Stipulations: Both girls must wear Shock Collars around their necks and randomly throughout the match will be shocked. Iron Woman Match. Disqualifications will not be enforced.
Last edited by Malkavia on Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Run for it
I'll keep them occupied
'Cause I love you, I love you so
Left me hanging at the station
But you'll be back for me soon
—Madilyn Mei
Ryuko was dressed in her wrestling attire pacing backstage. The fact that Candice cheated and managed to use dirty attacks to beat her in the ring bothered her. Ryuko was the better wrestler. There was no reasonable way she would lose to this woman again. Ryuko was going to go out there and demonstrate the different between a pipsqueak little thunderbolt and a true thunder empress. Ryuko wrapped a robe around herself and put on a small elegant looking crown as she heard her music playing, making her way out into the arena.
Ryuko stepped out and held her arms out soaking up the cheers of the crowd. "This is the regal look of an empress! I am not come common trashy wannabe wrestler like my opponent!" Ryuko said with a smile as she strut her way down the ramp. Ryuko was all smiles as she walked, looking quite confident despite losing her last outing against Candice. Ryuko won the first in dominant fashion. Now she would be able to hammer away at Candice without fear of repercussion.
Ryuko stepped into the ring and removed her robe, tossing it aside as she held a fist in the air. She took her small crown off and put that on top of her robe and did a cocky strut around the ring looking very sure of herself in the big PPV matchup determined to stand triumphant once more.
Candice was gearing up backstage since tonight was her first PPV at LAW and it meant finally bringing an end to the “Thunder Empress”. She won last time and was going to put her in the dirt for good this time! She adjusted her outfit to put on a special entrance for her.
Her theme erupted as on the Titantron a lightning bolt flashed as Candice appeared debuting her new PPV entrance attire. She stood at the top of the ramp, placing one hand on her back with the other flexing doing a grip motion looking down at Ryuko with a smirk.
Candice smirked confidently as she walked down wanting to take it all in. Tonight she would show everyone who the true Thunder Empress is by also debuting her signature match that she never lost in. Once she was outside the ring she took off the lighting bolt wings and thunder crown and placed them in the floor before stepping in”Sorry Hag but that’s what a real Thunder Empress looks like!” She grinned licking her lips in anticipation as the ref placed shock collars around both girls next and the timer was about to start.
The bell rung and just as quick as a flash of lightning, Candice charged aiming to spear her opponent down to the mat to began punching her!
Ryuko kept her eyes on Candice and this was the third time in a short time-span that the two had matched up. Ryuko shook her head and paced with her hands on her hips. She wanted to crush this brat. As the bell rang and Candice rushed in Ryuko barely had time to act... but she knew Candice's playbook now so act she did! Ryuko looked shocked as she braced herself raising her knee up into Candice's jaw as she was about to spear her! Ryuko knew the momentum of Candice crashing into her would knock her down on her back but at least the knee to the jaw would leave Candice in worse shape than Ryuko when the two hit the canvas, with Ryuko planning on shoving Candice to the side to she could rise to her feet.
Candice came in as quick as a flash wanting to start of strong! "Take Thi- GAHHH" She yelled as was strike in the chin by Ryuko's knee! Thankfully she was able to take Ryuko down with her to the canvas of the ring. When they were down on the mat Candice tried to mount her opponent and began to wail in punches on her body going for any part she can punch before "AHHH" She stopped for a moment as the thunderbolt got the first shock of the match leaning back holding her neck in pain leaving herself open for an attack.
Little Candice wanted to try to be brutal and brawl? Ryuko welcomed this. Punch for punch she couldn't stand up to Ryuko. the thunder empress rolled Candice over and mounted her instead cleaning her fists and trying to rain punches down upon her face looking to make a statement! "If you think a little brat like you can go up against me again you are mistaken! Your win over me was luck and cheap shots, that is it!" Ryuko hissed as the heavy punches came down.
After that horrible shock she suffered, Ryuko took advantage of it. The empress mounted Candice and began to send a barrage of punches her way"Ow, ohhh AHH" She coughed and wheeze as her body was moving left,right and jumping up in pain."I don't think so!" Candice retorted as she tried to catch the latest punch coming her way. If successful the thunderbolt would reach up with her free hand and grab her by her hair and went to pull her head down aiming to go for a strong headbutt!
Ryuko was pounding away at Candice but it wasn't having the effect she hoped. She was shocked as a punch was blocked and then Candice's head smashed her face! Ryuko's head snapped back and she rolled off Candice laying on her back and kicking the mat in pain as her hands covered her throbbing face.
Candice finally managed to catch a break as she knocked Ryuko off with a powerful headbutt! The thunderbolt pulled herself up and went to walk over to the downed empress"My turn bitch!" She said pissed off as she went to stomp on her to keep her down! If successful the thunderbolt would attempt would to roll her around and bend down to try and wrap her arm around her neck and put her in a muta lock!
Ryuko was stomped down and she bucked a bit as she was stomped. The stunned Ryuko was rolled and found herself caught in a hold, one she really wanted to escape! She thrashed and bucked about, reaching up to try to pry herself loose as best she could from the angle she was in. As she did that she tried to buck, thrash and roll hoping that combined with her power could lead to her managing to pry herself free.