Alternate Team Pics
Divine Gold Duo (Entrance)

Blue Steel Duo

Blue Steel Duo (Entrance)

Name: Miyuki Iwata
(Individual Profile)

Eyes: Ash Gray
Hair: Dark Gray
Height: 5'1" (155 cm)
Weight: 111lbs (50kg)
Nationality: Japanese
Hails From: Osaka, Japan
Alignment: Tweener (Seductive, Charming Queen)
Individual Signatures






Name: Yamato Ayase
(Individual Profile)

Eyes: Gold Yellow
Hair: Blonde (Dyed, naturally black)
Height: 6'0" (182 cm)
Weight: 149lbs (68kg)
Nationality: Japanese
Hails From: Wakayama, Japan
Alignment: Tweener (Obsessive Loyal Knight)
Individual Signatures






The two met by pure chance when waiting at the train station. Both were eighteen at the time and looking into plans for their future...Miyuki only had a few options. Yamato had too many (due to athletic scholarships). Nothing appealed to Miyuki's creative mind (internet fanfic writer under an anonymous pen name). Nothing satisfied Yamato's competitive nature (basketball and volleyball star athlete)...
Miyuki was a socially anxious, nervous wreck incapable of getting directions and tickets to where she was trying to go. So, Yamato assisted her after noticing her on the brink of a meltdown, catching her in Miyuki's darkest moment as the timid shut-in slipped and fell amid a nervous breakdown. Yamato's presence was so warm and uplifting, it shook Miyuki to her core. Little did they know, both were heading to the same city to look into that university's facilities. A simple chance encounter that led to a long train ride between two new friends who would decide to keep in touch. They would chat and text each other, getting to know each other and grow comfortable with each other. Miyuki would put her best foot forward to attend some of Yamato's games during their last season before graduation. Yamato would read Miyuki's fanfictions and compliment her astounding writing (even the saucier ones~). This slowly grew into a heartfelt connection and relationship.
Fun fact: It would be Miyuki who would make the first move, leaping forward into a kiss, using her own fanfics as inspiration to make the move and go for it...this was the first time either of them had kissed anyone, let alone a girl. It was a complicated start but they both loved each other very much. Eventually, after much consideration and talking, things slowly worked themselves out.
At nineteen, both would have been dating for almost half a year but neither were enjoying their lives outside of their relationship. Yamato hated college life and Miyuki was just working a clerk job at a store when she wasn't shut in and writing, and attending classes online at her university. Eventually, the two would get the sporadic idea to become wrestlers. To do away with college as a whole and make their own path together. It was a joint idea...something for Miyuki's love for stories and writing and Yamato's passionate competitiveness. The two women would enroll in Joshi-wrestling school together, pooling together all their funds just to move in with one another in a cramped apartment that slowly became a home until they could sign with some real-deal promotions.
Yamato took to the action quite quickly whereas a shut-in like Miyuki had to work hard to get herself in shape. It was hard at first but with Yamato's love and knowledge and some tips from their coaches, Miyuki reached a point where she could at least keep up. They wrestled solo and tag matches on indie circuits around Japan's local scene, slowly building up experience and credibility. Eventually, they reached a bit of mass appeal with some niche groups...mostly due to Miyuki's genius social media management and the help of her friends and fans from her early fanfiction days spreading the word and eventually, scoring a contract with LAW.
Strategy: Given the roles Miyuki wrote up for them, playing into their individual strengths, Yamato serves as the front-runner for their romantic Queen/Knight-themed tag team. Yamato can let loose and tear through the competition while 'defending' her queen and allow Miyuki to fight now and again when it is safe. They both prefer Yamato taking charge and battering their opponent(s) into submission before tagging Miyuki in to get the win like the queen she is. It makes for a rather sexy bit of foreplay for them as Miyuki LOVES to watch Yamato throw down. Of course, being the supportive girlfriend she is, Miyuki is there at ringside or on the apron to cheer Yamato on and inspire her to keep on fighting. On top of that, the dark-haired woman is a rather crafty strategist and seductress, using her intimate knowledge of romantic tropes and sensual activities, paired with that silver tongue of hers, to charm foes and make them bend to her will with her words just as she would her submission moves. It also lends to Miyuki being this 'Queen' character...leading others to spread her word, fight for her, etc...She has a way with words. It’s like she’s got this in-human level of charm and seduction…likely due to her experience writing dozens of romantic stories of all kinds of variety. She always knows what to say to the right person to sway their hearts.
Preferred Matches (AS A TAG TEAM): Standard, Smother, Hentai, Handicap, Multifall, POW, I Quit, Hardcore, Bedroom, Apartment Wrestling, or Elimination Tag.
Attitudes towards Hentai:
Yamato: "For my Queen, I will conquer you and your body like any other foe. With intensity and passion."
Miyuki: "My sworn knight and I will show you true divinity with our combined love~..."
General Stats (SHARED)
-Endurance: 4/5
-Strength: 4.5/5
-Speed: 4/5
-Defense: 3.5/5
-Technique: 4.5/5
Wrestling Stats (SHARED)
-Strikes: 4/5
-Submissions: 3.5/5
-Power Moves: 4.5/5
-Aerial Moves: 3/5
-Counters: 4/5
Signature Moves
Powerslam + Assisted Senton Combo




Finisher Moves
Divine Dance (Double Arm DDT into Wheelbarrow Suplex Combo)



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