"Hope you're ready to lose."
"Because we're invincible!"
Names: UNKNOWN / Katja Archangelais
Codenames: Spectre / The Archangel
Hair colour: Error / White
Eye Colour: Error / Red
Height: 5'1" / 5'1"
Age: UNKNOWN / 21
Weight: 100lbs / 104lbs
Nationality: UNKNOWN / Greek
Theme: TBD
"Because we're invincible!"
Names: UNKNOWN / Katja Archangelais
Codenames: Spectre / The Archangel
Hair colour: Error / White
Eye Colour: Error / Red
Height: 5'1" / 5'1"
Age: UNKNOWN / 21
Weight: 100lbs / 104lbs
Nationality: UNKNOWN / Greek
Theme: TBD
Main Katja Reference — "There's now two of us and hopeless you. Do you really want to step up?"
Main Spectre Reference — "Just try it."
Wrestling Information
Fighting Style: Read their full info here.High-flying, classic rules-defying and submission applying.
Everyone loves a good vertical and that’s something Katja has taken and ran with. She can dropkick ANYONE and usually only needs the bottom rope to do most of her springboard moves, if she’s showing off — which she… often does. She likes flash and aggression and use tilt-a-whirls and bouncing off the ropes to pick up speed and going for something that throws her whole body weight behind, because that’s just about the only strike she could make effective. And that’s why her true talent isn’t really in her running, but her initiative and ability to apply grapples and sneaky pinfalls from almost anywhere. She seeks to win at any moment, under any evil scheme, particularly favouring dick/cunt kicks, and is aware of the crowd’s appetite for a fight. To which she’ll more than happily rob them of. Oh the horror.
NOTE: This is something I use mostly as a rough guide than a sheet I'm beholden to. Story and preferences comes first.
It's also just primarily fun!
Physical Stats
HP SIZE: ★.5 - DPS that's quite brittle.
Stamina: ★★★ - She can keep it up!
Strength: ★★ - If she puts her whole body into it, she might not die.
Speed: ★★★★ - Swifter than swift!
Defense: ★★ - As a smaller lightweight she is susceptible to big damage from slams, powerbombs, piledrivers and fists to the face. Her defence is further lowered by personality faults like cowardice and ego.
Technique: ★★★ - Her fundamentals are rock solid and she shows great promise, fast execution and good variety.
Wrestling Stats
Strikes: ★ - One of her trademarks…
Submissions: ★★★★ - One of her main ways to win.
Powerhouse: ★ - Lol
Aerial: ★★★ - One of her stronger suits as well! Girl can jump. Still one of her spots of growing potential.
Counters: ★★★★★ - She loves counters with sneaky pin attempts, eye pokes and submission escapes. Girl is good at turning a pair of deuces into Queens
It's also just primarily fun!
Physical Stats
HP SIZE: ★.5 - DPS that's quite brittle.
Stamina: ★★★ - She can keep it up!
Strength: ★★ - If she puts her whole body into it, she might not die.
Speed: ★★★★ - Swifter than swift!
Defense: ★★ - As a smaller lightweight she is susceptible to big damage from slams, powerbombs, piledrivers and fists to the face. Her defence is further lowered by personality faults like cowardice and ego.
Technique: ★★★ - Her fundamentals are rock solid and she shows great promise, fast execution and good variety.
Wrestling Stats
Strikes: ★ - One of her trademarks…
Submissions: ★★★★ - One of her main ways to win.
Powerhouse: ★ - Lol
Aerial: ★★★ - One of her stronger suits as well! Girl can jump. Still one of her spots of growing potential.
Counters: ★★★★★ - She loves counters with sneaky pin attempts, eye pokes and submission escapes. Girl is good at turning a pair of deuces into Queens
Spectre is a strategic and cat-like wrestler that can be summarized as “A ninja on painkillers and puroresu.” — Her strategy is calculated before the match begins and her footsteps are deliberate and light, walking along the ropes like they were a wide sidewalk. She moves freely, acrobatically, with great speed, good jumps, springboards, transitions and parkour movements that make her nimble and hard to touch. She will always seek to put herself in the driver seat, letting her actions speak 10:1 over words. Thus, her natural flow is like this... Offence. Analyze. Offence. She re-evaluates her approach at possible avenues and searches for flaws in your ring style, based on what she already knows and has learned. What limb to target. What spot is least defended — and vice versa. Grounded kicks and kick combos become her boxer’s jab and 1-2 in this way, with purposeful baiting, punishing and creating weak points. She likes targeting tummies. She lets momentum and ferocity do most of her damage, then ties you up with joint locks and a restrictive stretch, wearing you out, or tangling you up if you’re much bigger. Then, she finishes with one of her main submissions.
