Dark Storm: Lily Menage vs Alizeh Midori — Standard Match

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Re: Dark Storm: Lily Menage vs Alizeh Midori — Standard Match

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Even though she had just come close to getting pinned Alizeh wasn't changing her game plan, in fact if anything she was only going to get more aggressive with it as she readily approached Lily, reaching up to try and lock up with the woman again! Only it wouldn't quite go so smoothly as when Alizeh went to do so Lily ducked out for the way at the last minute and came up right behind Alizeh, catching her in a rear waist lock in the process!

'Shit!' Alizeh thought to herself knowing this wouldn't be good at all if Lily was allowed to do as she wanted then Alizeh would be utterly screwed by getting caught in another cycle of offense from the woman. That's why the moment she was lifted up Alizeh would pull her legs in tight against her chest, then once they were at the apex of the arch for the suplex Alizeh would then kick her legs out with everything she had to thrust herself forward and cancel out the suplex!

If it worked and Alizeh landed back on her feet she wouldn't waste any time at all, she couldn't, not when Lily would be ready to change things up immediately. As such Alizeh would jump up before throwing herself down, curling her body while using her legs to hook under Lily's arms, using her curled up body and leg strength to pull Lily down while capturing the crow's own legs to try and roll the woman onto her back before taking a seat on her chest, holding her legs for a roll up pin!

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Re: Dark Storm: Lily Menage vs Alizeh Midori — Standard Match

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Refusing a direct confrontation with the green-haired woman, Lily slipped past her rival and found herself behind Alizeh. At the same moment, she wrapped her arms around the American woman's waist and leaned back, intending to slam her body hard into the mat. The audience was clearly impressed by such a rapid pace, but then the amount of noise in the arena increased many times. And there were reasons for that.

As soon as the Black Crow lifted her opponent off the mat, Alizeh quickly threw both legs forward, thereby shifting the center of gravity. Lily involuntarily leaned forward and Emerald Storm's feet were back on the mat. It clearly made an impression on the audience, but what happened next made many of them literally jump to their feet.

Without giving the Englishwoman time to react, Alizeh dived down sharply, and even before Lily had time to realize it she felt her legs bend. Having lost her sense of balance, the Black Crow began to fall down, moreover, Alizeh made Lily turn over completely, as a result of which her shoulder blades were pressed against the mat, while the brunette's legs were captured by her rival. The audience was literally amazed by this maneuver, but the noise did not distract the referee, who quickly went down and began slapping the mat.




Lily had to take such a deep breath that she felt dizzy. However, it filled her body with strength. For a brief moment, she tensed all the muscles and tendons in her body, and then she jerked forward to literally pull her legs out of Alizeh's grip and thereby breaking the pin. Because of this, the striped shirt had to fall to the mat to take her palm away, because it was 2.99999.

It would be fair to say that Lily's heart had never beaten so fast before, because this was the first time she was so close to defeat because of such a maneuver. After breaking the pin, she ended up in a sitting position, but it was a terrible position. Her brain had not yet fully processed everything that had just happened, and so she hesitated for a second before starting to get to her feet, at the same time turning to face her opponent.

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Re: Dark Storm: Lily Menage vs Alizeh Midori — Standard Match

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Despite the danger she had nearly been in as a result of Lily's attempted attack towards her Alizeh wasn't backing down any time soon from the Dark Crow, in fact she'd even manage to turn the dangerous situation into her advantage with the roll up. Now Alizeh didn't expect to win off this move alone.

No way, not with how skilled she was and how dead set on victory she seemed to be. But stopping the offense on its own was appreciated, likewise it would still make Lily spend some energy to kick out which would help Alizeh.

Sure enough Lily kicked out, surprisingly late given the circumstances but Alizeh didn't mind that one bit. Instead she would roll backwards, using the momentum to stand back up on her feet. Watching and waiting as Lily seemed to take a moment to do the same, seemingly stunned by that roll up.

Good since Alizeh would make full use of the situation and charging at Lily as she stood up so by the time the woman turned to face her Alizeh raise her leg up while rotating her body to try and slam a kick into the woman's jaw! If successful with the blow as she stood back up Alizeh would try and move right in, hooking her arms under Lily's own and pulling back to go for a dragon suplex on Lily!

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Re: Dark Storm: Lily Menage vs Alizeh Midori — Standard Match

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Time is relative. One or two seconds may seem absolutely insignificant. But not during a fight. Not expecting such an abrupt turn of events, Lily lost a few seconds before getting to her feet and turning to face Alizeh. It was at this moment that she realized the seriousness of the mistake she had made.

The green-haired woman's foot was rushing towards her head like a train, and although the Black Crow threw both hands up, she had no chance to defend herself from her opponent's kick. The Emerald Storm's foot slammed into her left cheek, causing Lily's head to jerk sharply to the right.


