Yee-Haw! - The Mustang Twins

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Yee-Haw! - The Mustang Twins

Unread post by TokyoStardom »

"We're gonna rassle you like a hog!"
Basic Info

Name - Mary Mustang
Ring Name - Mary Mustang
Age - 25
Hair Color - Red
Eye Color - Blue
Height - 5 foot 6 inches
Weight - 135 Pounds
Nationality - American

Name - Melissa Mustang
Ring Name - Melissa Mustang
Age - 25
Hair Color - Red
Eye Color - Blue
Height - 5 foot 7 inches
Weight - 140 Pounds
Nationality - American

Combined Weight 275 pounds


Wrestling Info

Entrance music

Alignment Tweener. Heelish at times.

Fighting Style Rasslin!

Basic Moveset The Mustang Twins, Mary and Melissa, are a force to be reckoned with in the wrestling ring, combining athleticism with charm. With their fiery red hair cascading down their backs, they embody the wild spirit of the West. Dressed in eye-catching cowboy-themed outfits that consist of snug booty shorts and daringly skimpy tops, they command attention as they strut into the arena. Their confident smiles and sassy attitudes not only showcase their wrestling prowess but also emphasize their unique persona. The Mustang Twins don’t just take the spotlight; they steal hearts, blending an energetic performance with a playful yet fierce competition.

In every match, the Mustang Twins rely on their undeniable chemistry and synchronized teamwork to outmanoeuvre their opponents. With their backgrounds in ass kickin', Mary and Melissa execute stunning aerial manoeuvres and submission holds that leave the audience in awe. Each flip and dive is not just a demonstration of skill but an artistic expression of their unbreakable bond as sisters. With the. "Rodeo Rampage," Mary and Melissa look to punish a rival seated in the corner. With a sly exchange of glances and a nod of mutual understanding, they launch themselves into action. One after another, they charge across the ring and leap into the air, their toned legs kicking out before they crash down onto their opponent in a Bronco Buster. As they ride the face and chest of the victim, the arena reverberates with cheers. One of their most electrifying double-team manoeuvres is the "Ginger Snap." This move starts with one twin launching her opponent into the ropes, while the other waits in anticipation. As the opponent rebounds, the first Mustang Twin catches her rival in a powerful hip toss, sending her crashing down to the mat. But the action doesn't stop there! In a seamless transition, the second twin leaps onto the ropes, to deliver a stunning leg drop just as her opponent lands.

Expect them to use hip attacks, slams, smothering holds, strikes and other impact moves. With each match, they continue to build their legacy, proving that true champions can sweat and succeed.

Finishing moves

Cowgirl Crush: With a rival dizzy, Mary wraps her strong arms around their opponent's head, pulling her deeper into her considerable cleavage. Melissa joins the embrace from behind, ensuring that their rival's face is firmly nestled between their generous assets. The crowd roars with excitement, jealous of the sensual aspect of the hug. As the smothering hold tightens, the heat and intensity of the moment rise. The rival struggles, but the combined force of Mary and Melissa proves overwhelming. They exchange triumphant smiles, the camaraderie between them palpable as they relish the dominance they’ve established. Sweat glistens on their skin, adding to the atmosphere of the match; the rivals' muffled protests are drowned out by the cheers from the audience.

Lasso Lock: As the crowd roars with anticipation, one twin expertly locks the opponent in a tight camel clutch, wrenching back on their neck and making them gasp for breath, the other swiftly moves into action, snaking down to grab the opponent's legs. With a quick motion, she elevates them into a Boston crab, pulling their limbs apart in a punishing stretch that leaves the opponent trapped in a web of pain. The visual is mesmerizing: two sultry forces of nature, dominating their foe in a perfect blend of strength and technique, leaving the audience breathless and the referee scrambling to ask the opponent if they're ready to concede. In the Lasso Lock, it’s not just about the victory; it's about sending a message: the Mustang Twins are a force to be reckoned with!

Personal Info

Rehersing the Cowgirl Crush

Attire: Skimpy tops and booty shorts with boots.

Personality: Meet the fiery redhead twins, Melissa and Mary, a force to be reckoned with in and out of the ring. These identical wrestling divas are not just a match for their opponents, but also for anyone who dares to cross them. When they're not busy body-slamming their way to victory, they're beaming with kindness and warmth, spreading joy and laughter wherever they go. But make no mistake, once their patience wears thin and they're provoked, these lovely ladies unleash a fierce fury that's not to be underestimated. As the saying goes, never piss off a redhead, and Melissa and Mary are living proof of that. With their stunning red locks, toned physiques, and infectious smiles, it's no wonder these twins are a crowd favourite. But what makes them truly unforgettable is their unapologetic confidence and sass. They're well-aware of their sexy bodies and love to tease, often flaunting their curves and charms on social media and in the ring. Their moves are just as thrilling to watch as they are to execute, leaving opponents and fans alike mesmerized by their skill and sex appeal. Despite their tough exteriors, Melissa and Mary have hearts of gold, using their platform to support worthy causes and spread love and acceptance wherever they go. They're a dynamic duo, both in and out of the ring, and their chemistry is undeniable. Whether they're taking down foes or charming their adoring fans, the fiery redhead twins are a force to be reckoned with.

History: Melissa and Mary grew up on a sprawling ranch in rural Texas, where the wide open spaces and rolling hills seemed to stretch on forever. As twin sisters, they were inseparable, sharing a bond that only grew stronger with each passing year. From a young age, they were drawn to the world of sports, particularly wrestling, where they could channel their energy and competitive spirit. Their parents, though initially hesitant, soon became their biggest supporters, recognizing the discipline and hard work that wrestling required.

As they entered their teenage years, Melissa and Mary began to develop their own unique styles and interests. Melissa was the more outgoing of the two, with a fiery personality that drew people to her like a magnet. She was the first to take risks and push boundaries, whether it was trying out for the school wrestling team or sneaking into the local diner to listen to rock and roll music. Mary, on the other hand, was more introspective, with a dry sense of humour and a quick wit that often caught people off guard. She was the voice of reason in the duo, keeping Melissa grounded when her sister's impulsiveness got the better of her.

Despite their differences, the twins were united in their love of rock and roll music. They spent countless hours listening to Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, and The Who, their parents' records serving as a soundtrack to their rebellious teenage years. This love of music only grew stronger as they entered high school, where they began attending local concerts and festivals whenever they could. It was at one such festival that they met their first girlfriends, Emily and Sarah, who shared their passion for rock and roll and became fast friends.

However, not everyone in their small community shared their enthusiasm for the twins' unconventional lifestyle. The church-going community in which they lived viewed their love of rock music as a sinful indulgence, and their parents' decision to allow them to listen to it at home was seen as a betrayal. The twins struggled with this disapproval, feeling like outsiders in their own community. But they refused to conform, instead embracing their rebel spirit and wearing it like a badge of honour.

As they entered adulthood, Melissa and Mary continued to hone their wrestling skills, eventually earning spots on the college team. Their love of rock music never wavered, and they became fixtures on the local music scene, attending concerts and playing music themselves whenever they could. Through it all, they remained a constant presence in each other's lives, a bond that only grew stronger with each passing year. Despite the challenges they faced, the twins knew that they were in this together, a team of two against the world, with their music and wrestling serving as a powerful expression of their rebellious spirit.


Plot Ideas/Preferences

Match Ideas - Open to almost any type of match with any type or number of rivals.
Special Match - Down 'N' Dirty!
- The twins challenge their rivals to a match in oil, mud or even gravy.
Last edited by Satanica on Thu Feb 20, 2025 3:02 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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