Even as a child, she hated to lose. From sports to test marks, and especially fights when she got older. Furthermore, she reserved special animosity for larger opponents. Those who were basking in muscle, tall and potent in stature, looking down at her as she was weak. How else could it be interpreted? It was an unforgivable gesture, one she set out to rectify in each bout she could. Following her match with Killer King, that prejudice bore an anger-filled slugfest. A beast whom, if they collided, her head would smack into his chest. His limbs could swallow hers, appear like twigs as he was more than double her weight. In every essence, he was the opponent she strived to beat.
Yet that didn’t happen. Even when she mustered the aid of a chair, knocked the beast back with her fists, and tried to keep him down, she was the recipient of much worse. A torture rack, crotch blows, dry humping. Even when planted by the first piledriver, she persisted. But what she loathed most was the muscle buster - the move that ultimately put her away, betrayed by her own body that was the epitome of her petty resistance. Everything was a haze afterward, a blur that tripled itself after the parting piledriver, the second one where her compact frame slammed onto a chair, spiking her head with all her weight folded up in a neat pile of splayed out lifeless limbs. Sweaty, barely conscious, twitching, yet still sentient enough to feel the weight of Killer’s boot press against her breasts. She choked, whimpering in every breath as a dry wheeze croaked. All the while, she scratched at the mat, desperately vying to hide the crippling shame that burned brighter than her hair.
Defeat. Defeat. Defeat... She couldn’t stand what he said. And ever since she limped her way backstage, recovering an ounce of dignity by walking tall, she raged. Her agent, who mostly consulted with Karla on possible match-ups, became the bearer of it all. Shouting, frequent, incessant, shouting. But it was a little while before she came back to the ring; recovery was mandatory, as a rumour floated about Karla suffering a concussion. And even on this day, the soreness persisted.
“Let the tabloids run their headlines; I’m going where it really matters! Out there!” She shouted to her agent, as they were locked in an argument for some time now.
“But you’re still recovering! Your body can’t take all this punishment; you need to slow down.”
“I won’t let this matter go unresolved any longer. Not one day more!”
Vehement words growled as Karla left her locker room with the door slamming shut. Before long, she had found herself on LAW’s rampway to the crowd’s displeasure, except for the onlookers who were dazzled by her appearance. She donned a white coat, lavished in ivory-white fur that fluttered with every motion of her hips. Its sleeves were long and draped over her hands, and the tail draped to the back of her knees, then opened up at the front to reveal her in-ring attire, a black bodysuit that hugged every inch of her skin. And to finish the look, she wore red shades, garnished her lips in dark-red lipstick and styled her scarlet hair up in a ponytail to wrangle that rich volume. Behind her was an assistant who scurried out after she was about halfway down the ramp. He was finely dressed in a sharp tuxedo; black hair slicked back with pomade and large stature.
They met at ringside, where he marched up the steps and offered his hand to assist her up the steps. Coming to the ring apron, she clapped her hands twice, gesturing to her dear servant to sit on the middle rope, allowing Karla to slip in between. Then the servant took off towards the staff, speed walking to grab her a mic before joining Karla in the ring, who waited impatiently with a universally stern glare. Met with this disapproval, the man kneeled, dipped his head and held up the mic which she took. Her music finally dying away, left with only the crowd’s echo to sully her ears, garnering an eye roll as she brandished a sneer. “Look at what being a Reinhardt gets you.”
Speaking to the audience while gesturing to her kneeling assistant. She walked towards him, outstretching her hand before his face, which he took and slowly kissed the back of her gloved hand. “See? This is what respect looks like. Kissing the lady’s hands, kneeling before those who are better than you, begging to lick their boots.”
The assistant peered up, and after a brief pause, he started to lower his head towards her feet. But before that, she turned around on heel, snappily striding towards the ropes that faced the rampway.
“And it’s that respect that’s been missing. From the crowd and especially the roster of LAW. But nothing surpasses the taboo act that one hundchen who..” She paused, raising a finger, “Sheepishly got in the ring with me, and had the guile, no, the audacity to steal my victory!” Her voice snapped into a shout, “Mine!”
Her volume reached its zenith, followed by deep breaths as her shoulders rose and dipped, before turning around with a glower, dismissing the assistant with a snappy hand swipe. He clambered out of the ring in a hurry, scurrying up the ramp. And after she had calmed down, she raised the mic to her lips once more.
