Mr. Halloween's Pick: Cecilia Northman vs Angelina Tarrant - Slasher's Cabin Match

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Mr. Halloween's Pick: Cecilia Northman vs Angelina Tarrant - Slasher's Cabin Match

Unread post by Malkavia »

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Stipulations: This match takes place deep into misted woods, where it's cold, windy, with a lodging cabin and its surrounding structures on a hill's slope. One wrestler is already there, waiting, perhaps hiding, while the second is set to enter. The premises is rigged with weapons, traps and other strange machinations.

Victory Conditions: Only one wrestler can leave.
A huge thanks to @Rymiscuius for writing the introduction to this thread!
A screeching siren blares from beyond Mr. Halloween’s windows. It increases in intensity, to a blood-curdling and window-cracking velocity. A long diagonal break from corner to corner, where the chunks of glass slip a few millimetres into sharp edges. The siren breaks into laughter, as if bemused by the pain it wrought against the monsters, humans and structures alike. The house whimpers and shakes. Mister Halloween drops his knuckle on the next page. The Chapter Title reads in big, new roman letters, ‘Slasher Cabin.’

“Ah, it’s about time for the feast.” He stands, and walks to the window with the camera following him to a side profile. He strokes the creases of the living house, solemnly staring at the sirens that continued to sound, but only a tenth of its volume. Just outside, crows begin to collect and descend into the tall glades, with only its red eyes visible, occasionally staring back. “Through the centuries, I have been a mere spectator for the tragic — the violent, the rejected and the hateful. I follow their inclinations to come upon a story. To which—“

He drew a book from within his coat, with its leather edges worn to white, its black and orange face, with inscribed orange words that read Hallowed Tome. “I record here, and grant each protagonist a copy of their own misery. Tonight, I’ll repeat that tradition — in a quarrel of blood-bathed intent.

Dear spectators, I invite you to revel in a story where two evil women have decided each other’s fates and have gone to where no one knows to exact just that. They’re hellbent on carving each other like pumpkins, and ripping out each other’s seeds to plant a lit candle in what’s left.”
He opens the window, and two crows fly in. They drop weapons on the floor. A machete and a brown leather clawed glove. Mr Halloween taps his foot down and the house reacts by bridging its planks, and pushes the items up on the back of two by fours. He claims them and raises the machete, looking at it and touching the blade delicately.

“Ah. Her. From the fields of sugarcane, to the necks of the unfortunate. A Hardcore Queen emerges. She, who has only been stopped by her own boredom. A rather angry soul, with battle-lust deep rooted as the bones she will break. Cecilia Northman, the cutting edge of violence.” Mr. Halloween whips the Machete on the ground and strikes the wood between the cameraman’s feet. His breathing hastens, and he stumbles back. The house groans, shakes and he falls on his butt, still pointing the camera while he fumbles to focus. Mr Halloween walks forward, grinning as he dons the bladed leather glove.

“This claw… Belongs to a lowly thief, who frolics in her own mud. She’s a demon who wears her horns in open daylight. Soaked in debauchery and trapped in a smaller body. But where she lacks in size, she matches in a malicious instinct. Angelina Tarrant, a true Akuma.”

He leans towards the downed cameraman, who got comfortable on his back. The camera shakes and Mr Halloween grabs it with his hand, and renders it still. The focus and the light centre on his pale complexion, with the ravens on his shoulders. “When two murderers meet, just who do you think will leave alive? Hm? It’s time you and I found out.” A claw drags against the screen and it turns to violent static. On the other side, in the stadium, the screen throws a small rainfall of sparks from its edges and mimicked the line Mr Halloween carved.
Last edited by Malkavia on Wed Nov 01, 2023 1:30 am, edited 5 times in total.
Run for it
I'll keep them occupied
'Cause I love you, I love you so
Left me hanging at the station
But you'll be back for me soon
Madilyn Mei


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Re: Mr. Halloween's Pick: Cecilia Northman vs Angelina Tarrant - Slasher's Cabin Match

Unread post by Devastated »

The air was plenty cold. Cold enough that an exhale of breath was visible, a light blanket of snow had started to cover the ground as it was fluttering down from the grey dimly lit sky....a light which was slowly but surely trailing away and turning this mountain road darker with every passing minute. The car approached the location which was set out to be the battleground between two wicked women. This Slasher themed match which seemed less like a match and more like an excuse to allow these two to rip each other apart.

Of of the car stepped Cecilia Northman, the blonde haired powerhouse who reveled in violence and destruction. She was dressed in an outfit clearly themed off a rather famous slasher villain of old. She walked up to the steps of the cabin, the wood creaking as she walked up the stairs and stepped in front of the door.
The blonde grabbed the door handle and jerked the door open. Somewhat menacingly slow but heavy steps were taken by the blonde as she stepped into the cabin. Her hand tightened around the handle of the bat which she held in her hand. The door slowly closed behind her and Cecilia could hear a rather audible click as the door locked behind her.

