Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Bernadette was laying on the mat in a heap of pain after the most recent slam from the tigress. At the same time, Bernadette had a plan under her sleeve that needed Tina to close the gap between them. Thankfully she didn’t need to wait long as the tigress was making her way to her at this very moment. ”Come on you stupid cat. When you’re here your done!” Bernadette thought to herself as Tina was making her way closer and closer.

Once Tina finally got there, Bernadette jumped up a bit to reach out. ”Gotcha!” She grinned as she went to try and pull Tina down by her leg but instead was grabbed by her hair. ”Ahhhhh watch the hair!!!” She winced in pain letting go of her grip on Tina’s leg as she was pulled to a standing position. Bernadette couldn’t believe it, her plan was in ruins. The bomb tried to shake Tina off but to no avail as she was lifted up and sent back first into the turnbuckle! ”AHH!!!” Bernadette howled in pain as before she could reach out to grab the ropes to hold onto, she was quickly raised back up again. It would only get worse as Tina began to spin her around in place! ”LET ME GOOO!!!!” Bernadette shouted as it felt like Tina was going faster and faster making her see the crowd in minor seconds at a time leaving the Raven heel’s head spinning. “What…..woahhh!!! Ommmpf!!!” Bernadette let out in
short bursts as Tina raised her back up only to slam again hard on the floor!

Annabelle gasped in shock leaning against the steel cage to see if Bernie was truly down and out. The harbingers leader laid down with her arms spread out with her legs being pulled forward by Tina as the ref went for the count. One….two….. She said smacking the mat as the crowd was cheering Tina on waiting to see if their valiant hero would win. Bernadette on the other hand had so many thoughts racing through her head. ”If I lose….. I can’t show my face again….” She thought to herself as the bomb tried to buck her hips to kick out of the pin!
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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Tina felt Bernadette kick out and she slapped the mat. She had an idea working her way up to her feet and pulling Bernadette up. Tina whipped Bernadette to the ropes hoping to rush at her to deliver a running knee strike to floor her!

After that Tuna would head to the cage to try to climb her way out!

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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Bernadette managed to break the pin through the skin of her teeth causing the crowd to be taken aback from it."Not...Yet!" Bernadette groaned out as she began to turn her body over to begin pushing herself up. On her way up she winced in pain as Tina once again grabbed her tightly by her hair. She was finally up but then whipped over to bounce off the ropes and collide straight with Tina's knee!"UGHHH!!!!" She spat out as the knee kick left her bend over stumbling back before finally, she fell on the ropes with her arm wrapped around her keeping her from collapsing to the mat.

Bernadette clung to that rope as if her life depended on it as she all she could do was stand there breathing in and out from all of the gut shots she had received throughout this match. Her head hung low looking at the mat before something peculiar crossed her mind."Wait....where's Tina...?" She asked herself as usually at this point Tina would be following it up with another attack but for some reason, she didn't hear Tina coming to her."Bernie she's on the cage!" Annabelle called out from the outside pointing towards the tigress who began to climb the cage to try and win via escaping. It took a moment but once she saw her climbing a look of distaste crossed the bomb."No way.... I gonna... lose... like this!!!" Bernadette let out with breathes of air before trying to lean back on the ropes to propel herself forward! Given her weak stance she had no choice but to rely on motion in order to reach Tina in time. There is no way in hell Bernadette would allow herself to be beaten like this especially in a major PPV card like this!"Where do you think your going so fast?" Bernadette asked mockingly as she reached out to grip tightly on Tina's ankles. Bernadette stood there giving an intense glare to Tina, there is no way after the match they had Tina could just escape and win like a coward, if Tina had to win she had to beat Bernadette here and now!"ORRRRRAHHH!!!" Bernadette shouted a battle cry as she tensed her muscle to yank Tina down to the mat to pull her off from the safety and security of the cage!
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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Tina was climbing up and reaching when she felt a grip on her ankle yanking her down! Hung on tight but she was surprised and her grip failed as she plummeted off the cage landing loudly onto the ground! Tina groaned and kicked in pain that long fall clearly taking the fight out of her as she landed with a great impact. She grunted and was laid out, cursing under her breath as she felt like she had the match won.

