her signature pose. Already the message was sent that she planned to do nothing but annihilate Tina right here and now in front of the whole world as Annabelle would follow her from behind. Before leaving the top entrance Bernadette would grin pulling her arms around her as she raised her boot up before stomping it down and let her arms to extend forward to set off quick pyrotechnics exploding in the air for all to see! ”THAT’S HOW YOU MAKE AN ENTRANCE!!!” Bernadette shouted to the tigress as she began to make her down with Annabelle flowing her down. The raven haired leader kept her arms out as she sauntered down soaking in the chorus of boos from the audience as Annabelle paid no mind and waved to them with a happy go lucky smile she’s always had. Bernadette chuckled as she kept her eyes on Tina as she then stopped to let out another stomp for another round of pyrotechnics to go off to the surprise of the crowd! “I’m called the bomb for a reason after all.” She chuckled as made her way to the outside of the ring as Annabelle quickly got ahead of her to open ip the ropes for as Bernadette would put on leg over and duck in between the ropes to step in before doing a mocking bow to Tina.”Say your prayers little kitty.” She grinned before taking off her hat and her back accessories and gave them to Annabelle to hold onto on the outside.

Bernadette would cross her arms underneath her bust as looking at Tina with a grin while also giving a minor look at Alaina on the outside. ”Looks like a spinning wheel will decide the rules. I hope it’s something explosion haha.” She pulled her back to laugh as the wheel was brought out with Bernadette immediately going towards it to spin it first before Tina did..”sorry honey, but as they say, ladies first and beasts second.” She said softly with a mocking chuckle coming out of her to insult Tina’s gimmick as she put her hands on it to spin the wheel. Now everyone’s eyes were on the wheel that was spinning around and around before landing on “Cage Match”! “YES! That’s perfect!” Bernadette let out with a devilish smile before turning her attention to Tina.”Now when I beat you, you can’t say I had help. So go ahead kitty and spin for the other stipulation.” She took a step back giggling to herself as her haired swayed upon her moving out of Tina’s away, to now having her attention on Alaina.”Sorry Alaina. But your protege is getting sent to where she belongs.” She grinned mockingly as she wanted to proof to these two that the harbingers can win without the other getting in the way and they were going to learn that lesson the hard way. Bernadette then turned back to face Tina as she went to spin wondering the outcome of her spin.
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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Tina shook her head at Bernadette and her attitude standing there with her hands on her hips. "Whatever you say dumbass. The whole crowd knows you aren't anything special without your little friends." Tina said as she smiled seeing that this was a cage match. It would help keep the others out more easily. If Bernadette thought her childish attempts were somehow getting under Tina's skin she was horribly mistaken.

When it was Tina's turn to step up she happily spun the wheel. "All right lets give this a spin and see where it goes!" Tina said keeping her eyes on Bernadette as she spun the wheel as hard as she could! It spun quickly then began to slow withe everyone watching to see where exactly it would land... Tina herself was holding her breath as she waited to see what was to come.

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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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The time was finally upon them as this was the moment Tina was waiting for so long but can now finally shut Tina up once for all. The heel had nothing excitement on her face until that pesky Tigress decided to open her mouth and insult the bomb in front of everyone as she went to spin the wheel. The raven-haired woman tried her best to conceal her anger, after all it was her who was supposed to get into the head of Tina not the other way around! Right as it landed on Cage match, Bernadette's anger soon turned into joy as she looked at Tina with a devilish grin. She walked towards her with confidence before leaning into her ear to whisper."Ya know, if I'm not special, I guess that means you're not special either because it seems your girlfriend won't come out to support you.' The Raven whispered coldly as this was part one of wanting to get Tina enraged to throw her off her game by throwing shade at her relationship with her beloved Black Swan. She giggled before taking a step back to see Tina spin the wheel to see what it will land on. The Raven bombshell watched with anticipation wondering what it will land on until it landed on "Thumbtacks". A big smile of excitement grew on Bernadette as she raised her hand up to cover her mouth as she broke out into laughter. She bended forward thinking about all the ways she could use these stipulations to her benefit to crush Tina right in front of Alaina Sanders.

Soon the crowd busted out into cheers as ring hands could out with boxes full of thumbtacks before exiting the ring. Then the cage would come down from the ceiling to make sure no one could interrupt the preceding match with ring hands locking it leaving both girls trapped until there is one victor. Once she was done, she rose back up shaking her head to let her hair out before leaning on her left side with her hand on her hip."Well then little Kitty. With these stipulations in place, you'll be getting a one way trip to the hospital." The bomb said with pure delight in her voice before titling her head."And who knows, maybe then your girlfriend will visit you for once. haha." She said out loud with a proud smile on her face as the crowd sat back in their seats going."Oh no she didn't." Bernadette turned her head seeing the murmers from the crowd that made her even more happy. This was phase two of her plan to throw Tina of her game, first mock her quietly and then right before the match starts to say it out loud to make the crowd wonder if Tina and her beloved even care for each other. This kind of discourse made Bernadette thrived as now she turned her head back at Tina to see the look on her face."What's the matter kitty?" Bernadette asked in a mocked concerned tone leaning forward to press her hands on her knees."Does ypur girlfriend not care about you?" Now Bernadette had crossed the line wanting to get right into Tina's head by continung to mock her out loud hoping it would effect her in ring preformance. Once it was done, Bernadette stood up straight with her hands up."Now are we going to throw done or you going to couples therapy?" One last insult for good measure as she was now ready to proceed with the match waiting for it to ring.

