Bolt vs Empress Round 3: Battle for the Thunder Empress

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Re: Bolt vs Empress Round 3: Battle for the Thunder Empress

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Candice's foul play worked off in the end. Even with all off her pain all she wanted was to win and crush Ryuko until there was nothing left. She looked down at the empress and began to wildly stomp down on her face! The match had taken a toll on her body, at this point to her it wasn't even a professional match. This fight had become nothing more then a street brawl in the eyes of Candice where on person wins until the other in the hospital!
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Re: Bolt vs Empress Round 3: Battle for the Thunder Empress

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"Oomph! ARGH!" Ryuko howled as the first few stomps found their mark before she was able to raise her arms up. Ryuko thankfully did block many of the stomps, although Candice could hit hard and land painful offense she was falling into a predictable pattern that Ryuko could see. She could outlast this woman, she had to. She was a true wrestler not just some punk brawler. Ryuko tried to roll hard to the side hoping to put distance between herself and Candice so she could rise to her feet.

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Re: Bolt vs Empress Round 3: Battle for the Thunder Empress

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Candice laughed as she began to stomp on her wounded opponent wanting to leave her mark on her. Thankfully, she was causing the empress to contort in pain. What made it not good however was Ryuko was being a slippery one. The empress was able to roll out of the ring causing Candice to stomp the ground instead."JUST DIE RYUKO!!!" She shouted at her as the green haired girl gave chase aiming to sent a superman punch straight to her face as she was rising!
Last edited by SRG on Sat Jan 13, 2024 2:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bolt vs Empress Round 3: Battle for the Thunder Empress

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Ryuko had kept an eye on Candice and when she was rushing over Ryuko again knew a big strike was coming. She wasn't going to try to block it, she knew she had to move. Ryuko rolled to the side and ended in a kneeling position as Candice's punch sailed overhead. "Predictable." Ryuko said stepping up trying to grab Candice from behind. Ryuko wanted to hold her in a full nelson hold and then lift her for a dragon suplex but that chance never came as she was again jolted! She howled out and staggered back, stunned and now wide open for whatever it was that Candice wanted to throw at her!

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Re: Bolt vs Empress Round 3: Battle for the Thunder Empress

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Candice was going for a punch but right when she was about to land it."Woah!" She gasped in shock as she was lifted up by Ryuko and slammed down on the mat for a dragon suplex!"Damn you..." Candice groaned in pain as she tried to kick Ryuko while she was done. If the green haired girl was successful, she would try and roll to the side to hopefully make some distance between the two.
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Re: Bolt vs Empress Round 3: Battle for the Thunder Empress

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Ryuko managed to send Candice crashing to the mat but as she got up Candice kicked at her showing that she still had plenty of life left in her. Ryuko felt like she was already up 2-1 with time on her side. If she could keep the clock ticking and go up 3-1 then this would be academic. She had to be smart though. She left Candice get away and once Candice began to rise up Ryuko would run forward at her and leap leading with her knee. Ryuko was hoping to smash Candice in the jaw with a running knee strike hoping to outright leave her dazed on the canvas!

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Re: Bolt vs Empress Round 3: Battle for the Thunder Empress

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Candice was able to roll away from Ryuko, sitting on the bottom of the turnbuckle in a heap. It wouldn’t be long however before the empress wanted to continue her assault on her. She opened her eyes and saw that she was charging for a knee to the head! Candice had to act quickly, she grabbed the rope and went to pull herself away from her. If she was successful, Candice would attempt to sit up straight and send a kick straight to the knee that was aching from the failed knee strike!
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Re: Bolt vs Empress Round 3: Battle for the Thunder Empress

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Ryuko grunted as she crashed not at all hitting her intended target. Things only got worse as Candice smashed her knee again sending Ryuko down to the mat groaning in pain as she reached out to hold her aching knee.

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Re: Bolt vs Empress Round 3: Battle for the Thunder Empress

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Candice grinned has Ryuko down and needing to recover. She was about to make her move before.”AHHH” She howled as she was shocked by the collar. Thankfully it was when Ryuko still needed to recover. If she hadn’t made a full recovery, out of desperation, candice would reach forward to grip her by the hair and force their heads to collide for a headbutt!
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Re: Bolt vs Empress Round 3: Battle for the Thunder Empress

Unread post by Highfly »

Ryuko wa sstanding up when Candice came back over. Candice grabbed Ryuko by the hair and despite being shocked Candice had somehow recovered quickly enough to headbutt Ryuko sending her to the mat.

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