“But... we Reinhardts are forgiving, even to those who gravely wronged us. That is why I wanted to extend the olive branch to none other than Killer King. The man who thinks he can get away with stealing my victory, like some talentless animal leaking steroid-juice as sweat! I’m offering him the chance to rectify his mistake tonight! That is why I’m demanding a rematch, and I won’t leave until I get it!”
Then with one final strut towards the ring’s centre, she faced the rampway one more time, now gripping the mic with both hands, constricting it until white glared through her knuckles.
“Get out here, Killer King. Right now!”
An Undeniable Demand - (Killer King-K.R.R)
- Monsy
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An Undeniable Demand - (Killer King-K.R.R)
Monsy's Jobbers
Code: Select all
— Spectre = #5E0A7F
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000
- KillerV
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Re: An Undeniable Demand - (Killer King-K.R.R)
King is just getting himself ready for the upcoming match against some newcomer that he is willingly to crush her hopes and dreams for joining the league, it is what hes specialize, making them into his jobber! Taking off his black shirts and throw it in the locker, seeing his beastly black jaguar mask all wears and tears that havent been fixed in awhile but still intimidating anyone whos see it, putting it on and adjusting it tightly ensured that it wouldnt get fucked up like everyone kept screwing his mask! Just before he would reach down his jogging pants that he was working out earlier and heading to the arena wanted to get there on time and kick some asses.... he have his own large 40'in 4k tv in his locker room playing in the exact arena, the exact ring, just probably some scrub or promo or whatever.... doesnt seem interesting at all until.... "Hmmmm?
The beast turned to see the bitch he have defeated so badly at the end and claiming his victory over her in the most humiliating ways and she is tough as nail but he was able to hammer her down hard and finished off, it was a sweet victory for sure. He decided to watch on to hear what Karla got to say, probably something about him how strong he is, how dominated the beast become, maybe her ass can be his to have fun with, all women would of enjoyed the sexy beast from how erotic he can be.
He listen carefully that rarely he would do but one thing for sure she is ultra pissed for losing against the beast and wanted a rematch with him, such balls from a red head bitch like herself, hardly get rematch from anyone that willingly to face him again after the suffering lost, he nodded to himself and thinking his other match can wait and start leaving the locker room and heading out to the hallway, opening his door and seeing that wimpy guy running by while he decide to go the other way, heading out to the ring where Karla wanted him to get out there and face her.
His music... well, doesnt play, doesnt have one, only his ominous appearances that instantly making the crowd booing at him loudly, everyone, majority of them hated the Killer King, the infamous of destroying female opponents. Standing on the stage as he flexes his muscular arms and roars out loud as he can before pointing out at the red head, does the cut throat and gesturing he put her down in his Package Piledriver that laid her out before, it was very pleasant for him, enjoyed seeing her amazing curvy body in that body suit.
King moving in closer to the ring but stopped in front of it, front of Karla looking up at her through his glassy eyes of the beast, then decided going around the ring and heading to the announcer tables where he would gesture them to give him the mic and then goes fully around the ring, back from the beginning so that he can climb up the steel steps and stepping over the ropes, moving in confidently front of the sexy woman Karla Reinhardt, staring down at her as he slowly raise the mic front of his snout. "Heh... heheh.... wow, I am impressed, just impressed Karla. That you of all the jobbers are so upset of losing to me and actually want a rematch? HA!" He paused for a moment, looking around as he hears the boos at his comments before he goes back at her. "You know, I have defeated you... fair and square! You're not good enough to beat the beast!" he paused again, more boos from the dumbass crowd before he turn back at her, trying to contain his anger from the people. "I dont mind defeating you again, but this time, when I DO win again, your ass, your busts, your body, will. Be. MINE! RIGHT HERE! IN PUBLIC!!! LIVE!!!!"
King chuckles and staring down at Karla awaiting to hear her responds about it if she would accept it or not, thinking she would since if she wanted a match with him, she would HAVE to agreed to his stipulation or else she could of miss her only chance to face the beast in the ring again or even have to wait a long time, figures she doesnt want to wait at all, so if she does decided to accept the rules, then he raise his mic so she could see him wanted to talk again. "Did you accept it? Say it out loud again Karla, just to be real clear! Then..... then..... we can have a rematch.................. pausing for a moment and then shout out loud. "RIGHT NOW!"
