Hanako's Open Challenge

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Hanako's Open Challenge

Unread post by KnightViva4869 »

Making her way, Hanako's loud theme starts roaring through the speakers. The brown-haired woman was a new person in LAW, a nobody at a new league. But all of that will change today. As she walks slowly to the ring, she watches the crowd, looking out for their reactions. Only some of them took interest at her, not a problem.

Once she's near the ring, she slips through the top and middle ropes and request a mic from a nearby staff. "Hello LAW, you might be wondering who I am and why I'm here. I'll keep this simple, the name's Hanako and as a new face here, I'm looking for strong people for a match. If you got the balls to do it, step up and pick the rules, I'm up for anything!" There's some cheers from the crowd, excited to see what this new face can offer.

After declaring her intentions, Hanako returns the mic and leans back at the turnbuckle, resting both of her hand at the ropes, waiting for the stranger who will come and take the challenge.
1. I don't do intergender matches, so sorry in advance if anyone wants to use a male character.
2. Any kind of match is fine, except hentai and hardcore
Sorry again for being picky in the rules :D
Last edited by KnightViva4869 on Wed Jun 02, 2021 7:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
Kazuya Kiyoshi
Arai Hanako
Shibuya Yuko

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Re: Hanako's Open Challenge

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Entrance Theme
After a few minutes, saxophones burst out of the loud speaker as Skylar Jones makes her entrance. She blows kisses at the audience with a smile, before slipping through the ropes. "I'm Skylar! I'd be happy to welcome you to the league!" She says with a friendly smile. "Since you said you're up for anything, how about I kick your ass in a Last Woman Standing?"
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Thu Jun 03, 2021 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hanako's Open Challenge

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Waiting for a while, finally someone took on her challenge. As Hanako observed, Skylar was a young, energetic and confident girl. An eager one aren't you? I like that." She tries to be friendly to her soon to be opponent.

Before she continues she thought to herself. A Last Woman Standing huh? I can deal with that. "But before that I have one question, what makes you think that you're strong?" It may be a stupid question, but one question is enough to learn about one's character.
Kazuya Kiyoshi
Arai Hanako
Shibuya Yuko

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Re: Hanako's Open Challenge

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"Well, people like to pick fights with me a lot. Beating their asses is sort of a confidence boost!" Skylar chuckles. She looks her opponent up and down. This was gonna be a good fight. She couldn't wait to go at it with this chick. "How about you? Why do you think you're tough?" She returns the question, curious about what Hanako will say.

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Re: Hanako's Open Challenge

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"Let's say that I've taken revenge on those who have wronged me. It's a pretty long story, which starts at-" Stopping her sentence midway, Hanako realised that nobody's here for a bedtime story, and Skylar was already itching for a fight. "Well, I hope you're ready cause I'm not going down easily." Hanako signaled for a ref to come as she prepares herself.
Kazuya Kiyoshi
Arai Hanako
Shibuya Yuko

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Re: Hanako's Open Challenge

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Skylar goes to her corner, cracking her knuckles as she stares Hanako down. She'd be lying to say Hanako's story hadn't intrigued her, but it was none of her business. "I'm not going down easy either, bitch!" She smirks. When the bell rings, Skylar will run up and attempt a round house kick to Hanako's stomach!

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Re: Hanako's Open Challenge

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"Language." Hanako warns Skylar's foul mouth. Well... she also occasionally swears so she's a bit hypocrite for saying that. Back to the ring,


As soon as the bell rang, Skylar rushed forward to perform a roundhouse kick on her stomach, sending her back a few steps. "Not bad!" Hanako returns the kick and throws a straight left to her face, followed by a right hook to her body. If Skylar somehow manages to avoid the first punch, at least she still has a backup one.
Kazuya Kiyoshi
Arai Hanako
Shibuya Yuko

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Re: Hanako's Open Challenge

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The bell had only just rung, and the girls were already going at it! Skylar's kick had hit, and was immediately payed back with Hanako's own, sending the brunette stumbling backwards. She quickly shakes it off, however, and runs in for a punch to Hanako's nose. Sky then feels the side of her body receive a hard blow as well.
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Sat Jun 05, 2021 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hanako's Open Challenge

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Both of her attacks succeed, but Skylar slips a punch to the head, exactly right on the nose between her attacks. The match has just begun and both girls has already trade a few blows. They had a lot of time to know each other. Or beat the shit out of each other, both scenario works.

Suddenly, Hanako rushed forward to Skylar, as if she was doing a takedown. But she rams her head on Skylar's stomach and putting her hands between her armpits, like a bull charging to a red flag, pushing her to the turnbuckle and hoping to slam her back to the post.
Kazuya Kiyoshi
Arai Hanako
Shibuya Yuko

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Re: Hanako's Open Challenge

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Skylar lets out a gasp of surprise as Hanako digs her head into her stomach, wrapping her arms around the brunette's body. Before she can wonder what the girl is doing, her back is SLAMMED into the turnbuckle! "GAHHHH!!!" She screams.

The pain in her back pissed Skylar off, as she sends her foot FLYING into Hanako's stomach! If the kick connects, and causes Hanako to stumble back, the brunette will charge in for a take down. "BITCH!"

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