Alignment: Heel

Name: Heather White
Nickname: Bayside Babe
Gender: Female
Height: 6.4ft
Weight: 215lbs
Name: Erin White
Nickname: Bayside Baby Girl
Height: 5.11ft
Weight: 145lbs
Alignment: Bratty heel
Combined weight:360 lbs
Strategy: Allow Heather to weaken the opponent with slams, crushes and smothers before tagging in Erin doing some tag team moves, before letting her hit a few moves before she will finish them off. If it's too much then Heather will step in to take control
Heather-Powerhouse, along with smothers
Erin-All Around as she hasn't decided on a style
Favored moves: Heather will use Smothers, Slams, submissions, crushes where Erin will use Strikes, slams on smaller opponents, smothers, and submissions
Signature moves:
Boston crab



Nose Job (Springboard enzuigiri kick)



Double the squish (Heather will hit a running splash, squishing the opponent or opponents, then Erin will hit a running hip drop, forcing Heather onto them more)
Smother prison (Heather would lay down on her stomach in front of them before wrapping her thighs around their head, trapping her in reverse head scissors with them with their face pressed deep into her booty, followed by Erin adding to it by sitting on the back of their head, pushing them deeper into her mother's rear, making sure that their entire face would be enveloped by Heather's cheeks.)
Head's and Tail's (One member will lock an opponent in a DDT position, before the second will hit a low blow, making the opponent grab their crotch, leading to them not protecting their head when they get spiked with the DDT!)
ASSisted Stinkface (A stinkface with one of the memebers holding the oppoents arms so they're unable to move)

Choke Bomb(Heathers first finisher- She will grab them by the throat, lifting them up before hitting a modified powerbomb)



Pillow Squish (A combination of Heather hitting a powerbomb and a flying seated senton to opponents head by Erin)
Tap or Splat (Erin will lock in the figure four before Heather will go to the second or in some cases top. The opponent has the choice of either tapping out and hoping Heather won't squish them, or not tapping and being squished by her giant frame)
Hentai moves.
Plaything (Heather will put the opponent in a full nelson before Erin with either smother them with their boobs, kiss them, or finger their cherry while the other will lick, kiss, or nibble on the opponent's neck)
Pillow smothering (They will put the opponent in the middle of the ring before Heather would lay down, hugging their face into her chest before rolling over, Erin sitting on her back and either smothering the with her butt or spanking them)
Bear hug with spanking (Heather will lock in a bear hug, sometimes giving the girl receiving the treatment a wedgies for added damage, as Erin will slap their rear)
Personality: Heather is a very calm and loving person, being respectful to people as she has been in the business before. In the ring, she is motherly but will have a bit more of a sadist side to her, which her opponents will find out about soon enough
Erin is a very bratty self-centered person, she whines a lot and will usually not be very nice to people, feeling she is above them. Her mother keeps her in check from starting too much
Past: Heather competed in wrestling when she was younger, having moderate success, only do to the fact that she would take an early reiterment to take care of her daughter. As she got older she would be given so much attention by Heather, that Erin would get a bratty attitude, wanting to become a wrestler to follow in her mother foots steps. However, she wouldn't be very skilled so she knew if her daughter started out in the indies she would be unprepared, so instead Heather would compromise by coming back as a tag team with her daughter. After a bit of time LAW would allow them to join the promotion since Heather was a decent enough wrestler, now the team must prove their worth!