When Astrid Ostberg heard the newly-crowned champion welcome her to the ring
only moments before, she nodded her head in agreement, a smile coming to her face. The match hadn't even begun - Arvidsson hadn't even declared the stipulations - and yet, already, there was no one watching who didn't know this was going to be an unforgettable match. It was true that a bout between the two Astrids had long been a hot topic of conversation among LAW fans - and not just because the two women shared the same name, but because they also shared a skillful command of power moves and a burning passion to the sport, always striving to do their best and to carve out a place for themselves in the history books. A match between them could only bring out their ever-present desire to outdo themselves, and challenge the two of them to new heights.
It wasn't just the fans who knew this, either - chief among them all was Ostberg herself. She knew her fellow countrywoman had worked hard not just to cement herself as the first World Openweight Champion, but as a top contender by any metric. Even without the title on the line, Arvidsson was the sort of opponent she would have loved to face. But because that title was on the line, this match meant so much more. Astrid sucked in a breath as she thought about it - this was her chance to take back her good name and her glory, to prove to the world that losing the Heavyweight Championship was little more than a setback in the grand scheme of her career. At the same time, it would put all the more pressure on her to succeed. Arvidsson, no doubt, would be just as motivated to hold onto her newfound status, and she wouldn't give up the title without a fight. Ostberg tried to remind herself that, win or lose, it was already a great honor to know that LAW management still considered herself worthy of being the first contender to the Openweight Championship - if they thought she had a fighting chance of beating Arvidsson, they recognized her as being at the top of her game. But in her mind, that was a burden as much as it was a point of pride. It gave her a standard she had to hold herself to. She
had to win this match - to do any less was to let herself down.
Nevertheless, the former Heavyweight Champion sucked in a breath as she stepped closer to meet Astrid Arvidsson eye to eye.
"From all the cheers I'm hearing," she said,
"I don't think you're alone in wanting this match!" Indeed, that statement only garnered more cheers from the fans.
"And neither are they - because when I see the importance you place on your title, and the fervor with which you pledge to defend it, I'm only all the more reminded that you're the sort of opponent I could only hope to meet!"
Arvidsson's words as she accepted the challenge only confirmed what Astrid thought - that the newly-crowned champion was fully prepared to defend her title as though it was as important to her as life itself. On one hand, it cemented that she truly was the right choice for the honor. But, on the other, it would mean Ostberg had all the more work cut out for her. It would be a tough order for her determination to reclaim her status and honor the position she'd been given to overcome Arvidsson's determination to retain. She sucked in a breath, her muscles tensing; her eye twitched just for a moment, but she knew better than to show any sign of weakness. No matter how hard it would be, though...it was a challenge Astrid was going to accept!
When Arvidsson named the stipulations for her first defense, however, that made Ostberg's eyes go a little wider. A few fans gasped; they didn't need to see the look on Astrid's face to know where her trepidation came from. Astrid had never been one for hardcore matches. She had always championed pure wrestling and the value of sporting, standing up for fair play and accomplishment through deserving effort. To her, using weapons or breaking rules was enough to poison any victory; so much so that even when she'd needed to go for cheap shots herself, it felt like a failure on her part. Arvidsson, on the other hand, was far more permissive of such things. Already, the odds seemed to be stacked in Arvidsson's favor. But Ostberg wasn't going to contest it. Just as quickly, she puffed out her chest, leaning closer into her opponent's face to meet her head-on!
"A Russian chain match, you say? Very well - I accept!" The crowd cheered even louder, excited both at the thought of what was sure to be a thrilling match, but also at the thought of seeing a new side of Astrid Ostberg!
"I know what you're all thinking - yes, I'm not one to typically deal in such matters. But that isn't out of fear - and that's a fact I intend to prove to you, when I give this match my all! The match you've agreed to will be fierce, and it will be brutal. It will test the limits of our endurance, physically and mentally alike! But...if I'm to take part in a match for the World Openweight Championship, I wouldn't dare to ask for anything less! A title with such a lofty place in the company deserves a champion willing to drag themselves through hell to set the standard for what it means. And I have no doubt that one of us will be that champion - so I'm ready for it!"
Astrid slammed her fist into her chest, drawing yet another burst of cheers. With Dan doing the honors in announcing this as the main event, it was official. Ostberg could feel her heart pounding in her chest. What happened next could only be imagined. She knew it was going to test her; it would take her out of her comfort zone, and it would push her to the brink. With everything going into this match, it just might be the biggest challenge of Astrid Ostberg's life. But if that was what it took to be Openweight Champion...Astrid was there for it!
The referee soon came with a chain, and Ostberg extended her arm, flexing it at the bicep to show off her physique to the fans and to Arvidsson alike. The official began to wrap the chain around her forearm. And the whole time, her eyes were fixed on her opponent's, never once looking away. One thing was for sure - Ostberg had to give this her all. She couldn't let anyone down. Especially not herself!