Welcome, wanderer, to Jaystar's Realm of heroes and villains!
Here you shall find the bravest heroes and heroines, ready for the most intense battles against the evil! But beware, you might also run into the wickedest villains and villainesses, eager to crush anyone crossing their path!
The Ruler's Notes
Sorry, this part is rather lengthy. But hopefully contains some useful information!
- I am always very interested to hear out all kinds of ideas, and love to plan lots of potential threads etc.! (The downside of this is that the ability to actually RP them all is often not to the required level.) So don't hesitate to contact me, I'm always open for PMs!
- I am a slow poster and can often have periods of inactivity, so please take that into account when RPing with me. I also try to avoid threads that have time pressure to complete them.
- Despite the above, I value and am committed to completing threads, even if their pace would have been slow, or they would have been stalled for some time.
- Later addition: I have decided that in case a thread goes for six months without a response from the other player, I will count it on my character's official win/loss -record with the label "Predetermined result [Unfinished]", depending on how the outcome of the match was supposed to be. This is in order to stay consistent with the planned canon of my characters. I am always happy to actually complete the thread later despite this.
- English is not my first language. This doesn't usually show, but might be a reason for me to e.g. inadvertently write something in a funny way.
- Please don't be offended if I turn down an idea thrown my way. I try (and often fail) to keep my workload at a sustainable level, and one way to do that is to be a bit pickier on what kind of matches/stories/threads I commit myself to. Like some other member in here put it: Just because I don't like the idea enough at the time, it doesn't mean that I would dislike/hate it.
- I'm a visual person - this means that the looks, style & attractiveness (to my tastes) of the character reference pics/art play a big part regarding my level of interest towards RPing with them. (Again, this is not meant to offend anyone.)
- I have generally not been very into outright Hentai matches, although I have experimented just a bit with some characters. However, POW threads, bondage etc. that can happen after the match are a different story...
- I have not done IM matches, and I prefer forum RPs.
- Mostly I don't care about winning or losing - in fact, I might often even prefer my character losing. I also like both squashes and more even matches. It all depends on the context and the opponents in question. However, the outcome should be planned beforehand, so we both know what to expect.
- My imagination lacks in countering and defending from moves. Thus, you will find most of the time that the defence and countering stats of my characters are correspondingly low.
- Intergender matches are (usually) restricted for the characters listed in that division.
- I don't restrict my characters to their respective weight divisions - I have no problem with e.g. heavyweight vs lightweight (provided that the outcome is realistic and justifiable)
- And as you may have figured out by now, the Hero vs Villain -setting is one of my soft spots.
- I am always very interested to hear out all kinds of ideas, and love to plan lots of potential threads etc.! (The downside of this is that the ability to actually RP them all is often not to the required level.) So don't hesitate to contact me, I'm always open for PMs!
So, due to popular demand, I believe I know have Discord: jaystar_92820
However, please note that:
1. I will be restricting my time there heavily, so don't wonder if I won't be responding immediately.
2. I won't be doing IM matches
3. I still have (almost) no idea how it works.
However, please note that:
1. I will be restricting my time there heavily, so don't wonder if I won't be responding immediately.
2. I won't be doing IM matches
3. I still have (almost) no idea how it works.
- Despite the above, I value and am committed to completing threads, even if their pace would have been slow, or they would have been stalled for some time.
- Later addition: I have decided that in case a thread goes for six months without a response from the other player, I will count it on my character's official win/loss -record with the label "Predetermined result [Unfinished]", depending on how the outcome of the match was supposed to be. This is in order to stay consistent with the planned canon of my characters. I am always happy to actually complete the thread later despite this.
- English is not my first language. This doesn't usually show, but might be a reason for me to e.g. inadvertently write something in a funny way.
- Please don't be offended if I turn down an idea thrown my way. I try (and often fail) to keep my workload at a sustainable level, and one way to do that is to be a bit pickier on what kind of matches/stories/threads I commit myself to. Like some other member in here put it: Just because I don't like the idea enough at the time, it doesn't mean that I would dislike/hate it.
- I'm a visual person - this means that the looks, style & attractiveness (to my tastes) of the character reference pics/art play a big part regarding my level of interest towards RPing with them. (Again, this is not meant to offend anyone.)
- I have generally not been very into outright Hentai matches, although I have experimented just a bit with some characters. However, POW threads, bondage etc. that can happen after the match are a different story...
- I have not done IM matches, and I prefer forum RPs.
