The Idol Dragons vs Irish Oldschool - Tornado Tag Match for the WOWW Tag Titles

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Re: The Idol Dragons vs Irish Oldschool - Tornado Tag Match for the WOWW Tag Titles

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By anyone's metric, the Idol Dragons were doing an admirable job of making up for the setbacks they'd faced. They had learned the hard way that Peggy and Lauren's greatest asset in this match was their combined strength - pound for pound, both of them could easily overpower both Nashi and Yukino combined. But they knew that trying to match them in a contest of brute force would be a losing effort. Instead, they were going to put their faith in their strong suit - and for the Idol Dragons, that was their sense of teamwork and coordination. Both of the idols were long-standing friends; their bond went back all the way to when they were classmates in school, and they had followed each other through every step of the way since. It was no surprise, then, that they could coordinate some expertly-planned team manuevers if they put their heads together - and now that they were on a roll, that was shining through brighter than ever!

First, they had joined arms for a double clothesline, smacking Peggy and Lauren alike into the canvas simultaneously with the force of their charge. The whole arena lit up with cheers at such a sight - but the Idol Dragons weren't done! As though they each of them already knew everything that was running through their partner's mind, they were able to pick up and slam both members of Irish Oldschool at the same time - Peggy made a hard landing thanks to Yukino's sidewalk slam, and even though Lauren was easily the largest woman in the ring, Nashi was able to gather enough leverage through whipping Lauren into the ropes in order to send her toppling down with the Lights Out on the rebound!

Now, both members of Irish Oldschool were laid out flat at the idols' feet, and when Yukino looked back at her partner, her grin grew even wider when she knew she had accomplished everything thanks to Nashi, and the friendship they shared. This was only cementing more and more that, together, they could achieve greatness! "All right, Nashi, that's it! Give me five!" She stepped closer to the center of the ring, her hand held high to offer a celebratory gesture to her partner. But she knew she still had work to do.

Just moments later, Yukino's face went serious as she spun around to face Peggy. She had a part to play in this match, and she wasn't about to fall behind. "If this is gonna work...we'll need to make sure there's only one of them we need to deal with. You look like you've got Lauren covered, goes!" Taking off into a run, Yukino threw herself at the ropes, looking to bounce back toward Peggy on the rebound. As she came close, she dropped down into a baseball slide, her foot held out in order to knock the Irishwoman under the bottom rope and out of the ring!
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Re: The Idol Dragons vs Irish Oldschool - Tornado Tag Match for the WOWW Tag Titles

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Lauren and Peggy were still out of it, laid out on the mat when Peggy was hit hard by Yukino! She felt a hard pain in her side as she slide and rolled going underneath the bottom rope and groaning as she landed hard on the ground outside the ring. Peggy groaned and came to a stop flat on her back, kicking in pain a couple times as she looked up at the arena lights. She was in agony and knew that whatever was going to happen to Lauren she would face alone as Peggy was in too much pain to get up let alone make it back up and into the ring.

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Re: The Idol Dragons vs Irish Oldschool - Tornado Tag Match for the WOWW Tag Titles

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With Peggy going flying out under the bottom rope, Yukino could only feel her heart racing with the adrenaline rushing through her veins. Ever since she and Nashi had put their heads together, everything was falling into place - they'd managed to pull off a perfectly coordinated string of offense that their opponents just couldn't hope to keep up with, and one that had energized the fans at the same time, drawing all their cheers and applause behind them! With every move they made, the excitement was growing more and more. Now, with Peggy out of the ring, Yukino had eliminated the last obstacle to their plan. Lauren was down, her head was still spinning, and she was wide open for the idols to make their move. Yukino's fist tightened and she stood a little taller, the smile growing wider across her face. She could do this. She had this - the success she faced was proof enough they deserved this shot!

"Here goes, Nashi - let's finish this!" she called out to her partner. With Lauren flat on her face, Yukino was able to circle behind her, planting a foot on her back and grabbing a hold of her arms. She pulled them back hard, drawing on the leverage to hoist Lauren's face up from the mat. And then, she swung her other foot behind her, dropping into the splits, with her one foot pressed into Lauren's back - executing the modified surfboard hold she had dubbed the Ice Splitter!
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Re: The Idol Dragons vs Irish Oldschool - Tornado Tag Match for the WOWW Tag Titles

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The idol dragons were making a great comeback to this match. The idol dragons didn’t have the best start to this match, and there were times Nashi thought it was over for them, their bond was on full display here. They used tight coordination and maneuvers to take back the lead!

