Middleweight Division:
Serval - The Galvanizer
5'8 - 152 lbs
Technical and Agility based wrestler, favors strikes with her legs to take her opponent down, then overwhelm them with ground submission holds and high flying moves.
Does do hentai, but prefers not to.
Crowd-pleaser, loves entertaining both the crowd and her opponent, her attitude is a mix of excitement and competitiveness.
Bonne - The Buccaneer
5'9 - 145 lbs
Agility and Technical based wrestler, prefers using slams that will bring her opponent to the ground. From there, she uses high flying moves to keep her opponent on the ground.
Barely does hentai, but won't say no to smother based moves in any kind of match.
Friendly but very competitive, which often makes her come off as a bitch sometimes, but she means well.
Sharaiya - The Fashionista
5'7 - 161 lbs
Agility and Technique based wrestler, prefers using her legs to fight since those are her strongest assets, she uses a mix of kicks, leg take downs and submission holds which uses her legs.
Does softcore hentai matches, which is mostly smother kind of matches or other sensual stuff without resorting to orgasms.
Arrogant, a bit of a high society kind of behavior just to fit her heel persona. She can be kind, though.
Rena - The Purple Lightning
5'7 - 141 lbs
Technical and Endurance based wrestler, prefers attacking head on, though also makes her opponent falter by either countering their attacks or enduring their blows to create openings. She specializes in a mix of martial arts and using wrestling holds as combination finishers.
Doesn't do hentai matches, but won't say no to the occasional sensual domination kind that doesn't require clothes being ripped off.
Demeaning and likes to taunt her opponents. She's much nicer when not in matches but in the ring, expect to be treated like a little bitch.
Raiye - The Blazing Phoenix
6'1 - 172 lbs
Strength and endurance based wrestler, favors overpowering her opponent and becoming technical once she gets the upper hand. She often takes strikes just to make her opponent confident before countering them with strikes of her own.
Doesn't do hentai.
Competitive and likes to fight, gets a whole lot more into it once her opponent delivers a challenge.
Kagura- The Ulfhednar
5'8 - 145 lbs
Strength and Agility based wrestler, favors brawling and overpowering her opponents through punches and power slams. She prefers to stay on her feet while fighting and doesn't use that many ground submission holds, usually just picks her opponent back up.
Doesn't do hentai.
Very competitive, treats her opponents like challenges, where the match is just a battle between two predators where one will turn into prey.
Asuka - The Kansai Peacemaker
5'8 - 149 lbs
Strength and Technical based wrestler, Mixes brawling with take downs so she could put her opponent in wrestling holds. Also uses a lot of power slams when she wants to stop using punches and kicks.
Doesn't do hentai.
Competitive, a little arrogant but good spirited most of the time.
Kanari - The Nightingale
5'6 - 131 lbs
Technical based wrestler, uses martial arts and grappling combinations to bring her opponents to the ground, where she can use her legs to work over her opponents further.
Doesn't do hentai.
Competitive, likes to taunt her opponent in a sing-song kind of voice