Doesnt matter to him, he want to kick her ass again, her sexy figure and that hot red hair and remembered able to destroyed Karla after winning a match was just... so damn exciting to the dirty beast! King attempt to drop the mic and kick his large foot out right at her midsection forcing Karla to double over so that he could reaches for the head and tucking it down between his muscular legs, hooking each of her arms behind the back locking her for a brief moment before hopping up and drop down on his knees to faceplant her into his original finisher- Pedigree! "HURGH!" He tries to quickly yank her arm to turn over facing up and goes to cover on top of her, hook the leg and goes for the pinfall, attempt to 'steal' her victory as she claims, once again.
The beast turned to see the bitch he have defeated so badly at the end and claiming his victory over her in the most humiliating ways and she is tough as nail but he was able to hammer her down hard and finished off, it was a sweet victory for sure. He decided to watch on to hear what Karla got to say, probably something about him how strong he is, how dominated the beast become, maybe her ass can be his to have fun with, all women would of enjoyed the sexy beast from how erotic he can be.
He listen carefully that rarely he would do but one thing for sure she is ultra pissed for losing against the beast and wanted a rematch with him, such balls from a red head bitch like herself, hardly get rematch from anyone that willingly to face him again after the suffering lost, he nodded to himself and thinking his other match can wait and start leaving the locker room and heading out to the hallway, opening his door and seeing that wimpy guy running by while he decide to go the other way, heading out to the ring where Karla wanted him to get out there and face her.
His music... well, doesnt play, doesnt have one, only his ominous appearances that instantly making the crowd booing at him loudly, everyone, majority of them hated the Killer King, the infamous of destroying female opponents. Standing on the stage as he flexes his muscular arms and roars out loud as he can before pointing out at the red head, does the cut throat and gesturing he put her down in his Package Piledriver that laid her out before, it was very pleasant for him, enjoyed seeing her amazing curvy body in that body suit.
King moving in closer to the ring but stopped in front of it, front of Karla looking up at her through his glassy eyes of the beast, then decided going around the ring and heading to the announcer tables where he would gesture them to give him the mic and then goes fully around the ring, back from the beginning so that he can climb up the steel steps and stepping over the ropes, moving in confidently front of the sexy woman Karla Reinhardt, staring down at her as he slowly raise the mic front of his snout. "Heh... heheh.... wow, I am impressed, just impressed Karla. That you of all the jobbers are so upset of losing to me and actually want a rematch? HA!" He paused for a moment, looking around as he hears the boos at his comments before he goes back at her. "You know, I have defeated you... fair and square! You're not good enough to beat the beast!" he paused again, more boos from the dumbass crowd before he turn back at her, trying to contain his anger from the people. "I dont mind defeating you again, but this time, when I DO win again, your ass, your busts, your body, will. Be. MINE! RIGHT HERE! IN PUBLIC!!! LIVE!!!!"
King chuckles and staring down at Karla awaiting to hear her responds about it if she would accept it or not, thinking she would since if she wanted a match with him, she would HAVE to agreed to his stipulation or else she could of miss her only chance to face the beast in the ring again or even have to wait a long time, figures she doesnt want to wait at all, so if she does decided to accept the rules, then he raise his mic so she could see him wanted to talk again. "Did you accept it? Say it out loud again Karla, just to be real clear! Then..... then..... we can have a rematch.................. pausing for a moment and then shout out loud. "RIGHT NOW!"
Doesnt matter to him, he want to kick her ass again, her sexy figure and that hot red hair and remembered able to destroyed Karla after winning a match was just... so damn exciting to the dirty beast! King attempt to drop the mic and kick his large foot out right at her midsection forcing Karla to double over so that he could reaches for the head and tucking it down between his muscular legs, hooking each of her arms behind the back locking her for a brief moment before hopping up and drop down on his knees to faceplant her into his original finisher- Pedigree! "HURGH!" He tries to quickly yank her arm to turn over facing up and goes to cover on top of her, hook the leg and goes for the pinfall, attempt to 'steal' her victory as she claims, once again.
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