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Siren Sisterhood

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2024 3:39 am
by Ovrlrdalex
The siren Sisterhood

Maya,lilith,steele,tyreen and amara dispite their different morals and imoral ideals are a well oiled team each women using their strengths against their opponent's weaknesses amd is the strategist

Steele has the marital arts,endrance and military experience and maya has the brains, technique style both act as team leaders

Amara has the Power advantage and an enforcer

Lilith has a mixture of bit is the wild card.

Tyreen is a vicious fighter with a background in wrestling.


Double doomsday devices in stero:agsints two opponents

Super doomsday device:four get on top each other while holding the opponent up in the air

Double phase strike:amara and lilith using their punch finishers to sandwich their opponent's face.

Entrance song:

(Sidenote):i loved charmed and i loved the borderlands sirens so my made the two together,