Opening the Sunday show is a match where audience members are allowed and encouraged to throw money into the ring from ringside! All proceeds go to charity!
Last edited by Monsy on Mon Nov 18, 2024 5:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
Charity Match
Match takes place in The Open Bottle
Standard rules apply, but the wrestlers are encouraged to lean into the gimmick of the match
A crowd was gathered in Hotel Madison's bar area, known as The Open Bottle, for the opening match of the PPV's Sunday card. The audience was buzzing with excitement, and a little bit of morning drinking, as they waited for the match to start with a cheery vibe radiating throughout the room. Their bright mood was understandable, as it wasn't every day you got to watch an exciting wrestling match while also supporting a good cause.
The upcoming bout was to be an experimental charity themed match where the goal of the competing fighters was not just to try and pin their opponent to win, but also to gather money for charity. The audience for today had been encouraged to bring cash in bills and if they felt excited by what was happening in the ring they had been requested to throw their money into the ring, and at the end of the match all the money in the ring would be gathered by staff and donated to a charitable cause, with LAW matching the donation to double the proceeds. So though this match was still a competition on a grand scale the goal of the competitors was to put on as long and exciting a show as they could!
The first of those competitors stood backstage as she waited for the match to begin, a bright-eyed brunette by the name of Kanako Sawatari. Not all that long ago Kanako had publicly admitted that her current goal in LAW was to participate in a PPV match and now here she was mere moments away from that milestone being reached! The Open Bottle may not have been the massive stadium she had been imagining, but Kanako was still shaking with both excitement and nerve at stepping out there. Not only that but the Charity Match was right up her alley; as a former idol Kanako was no stranger to playing to the crowd, and getting a stranger to love you enough to buy your merch was basically the same thing as getting a stranger to throw money at you. Only this time it was for a good cause!
Once her name was called Kanako would start strutting her stuff into the bar, met with cheers and applause from the bar-going fans who would start shaking their bills in the air to show their willingness to start donating. A decent amount of them were probably just here for Kanako and didn't even know what charity they were donating to, let alone care about the cause it represented, but Kanako would still start blowing kisses into the crowd and winking at them all the same, making sure to target fans wearing her merch in particular. By the time she'd made it to the ring she had gotten the crowd sufficiently riled up and ready for action, so she would actually forgo any further showboating or posing in favour of just heading straight into the corner and waiting for her opponent.
Once her theme died out and the announcer started introducing her opponent Kanako would stare at the entrance and wait for Ivy to come out, eager to lay eyes on her. Though Kanako's first goal was still to focus on the entertainment aspect of the match a part of her still wanted to win, this was the biggest match of her career thus far and a victory here could propel her career to greater heights! Kanako
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DM me if you want to plan a match: Pikazard#9522
"Hey Ivy, are you feeling any better about this fight yet?" Hortensia Aster asks her older sister Ivy. She is staying at the Madison Hotel as a guest in support of her sister, and subsequently was allowed to have backstage access to be with Ivy before her charity match with Kanako Sawatari, since the venue is a bit more lax than a proper LAW arena.
"No, Hortensia. Getting closer to the moment of the match is in fact make me more nervous, as you know it usually does," replied Ivy with a pointed look at her younger sibling. "I know that LAW is sexualized by nature, but being encourage to be extra flashy and showy so that ringside spectators will throw money at me makes me feel like I'm a harlot. Not to mention the fact that I am wholly unaccustomed to actively trying to use my body to be sexy. I struggle to imagine I can just walk out there and do while I'm also trying to win a wrestling match."
Hortensia chuckled at her sister's self-doubt, "Well Ivy, I won't try to tell you that the match concept isn't pretty stripperific," a statement which earned a sharp turn of the head and bewildered look from the elder Aster. "But if nothing else, I'm positive you won't have any problems making it work. I know you know you're hot, but I don't think you get just how hot you are, Ivy. You're 'girl in a show who gets all the shameless camera angles and turns every guy on screen into a comic relief gag whenever you show up' level of smoking hot," the pinkette exclaimed. "Even if whatever you try makes you look like the most awkward girlfail imaginable, the crowd will still eat you up like you're Alice freaking Eve back home!"
Ivy stared rather blankly at Hortensia, processing what had just come out of her mouth. She eventually responded, "I think I'm starting to regret how much autonomy father and I agreed to give you when travelling."
"Haha, oh please, Ivy," Hortensia laughed back. "I had access to the Internet well before I ever set foot in Japan. I've just gotten more comfortable being less proper around you and father as I've grown up. I think it's just more of a jump for you since we aren't seeing and talking with each other every day like before you moved out here."
"Well, regardless of my sex appeal and your analysis of it," Ivy said, desperately wishing to change subject. "I'm more worried about the encouragement to drag the match out. My style and attributes as a wrestler mean i always want to win as quickly as possible. Longer matches are a detriment to my ability to win. I almost feel like this match is water, and that I was asked to do it because I am like oil in comparison to it. Especially considering my opponent is like a sugar who can dissolve into it perfectly."