The crackling of the fire was all that could be heard as Cecilia took in the environment. It was spacious...multiple floors. Furniture, some decorations...there was a rather pleasant heat in the cabin thanks to the fireplace. The Hardcore Queen's eyes would trail around as she looked to find the small goblin of a woman whom she intended to destroy tonight. Angelina Tarrant.
Last edited by Devastated on Wed May 01, 2024 10:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mr. Halloween's Pick: Cecilia Northman vs Angelina Tarrant - Slasher's Cabin Match

Unread post by Monsy »

Today was the day of dyin! For Northman, that was. Since forever, Angelina had plotted this encounter and thought about it even longer. She collected all the tools since that scuffle in the parking lot. And now it felt just right. She was here hours ago, probably days. The lack of sleep and power naps had her losing a sense of time. She didn’t know the day, quite frankly. Or what time it was, either. She stopped caring, and became obsessed with fitting new instruments and setting cables and adding mechanisms and choosing her strategy, sipping black coffee beside cans of gasoline in a deep stone-floored basement with shop machinery and old TVs.

She knew a car was coming long in advance from cameras planted in the woods, reaching back to her CCTV. One of her favourite parts was the lack of phone signal. Come into this house and there won’t be a soul who can save you for miles on miles. They’d sooner find a natural disaster.

So by the time Ceceilia came inside, Angelina felt quite ready. Quite giddy. And a little jumpy-for-joy. She was in the loft. Above, leaning on the railing. Her claw-wielding hand tapped and scratched the wooden railing. It was brown with metal protruding from the finger-tips. Wires were attached to it, as well as a battery on the back of her hand, making it all look pretty hefty.

Angelina Kreuger! ( No tattoo )
Angelina said, loud and sing-song like she was a mermaid. The voice seemed to be everywhere.

Then once Cecilia came into view from the lounge area, she looked down at her, donning a relaxed grin with blood-shot eyes. They were a ways apart, that not even a good throw of that bat could reach her easily. It was like an open hallway up here, winding around the edge with an open middle that went straight up to the wooden log ceiling. That part was dark. Everything was either candle-lit and perched on an end-table, or the fireplace. Angelina looked more like a silhouette with faints of red and purple.

“Ya look so small from here, Ceci. With a big brutish bat too…”

She laughed. Her arms spread across the railing and she leaned further in, putting her cheek to it.

“Is that my tribute?”
If you ever played Until Dawn, the Washington Lodge is the setting.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Mr. Halloween's Pick: Cecilia Northman vs Angelina Tarrant - Slasher's Cabin Match

Unread post by Devastated »

The closing of the cabin door and the clack of the lock didn't weigh heavily on Cecilia's mind. After all, currently she was in the mindset that this was her ideal situation. Locked in with no way to go, would be her and Angelina. She simply figured that this was supposed to be a feature of this match, that they would be locked in....with no way out.

It wasn't until she heard the sing-song calling of her name which made her unable to place where it came wasn’t until she saw the dimly lit silhouette of Angelina appear at the loft behind the wooden railing. Judging from how bare the lighting was, Cecilia figured they might not have any electricity here and had to rely on whatever dim natural light or the light of candles strewn about...or perhaps even the fireplace to get proper vision of each other.

Cecilia clicked her tongue as she would hear the laugh of Angelina who leaned further in across the railing. Cecilia half wanted to try and lob her bat right up at Angelina, but she wasn't sure she could reach her...and she didn't want to lose her bat. She had plenty of plans for the use of the bat after all...

The blonde would stomp forward, in a way one could say in the spirit of Jason Voorhees. The heavy boots of Cecilia were quite loud as each stomp against the wooden floor of the cabin gave a rather audible creek. She stomped her way forward as she made her way to the stairs and began to ascend. "I'll give you a tribute alright..." Cecilia grumbled under her breath as she tried to make her way up the stairs and get to the loft where Angelina was

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Re: Mr. Halloween's Pick: Cecilia Northman vs Angelina Tarrant - Slasher's Cabin Match

Unread post by Monsy »

An eager playah! This was just so fucking wonderful. Here she worried about the ominous up-tick in scale that could get to the nerves. Rattle them up inside before the party even began! But nay! Not our hardcore Queen. Fuckin’ hell. Comin’ right at her with no regard or thought for what might lurk in her steps ahead. Angelina can only feel right at home as Cecilia stomped her way up. She controlled the system. Fuck, she was the system. And as she leaned off the railing to walk around the loft, towards where Cecilia was coming from, she raised three fingers.

“Three… two… One…”

Something snapped.
What was it?
It was something Cecilia’s boot caused going up a step. Wires tripped and caused a little bit of electrical engineering to fire off. It triggered a sensor that would send a signal. The framework was under the stairs, but the wires were exposed on the outer frame of the loft, running towards the wall, held up by staples. It went towards the unseeable roof, where the real party trick was pulled.

Attached to stretched chains, stakes and metal tongs, there was a fat ass log extended out like a swing across the roof’s wooden frame. When the signal hit the tongs holding the log to the frame, they opened and the log swung in a descending curve, perfectly aligned to smoke Cecilia in the ribs. The maple log itself was as long as the stairs, thick and heavy like a piece of furniture, wrapped in barbed wire coils and painted on its side with a yellow smiley face.