The idol dragons both preformed each of their signature slams on the Irish Oldschool, causing the crowd to cheer their names. Nashi rose to her feet and couldn’t turn Yukino’s offer” off course, give me some!” She had a confident smirk as she raised her hand to high five her bestie. Nashi would jump up with excitement and stretch herself out to let out all the fatigue in her body.

gotcha partner” She nodded as Yukino went to do a baseball sidle to knock peggy right out of the ring! Now that everything was secured all that left was the blonde oldschool to take care of. Yukino started things strong with the ice splitter, Nashi on the other hand wanted to help out with a submission off her own”Try this!” She shouted as she grabbed Lauren’s right leg and raised it up before wrapping it around hers before coming down and placing her free foot on her knee for a modified Regaila!
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Re: The Idol Dragons vs Irish Oldschool - Tornado Tag Match for the WOWW Tag Titles

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Lauren was bent and twisted, screaming in pain as she was pulled and moved by Yukino and bent in a painful submission hold! She howled and flailed around with things only getting worse. Nashi joined in as she was being double teamed by the duo with Peggy nowhere to be found. She felt the chances of Irish Oldschool slipping away, their bid to get titles around their waists vanishing as she began tapping out, still screaming in agony!

The pain and embarrassment she felt were overwhelming and the nearly unconscious Lauren could only let herself flop lifelessly to the mat once the other team let go of her.

Meanwhile Peggy heard the bell ring amid Laurens screams of pain, pulling herself up with the apron to see the Idols celebrating. She knew that Irish Oldschool had blown it and were again ready to slide back into obscurity. She fell to her knees and buried her head in her hands in disappointed defeat.

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Re: The Idol Dragons vs Irish Oldschool - Tornado Tag Match for the WOWW Tag Titles

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The Idol Dragons had just floored their opponents with a showcase of their signature moves, and that alone was enough to rile the crowd up into a cheer. But they were only getting started, and they had plenty more up their sleeves - as the members of Irish Oldschool were soon to find out! The idols had used their teamwork and coordination to take back success, and they had done their best when they put their heads together to devise a masterfully arranged game plan that used both of their skills to their advantage. It had worked out just right for them so far. And now that Peggy was out of the ring and Lauren was wide open, they could put that teamwork into place for the big finish!

The crowd was already cheering as Yukino stretched back at Lauren's arms, forcing her foot against her spine as she twisted it in the Ice Splitter. But Nashi was getting in on the action as well. The strain on Lauren's back must have already been incredible, but her predicament would only get worse as Nashi entangled her leg - the two idols were executing their respective finishers at the same time, and Lauren was caught in the middle! Pulled in two different directions, with all the force her opponents could muster coming down on her, it could only be a matter of time before it was simply too much for the heavyweight to bear. And, in the end, it was inevitable - she tapped out!

As soon as she heard the bell ring, Yukino's heart practically stopped. She sucked in a gasp; she couldn't believe it. She knew exactly what this meant, and yet, the fact that she had actually come so far and accomplished so much felt like something out of a dream. She had been close to the title picture before, but this was the first time she and Nashi had actually won something on this level. And with that realization came a sense of excitement and exhilaration that washed over her, leaving her tingling from head to toe.

"We did it...we actually..." She whispered a few words to Nashi, looking into her eyes with a smile on her face. And when the announcer made the call, she heard those words she never thought she'd hear.

"Here are your winners, by way of submission - and the NEW WOWW Tag Team Champions - the IDOL DRAGONS!!" The whole arena broke out in cheers - and so too did Yukino herself.

"We DID IT!" At once, Yukino let go of Lauren, hopping up to her feet and holding her hand out to greet Nashi with a high-five. She planted one foot against Lauren's side, wrapping an arm around Nashi's while she held the other fist straight up in the air in triumph. There, the referee came forward with the two WOWW belts in hand, and the smile on Yukino's face could only grow wider at the sight; Nashi would feel her trembling, barely able to contain her excitement. So too did Carol Barlet rise from her seat, clapping and nodding her head with a smile. She knew that the Idol Dragons had a tough fight ahead of them if they wanted to prove themselves to be champions - but they'd stuck through it, and wouldn't be cowed by the odds. That was what told her they really did deserve the honors.

"Well done, girls. Well done."
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Re: The Idol Dragons vs Irish Oldschool - Tornado Tag Match for the WOWW Tag Titles

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Nashi was on the edge of her seat at this point in the match. The duo had put their blood, sweat, and tears into every part of this match. They had Lauren sandwiched in between two powerful submission holds on their own, but combined would be unstoppable for anyone to get out of. The fiery Idol put her boot on Lauren's knee, pressing all she was waiting for was the heavyweight finally submitting Then, she finally heard the noise she wanted to hear...


