Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Mina Morgan v. Lucy Lincoln

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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Mina Morgan v. Lucy Lincoln

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Mina's mind and body had been rocked by the torrent of sensation and emotion she'd just experienced - first with Lucy bringing her past the brink of climax, leaving her screaming and writhing as her body tingled from head to toe, and before she so much as had a chance to catch her breath, she had already been hurled to the ground. The whole world around her was spinning. She knew she had to pick herself back up - there was no way she was going to give up the fight; she was a second-generation champion, and she couldn't let herself be beaten on such a stage! But she wouldn't have the chance. By the time Mina had begun to lift herself to her hands and knees, Lucy had already caught up to her - and in her dazed state, she barely put up a fight as the pink-haired girl hauled her to her feet by the hair!

"Gaaah..!!" She roared in pain, her eyelid twitching under the pressure. Still, she was lucid enough to look up at Lucy with her eyes fixed in a glare of sheer hatred, her teeth bared in a snarl. But the pain was only beginning - and Lucy soon swept her up onto her shoulders! The blonde tried to kick her legs, twisting and turning, but she couldn't do anything to stop Lucy from cranking down hard on her spine, viciously bending it over her back. And her screams could only grow louder!

With every inch she was forced to bend, Mina could feel the pain growing stronger and stronger. Her body had gone tense, and her teeth gnashed together like a wild animal. But she knew one thing - she wasn't going to tap out. She knew that to do so would be to relinquish her dignity, and she could never tolerate such a thing!

"Like...I'd ever..!!" Mina hissed. Her hands were still free - and she was willing to use them! Swinging out, she attempted to grab onto one of Lucy's breasts - and squeeze it as hard as she could, her fingernails pointed down to dig them deep into the flesh!
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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Mina Morgan v. Lucy Lincoln

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It took a lot of effort, but Mina was finally where Lucy wanted her - on her shoulders, trapped until she tapped... or at least, Lucy wanted to believe that was so. For just a few moments, she managed to bend her rival's spine into a C over her back, bending it with her neck on one side, and knee on another:

"If you don't tap out soon, things are going to become a lot more pain---FUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAA!!!"

As Lucy taunted her rival, the blonde would reach the pinkette's boob with her hand, clasping her nails around the orb as hard as she could to Lucy's screams!

Though Lucy tried to hold on for as long as she could, Mina's grip wasn't yielding. As such, Lucy swiftly dropped her rival off her shoulders (if Mina was careful, she would end up back on her feet instead of falling to the floor), gritting her teeth as she grabbed at the blonde's arm, trying to separate it away from her boob!

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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Mina Morgan v. Lucy Lincoln

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Trapped in Lucy's clutches, and draped over her shoulders, Mina's teeth were locked in a grimace. She could already tell that she was in for trouble if the pink-haired girl got away with this, and the confidence with which she spoke only told her that much more of what was to come. But Mina wasn't going to let herself be intimidated so easily - and she knew that she didn't have to put up with any trouble she didn't want to, with her fighting skills behind her! Lucy might have had her in a tight hold, but Mina knew a thing or two when it came to fighting dirty. And she knew that Lucy had a big, soft target within reach that could make her whole stance crumble.

Sure enough, as Mina's fingers dug into Lucy's breast, it sent a piercing pain shooting through her body - and that was well enough to get her to let go! As she convulsed from the sensation, Mina wasted no time in scrambling down from her perch, swinging herself around so that her feet would touch down in the oil. Her fingers only clenched tighter around her opponent's breast, her nails digging as deep as they could. She knew that Lucy was still holding onto her arm...but that wasn't going to slow Mina down at all.

Using Lucy's arm to stabilize herself, Mina pushed her weight forward so that she would glide across the oil and get behind her opponent. There, she would swing her leg out, aiming a kick to the back of Lucy's leg. Her aim was to drop her with an STO - one that could only land that much harder when the oil would propel her descent!
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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Mina Morgan v. Lucy Lincoln

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"GGGRGH!!! LET GO LET GO LET GOOOOO!!!", Lucy cried out in pain as Mina kept a hard hold on her boob, continuing to dig her nails into the soft orb, all the while the pinkette shot her rival with a harsh, hate-filled gaze. Lucy tried to ball her fist, trying to launch it for her rival's face... only for the blonde to slide to the side and behind the pinkette!


Before Lucy could even realize, her leg was kicked from under her, and Mina's arm shifted from her boob to her shoulder, forcibly shoving the pinkette into the oily floor with intense momentum for an STO!

"GWAAAAH!!!", Lucy screamed out, completely stunned by the move from her blonde foe!

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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Mina Morgan v. Lucy Lincoln

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If Mina was the vindictive sort, the fact that she was causing Lucy such pain would've been music to her ears. For all the trouble the pink-haired girl had caused her, at last she was reaping what she'd sown - and hard, if the sound of her screams was any indication. But Mina wasn't in this for vindication. She only cared about one thing, and that thing was domination! Clawing at Lucy's breast wasn't going to be the end of it. It was only a means to an end. It had stunned Lucy and disrupted her plans of bringing the second-generation AHW champion down...which meant that Mina faced no obstacles when it came to driving her opponent against the unforgiving mats with an STO!

