Kennedy Lee
Ash Daniels
Kayla Grant
Kennedy Lee
Ash Daniels
Kayla Grant
Catch of the Day: A triple team move where Ash locks an opponent in a Surfboard Hold and Kayla locks another opponent in a Muta Lock as Kennedy runs the ropes hitting a Running Basement Dropkick to both opponents’ heads. This can also work when Ash or Kayla lock a single opponent in a submission while Kennedy and the non-submission holder hit a Double Superkick to the opponent’s head.
Vinewhipped: Ash and Kayla send the opponent into the ropes stomach-first before they rebound into Kennedy locking them in an Octopus Hold.
Hear Our Roars!: Kennedy, Ash, and Kayla all hold all three opponents by the throats and roar to the skies hitting a Triple Amazon Spike all at once.
The Primal Feeling: A Triple Lou Thez Press on any number of opponents.
Call of the Wild: Kayla locks an opponent in a Ankle Lock, Ash locks the arms and forces the opponent in a Modified Surfboard Hold, and Kennedy locks in a tight Crossface as the opponent suffers a triple submission hold.
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