Alaina was on the outside shaking her head with her hands on her hips as she paced. She knew Tina had it in her to beat this woman. She kept her eyes on the action inside the cage hoping that Tina had worked Bernadette over enough while having some left in the tank after the fall to fight back. This was going to be an important juncture of the match and increasingly looking bad for Tina.

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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Typically, in a cage match it wouldn't end until one person was pinned or tapped out. There was one other way to win however that some people forgotten about. That being if you climb up the cage and unlock the hatch and escape you instantly win without having to pin or make your opponent submit. Bernadette knew this full well and what she also knew was that if there was one thing Tina had over Alaina, it was speed. Tina could've easily climbed up the cage to escape but thanks to the tigress still being in pretty bad shape it gave Bernadette the chance to spring herself forward to put a stop to Tina's plan of victory!

In an impressive display of strength, Bernadette was able to yank Tina off of the cage and send her plummeting to the mat! THUD! The crowd gasp as they couldn't believe at what just transpired as Bernadette still hung onto the top rope for support. Turning her head over to see Tina's body glued to the canvas was a site to behold."That's.... what I thought.... hehe..." The raven chuckled before turning her attention to Annabelle. "Now Annabelle do it." Bernadette ordered Annabelle in a softer tone of voice given the shape she was in she had to save her voice. Annabelle from the outside couldn't help but applaud Bernie for showing she was still in it to win it! She stopped hearing Bernadette's orders and gave a nod of understanding as she turned her focus to Alaina. While Alaina had her attention on the poor state Tina was in, the heavy pinkette would begin to charge at her once again. Even though Annabelle had tried and failed earlier, this was still an integral part of Bernadette's plan for tonight's match and Annabelle wasn't going to let her down! The pinkette charged and went to wrap her arms around Alaina aiming to send her shoulder first into the steel steps!!!

Meanwhile in the ring Bernadette would walk up in front of Tina's legs."I'll give you credit you actually can wrestle.... but... let's end this..." Bernadette said in short bursts of breathes as she reached down to wrap her arms tightly around Tina's legs. From there the raven middleweight would down on her back aiming to pull Tina up and springboard her straight into the ropes!!!
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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Tina was grabbed by Bernadette and before she could do anything she felt herself flying through the air as she hit the ropes and bounced off flopping back down to the mat on some tacks! Tina was in a bad way with this not at all helping after her painful landing writhing in pain.

Alaina was watching and managed to get caught win a mental lapse not paying attention to her surroundings. Alaina grunted and groaned as she was driven into the steel steps, the pain causing her to groan as she also was flopping down to the ground outside the cage! Things were looking very bad for both Thundergirls at this point and neither was in a great position to do much of anything about their circumstance.

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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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With Tina down on the mat, Bernadette had the perfect opportunity to show off some new moves she had been working. She grabbed the tigress and managed to send the former champ flying through the air and landing down on the tacks! Bernadette rolled herself up to and couldn't help but grin at her success seeing Tina flop on the floor like a dead fish. Things would only get better for the bomb as she heard a loud noise from behind, turning around there it was, Annabelle had successfully sent the former champion straight into the steel steps! "Good job Annabelle! Make sure to soften her up!" She called out to Annabelle ordering her to continue the assault on the downed Amazon while she dealt with her annoying protege. Turning back, Bernadette would walk forward slowly, wanting to keep the audience in suspense of what her next move would be as she was standing in front of the fallen tigress."Sorry Tina, but I guess this is the end of you and Alaina being taken seriously." She titled her head with her eyes squinting down and a light grin forming.
reference image
The bomb would lean down to pull Tina up aiming to put one arm around her torso with one arm before putting the other around her leg."Seem familiar Tina? I've also been working on this for a new finisher of mine! Say hello to the Explode!!!" Bernadette let out a roar of strength to send Tina flying.

Meanwhile on the outside, Annabelle nodded to her leader even lifting one arm up to mimic a salute."Okie dokie Bernie." She said as she turned her attention down to Alaina."Okay Allie don't scream okay?" She asked as Annabelle pulled her fists back before sending a rapid fire of punches to Alaina's chest wanting to make sure Alaina couldn't interfere with Bernie's plans for later on. Obviously Annabelle didn't want to hurt Alaina but if it was for Bernadette's sake she had to do it!
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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Tina was in no shape to prevent what was happening as she was lift up and sent crashing hard to the mat! The ring and cage shook as Tina let out a howl of pain, writhing on the mat before laying motionless after the finisher left her absolutely crushed! Tina was down and out, laid out flat on the mat as she looked lifeless.