As she let Lucy drop, Mina bent lower at the waist off the momentum of her shove, and her feet began to drift apart from the slickness of the oil. When she looked up at Lucy, her eyes were narrowed in a glare, and her teeth clenched in a snarl; she looked more like a berserker than the millionaire heiress she was. She had entered the depths of her rage - and now that Lucy was down, she was going to take the brunt of it! Storming toward the downed girl, Mina began to stomp and kick all over her sides, back, and chest, pounding away at her as much as she could while she lay vulnerable! Her only goal was to do as much damage as possible!
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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Mina Morgan v. Lucy Lincoln

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Lucy groaned in pain as she turned to her side, arching her back, trying to relief some of the pressure in her spine. Despite this being an oil catfight, the floor was still solid, and that meant that wrestling moves still hurt when either woman attempted to slam one another into the ground. Lucy wouldn’t be able to get up quite yet… a fact that Mina was going to exploit to the best of her ability.

The blonde would drive her foot all over Lucy’s body - her arm, her legs, her back…and turning, her chest, each stomp accompanied with a cry of pain!

”GRRGH! GGGGH! AAAAGH!!! You…fucking suck, you kn—MGAAAAH!!!”

Trying to get away from pain, Lucy pressed her limbs to her body, leaving her back the only viable target for the blonde to attack…

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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Mina Morgan v. Lucy Lincoln

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When Lucy threw an insult Mina's way, the blonde looked down at her with a sneer, blowing a gout of hot air through her nostrils just to make sure her opponent knew exactly how little she cared for her quips. But no matter what Lucy said, it wouldn't slow Mina down for long. She wasn't in this to entertain the sorts of perverts Starship made their business off of, she wasn't in this to get herself off; she wasn't even in this for the promise of the punishment round. What mattered to Mina was dominating her opponent - showing the world the bright future the Morgan Dynasty had in store, and silencing anyone who would've dared to doubt what they were capable of. With every stomp and kick that Mina landed against Lucy's prone body, she was making her case. And every cry and scream of pain was all the evidence she needed to tell her it was working!

Lucy managed to pull her limbs inward, drawing them out of range of Mina's blows. So too, the slickness of the oil was starting to get to Mina. When her legs were constantly in motion, she had to balance her weight on one foot - something that was growing increasingly difficult the more her foot slid across the mat, drawing one leg apart from the other. Both of these things were going to make it harder for Mina to keep up her offense. But then...she would just adapt. She had other plans!

Kicking off the mat, Mina would use the slippery surface to her advantage, allowing the momentum of the oil to guide her as she dropped down on top of her foe! She tucked in her legs and held both knees out in front of her, so that they would be the first to slam into Lucy's back!
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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Mina Morgan v. Lucy Lincoln

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From Lucy's research on Mina, the pinkette knew that the blonde was enjoying this more than the potential future punishment round, more than showcasing herself in front of the camera. Mina was raised with winning as her only driving force, and she enjoyed winning, enjoyed dominating. Every painful stomp to Lucy filled her heart with joy...

For Lucy, the good part was that she knew Mina couldn't continue stomping her to oblivion. The oil was too unstable of a surface to balance yourself on one leg while kicking someone. Kicks as a whole were somewhat of a bad tactic in an oil match:

"Like that idiotic bird found out in her PPV match...", Lucy thought to herself.

Mina was creative in her offense, however. Despite losing her balance, she just let herself fall, driving her knees straight down on Lucy's back!

"GYAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!", Lucy would cry out in pain, slipping out from underneath Mina as she arched her hurting back!

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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Mina Morgan v. Lucy Lincoln

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Even if Mina knew she was about to slip, she wouldn't let it stop her from punishing Lucy. If she had any say in the matter, the pink-haired girl's torments were only beginning! Mina might've lost her footing and gone crashing to the ground - but she knew she was poised to land right on top of Lucy when she did so. And it was for that reason she held her knees out in front of her, such that they would slam straight down into her opponent's back!

Mina could feel how the air was driven out of Lucy's lungs as her knees stabbed downward into her back. She heard the cries of pain that were ripped from her throat - and, to her, that was music to her ears. Even if Lucy went sliding across the mat under the force of the impact combined with the slippery surface beneath her, Mina wasn't about to let that deter her. She knew that a blow like this could only slow Lucy down - and as long as she had the advantage, she was going to make the most of it! Looking up at the girl with her teeth locked in a snarl, Mina went to lunge forward and pounce on top of Lucy's back, clamboring into the top position. If she could do that, she would grab for Lucy's hair in order to pull her head closer into her grasp. Once there, she would go for her chin, attempting to yank her head back sharply and twist her spine with a camel clutch!
Last edited by CaptainL on Sun Feb 18, 2024 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Outmatched in Oil Quarterfinals - Mina Morgan v. Lucy Lincoln

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Mina remained on top of Lucy’s back, as the pinkette grit her teeth, trying to shake her foe off of her to little success. The blonde would instead find a a firm seat on top of her foe, grabbing at her pigtails once more:

”MGGGH!!! I will win this…”, Lucy will say, under tired breath: ”And when I do… when I get to the punishment round, I promise to return all of this pain tenfold, you understand you blonde ass—HOOOOOOOLE!!!”

Right as Lucy tried to mouth off to her foe, Mina would grab her by the chin, pulling her up while digging her weight into the pinkette’s spine for a Camel Clutch! Lucy tried to push Mina’s arms off her chin to stop her from trying to twist her back into a “C” shape, but despite the oil, Mina hold on firmly…

All that Lucy would manage to do was get one of her foe’s fingers over her mouth.

”…fuck it”

With that thought, Lucy would open her mouth… and try to chomp on her rival’s finger with her teeth to force her to let go!

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