"At last, the thunder fades, its monarch proclaimed, and our tale continues. Four chapters yet remain ere we reach our climax. A storm dissipates, a story swells. Let us turn our attention to the ground. What walks upon it...what rises from beneath...and what cuts it through. Rivers will flow, but I fear there shall be no water to slake our players' drought. Not that they shall mind, I suspect. Ambition, after all, is a red thirst. For those in our audience seeking harmless chills and carnal thrills, I'm afraid our paths part ways here. There is naught left in the cards that will offer you the safety you so desperately crave. But for those with the fortitude to bear witness to the end...I promise, it will not disappoint."
The camera angle shifts, granting the audience a view of the new chapter's title:
Beside the open book, a twisted ceremonial knife lies, glinting and sharp in contrast to the worn surroundings. A gnarled finger traces the inlays in the blade, a nostalgic tone creeping its way in to the ceremony master's words.
"An old favorite of mine. The road to the pinnacle is paved with sacrifices. Now, these so-called 'sacrifices' take the form of offerings of time or friendship, but in times long past, the word and world was more...literal. Rivers of blood were spilled to appease fickle patrons, not for favor but merely to fend off their wrath. Questions were answered in entrails. Haruspicy for the weak. Anthropomancy for those of conviction. Alas, our entertainment tonight lacks the will needed for the latter. As for its replacement..."
As Mr. Halloween turns the page again, the camera returns to his face. In the distance, panicked squealing is briefly audible. Without looking, the narrator of nightmares hurls the sacrificial knife in his clutches to the side. A final squeal, cut off by a wet impact, preludes the mansion's return to silence.
"In filth, in wit, in succulence. Truly, the humble pig is humanity's perfect mirror. And they shall take center stage in our next conflict. Nine sacrifices, hung but not yet butchered or bled. A pit to serve as the final resting place, dug deep with room for ten. Once begun, the bell won't ring again until one of our players is left within and buried beneath the tide of the winner's offering. Speaking of whom..."
Mr. Halloween snaps his fingers. Sweeping in from off screen, crows deposit a pair of display jars, one to either side of him on the desk. He raises a hand, indicating the one to his right. Contained within is the desiccated, clawed foot of a large reptile, its black scales marred by a dozen scars.
"A warrior, escaped from hell. A starving beast, hungry for prey. A sable tincture born of a herald's charge. A giver and bearer of scars. The woman known to us as Wyvern has claimed to be many things, but is it not her actions that we should mind? She has flown into viridian storms, fought queens and nobles, chased thieves and imitators. The strength to be seen. The weakness to be humbled. She's seized name and fame enough to be worth defeating, but can she ever rise to more? History is littered with would-be conquerors and rabid animals who choked on the blood they sought to spill. Tonight, we shall see if she can reach the crest or if she is fit only to be a supporter on another's arms."
One hand lowers. The other raises, like the platforms of a scale. In the opposing container, an ornate dagger hangs suspended from some invisible thread.
"Who better to slay a beast than a hunter? Marid Fortier. Born of warriors, trained in the ancient ways. Raised to exceed, to excel, to extinguish. A conquerer already when he was barely more than a child. Gifted titles to go with his lineages. "Al Rahim." The Merciful. For what is mercy but a swift death? "La Yuqhar." The Invincible. Strength incarnate, earned not through the brute force of an animal but the patience and skill of a venator. His prey's name has attracted him, her accolades fed his thirst for the glory she might bring. Will he be the first to walk away from the wyrm's claws unscathed? Or will her venom prove too potent for even the purest blood?"
"Two players, both alike in dignity. Two hunters. Two natures. Let blade and claw tear open flesh and reveal the truth beneath. I do hope they leave whatever remains behind...the crows grow so hungry this late at night..."