Girls under the tutelage of the noble Daiki Higurashi, renowned for his heroism and efforts in fighting evil back in the past as the famous Kyoryu Navy/Talon Charge Ranger. And now, these girls serve him as his friends, beloved ones and will fight for him whether in the AFW-verse or the LAW-verse.
Daiki Higurashi
Rei Minato
Ashley McKinzie
Gabrielle "Gabbie" Minato
Serina Himekawa
Lucy Grange
Sophie Taylor
Nicole Evans
Jocelyn "Jocie" Elliot
Janis Spencer
About me (Daiki Higurashi):
- Currently learning to write better for RPs, inspired by my favorite RPers back in AFW when I lurked there since 2012 like Tatyina. It may be hard, but I'll eventually get to it. I usually learn by reading old threads in AFW for writing and character inspos
- Always uses Koikatsu for my characters and never wanted to use faceclaims/AI art because I feel better using it
- Only does two RPs per one character. If it's not done yet, I won't RP here, but still accept DM/private RPs
- Used to adopt OCs from AFW because of nostalgia reasons, but now I make my own OCs
- Aside from RPing here and in AFW, I also RP on Discord. Hit me up on Discord by adding me there (IGN: fargusno7930)
- I also own a Multiverse called the Fargus Multiverse and I also write novels and make OCs for fun, mostly non-wrestlers and anime/tokusatsu-inspired. You can find them in my DeviantArt and Pixiv.
May my girls meet yours in the ring one day!