Saliva mixed with blood flew out of her mouth. Her body followed her head and also turned to the right, which reopened the Englishwoman's back to her rival. There was a ringing in Lily's ears, and her vestibular system was disrupted, causing her to stagger. Only willpower helped her stay on her feet, however, for her rival this was probably the best option, because in the next second Alizeh hooked both of Lily's arms, clinging to the brunette's back.

In her current state, she simply couldn't do anything about it, so nothing stopped Alizeh from leaning back, slamming the back of Lily's head into the mat. A groan of pain stuck in the brunette's throat at that moment. The impact was so great that her body bounced off the mat and turned over, causing the Englishwoman to end up on her stomach. Thick black hair covered her face, but even so it was not difficult to understand that at that moment she was in agony because she did not even try to get to her feet.

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Re: Dark Storm: Lily Menage vs Alizeh Midori — Standard Match

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Despite Lily getting so close to beating her a few minutes ago the tide was officially turning in Alizeh's favor as her combination enziguri kick and dragon suplex landed with tremendous force, leaving the black crow laying on her stomach against the mat in a heap.

Pushing herself up with a huff Alizeh couldn't help but smile. The beating she took really serving to wake her up and get her excited. Lily was one tough cookie, her skill and technique being really high and just in general being someone that continually caught her by surprise.

Unfortunately for the dark haired woman Alizeh was just as skilled, and just as tough, and she was about to show Lily just how much of a wringer she could the English woman through. Getting back up and approaching her downed opponent Alizeh would grab her by the back of her leotard, pulling her up a bit before reaching down to wrap her arm around the woman head to finish pulling her up.

Once done Alizeh would then reach forward with her other arm to grab Lily's leg, hiking it up as she stood, took a deep breath, and threw herself back. To any normal observer they'd assume this was but a simple Fisherwoman's suplex, but Alizeh had something a bit more... impactful in mind. Turning Lily through the air at a more sharp angle, aiming to bring the woman crashing down on her head and shoulders with a fisher woman buster signature she called the Verdant Break!

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Re: Dark Storm: Lily Menage vs Alizeh Midori — Standard Match

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The pain and dizziness were like a computer virus interfering with her brain. Lily tried to force herself to move, but her body just refused to obey. Yes, she was well aware that mind prevails over matter, but even her steadfastness and composure were not enough to get rid of the agony she felt after her opponent's hard kick and suplex.

Even when Alizeh grabbed her leotard and pulled her up, the Black Crow couldn't put up much resistance. The Emerald Storm forcibly lifted her to her feet, and then wrapped her arm around the brunette's neck. At this point, Lily tried to stop her rival and raised her hand to grab Alizeh's wrist, but unfortunately, she was so weakened that she couldn't even squeeze it with enough force.

Therefore, the green-haired woman could only grab Lily's leg. Standing up to her full height, Alizeh lifted the Black Crow into the air, turning her upside down at the same time. Blood rushed to the Englishwoman's head, but it didn't last long as her opponent quickly found the most effective angle and leaned back.


This time, it wasn't just the back of her head that hit the mat, but her entire upper body as well. The brunette remained lying on the mat with her arms and legs spread wide, now her hair did not hide her face, so it was easy to see that Lily's eyes were closed, and her breathing was ragged and extremely heavy.

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Re: Dark Storm: Lily Menage vs Alizeh Midori — Standard Match

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Landing a decisive impact on Lily with one of her signature moves Alizeh opted not to go for a pin, not as a bridge and not as a follow up as she instead pushed herself over and back into a standing position. If one thing was clear to Alizeh from the early goings of this bout then it was that it would take nothing less than a mountains moving worth of effort to keep the Black Crow down for the count. As such Alizeh wanted to do something to really put the pressure on Lily.

As such she would instead bend down, grabbing Lily by the hair and forcing her into a seated position, once done Alizeh drop down to be seated right behind the English woman. Grabbing her foe's arms and pulling them behind her back. If done then Alizeh would also bring her legs over Lily's shoulders, crossing her ankles over the back of her neck before pushing down with her legs, aiming to lock in a lotus lock on Lily!

One that Alizeh would make especially hellish as she pushed her hands against the mat to lift herself up, extending her legs even further to push Lily as far as her body could go until her head may very well be touching the mat!

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Re: Dark Storm: Lily Menage vs Alizeh Midori — Standard Match

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Even Lily herself didn't know if she was conscious at the time. Her thoughts were like a string of completely incoherent things, and only the pain was clearer than ever. The center of Lily's agony was the back of her head, but the pain spread smoothly over her entire body like tar. Only logic told her that if she feels pain, then she is conscious.

I have to open my eyes...” she thought.

When she did, a blinding light hit her eyes. The Black Crow's consciousness began to slowly clear up. Right... Alizeh just threw her to the mat with her hard signature move. Considering how weakened Lily was at that moment, her opponent would probably go for a pin, and it was far from certain that the brunette would have the strength to kick out. Yes, that's probably how it's going to be...

Uuuummmm!!!!!” Lily barely had time to clench her teeth to keep from letting out a squeal.

