Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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Every step was like a mile. Astrid huffed and puffed, trying not to think about the amount of sweat and blood on her body, she just focused on dragging her rival to the coffin. Did she regret choosing such harsh conditions for this match? No, not at all. She did not have any prejudices about standard matches, because in her career there were standard matches comparable in severity to real hardcore ones. So she felt that every drop of sweat and blood was a tribute to both her title and the audience who came here to see what real pro wrestling was like.

Her mind was treacherously telling her to relax her arms at least a little. This way she could still hold Clara, but at the same time reduce the amount of pain in her strained muscles. Nevertheless, the champion did not succumb to this temptation. She treated her rival with all seriousness and she decided that she would allow herself to relax only after she had closed GASTER and all her sins in the damn coffin. Three more steps. Just three more steps and she will get there.

Hearing the soft murmur of the British woman, Astrid did not attach much importance to it. She still had to hold Clara's weight on her arms, which meant that even though the contender was starting to recover, she was still in a bad way. Despite the fact that for a moment the thought flashed through the Golden Dragon's mind that she should probably hit her opponent or something, she did not do it, being sure that she had put enough effort into dragging Clara to the coffin.

It was her mistake.

Clara didn't try to break free of Astrid's grip or push her away, not at all. Instead, the contender kicked the Golden Dragon hard and sharply in the back of her kneecap. The pain that the blonde experienced at that moment was well known to her because both Charlotte and Nerissa used such tactics against her several times during sparring sessions. However, even though she was familiar with this pain, it did not mean that she could handle the consequences.

"Kiaaahh!!!" She screamed.

The champion's arms involuntarily relaxed, which caused Clara to slip out of her grip. Her right leg trembled so much that she literally lost her footing, so her to drop to one knee. And while she was trying to regain her balance, GASTER did something that made the audience scream so loudly that it seemed that the walls of the arena began to shake. Pushing off the concrete floor, she did a backflip, simultaneously sending a kick to the champion's head.


Astrid screamed at the same time as the click that rolled through the arena at the moment of the collision of Clara's foot with the skull of the descendant of the great Vikings. Due to the disturbed balance, she did not have a single chance to stay in place, the kick of the British woman threw Astrid aside. She stopped only after her body had made several rolls on the concrete floor.

"Faen... faen... faen..." she groaned faintly through clenched teeth.

Blood started flowing again from the barely dried wounds on the Golden Dragon's face. And as the drops slowly dripped from her face to the floor, she felt that her victory was draining away with the blood. Again. Again she was in a step from closing Clara in the coffin and again she failed. Her rival's tenacity was admirable, but at that moment Astrid didn't think about it at all.

"FAEN!" She growled angrily, this time much louder.

This anger was not directed at Clara. Astrid directed this anger at herself. She was in pain at that moment. Lying face down on the concrete floor, her mind seemed to be trying to tell her that she shouldn't get to her feet. And as soon as she heard this thought in her head, she felt disgusted with herself. No. She couldn't go back on her promise. To the last drop of blood and sweat. It wasn't just words. This was her path and she wasn't going to go off that path. Therefore, the champion placed her shaking palms near her head, and then, overcoming the pain, began to get up.

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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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As Clara's foot connected with Astrid, as she landed on her front, the Shadow Lord audibly ordered herself to get up, as much as her body was unwilling. She growled as she pushed her hurting arm against the floor, still forcing herself up to her feet, still pushing herself onward in the match.

Until the last breath in her body, Clara would keep going.

She pushed herself to her feet, catching a glimpse of the timekeeper's table. With slow and sluggish, almost zombie-like, movements, Clara approached it as she looked down on the timekeeper, while the woman looked at the table and gazed back at the masked Lord with terror in her eyes:


This time, the command came to the timekeeper, who quickly left her seat - Clara's current aim.

As she folded it up, the first clear long-form thought appeared in her mind:

"What would have this match been like if it was standard rules?"

The answer wasn't clear to Clara, not in her half-dazed, almost automatic state of mind. Maybe her submission moves would've been enough to put Astrid at bay, maybe Astrid's strength would've been too much for her. Regardless, in a standard match, Clara wouldn't have been allowed the use of weapons...

And since that wasn't it, she would push the freedom of the Casket match to its fullest.

She came back towards Astrid. Even though it would've been easier to strike the blonde from behind, the remainder of the Brit's wrestling morals forced her to take the long way towards her target, to look Astrid in the eyes as she went for her brutal move, one that, before her fight with Yuzuha, she had only utilized once.

