Team Name:Punishment Squad
Name: Lilah Wells
Sex: Female
Age: 23
Eyes: Red
Hair: Brown
Height: 6,1ft
Weight: 145 lbs
Sexuality: Lesbian
Nationality: British
Alignment: Tweener/Heel
Name: Ella Chambers
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Eyes: Light Brown
Hair: Redhead
Weight: 147lbs
Sexuality: Lesbian
Nationality: British
Alignment: Heel

Alternative Attires


Team Stats:
Strength: 3/5.
Speed 3/5.
Agility: 3/5.
Endurance: 4/5.
Wrestling Stats:
Strikes: 4/5 – Ella will use strikes the most, where Lilah will usually be more the one holding them down
Submissions: 5/5 – Their Main form of offense, uses it to both torture and humiliate the opponents.
Powerhouse: 4/5 –Usually done to smaller opponents, Lilah will mainly do this the most.
Aerials: 1/5 – They try to keep the opponents grounded to torture and embarrass them
Counters:3/5 – They will counter the opponents, but will need help from the other
Fighting Style: Technical, Striker, slams
Tactics: Lilah will be more of a wrestler, using slams and submissions, but Ella will usually start the match out, using strikes and kicks to wear down the opponent. They will sometimes use dirty tactics as well, hitting low blows, or just tripping opponents when the referee isn't looking. If they're able they will work together usually in a double submission
Preferred Attacks:
Ella-Strikes, kicks, face wash, Smothers, stinkface, trampling, Scissor holds, Low blows, facesitting, dropkicks, Bronco buster, powerbomb
Lilah-Slams, leg drops, splashes, suplexes, head scissors, reverse headscissors, powerbombs, piledriving, Boston crabs, full nelsons,
Team moves: Assisted Suplexs, Assisted smothers, Double Submissions, Assisted Corer kicks
Signature/spot moves:
Cracker Jack ( Bicycle Running knee strike to the face,used as a finisher in singles competition)



Running Neckbreaker



Crack or Jack (Elbow smash/ knee strike combo)

Pony ride (Ella will sit on the opponent's face and grab their legs into a stretch. Lilah will then sit on the legs, Making out with Ella while stretching and squish the opponent below them)
Hentai Finisher:
Pucker up (Lilah will lock in a full nelson while they are kneeling or in a camel clutch variation while Ella Bends over, Then she will give a stinkface to the opponent )
The Torturous Pleasure Device (The opponent will be put into a tree of woe, with one of the two jumping onto the top rope. The person will then grind their peaches together with the opponent's. The other punisher can decide to either kick,slap,or punch the opponent in the chest or stomach to mix pleasure with pain or humiliate the opponent by making them kiss their feet, playing with their boobs,smothering them while upside down, taunting them, or just holding them down)
Personality:Ella is a very in your face kind of person, being mouthy and enjoy insulting people quiet a lot just to have some fun, teasing Lilah whenever she can in a playful way, but sometimes doing it to get her own bit of punishment. Lilah, on the other hand, is rather reserved, cooler, and calculated than her partner. However, the two are very similar in the ring with both of them being very sadistic, Ella with her sharp strikes and Lilah bending opponents to their breaking point. Outside the ring Ella will be very bubbly, remarking if someone looks cute and hugging them if she really likes them, Lilah is also very calm and not to up close very touchy and up close unless it's with Ella
History: Ella and Lilah had decent success separately but nothing very big. Ella met Lilah at an indie event, With Lilah being the one competing and Ella not having been scheduled for the night. They bumped into each other and slowly started to get an interest in one another. Nothing much would come from it until later on. Lilah was going to have a tag team match but her partner wasn't able to get to the show in time. Lilah would choose Ella as a replacement, which would lead to them having and winning their first match, performing so well that Lilah broke up her original team and the Punishment Squad was formed. They were able to rise to the top of their tag division, and soon made it to LAW, hoping to get to the top as well.
Fun Facts:
-Ella and Lilah are a couple, which makes their bond so tight.
-Lilah likes to spank Ella sometimes as a joke
-Ella will sometimes hug people who are much shorter in a short of hug from behind like they're a teddy bear,even in matches
Available for: Tag team, handicap, Smother, Hentai
Difficulty- 4/5