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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Tina scowled and was silent as the cage was lowered. Sure she and Swan hadn't been super couple-ish on TV but they kept their private life private. They didn't flaunt the way other couples did. The glare from Tina said it all and as soon as that bell rang she waste no time in rushing right at Bernadette and leaping at her looking to use her speed and strength combined to bulldoze Bernadette to the mat with a spear before landing a flurry of furious mounted punches on Bernadette's face! Tina was not playing around and Alaina knew on the outside that Tina meant business tonight. There was no way Bernadette was going to survive a match like this.

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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Bernadette could see Tina's slowly but surely anger rising up inside her and she couldn't be happier about it. Step one of her plan to crush the Tigress was in full effect and now all she had to do was wait for the bell to ring and slam her into oblivion! However, as they say, be careful what you wish for. As soon as the bell rung before Bernadette could even pushforward to begin a lock up, Tina hurled right at her like an actual tiger pouncing on its prey! Bernadette stood there with her head pulling back as she couldn't move out of the way in time before she speared down to the mat!"Huahhh..." Bernadette gasped heaving for breathe as she hit the mat swift but hard as Tina began to rain down punches like there was no tomorrow!"ACKK! OMPH!!! GAUH" Bernadette let out in pain as with each blow her body shifted in body as Tina turned her into her personal punching bag! "Oh my... hang in there Bernie!" Annabelle called out from the sidelines as she covered her mouth in concern for her friend. Despite the pain she was in, Bernadette used what little opportunities she had with her body constantly changing direction of where she looking for a possible weak spot on the Tigress. After a couple of tries she saw it perfectly, Tina's legs were spread out leaving her wide open to a low blow from The Bomb. "Hey Tina.... wanna know something?" She let out a bit weakly as she slowly pushed her head up."Cats... need to SIT DOWN!!!" She paused for dramatic effect as Bernadette raised her leg up to knee Tina right in womanhood! If successful, Bernadette would try and push Tina forward to get her off as she laid there heaving her stomach in and out trying to recuperate before pushing herself to a standing position. After taking a second to crack her neck and move out her shoulders, her attention would be focused squarely on Tina.

If Tina was still recovering, Bernadette with a scroll on her face."Alright kitty, time to take you to THE POUND!!!" She let out as Bernadette would try and grab her by the legs and spin around for a bit in a circle before letting go for a big swing!"ORRRRAHHHH!!!!" Bernadette let out her battle try as she attempted the swing to send Tina flying straight into the ropes!
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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Tina was doing well and on the attack when Bernadette hammered her with a cheap shot! "UGH!" Tina groaned as she took the hit, stunned for the moment as she was shoved off. Tina laid on her side shaking her head as she cursed herself for not expecting such an attack. Bernadette couldn't beat her clean, no way. Tina should have seen cheap shots coming.

Things only got worse as Tina's legs were grabbed and she began to spin! She was getting dizzy and she couldn't do anything about her situation knowing that she would be sent flying. Sure enough Tina flew and landed painfully near the ropes groaning out in pain as she laid there writhing on the mat. This was not good and she knew it...

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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Normally doing a low blow like that would be considered cheating. The difference this is a no dq match meaning everything is perfectly legal. When Bernadette arose she got her fair share of flack from the audience but that just made the bomb even more proud of herself as when she got to a standing position she let a smile to the audience as she began to speak tk Tina. After she was done, Bernadette grabbed on and did what she did best, setting up for a big swing which sent Tina flying in an impressive show of strength!!!

Once Tina hit the mat in pain, Bernadette took the opportunity to mock not just the crowd but also Tina and Alaina as well. She pulled her arms out long and leaned forward with a big grin to do a mocking bow as if she were presenting Tina as a tribute to someone. She couldn’t stand there too long but still couldn’t pass up the opportunity.”We’re not done yet Tina.” Bernadette said excitedly as she went over to circle around Tina wanting to make sure she was at the right angle to pull this off. The Raven bomb would put her arms around Tina’s waist and aim to pull her up to preform her deadlift German suplex, Drop The Bomb! However, Bernadette was aiming to send Tina straight towards on the corners to send the British tigress straight into one of the boxes of thumbtacks!”ORAHHH!!!” Bernadette letted out her battle cry as she tightened her muscles to give this move the extra power it needed for her to succeed!
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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Tina was stunned and the bigger wrestler loomed over grabbing hold before Tina could fight back. The tigress sailed through the air crashing into the corner and the tack box leading to an incredibly painful landing! Tina groaned and arched her back, a look of agony etched on her face as she rolled to the side to get away from the thumbtacks but others stuck in her! Tina groaned and was on her side clearly hurting in a haze but still trying to swipe some of the thumbtacks out of her as the match was off to what could only be described as a very poor start for the former champion.

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