Clara looked Astrid square in the eye:


Thus was the Shadow Lord's command, as she swung the chair at Astrid from left to right, aiming it for the champion’s head!
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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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Astrid's body ached with pain. She was certainly prepared for the fact that this match would not be easy. However, Clara surpassed even the wildest expectations of the champion, and the fact that her opponent was a lightweight only added more significance to everything she did. Without a doubt, stubbornness is a great thing that a true champion should possess. The brunette desperately refused to lose, repeatedly disrupting the Golden Dragon's plans. This simultaneously aroused both great respect and great irritation in the descendant of the great Vikings.

Nevertheless, Astrid continued to follow her credo. No matter how hopeless the match seemed, she was going to continue. She knew better than anyone that it was worth fighting for her dream. Sooner or later, any champion will be defeated. There are no invincibles. The only question is what legacy the champion will leave behind. The number of defenses does not matter in the slightest if all these defenses were just entertaining matches, where the outcome is predetermined from the very beginning. The openweight title deserved a lot more than that.

When the Golden Dragon found out that she was the one entrusted with this great honor, she was confused. The world of wrestling is not a rainbow and unicorns, it's a delightful, but cruel world where everyone is ready to tear a piece from you. Having received the golden belt, Astrid knew what would happen next, and she was right without exaggeration. That day, she saw the eyes of the wrestlers sitting in from of her and looking at her. There was envy and hatred in those eyes. Most of them felt that she didn't deserve to be on top of LAW. It's hard to say how anyone else would have reacted to this in Astrid's place. But maybe it didn't matter because Astrid herself reacted to it exactly the same way as if she didn't have the golden belt on her waist.

Instead of wasting time on big words, she only repeated what she had said back during her debut. She's here to fight the best of the best. And if anyone thinks they're strong enough to take her title, then her door is always open. In a fierce fight, she had defended it in the match against Ostberg and so now she intended to defend it again. Fighting fatigue, the Golden Dragon rose first to all fours, and then, despite the fog in her eyes, to one knee.


The Norwegian woman has said many times that she is not afraid of anything. But at that moment, goosebumps ran down her spine. When she looked up, she realized that she had spent too much time trying to get to her feet. Maybe it was because she was tired, maybe it was because the kick to her head was much more powerful than she thought. But none of that mattered anymore. Clara was right in front of her and she had already swung the chair, a second later the metal went to the head of the Golden Dragon.

Accompanied by a deafening roar from the audience, the chair crashed into her skull. She didn't even have a chance to scream because at that moment her mind literally shut down. This blow not only opened one more wound on the blonde's forehead, but literally swept the champion aside. While blood was splashing from her face, her body again made several rolls on the concrete floor, as a result of which she ended up where she started dragging Clara to the coffin, namely near the wreckage of the commentators' table, which she broke not so long ago with the body of her rival.

As if in addition to this amazing picture, two muffled sounds were heard after she stopped. Many did not understand what it was at first, but then the audience gasped loudly. The moment GASTER hit her with the chair, Astrid's tiara mask split in two and flew off her face. Two bloody fragments fell in different places, adding another touch to the current situation, as if they symbolized that the inaugural openweight champion had finally been broken.

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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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Clara felt no envy towards Astrid. Ultimately, her performance against the Baroness consisted of spending too much time on her back. While she likely showed herself as a person who would persevere no matter what, ultimately the person they chose had to both survive tough fights... and dish a lot of damage back. Astrid was the perfect first champion... and, upon learning that fact, Clara wanted to change. She wanted to stop being a "reactive" force in LAW. She wanted to stop being the victim, a woman bullied so horribly by her rival that trapped her girlfriend in her hellscape of a mansion. After the feud with Baroness, something clicked in Clara's mind. If she wasn't going to take what she wanted, she would never get it. And if she wanted to take the LAW Openweight title, she had to fight the toughest match possible. Clara believed herself to be a skilled wrestler... but against Astrid in a no-DQ match like this, she needed to push herself, physically and morally, a little more.


She felt remorse for hitting Astrid with the chair. As much as she wanted to blame someone, she could blame no one but herself. Fans cheered on the violent action, since Clara wasn't being a rulebreaker, and showcasing a tough streak she's been building up for a while now... but within the Shadow Lord's heart, a sliver of anxiety crept it's way inside of her, making her doubt of whether she was deserving of a title... especially as she saw her rival's mask fly off in two bloodied, broken pieces...