- Mostly I don't care about winning or losing - in fact, I might often even prefer my character losing. I also like both squashes and more even matches. It all depends on the context and the opponents in question. However, the outcome should be planned beforehand, so we both know what to expect.
- My imagination lacks in countering and defending from moves. Thus, you will find most of the time that the defence and countering stats of my characters are correspondingly low.
- Intergender matches are (usually) restricted for the characters listed in that division.
- I don't restrict my characters to their respective weight divisions - I have no problem with e.g. heavyweight vs lightweight (provided that the outcome is realistic and justifiable)
- And as you may have figured out by now, the Hero vs Villain -setting is one of my soft spots.
RP Info Profile
Name: Simply, Jaystar. Some people call me Jay, I guess. That's fine! Jay's cool.
Timezone: Mostly EET (UTC+2 (in summer UTC+3)) (I usually travel quite a lot (well, at least pre-COVID))
Main Character(s): Like some here have mentioned, I'd rather have people requesting the characters that they would like to be facing themselves! While I may have certain favorites of my own, I do try to build my roster to have different kinds of characters suitable for different situations/characters.
Posting Frequency: Regrettably, very sporadic. Ideally, I'd always manage to reply to my threads at least once a week (and sometimes even faster), but in reality I seem to have even month-long waits until I manage to post to all of my threads. (Or even longer.)
But despite the very slow posting rate, I'm always dedicated to finish all the threads that I've started!
Post Length: Again, mimicking others in this topic...I tend to try to match the amount the other person has written. If the other person likes to have things quick and fast, I'll have it too, but if the other person appears to build considerable effort to their replies, I'll feel the pressure to reciprocate. (Sometimes I may end up blabbering more than necessary though, leading into 4-paragraph responses to 1-paragraph posts.)
Preferred Matches & Interactions: I'm usually open to many kinds of ideas! So please, do not hesitate to contact me with any ideas...
With that said, as you probably can see from my roster page etc., I do really love the hero vs villain -setting. Also, I can often prefer to see my characters being on the losing end/in deep trouble (depending on the opponent - it has to make sense), even though I generally do not consider most of my characters to be (only) jobbers.
Also, while I do consider long multi-thread stories to be interesting, due to my usually slow pace of posting, I tend to try to have my matches/interactions on the shorter side. This is due to both not having to commit to things too far off into the future, and also trying to keep the interest level to a certain story high in my head (even when the novelty factor has died off).
Hentai: Mostly, no. Some of my characters don't participate in Hentai at all, while some are willing to experiment. But I'm trying to get into it a bit more...
Although I have tried to incorporate Hentai to the repertoire of some of my characters lately, I still do not always feel fully comfortable writing it. Also, I tend to prefer the idea of wrestling matches being wrestling matches, and Hentai stuff left potentially to some spicy stuff happening after the match (such as POW).
Also, if Hentai stuff does happen, (so far) I'm usually more comfortable being on the jobbing side.
Hard Turn-Offs: Gore, blood, bodily excrements, etc. Also, crossdressing characters are not my thing.
And also, I'm a visual person, and the reference pics of a character DO matter quite a lot in determining whether I have interest in playing against that character. That means both the looks of the character, and the style/quality of the pics (and their coherence with the rest of the profile (e.g. weight needs to match the perceived build)). I need to be able to imagine the match visually in my head between the two characters (and be turned on by it) to be able to start a thread with a specific character.
And once more also, the results/setting of the match need to make sense. Size matters! You're not going to get me buying into an idea of a 115lbs speedster character beating a 215lbs powerhouse character (at least without a good reason).
Preferences: Don't really know what to specifically put here. I like to discuss beforehand the winner of the match, and whether the match is expected to be a close or a squash one. I'm also open to planning out more that that, but I might then forget something due to my slow posting rate. I also appreciate correct grammar (as a non-native English speaker myself, I don't mean honest errors, but just not really trying at all). I'd like to understand what I'm reading the first time I read it.
I also like planning different kinds of potential threads a lot - a lot more than I could ever actually RP. So if you're interested in just throwing out some ideas of potential match-ups between out characters, that would be fun for me!
Also, I don't mind a slow posting rate, but I really do want to finish all the threads that I've started!
Preferred Contact: PMs. So far I have not gotten Discord, and while I might do so in the future, for the moment it just isn't something I could have in my rather busy life.
Other: While I certainly am into wrestling, my knowledge of it isn't stellar, and I have especially difficulties with coming up with countering/defensive moves. This means that most of the time my characters are rather easy targets for their opponents. I don't mind about it at all, but I am usually a bit worried if it causes my RP partners to consider my RPing to make my characters to be too "easy" targets to their liking. If this happens, please let me know!