Surprise bitch!
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Mr. Halloween's Pick: Cecilia Northman vs Angelina Tarrant - Slasher's Cabin Match

Unread post by Devastated »

The Hardcore Queen had gotten her name because of her penchant for violence and stubbornness which often saw her in dangerous matches, with high-risk nature to them. This was no different, she didn't exactly have a good concept of caution or to be careful. She threw herself head first into most situations and if it wasn't a problem that couldn't be solved with a headbutt then perhaps two would do the job. That was the general attitude towards Cecilia when she wasn't filled with anger and hatred, when she wasn't seething or rage stricken, when she hadn't been simmering in violent thoughts for a long time.

Now there was little other than the future prospect of destruction of Angelina Tarrant that kept Cecilia's mind occupied. She took those heavy almost threatening stomps up the steps. One after another, as if she was intentionally playing her part as Jason...she wasn't. She walked further up the steps...ascending to practically the middle point of the stairs before she heard a snap. A snap which true to its name snapped her mind to focus on something else. The clicking and clacking of something turned her attention to the large ass log which dropped and swung towards her!

The eyes of the blonde widened! She was stunned by the sight....she could barely fathom what the hell was going on and if it hadn't been for her own body's natural survival instincts she would have been hit by that log. Thankfully her body moved fast enough to throw the blonde down and forward! Practically clinging to the steps of the stair as the log just barely flew swung over her back. Avoiding the barbed wire wrapped log if only just barely. Cecilia looked over her shoulder and at the log before she glared up the stairs and began to push herself back up to her feet, clicking her tongue rather audibly as she wasn't about to let whatever game or traps Angelina had planned for her slow her down.

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Re: Mr. Halloween's Pick: Cecilia Northman vs Angelina Tarrant - Slasher's Cabin Match

Unread post by Monsy »

“Aww, darn.”

The log missed. Much to Angelina’s disappointment to see a big woman eat the ground in her rib-cracking thing of wood. She did hit the deck however, which was something from a woman who smashed Angelina’s back so hard into a car hood, it deformed it. Now Angelina had a chance to do something even better. Or run away for the next game. Or… Did she? Funny thing about physics! The log now was parlaying with gravity and its own momentum. It would swing until it reached an apex height, not as high as the roof, but close. Then it came back. The same smiley face, same everything, now honing in to smash Cecilia right in her back.

As for Angelina.
She raised her claw hand and wiggled her fingers at Cecilia from at the top platform, offering a cheeky smile and a little hello right before the pending impact.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Mr. Halloween's Pick: Cecilia Northman vs Angelina Tarrant - Slasher's Cabin Match

Unread post by Devastated »

Cecilia knew that she had only two stay down and let the log swing past her once again, but that left her fairly trapped where was until the log ran out of its initial moment and simply stopped. Cecilia had something completely different in mind, the second that the log had sailed past her back...Cecilia pushed up literally. She practically shoved herself up from the ground and without a second of hesitation bolted up the stairs!

Heavy clomping stops, came off as the rattling of a machine gun as the Hardcore Queen went into a full on charging sprint up the stairs! Going full force to try and close the distance and get to the top as she aimed to escape the impact of the log, trying to ascend to the top of the stairs where she'd avoid being hammered by that trap!

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Re: Mr. Halloween's Pick: Cecilia Northman vs Angelina Tarrant - Slasher's Cabin Match

Unread post by Monsy »

A straight shot running up the stairs. From where she stood, it was just far enough not to immediately jump and scatter like a spooked cat. She kept cool and calm for it, almost like she was ready to receive Cecilia as an adversary. Or that she was betting on the log to come and smoke her down at the very last moment. She did her wave, then grabbed her claw-wrist, pulling the glove down further.

When Cecilia was upon her, Angelina finally fled with a bolt towards the left. The loft wrapped around the edges of the main floor. She ran by a nightstand, pulled it over in an attempt to trip-up Cecilia’s path as she continued—around and onto a catwalk over the main floor.

Ahead? Another break into a left or a right on the loft. Wooden doors and a front window with a silver light penetrating to the dark-brown floorboards and a chill from a crack in its frame.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Mr. Halloween's Pick: Cecilia Northman vs Angelina Tarrant - Slasher's Cabin Match

Unread post by Devastated »

Cecilia's heavy boots stomped hard against the wooden staircase as she rushed with all she had to try and get up to the top before the log came back! It was by a hair's width that she escaped having the log slam into her back, literally! As it whipped into a few stands of her hair as she got to the top! Huffing out as she glared towards Angelina, only to see the redhead turn tail and run!

The blonde growled out, teeth gnashing in anger as she took off after her. She charged forward hot on Angelina's trail, as a nightstand was pulled down in her path! Cecilia halted, nearly tripping over it. Yet, she would reach down and grab a hold of the nightstand, lifting it up above her head as she then threw it with all her might in the direction of Angelina as she chased after the tricksy brat!

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