And with just that thought, the doubt cleared away.

Clara has been wrestling for almost 13 years now since she turned 13. Half her life was now spent in the ring fighting or training. Half her life she dreamt of this moment, of putting away her rival, lifting the belt up high, and being declared the winner. Half her life was spent playing a weakling who was bullied for even entertaining the idea that she could be a winner.

And tonight, those 13 years will be marked with her winning the biggest match of her career.

Clara would approach Astrid once more. She knew she couldn't underestimate Astrid. One chair shot was not enough:

"'s mine..."

The Shadow Lord swung chair up into the air, trying to drive it down on top of the blonde's head one last time!
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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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It took her a few seconds to recover, but when her consciousness began to clear, she felt such a terrible headache that she literally wanted to die. Thinking back to her boxing days, she was sure she had just suffered a concussion. When you're not ready, even an ordinary punch can lead to this outcome, and in Astrid's case, it was much worse because Clara used a damn metal chair. She had nothing to blame her opponent for, not only because the conditions of the match allowed them to use any means, but also because a real champion must be ready to do anything to win, even if from a moral point of view it does not always seem like something good.

Even the audience agreed with this, because they warmly welcomed GASTER, who was trying to throw Astrid off her throne. However, to the great relief of the Golden Dragon, she also heard strong support in her direction. Outstanding fighters are able to make a match incredible, but it was the audience who creates the real magic. At that moment, the arena was once again divided into two camps, half of them calling on the champion to get back on her feet, while the other half called on Clara to finish what she started.

Not wanting to let down either herself or her fans, the blonde again put her shaking palms near her head. Breathing heavily through her mouth, she got up on all fours. Those who remember her first title defense could probably say that Astrid looks even worse now than at the end of her match against Ostberg. There were black and purple bruises all over her body, and her costume was not only stained with pumpkin pulp and her own blood, but also torn in many places. Astrid's face literally symbolized how tough this match was. Her face was almost completely covered in blood, which continued to flow from the wounds left by GASTER.

It seemed surprising to many that the Golden Dragon was able to move at all after everything the British woman had put her through. Any fighter has a limit. And the truth was that Astrid had gone beyond her limits at the moment when she did not allow Clara to close her in the coffin. So what was driving her at that moment if her reserves were completely empty? Nothing has changed from her previous defense and the answer remained the same. Astrid firmly believed in her dream. She wanted to leave behind a legacy that not only she, but also her great ancestors, could be proud of. It was a dream she was ready to fight for.

But when she turned her head to the side and looked at her opponent, she realized that she was not the only one here who was ready to fight for dreams. Just like Astrid after she got out of the coffin, Clara was now approaching the champion like a doom. The chair was still in Clara's hands, which left no doubt about what she intended to do. To finish everything with one last blow. Considering Astrid's condition, that would be more than enough. The blonde did not have the habit of doubting her own abilities, but being honest with herself, she was fully aware that in her current state she would not be able to dodge or block Clara's attack.

"Wait..." sounded in her head like a bolt from the blue.

What is this stabbing feeling in the palms of her hands? Lowering her head down, Astrid found that pieces of the broken commentators' table were digging into the skin of her palms. This proved once again that the chair blow she received was too heavy because it was only now that the Norwegian woman realized where she was. For many, this would be the last step on the road to despair. Clara was only a few steps away from her and what the champion did was really like desperation. Still on all fours, the Golden Dragon turned her back on her opponent and crawled forward.

The audience became quieter, literally shocked by what was happening. If their eyes were not deceiving them, then the picture before them was extremely clear. Astrid, as if in fear of the inevitable, tried like a wounded animal to crawl away from the hunter chasing her in the person of Clara. Everyone who looked at it felt a real shock because it was really a pitiful sight. Especially considering that Astrid was moving slower than her opponent and she still wouldn't have been able to avoid the inevitable. After a few seconds, Clara and Astrid stopped at the same time, the contender was right behind the champion.

"It's mine..."

Having said that and lifting the chair above her head, GASTER was like an executioner preparing to carry out the sentence. As if completing this unusual scene, the Golden Dragon rose from all fours to one knee. It was as if she had put her head under GASTER's final blow, which caused the arena to fall into silence. The tension seemed to have reached its peak. Even before she won the title, Astrid swore that she would give her best in every match. So now The Golden Dragon sighed heavily, and then uttered just one word, which, thanks to the silence, everyone could hear.