"Again, I don't disagree with your thoughts on the match itself," said Hortensia. "The pairing does feel at least a little deliberate, in my eyes. But I still think you're working yourself up too much over it, Ivy. Kanako's definitely not a pushover, she got a lot stronger during her hiatus from LAW. But come on, Ivy, you have to know as well as i do that she isn't at your level. You can get away with letting the match go for a bit. And if she does start putting on the pressure, there is nothing stopping you from turning it up and putting her away like you would in a normal match. Just make sure you don't let her beat you with one big finisher before you get the chance to start going all-out on her if it comes to that."
Deep down, Ivy knew that Hortensia was right, she was a considerably better wrestler than Kanako. But Kanako was a heavily offense oriented wrestler with dangerous finishers. The longer the match went, the more chances the former idol would have for that one thing to go right that she'd need to win. But Ivy also didn't want to appear worried in front of her sister before she went out, so as she began to hear her music come on, Ivy removed her extra clothes until she was down to her match attire, and left with these parting words, "I promise I will fulfill your expectations, Hortensia." Ivy knew that Hortensia knew she had been that extra touch of especially proper that was the older sister's tell for trying to hide nervousness, but the younger sibling thankfully let it go with a smile and wave. Music
Ivy still didn't know how to act sexy, but she did remember that one time back in England, a wealthy son of a stock broker who was not nearly as subtle as he believed told her that she had a "enticingly scintillating manner of walking." So Ivy would try to use that, walking ever so slowly towards the ring. She wouldn't try to force anything, such as consciously trying to sway her hips or bounce her chest. If her body did that on its own, then it would sway and bounce. But Ivy desperately wanted to avoid making a fool of herself before the match even started by trying to do it intentionally and botching it somehow.
Once the lights dimmed Kanako would back into one of the corners to lean against the ring post and watch her opponents entrance, and as she did so she would be reminded of why she was somewhat nervous for this match; her opponent, Ivy Aster. Given how important this match was to Kanako she had taken the liberty of looking up her opponent to see what she was up against, and what she'd found is that Ivy was a woman with a similar hard-hitting acrobatic style to her own, only she had about six inches and 50 pounds on the Superstar and far more experience as a wrestler! She was like a more fully realised version of Kanako in a higher weight class, and with huge boobs! So unfair!
To say that this would be an uphill battle for Kanako would be an understatement, but at the same time it presented an opportunity for the brunette to prove herself. Performing well against an opponent of Ivy's caliber, or even managing to edge out a win against the brit, would be a great showcase of Kanako's skills and would go a long way in proving herself as a capable fighter. That was why Kanako could not help but smile as Ivy started walking down the ramp, thinking of the potential good this match could do for her.
Though as she did watch Ivy make her way to the ring she couldn't help but notice that the purple-haired woman was rather subdued in the way she walked despite her amazing figure, moving a bit too still to be natural. Could it be that she was too embarrassed to showboat for the crowd, even in a match type that encouraged it? Or maybe she even thought it was beneath her? It was certainly plausible, given how she was dressing for her ring attire. But if the former was true and Ivy was out of her element in a showboating-focused match then that would represent a crack in the noblewoman's armour that Kanako could target.
Keeping that thought in the back of her mind Kanako would approach Ivy after she was finished her entrance, holding her hand out to offer the brit a handshake in a show of sportsmanship "Hey there, Aster-san! I'm Kanako! Let's put on a good show alright?" Kanako would say, before flashing her most dazzling smile.
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Ivy contemplated simply telling Kanako about her lack of talent or knowledge for showing off. She didn't think that could provide her opponent with a strategic advantage, right? Then again, it might clue Kanako in on how Ivy might fight. Maybe Ivy could try to cut a deal? She would hold back her ability while the former idol carried her through the flashiness in exchange? But that was dishonest, and this was supposed to be a real match beneath everything.
Ivy was still pondering her options as she entered the ring, but was not so distracted as to ignore her opponent approaching her for a handshake. "Ivy is fine, Kanako," she said while accepting the Lightweight's hand. Ivy had a much more subdued smile and stance, but still responded as warmly as a Snow Rose like herself was able to. She contemplated trying to pull Kanako in, and maybe do something like press their breasts together, but she was worried that might be misinterpreted at an attempt at a cheap shot.
Hortensia did say that Ivy could just act how she normally would and be fine, perhaps with the change of a slower fighting style. The elder Aster did trust her sister as wise beyond her years, despite her surface level immaturity. She probably should just take the advice. Then again, that might make it too obvious that she was letting up to drag out the match. Ugh, Ivy mentally grumbled, knowing that she had to many doubts and back-and-forths running through her head.
Before the match began Kanako would saunter over to Ivy and engage in a sportsmanly handshake which the aristocrat would accept with a slight smile, still as unemotive as her entrance. Kanako couldn't help but notice how reserved her opponent was even while they were face to face, which made her wonder if maybe she was right about Ivy not being compatible with a showmanship based match. To test her theory Kanako would take a step in closer, moving slowly so as to not alarm Ivy into thinking this was an attack, and stand on her tippy toes so that she was face to face with her, the two of them now so close that their breasts were pressed together and their lips were an inch from each other.