NOTE: This is something I use mostly as a rough guide than a sheet I'm beholden to. Story and preferences comes first.
It's also just primarily fun!
Physical Stats
HP SIZE: ★★★★★ - Boss battle incoming
Stamina Bar: ★★★★ - Her attack patterns will outlast you.
Strength: ★ - However, she's still small.
Speed: ★★★★★ - Light, agile and with the stamina to make it all work.
Defense: ★(★★★) - Big power moves to piledrivers tend to damage her HP bar MORE and stun LONGER. She is equipped with the legendary glass tummy. However, combat masochism will offset some of this, at cost of her other metaphorical stats, such as stamina and HP.
Technique: ★★★★★ - Not only clever, but fluent and without hesitation.
Wrestling Stats
Strikes: ★★★★ - Her arsenal of kicks are vast, but rely on hitting equalizer targets.
Submissions: ★★★★ - You'll run out of bones before she runs out of holds.
Powerhouse: ★ - Lol x 2
Aerial: ★★★★ - She's a ninja. Practically half bird.
Counters: ★★★★ - Creative with the side of calmness and instinct. It's like everything moves slow motion.
It's also just primarily fun!
Physical Stats
HP SIZE: ★★★★★ - Boss battle incoming
Stamina Bar: ★★★★ - Her attack patterns will outlast you.
Strength: ★ - However, she's still small.
Speed: ★★★★★ - Light, agile and with the stamina to make it all work.
Defense: ★(★★★) - Big power moves to piledrivers tend to damage her HP bar MORE and stun LONGER. She is equipped with the legendary glass tummy. However, combat masochism will offset some of this, at cost of her other metaphorical stats, such as stamina and HP.
Technique: ★★★★★ - Not only clever, but fluent and without hesitation.
Wrestling Stats
Strikes: ★★★★ - Her arsenal of kicks are vast, but rely on hitting equalizer targets.
Submissions: ★★★★ - You'll run out of bones before she runs out of holds.
Powerhouse: ★ - Lol x 2
Aerial: ★★★★ - She's a ninja. Practically half bird.
Counters: ★★★★ - Creative with the side of calmness and instinct. It's like everything moves slow motion.
Team Info
Moves!High-Kick Eclipse
Prepare for trouble, and make it double
Agony & Misery
The Tear Harvest
You Lose
Dynamic: On the surface, it’s a very Katja-led operation. She drafted the team name, made the pitch about world domination, acts as the mouthpiece, pitches targets and always insists on being the first to attack. Their relationship is somewhat lopsided, with Katja having great admiration for her fellow villain, wanting to emulate her aura, capability and overall effectiveness. This pushes her to try her absolute best, wanting to prove herself and promote team spirit.
She just wishes Spectre wasn’t so… icky weird when tears are involved.
Spectre has much more superficial feelings. She finds this team useful for when she wants to actualize more terror and have someone who will come when called based on “Team loyalty”. It’s not to say her opinion is low of Katja. In-fact, she likes her ambition and energy levels, that she’s incredibly transparent and also teasable. And thus, Spectre plays ball with Katja’s shenanigans. So long as she doesn’t need to give a monologue, wear matching outfits, do silly poses or any weird stuff.
If only Katja wasn’t so skittish.
Inside the ring, it’s a lot like seeing a loud-mouth and a straight-man. A recurring episodic villain and the final boss in the backdrop. They simply live to cheat, low blow, bite and to stomp on tummies. They'll look for every unfair advantage, including handicap setups. They will often interfere to grab the hero against the ropes so the number two can knee, kick and punch while Katja does psych damage. They’ll save each other from pinfall submissions and execute double humiliation holds.
Nothing makes them happier than squeezing a lovely tap out from a double submission. Then punishing them into the post-match!