Sometimes things are not what they seem at first glance. Yes, it was true that Astrid was in a very bad condition and that she was unlikely to be able to withstand another chair blow with her own strength. But the most important thing was that she wasn't crawling away from Clara, she was crawling towards something. To something that ended up under the rubble of the commentators' table after the Golden Dragon smashed it with her opponent's body. A real champion must be ready to do anything to win. Clara has demonstrated this in all its glory and now it was Astrid's turn.

Whosoever, be he worthy, shall have the power

At the same moment that Clara sent the chair to the champion's head, Astrid gathered together her willpower and all her aspirations, directing them into her right arm. As if she were surrounded by lightning, the Goddess of Thunder intended to turn sharply to face GASTER, at the same time rising to her feet in order to wave Mjolnir and send it towards the approaching chair. Even in the most desperate situation, she would not use this to cause Clara direct harm, however, she counted on the fact that the power of her hammer would be more than enough to parry the chair blow and as a result force the brunette to hit not the champion, but herself first!

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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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This was it. One more chair shot. Then Clara wouldn't even need a finisher to put Astrid away. The (soon-to-be-former) champion would be completely knocked out, and the only difficult thing that would remain would be to put the blonde away into the coffin. Half of the crowd was firmly behind the Shadow Lord as she delivered the Coup de Grace, excited thst she was going to win the title after 13 long years in the company. Astrid gave her the toughest match of her life, with both of them doing their damnest to put each other away into the spirit realm inside of the coffin, but Clara finally won...

Astrid knew it. She was trying to get away.. which was a natural reaction, given the circumstances. Astrid did manage to make a bit of a headway, with Clara's movements still being sluggish after everything she went through in this match. She felt pity towards the blonde...but for her to ascend, the Golden Dragon had to descend.

With her proclamation, Clara lifted the chair, and swung it down, noticing Astrid turning to face the Brit, Clara initially paying this no mind...

Until Astrid answered her proclamation, right as Clara swung down.

From this, she realized just how horrible an error she's made.

She saw Astrid's hand swing up as a loud sound of metal hitting metal was heard. Clara put everything into the chairshot...and as such, the metal deflected hit directly back towards the Brit!

The chair hit Clara straight in the head, as the Shadow Lord received instant karma for her strategy!

...and yet... the Brit simply dropped the chair.

She wished to scream. Not just in pain, but desperation. As Clara Gaster stood glaring at her rival, she knew one truth, the undeniable fact.

As she was right now, she was not winning the Openweight title.

She was going to collapse in just a second. Her vision was already going dark. Her feet already felt like they were going to collapse from under her.

...and it didn't matter.

Clara balled her hand into a fist, and rushed at Astrid, trying for a desperate final punch against the champion's jaw!
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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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The clang of metal on metal became a symbol of the Golden Dragon's success. The blonde was not one of those who constantly hovers in the clouds, but she firmly believed that even if the story promises to end sadly for you, it does not mean that you should not try to change it. When two fighters of equal skill meet in the ring, the outcome of the match will always be determined by who has greater willpower. Even though Astrid's body was exhausted, she felt more alive than ever. As in the match against Ostberg, today she put her dreams on the line. She would do anything for them. And so, even in the most hopeless moment, she did not give up, but gathered all her willpower together, directing it into a hammer blow.

When the chair in Clara's hands crashed into her masked face, the audience gasped loudly. It was difficult for them to imagine in all its glory how painful it was for the contender, but the fact that she immediately dropped the chair spoke volumes. While the lightweight was swaying from side to side as if she was ready to fall due to fatigue and all the damage she had received, the Golden Dragon first threw Mjolnir into the air, and then grabbed it by the handle again. For the first time since the start of the match, a smile appeared on the champion's bloody and tired face.

"Still worthy!" She said.

Seeing that Clara was still on her feet, Astrid relaxed her arm and let Mjolnir fall to the floor. At that moment, an unusual feeling came over her. Usually at such a late stage of the match, when neither she nor her opponent had any strength left, the Golden Dragon just kept going forward, not thinking about how it would all end. Some would call it a second wind. Some would call it enlightenment. Some would call it inspiration. But the fact was that this time, despite her heavy breathing and wounded body, the descendant of the great Vikings felt that she would be satisfied not with any, but with only one result. Victory.