I am also active in AFW, so the actual amount of threads that I have ongoing at a time is more than what can be seen purely in LAW... But I like the fact that I can potentially play my characters a bit differently between the two sites!
Timezone: Mostly EET (UTC+2 (in summer UTC+3)) (I usually travel quite a lot (well, at least pre-COVID))
Main Character(s): Like some here have mentioned, I'd rather have people requesting the characters that they would like to be facing themselves! While I may have certain favorites of my own, I do try to build my roster to have different kinds of characters suitable for different situations/characters.
Posting Frequency: Regrettably, very sporadic. Ideally, I'd always manage to reply to my threads at least once a week (and sometimes even faster), but in reality I seem to have even month-long waits until I manage to post to all of my threads. (Or even longer.)
But despite the very slow posting rate, I'm always dedicated to finish all the threads that I've started!
Post Length: Again, mimicking others in this topic...I tend to try to match the amount the other person has written. If the other person likes to have things quick and fast, I'll have it too, but if the other person appears to build considerable effort to their replies, I'll feel the pressure to reciprocate. (Sometimes I may end up blabbering more than necessary though, leading into 4-paragraph responses to 1-paragraph posts.)
Preferred Matches & Interactions: I'm usually open to many kinds of ideas! So please, do not hesitate to contact me with any ideas...
With that said, as you probably can see from my roster page etc., I do really love the hero vs villain -setting. Also, I can often prefer to see my characters being on the losing end/in deep trouble (depending on the opponent - it has to make sense), even though I generally do not consider most of my characters to be (only) jobbers.
Also, while I do consider long multi-thread stories to be interesting, due to my usually slow pace of posting, I tend to try to have my matches/interactions on the shorter side. This is due to both not having to commit to things too far off into the future, and also trying to keep the interest level to a certain story high in my head (even when the novelty factor has died off).
Hentai: Mostly, no. Some of my characters don't participate in Hentai at all, while some are willing to experiment. But I'm trying to get into it a bit more...
Although I have tried to incorporate Hentai to the repertoire of some of my characters lately, I still do not always feel fully comfortable writing it. Also, I tend to prefer the idea of wrestling matches being wrestling matches, and Hentai stuff left potentially to some spicy stuff happening after the match (such as POW).
Also, if Hentai stuff does happen, (so far) I'm usually more comfortable being on the jobbing side.
Hard Turn-Offs: Gore, blood, bodily excrements, etc. Also, crossdressing characters are not my thing.
And also, I'm a visual person, and the reference pics of a character DO matter quite a lot in determining whether I have interest in playing against that character. That means both the looks of the character, and the style/quality of the pics (and their coherence with the rest of the profile (e.g. weight needs to match the perceived build)). I need to be able to imagine the match visually in my head between the two characters (and be turned on by it) to be able to start a thread with a specific character.
And once more also, the results/setting of the match need to make sense. Size matters! You're not going to get me buying into an idea of a 115lbs speedster character beating a 215lbs powerhouse character (at least without a good reason).
Preferences: Don't really know what to specifically put here. I like to discuss beforehand the winner of the match, and whether the match is expected to be a close or a squash one. I'm also open to planning out more that that, but I might then forget something due to my slow posting rate. I also appreciate correct grammar (as a non-native English speaker myself, I don't mean honest errors, but just not really trying at all). I'd like to understand what I'm reading the first time I read it.
I also like planning different kinds of potential threads a lot - a lot more than I could ever actually RP. So if you're interested in just throwing out some ideas of potential match-ups between out characters, that would be fun for me!
Also, I don't mind a slow posting rate, but I really do want to finish all the threads that I've started!
Preferred Contact: PMs. So far I have not gotten Discord, and while I might do so in the future, for the moment it just isn't something I could have in my rather busy life.
Other: While I certainly am into wrestling, my knowledge of it isn't stellar, and I have especially difficulties with coming up with countering/defensive moves. This means that most of the time my characters are rather easy targets for their opponents. I don't mind about it at all, but I am usually a bit worried if it causes my RP partners to consider my RPing to make my characters to be too "easy" targets to their liking. If this happens, please let me know!
I am also active in AFW, so the actual amount of threads that I have ongoing at a time is more than what can be seen purely in LAW... But I like the fact that I can potentially play my characters a bit differently between the two sites!
Current desires/quests: http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8711
The Heroines

Gabi Green - Amor da Amazônia (Also Mixed)

Jenny Rosenlöf - The Aquanator (Also Mixed)
Tag Team: Pool Party! - The Wet'n'Wild!
Tag Team: Pool Party! - The Wet'n'Wild!

The Villainesses

The Heroes

The Villains
*Recruitment in progress*
Safe travels, wanderer, you who survived 'till the end, and please visit our realm again!