"Are you ready to put on a show with me, Ivy?" Kanako would ask cutely, putting her years of experience in making herself appealing to good use. The crowd would immediately show their approval with whistles and start throwing bills into the ring before the match would even begin, LAW fans loved seeing suggestive-looking situations between two women like this after all; and Kanako and Ivy were perhaps among the most beautiful women the roster had to offer!
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DM me if you want to plan a match: Pikazard#9522
Ivy could resist Kanako's charms easily enough. Living with Hortensia for her whole life made the older sister practically immune to any cuteness based tactics or antics. But the Lightweight would still get the rise she was looking for, instead managing to catch Ivy on her discomfort with the match. The Brit could mask her eyes widening with shock by making it seem like an inquisitive eye raise. But Ivy's incredibly pale skin made it near impossible to completely hide a blush no matter how well she suppressed it.
Ivy chose to simply come clean, figuring somebody as well versed in showbiz could pick up on Ivy's tells from this close up no matter how hard she tried to cover it. "Honestly I have no clue or experience with being sexy," Ivy whispered, keeping her mouth movements subtle enough to keep it looking like a stare down to the crowd instead of a conversation. "But my sister tells me I'm physically attractive enough to make it work anyways, and she's not one to lie to me."
Not wanting to delay for too long, Ivy quickly continued, "Um, don't take this personally, Kanako. I'm just going to try something." The Brit then switched back to her normal speaking voice so that the crowd could hear, "Well, I suppose I am going to turn your body into a show." Ivy then thrust out her chest, pushing into Kanako, hoping to disrupt the former idol's balance since she was up on her toes. Though Ivy didn't hope she would actually fall, just stumble and catch herself. The purplette then raised a hand up to her chin as she prepared to go full Ice Queen mode, "your fans will be chanting 'Risette' at you again long before I'm done with you." Ivy's voice carried a dripping arrogance well beyond any meager confidence she may have actually felt. She just hoped Kanako understood that she was just trying to play a part, rather than genuinely insulting her.
Kanako couldn't hold herself back from smirking as she saw the blush creeping on Ivy's face, now she knew almost for sure that she was right about the aristocrat being unused to fanservice. Or maybe she just found Kanako attractive, which would be a win and a half in it's own right but wouldn't necessarily help in the match. Ivy would then confirm that Kanako's suspicions were true and that she didn't know how to act sexy despite the fact that her body was doing most of the work for her, though Kanako would keep her thoughts on Ivy's attractiveness to herself. Kanako was thinking about whispering back at the purplette to tell her that she could help her, but Ivy chose instead to ad-lib and fake antagonism by responding coldly to Kanako's greeting and pushing her back with her chest.
"Waoh waoh woah!"
On top of giving Kanako a firm reminder of how much more stacked Ivy was than herself the superstar would also find her balance thoroughly compromised and would stumble back a few feet while waving her arms to stop herself from falling. When Kanako finally found her composure again Ivy would taunt the brunette with a reminder of her jobber days, a taunt that probably would have succeeded in goading Kanako to attack her had Ivy not hinted at this just being an act for the sake of the match. Though even in spite of that Kanako felt her face fall into a glower, it was all too easy to sell to the crowd that she wanted to make Ivy eat those words; which clearly got the crowd riled up given how many of them were raising their bills in the air in anticipation. Upon seeing that the two of them were done talking and that the crowd was ready for action, the referee would signal for the match to begin!
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DM me if you want to plan a match: Pikazard#9522
Ivy was glad that Kanako stayed upright, but had assumed she would be able to do that considering her past idol training. The Brit was trying to play up the role of an icy dominatrix, since that was how a number of people seemed to naturally perceive her, but she didn't want to go so far as to knock Kanako down before the match actually started.
But Ivy pushing Kanako did prompt the ref to call for the bell, starting the match. She walked forward slowly, swing her leg around in front of her, one after the other, hips bouncing up and down as she sauntered towards Kanako. When she had closed the distance a bit, Ivy would begin to swing her leg out as if she was going to go for a low Roundhouse Kick, but with all the focus she had directed at her legs with her approach, the purplette decided to go for a feint. Ivy would land on her foot, and propel herself forward for a Superman Punch at Kanako's jaw. She would even follow through with her punch and bend her arm to try to catch Kanako with an elbow too.
If Ivy's attack landed, then she would grab Kanako's head. Normally the Brit would lift her up and hit her a some big slam, but here she paused, wondering if she had something better for this match. Ivy would try to pull Kanako's head into her cleavage and hold it there with one hand, then the Brit would use her other hand to grab the brunette's butt to keep her body in place. Once she had her, Ivy would begin firing knees, trying to cave Kanako's belly in. Each blow jolted the former idol's body, rubbing her face against Ivy's breasts, and her butt against Ivy's hand. If the purplette succeeded in her sexy assault, the crowd would start throwing in a sizable reward.