Therefore, she took a step forward at the same time as her opponent. Moreover, they both clenched their fists at the same time, clearly intending to use them. There was only one difference. Although Clara's determination to fight to the end was commendable, her move was hardly something more than an act of desperation. While Astrid's soul seemed to begin to shine. She clearly saw where she was going and why she was doing it. In the match against Ostberg, she proved that she was worthy of owning the most significant title of the federation and now she intended to prove that she was capable of leaving behind a legacy that would never sink into oblivion.

The Golden Dragon sucked air into her lungs with a whistle, which was only for a second, but allowed her to completely clear her vision. At the same moment, she shifted her torso to the left, so that GASTER's fist went past her head. Hardly anyone would dare to blame Clara for forgetting that only few people could match the Golden Dragon in boxing, but the fact remained. By going into a direct confrontation with Astrid, she made a big mistake, for which the champion intended to make her pay.

Straining her right arm so hard that the veins were ready to burst, Astrid threw her own fist forward, straight at GASTER's head. Those who had already seen this punch knew that usually the Golden Dragon used this as a last attempt to take the victory in the match. Usually this punch was a symbol that she was ready to put everything she had on the line even if it would end in defeat for her. But this time it was different. This time she was in a rush of completely different emotions. This time she intended to demonstrate to her opponent why she was chosen as the inaugural openweight champion and why she intended to win today. Some still thought it was a simple right cross, but the truth was that at that moment there were icy gusts of wind around Astrid, whispering the true name of this punch. It was her Helheim!

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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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Clara trained her punches with Kay. In wrestling, her fists have been powerful, and she was actively managing to change her fortune in matches with well-placed strikes alone. Clara developed her punches, even though wrestling actively discouraged their use... but she believed them to be a formidable weapon, whenever she needed to call on them.

Against someone like Baroness, especially in their first match, her lucky strike proved invaluable in her victory.

The problem was, she wasn't fighting a woman obsessed with crushing her spine.

The problem was, she tried to throw a punch against a former boxer.

Astrid's punch was fast, much faster than Clara's desperation strike... but for the Shadow Lord, it was as if she could see every millimeter of movement from her foe's strike.

"It's over..."

The punch landed.

And Clara was sent flying.

The crowd gasped as they saw something else launch into the air. Right as Clara landed from the strike onto the ground, completely silent, the smiley Shadow Lord mask, her trademark symbol, landed a short distance away from the Brit.

The woman wearing it earlier simply staired at the arena lights above, her eyes blank and her expression neutral, with several spots on her skin either purple or blue...
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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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When Astrid's knuckles crashed into where Clara's jaw was under the mask, an explosive wave seemed to roll through the arena. The Golden Dragon did not manage to use this punch in every match, but each time it had disastrous consequences even for very heavy women. In Clara's case, it was even worse because the monstrous power of the descendant of the great Vikings literally sent the lightweight flying. This caused almost all the spectators to rise from their seats, half of them cheered the fierce attack of the champion, and the other half clearly sympathized with how it ended for the contender.

"Ghhh... faen..." Astrid muttered.

A cold wave passed from the top of her head to her feet. Feeling a tingling sensation in her fingertips, the Norwegian woman realized what would happen next. Her legs trembled and before she could do anything, she got down on one knee. The flow of adrenaline in her blood slowed down sharply, which caused fatigue to bind her body again. White spots began to flash in front of the Golden Dragon's eyes and she was forced to gulp air greedily in order not to let herself pass out.

"To the end..." sounded in her head.

This thought reminded her that the match was still not over. The current situation was very familiar to her. She came to the finish line again and again the last steps turned out to be the most difficult. Astrid raised her head and looked at Clara. The British woman was completely motionless, but, more importantly, it was only now that the champion noticed that there was no mask on her opponent's face. Ironic. Now they were both without their masks. In a sense, it was no longer a match between the Goddess of Thunder and GASTER, but between Astrid Arvidsson and Clara Gaster.

Even now, Astrid couldn't stop wondering how far her rival had gone in her aspirations. Although she had never had any doubts about skills of the British woman, she did not expect that Clara would be able not only to bleed her, but completely exhaust her. Quite involuntarily, she wondered if the situation would have remained the way it was now if they had started this match without masks from the very beginning. She didn't have an answer to that question. At least not right now. However, she knew something else. She knew that there was only one thing left for her to do, namely to make sure that there was no chance that GASTER would be able to stop her from closing the coffin lid.