Alaina was faring no better. Her shoulder and head bashed against the steel steps leaving her dazed. The punches rained down on the amazon and at the moment all Alaina could do was raise her arms up to cover and soak up some of the damage from the punches to save her torso from getting smashed!

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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Annabelle continued to follow Bernie's orders to a T as she began to rain down punch after punch to the heavyweight champion. It seemed simple enough but Alaina being the determined champion she was, managed to raise her arms to soak up as much as possible. Once Annabelle noticed her punches were being blocked, the towering pinkette stopped for a moment."Awwww Allie.... don't make this harder than it has to be. I'm just trying to make it easier for you, okay?" Annabelle asked with a big pout across her face as all she wanted was to make this quick and painless for the amazon. That was until a thought came across her mind! "Ohhh Allie I remember... you might have denied it last time, but you loved it when I got personal~~" Annabelle's face changed in an instant of disappointment to excited as she began to drool a bit from the idea she had in her head. "Okie dokie Allie let's have some fun!" Annabelle squealed with excitement as she went to wrap one arm around Alaina's neck and the other around her legs to set her down on her shoulders. "Hehe, it will be a bumpy ride, but you can take it." Annabelle teased as she jumped forward to pull Alaina overhead and drop to her knee to deliver a fireman's carry gustbuster!

While that was going on in the ring it was a similar story except without Annabelle's perverted nature. Bernadette couldn't help but be insulted from what Tina had done earlier in the match. The heel leader had working on that move nonstop to make it just right for Tina and what happens? Tina used the very move she had been practicing on stop and almost won!! Bernadette couldn't allow this insult to go unpunished, she had to finish Tina right here and now it was time to end it once and for all. Bernadette held Tina up for all to see, for a moment, her eyes flickered darting across the arena to see the reactions she had been getting. Some were signaling her to put Tina down as well as boo at her, others we're cheering for to win while others we're still in shock that this could be the end of this match. To Bernadette this was perfect! While she had a similar experience earlier, nothing would stop her from wanting to bask in this moment as she smiled with pure joy remembering how she used to cheer for the heel about to win, now it was her turn to be in that light. That joyful smile turned quickly into a sinister grin as she used all of her remaining strength to throw Tina over! BAM!!!! She had done it! Bernadette landed The Explode on Tina Armstrong! For her first time using it the ring it was unfathomable that it shook just the ring but also the cage leaving everyone speechless. While it was an impressive it left the already drained bomb down on the floor panting for breath. She forced herself to get to her knees despite her worn out state of being. Her eyes darted looking for Tina until she finally saw her and continued to rise despite the aching that was surging through her body."Stupid body... come on! The heel gritted her teeth as her body teetered back and forth as she approached the defeated Tina as if she could collapse at any second. To Bernadette that couldn't happen, her second LAW event and against a former LAW champ no less, anything but failure seemed out of the question as she finally stood in front of Tina.

As she stood her there the sweat from her head dropped like rain on top of Tina as went to reach down and grab her legs."Stay.... down...." Bernadette commanded breathlessly as she dragged Tina to the center of the ring before finally dropping down over Tina. The young raven laid right on top of Tina, folding Tina's legs over to keep her down just for this one pin."Count...." She spoke out weakly to the ref as Bernadette heaved her body using what little she had for this hail merry victory.
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Re: Tina Armstrong vs Bernadette Nobel

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Alaina was still reeling from the sneak attack as Annabella kept rambling like a lunatic or like a confused child, Alaina couldn't decide which. However she was picked up and then sent down for the gut buster groaning as she collapsed to the ground rolling to her side while she cradled her abdomen. Alaina was down and out on the outside.

Meanwhile Tina was down and out inside the cage! She took the explode and was a heap on the mat as Bernadette pinned her and the count marched on as Tina's attempts to kick out proved entirely ineffective.




The bell rang and Tina was in agony, but also in shock that she had just managed to lose to Bernadette inside the cage without her minions interfering at all. The fans were also in quite a bit of shock as the arena seemed to fall silent.

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