Alizeh grabbed her by the hair hard. Of course, every other fighter here does not disdain such an action, but Lily believed that her opponent was not one of them. Well, it seems she was wrong once again. It hurt like hell, and Lily clung to the green-haired woman's hand to somehow protect her hair.

However, this did not prevent the Emerald Storm from first forcing Lily to take a sitting position, and then grabbing both of the brunette's hands. For many, including Lily herself, it became obvious that instead of a pin, Alizeh intended to make the Black Crow suffer. Alizeh confirmed this after she sat down behind the Englishwoman, and then threw her legs over Lily's outstretched arms.

Uuuggggmmmm!!!!” Sounded through Lily's teeth.

The pressure on her shoulder joints was enormous. It seemed like it couldn't get any worse, but as it turned out, you shouldn't jump to conclusions ahead of time. Suddenly, the Emerald Storm began to tilt Lily's upper body forward until Lily's head was pressed against the mat.

Uuuummm!!! UMMMMHHH!!!”

Yes, at this moment, Lily would like her to be deprived not only of emotions, but also of the ability to feel pain. At that moment, her body practically did not obey her and she involuntarily began to fidget with her legs on the mat because the pain due to her opponent's submission hold was truly unbearable.

Lily, you give up?”

Right. The referee was well aware of how dangerous was Lily's situation. Therefore, she hurried to do her job, asking the most logical question in this situation. What did Lily think about it? Even with all the pain, she shook her head from side to side, refusing to give up.

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Re: Dark Storm: Lily Menage vs Alizeh Midori — Standard Match

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Things were now firmly in Alizeh's favor as she not only did damage to Lily but had possibly the most painful move of the match yet! after all a Lotus lock itself hurt pretty bad, but one that was being pushed as far as Alizeh pushed it? Yeah it was next level and she was keeping up the pressure for as long as she was able.

But it wouldn't be feasible forever, likewise the longer the hold was in the more likely it would be that Lily found a way out. So when it was clear the Brit was not submitting Alizeh would change tactics.

Namely by pushing off on her hands and twisting to the side, pulling Lily along with her as Alizeh began to roll the two around the ring in a circle! Once doing a full rotation to hopefully dizzy Lily a bit Alizeh would undo her feet from behind Lily's neck as she set the two up in a way that Alizeh was on her stomach, keeping her legs where they were over Lily's shoulders, holding the woman down back first against the mat for a pin fall attempt!

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Re: Dark Storm: Lily Menage vs Alizeh Midori — Standard Match

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Lily was flexible because it was an integral part of her fighting style, but no flexibility would be enough to handle the submission hold that Alizeh was using. Yes, Lily refused to give up, but after the harsh attacks of the green-haired woman, her condition was really deplorable. The Black Crow understood that she needed to straighten up to get a chance to break this hold, but Alizeh's legs were pressing on her too hard.

And then a question sounded in the Englishwoman's head.

Is this the end?”

She was not one of those who considered defeat unacceptable because such an approach was irrational. Most scientific discoveries have become possible only through repeated mistakes. So Lily didn't care much about her score in the federation. And if she didn't really care about her score, then maybe now was the moment when she should give up because it would save her from the pain. But if so, then why…

I don't want to lose!" She told herself mentally.

I want to eat. I want to sleep. I want to rest. I want to drink. All these are physical needs that were inherent even to such a soulless doll as Lily. But for the first time in a very long time, she wanted something that wasn't a just physical need. She came here without a single defeat. She came here because Victoria trusted her. She came here because this match can open up new horizons for her in the federation. And that's why it was exactly the day when Lily cared about her score. Today was the day she wanted to win.

Gritting her teeth, the Black Crow took a deep breath and began to straighten up to take a sitting position. It wasn't easy and she had to fight for every inch, but she wasn't going to stop. It seems that Alizeh also realized this, and therefore she abruptly changed her tactics.

The next second, the world started rolling for the brunette. More precisely, she started rolling around the ring with the efforts of the Emerald Storm. At one point, her head began to spin so much that she felt nausea. It was then that Alizeh stopped and changed her position, so that Lily's shoulder blades were pressed against the mat, which in turn meant only one thing.



The work of her vestibular apparatus was disrupted so much that she felt pressure in her ears. But there was something else. She felt pain. Not physical. She felt pain somewhere in the area of her heart. And it was much worse than anything. Only a fraction of a second separated her from defeat. The thought of letting down those who supported her today made her feel bad. No, she couldn't let that happen.


When the referee's hand went to the mat for the third time, Lily used her unique breathing technique. First exhaling all the air from her lungs, she took the sharpest possible deep breath through her mouth and nose at the same time. Her headache increased many times, but at the same time, her body was filled with strength, and her mind was clear. The black Crow jerked her legs sharply, falling to her right side and thereby breaking the pin an moment before the end.

ONLY TWO!!!!” The referee said, making it clear that the match wasn't over yet.

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