Biting her lower lip, the Golden Dragon rose to her feet and, accompanied by the growing noise of the audience, headed towards her opponent. As a fighter, she didn't have any doubts at that moment. But as a warrior... pride and other shit had absolutely nothing to do with it, however, the Golden Dragon was not sure that Clara deserved to receive from her the highest honor that she could give her. This uncertainty tormented the champion's soul even at the moment when she approached Clara. But then something happened that probably few people would have been able to understand.

Leaning down and reaching for her opponent, Astrid seemed to freeze for one second. The reason for this was that now that she was so close to the brunette, even the mist in her eyes did not prevent her from looking at Clara's face. Right. This was the answer that dispelled the uncertainty in the heart of the Golden Dragon. The moment GASTER lost her mask, she turned into Clara. And if GASTER didn't deserve the highest honor Astrid could give her, then Clara certainly deserved. The champion has made a decision.

"For all worthy warriors there is only one road..." she said softly.

Reaching out to Clara, Astrid intended to grab the British woman by the elbow and shoulder. Breathing heavily, she was going to pull her opponent up and lift her to her feet even if she had to use only her own strength to do that. And if at first the audience had the opportunity to make a few assumptions about what exactly the Golden Dragon was up to, then in the next second they would have received the true answer. If she hadn't had trouble getting the contender to her feet, Astrid would have stood behind Clara, wrapping the right arm around Clara's waist and hooking her left hip with the left hand. This was the very moment when the audience made the walls of the arena shake.

"Road to Valhalla!!!" Astrid shouted as loudly as her voice would allow.

It probably seemed to many that the champion should not have had any problems with this move, given the weight of the contender. Clara's weight really played into the blonde's hands, but the truth was that due to the huge number of wounds all over her body, the task facing her was no less simple than last time. Straining her muscles all over her body, the Golden Dragon felt the same burning pain in all its glory that she felt in trying to use this finisher against Ostberg.

Unable to contain her emotions, she let out a painful cry, and then with a sharp movement lifted Clara off the concrete floor. At some point, it seemed to her that her bones began to crack, but, biting her lower lip, Astrid sent what little she had left into her arm in order to throw Clara into the air, at the same time applying a little more force to push the brunette's hip and thereby forcing her to take a horizontal position position with her back to the floor.

And while the audience was screaming like crazy, the Golden Dragon hurried to do the last thing that she hoped would end this match. The descendant of the great Vikings intended to fall to the floor, simultaneously pulling both knees to her chest. There was no question of any aiming, but considering how close they were to the coffin... a little luck and then the moment will become truly legendary. However, Astrid did not even hope for this, she only hoped that this grueling match would finally come to an end.
Road to Valhalla

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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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Shockingly to the Shadow Lord... she was not knocked out. Her vision wasn't fully dark, even though she could hardly recognize that she was looking at the arena's lights, the image in her mind resembling a screwed up oil painting. She couldn't form a coherent thought in her mind. Everything was just single, broken up words:








Clara's mind fully realized that she was beaten. Her limbs couldn't move due to fatigue, and her mind couldn't form a thought to figure a way out of this situation for the life of her. As much as she promised to fight to her last breath, her body wouldn't let her...

One of the only things Clara could move at the moment were her eyes, as she peered over to the approaching figure in the distance. Astrid was coming closer, and in the distance, away from Clara, seemed something familiar:


The thought got Clara to move the other movable part of her body - her lips, as the corners of her mouth moved apart, becoming a light smile on the Brit's face.

Astrid would grab Clara, deadlifting her off the ground as she was unable to do much else, knowing that, within a few moments, she would only see the blackness of unconsciousness, especially as she heard her rival call for her finishing move.

Up went the former lightweight title contender, the Shadow Lord, Clara Gaster, soaring through the air...

...and down she landed for Astrid's finishing "Road to Valhalla".

The move took the last of Astrid's strength, but it was more than enough. The moment she landed back first onto Astrid's pushed-up knees, the momentum of her fall transferred almost entirely back upwards after the collision with her rival's knees. As luck had it, Clara would land perfectly in the exact place the blonde needed her to be in - the opened coffin. The situation at the moment wouldn't entertain Clara, at least not until she rewatched the match back later. Clara was completely knocked out...

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