Nashi was at a loss for words. She failed with Apex, and while this isn't a LAW Title, it still felt like a big deal for her. She couldn't breathe as if she was about to collapse from all the excitement that a building up in her."Yeah.. we did.... haha" Nashi finished Yukino's sentence before letting out a laugh to let it all sink in for her. Nashi untangled herself from Lauren and rose to her feet, sweat was running down her alongside tears of joy as her first championship title wasn't one she won alone, it was a belt can share with her best friend. Nashi would look at Yukino with the brightest smile on her face.

She jumped up for one last high five before coming back down with her back aching"ow, let's do something else next time okay?" She asked with a cheeky grin before wrapping one arm around her partner and joining in with a fist bump to the sky. "THAT"S WHY WE ARE THE BEST!!!!" She declared proudly, as the ref presented the titles with Carol stepping into the ring"Thanks... Carol... Yukino you wanna do the honor's?" She turned to her best freind as she went to grab the title on the left and Yukino grab the one on the right. Nashi held it proudly before gesturing for some microphones"Im sorry guys... i'll let Yukino go first, after all shes the brains between us" She teasingly nudged her best friend before passing it off to her.
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Re: The Idol Dragons vs Irish Oldschool - Tornado Tag Match for the WOWW Tag Titles

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At was over. The combined effort of Yukino's Ice Splitter and Nashi's Regalia had proven too much for Lauren to withstand, and with the heavyweight's submission, the match was officially won. With the ringing of the bell, the whole crowd burst into cheers and applause. The Idol Dragons had done it. They had been put up to the task of defeating their rivals once and for all, with WOWW's Tag Team Championships in the balance to encourage them all the more. Both teams were impassioned; to them, this was about more than just the victory, or even the titles. Irish Oldschool was standing up for what they believed to be the dignity and purity of wrestling, and consequently, the Idol Dragons were out to prove they were more than just upstart celebrities who had the opportunity dropped in their lap thanks to their fame. For Yukino in particular, she knew she had to win to prove that she belonged in the ring - when her timid nature had already held her back in the past, she knew she couldn't let it keep her from standing up to her opponents, even if Lauren dwarfed her in size and experience alike. But, in the end, that passion from Nashi and Yukino alike had been enough to push them through to success. And now, they had a new career as champions to look forward to!

When she turned back toward Nashi, the smile grew wider and wider across Yukino's face. It wasn't just that she had won the title, or beaten Irish Oldschool. Through it all, she had also done it with her best friend, the girl she had known since childhood, who had always stood up for her and cared about her and pledged that they would never be apart. And never had Yukino felt closer to Nashi than she did now - now that she had fought alongside her for the biggest opportunity the two of them had seen to date, and won. Just a year ago, she thought, she was struggling to manage their idol career on her own while Nashi was training for wrestling. But she couldn't do it - she couldn't keep up with the work, and her heart just wasn't in it if Nashi wasn't there. Now that they were reunited, here in the ring with the titles in front of them, Yukino knew she had made the right choice. She and Nashi were always meant to be together.

The white-haired girl blushed softly and looked away as Nashi buckled under the aches and pains. "Sorry," she muttered - but what she said next was loud and proud, as she and Nashi joined arms and held their fists high in the air, cheering all the while! Seeing their enthusiasm, the fans could only cheer louder. Yukino's heart began to swell with all the noise; she was reminded all the more of how much her fans cared about her and how much they were willing to support her, and all of them had turned out in droves for the big night. Tears of joy were running down her cheeks, but she just couldn't help it. And when the belts were presented to them, Yukino could feel her heart pounding with excitement. She never thought she'd see the day. She never thought she'd be standing this close to a real title. But she was - and it was a sign of how far she'd come.

She took one of the belts and draped it over her shoulder, winning a few more cheers as she faced the cameras with a smile as bright as the light glancing off its faceplate. Nashi offered her a chance to speak first, and she nodded her head to accept the offer. "Of course." Taking the microphone, she cleared her throat. Her hands were trembling, and her voice wavered; she needed a few moments to collect her thoughts. She could be nervous when it came to public speaking...but as soon as she began to speak, everything came to her naturally. What did she have to fear? She was a champion!

"I'd like to mom, my dad, my sister...Nashi's parents, who helped my family out when we needed it and who we can never hope to repay...I'd like to thank you, Mrs. Barlet, for training me and giving me this opportunity...I'd even like to thank Peggy and Lauren, for driving me to prove myself like few others have done before! And of course, I'd like to thank all of you - the fans who have been lending me their support since day one, and who remind me every day why I'm doing what I'm doing. But most of all...I'd like to thank Nashi Dragneel. My partner, my best friend...and my fellow champion."

Yukino looked back at Nashi with a smile, sniffling as she wiped aside a tear. But hardly anyone noticed it anyhow when the whole arena was echoing with cheers. "When the two of us joined once again in the world of wrestling, we vowed that one day, we would be tag team champions. And now, we've achieved that goal! But don't for a minute think that this is the end of our journey, because we're going to keep putting our best foot forward, and proving we can be the champions all of you deserve! This is only the beginning!"

When Yukino was finished with her speech, she looked back over her shoulder at her partner. "Ah...anything you'd like to add, Nashi?"
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Re: The Idol Dragons vs Irish Oldschool - Tornado Tag Match for the WOWW Tag Titles

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Nashi would listen to Yukino's speech as she had the belt on her shoulder as well. When offered to go next, Nashi gladly accepted."I know, i started in LAW being a bit ahead of myself being booked in a lot of matches and i lost, but that only shows how far i've come" Nashi took a second wipe off a tear that was beginning to run down her cheek before continuing"I want to thank my parent's, my boyfriend, Mrs. Barlet and my best friend Yukino for this belt" She would lift her WOWW Tag belt high in the air for the camera to focus in on it for the titantron.

"To add to what Yukino said, we're not stopping just with this, will defend this from anyone who steps into the ring whether it's from LAW or in WOWW itself, and ya know what? will even take on the SWAT CATS to become double champs right Yukino? " She turned her head to her tag partner as she went to interlock their fingers and raise there hands together for the crowd to cheer"Mrs. Barlet, do you have anything you want to say?" She put the mic out for the person who organized the match itself to see if she had anything to say on the matter.
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Re: The Idol Dragons vs Irish Oldschool - Tornado Tag Match for the WOWW Tag Titles

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Nodding her head to Nashi, Yukino couldn't help but agree with everything she was saying. The whole way through, the smile on her face was only growing more and more. She just couldn't help it when this victory meant so much to her! There was something about it that still felt unreal - the thought that she had made it this far, in so short a time; that it felt like just yesterday she was struggling with her confidence and confiding to Nashi that she didn't think she could keep it up, and now she had made so many strides in her career, from winning at Apex to holding her very first championship belt. She could hardly believe that it was really here in her hands. And yet, she wasn't going to turn back, either - she had fought hard for this moment, and now, it felt as though everything had paid off!

Even still, she couldn't help but be taken just a little aback as Nashi almost immediately turned around and issued a challenge to the SWAT Cats. In truth, Yukino was perfectly content with knowing she had won one championship, and she was still basking in its glory. But once again, she had underestimated how headstrong Nashi could be - as well as how she all too often got ahead of herself when it came to speaking. She knew they were good - winning this title meant as much - but were they really that good!? "Wait...what!?" she gasped, her mouth hanging open in a gape. "Nashi, you can't be serious; you don't think we actually-"

She wouldn't get the chance to finish. Soon enough, Carol stepped in between the two Idol Dragons, throwing an arm around the shoulder of each and pulling them closer against her sides. With a grin, she leaned down to the microphone to say her part, too. "You know what? I'll say this - if these two think they can go after the SWAT Cats, I'm not going to get in their way! Take it from me - I've trained both these ladies. Yukino and I go back a while, and I did my part to get them into shape in the leadup to Apex. So I should know more than anyone that they've got the potential in them to go far. I've seen that on display when the two faced off at Apex, and I'm seeing it on display here, too! It'll be up to the Idol Dragons to prove they've got what it takes in the long road ahead of them - but if they can recapture the magic they did tonight, the Cats might just have to watch their backs!"

"Of course...that's a story for another time. Right now, we've got plenty to be excited about - WOWW has its new Tag Team Champions! I want a round of applause for all these ladies in the ring right now - they all committed themselves to their best, and boy did they deliver! But definitely keep an eye on the Idol Dragons, because we're looking at a big, bright new era for them!"

The fans hardly needed any encouragment from Carol. Seeing that the beloved idols had stuck through it all, how they had stood up to the test and pushed through incredible trials and adversity to prove themselves, and that they'd come away, in the end, with the prize they'd long sought after, the arena broke into cheers. Yukino still couldn't quite believe it, and as she hugged herself closer to Nashi's side, she needed to bite her lip to quell the urge to tremble with excitement. But she still hoisted her belt high over her head, throwing her head back to join in the cheers. This was a new era - and she was here for it!

Winners by Submission: the Idol Dragons
New WOWW Tag Team Champions
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