Calling Out the Cheater

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Calling Out the Cheater

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

It had been a few days since We Are LAW PPV, and LAW held its regular shows at night. After a match ended, the announcers told the audience that there would be something happening after this. Soon, a music was played, and the crowd recognized that it belonged to none other than the Combat Genius, Megumi Mutoh. The crowd popped as they recognized the song before the wrestler in question made her way down the ramp, this time clad in her red dress instead of her typical red leotard.
Megumi Mutoh
Unlike usual, Megumi had a rather serious look on her face, and she somehow looked pissed as she walked down the ramp. She didn't engage her fans as usual as she focused on walking down the ramp before reaching the ring. Climbing up the apron, she entered the ring before asking for a microphone. Upon receiving the microphone, she would linger in the ring for a while without saying anything, waiting for the crowd to settle down before she brought the mic to her lips to start talking.

"Okay guys, so I'm not gonna start with something long-winded here. The guys at the back probably want me to say something about being the hero for the kids and being the best among the roster or something like that, but I'm not in the mood to deal with that kind of nonsense right now..." Megumi started. "I don't have enough patience to wait now that I'm here in the ring, so..." She directed her attention to the entrance. "I know you can hear me from whichever hole you live in, Helena Dubois! Get your ass outta here!!"

The crowd became animated when Megumi essentially called out Helena Dubois, her opponent who easily beat her during We Are LAW through underhanded means. She wanted to see her again so that she could say it to her face about what she thought about her defeat during that time. And Megumi was so bitter about this because while she could accept defeat, she simply couldn't accept defeat if she was beaten unfairly. She wanted to set the record straight and make sure that Helena would pay for what she had done to her.

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Re: Calling Out the Cheater

Unread post by Highfly »

The fans didn't have to wait long until Helena came out, a mic in hand and a callous grin on her face. The cascade of booing was immediate from the crowd and their negativity just made Helena's smile that much wider. "Hello dear, are you sour that your betters showed the world just what a miserable flop you are between the ropes? I know the cold hard truth can be a bitter pill to swallow but swallow you must." Helena said as she lowered her mic, giving Megumi a chance to answer.

The backlash from the crowd was overwhelming as they booed Helena even more loudly than before knowing full well that she had cheated to defeat Megumi at their PPV matchup!

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Re: Calling Out the Cheater

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Megumi glared at Helena as the cheating heel made her appearance. And when Helena started talking, Megumi gritted her teeth, totally incensed by every word of hers. After blatantly cheating to win their match, she had the gall to insult her and her wrestling prowess.

Ticked off, Megumi responded to what Helena was saying. "You? My better?! Ha! Don't make me laugh!! You're just a dirty cheater who can't win a match normally!! I know you know it! I know it! Everyone knows it!!" She pointed her finger at Helena. "You're nothing but a talentless hack who relies on dirty tricks to get her way!!"

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Re: Calling Out the Cheater

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Helena looked at Megumi after she spoke and her expression changed from a serious one to her bursting out in laughter! "Hahahahahahaha! Megumi dear you are such a cute child.... I simply am smarter and know how to win! I do whatever it takes. I could have done differently to defeat you but when you give me such great opportunity I can't pass up a chance to be efficient. That is all it is. It is also not personal. I just had to remind the world that I am better than the likes of you. However if you do what to make it personal.... well..... bad things happen dear." Helena said with a sinister smile on her face as she slowly sauntered her way up the ramp towards Megumi but still stayed out of the ring.

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Re: Calling Out the Cheater

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Megumi's eyes were burning with hatred towards Helena, and she went towards the ropes, clutching onto the top rope as she glared at Helena, who was still outside the ring. "Oh yeah?! Then why don't you prove it, right here, right now? I can show you how the best wrestler in the world wrestles!" She declared. "Come on, Helena! Get in! I'll kick your cheating ass and show that I'm much better than you!!"

Megumi planned that if Helena didn't come into the ring, then she would be the one to pursue her outside the ring. But at the moment, she would remain in the ring, waiting for the other woman to enter.

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Re: Calling Out the Cheater

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Well she had heard just about enough of this nonsense. As Megumi seemed to be seething at Helena’s existence and Helena was goading her and looking like she was going to fight. Something else had to be done. it didn’t have to be done, but she was gonna enjoy it regardless. Moving out of the crowd and jumping the guard rail the crowd started reacting in shock as none other then Kyoko Akan showed up to intervene in a matter that seemingly didn’t involve her at all. Kyoko slipped into the ring behind Megumi and then lowered herself, letting out a call to get Megumi’s attention before she rushed her prey, looking to down her to the floor with a spear.
Ring Attire
Ring Attire:Image
After the impact Kyoko would sit up and look at the jeering crowd in front of her smirking away before she got Megumi‘s microphone. “How brave of you to bring up cheaters. Unfortunate undermined by you ignoring one of the biggest cheats in LAW. You.” Kyoko said before bashing Megumi in the head with the mic before she stood up. “You happily profit any advantage handed to you without protest, despite doing no where close to as much work as people like me you eat up anything management gives you title shots that should be going to the peoplewho have been here longer and have picked up more impressive wins but get pushed to the side because the morons in the back like you or cause your cuddle buddies with the champ. You don’t complain about those unfair advantages. No you come out here to throw the riot act because you got outsmarted. Your ass makes me sick.” Kyoko said finishing her rant wit a kick

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Re: Calling Out the Cheater

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Megumi was so focused on Helena that she didn't see someone coming into the ring, and when she finally realized it, it was already too late as she took a spear from the interloper. "UGHHH!!!" She was taken down into the mat right after turning around to see what was going on, and the spear took her breath away.

Laid out on the mat, Megumi recognized the one who attacked her as Kyoko Akan. Was she in league with Helena, she thought to herself. She cried out some more as she was bashed in the head by this woman using her microphone before she was forced to listen to what she was saying. She grimaced, trying to refute what she was saying, but the spear seemed to have taken quite a lot out of her.

After Kyoko was done, she went to land a kick on the downed Megumi, and she cried out some more. "UWAGH!!!" She scrunched up her brow as she rolled herself to her side, moaning in pain. Things didn't go exactly as planned, though to be fair, she didn't actually expect Helena to have someone in league with her.

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Re: Calling Out the Cheater

Unread post by Devilish53 »

If Megumi thought Helena only had one in league with her, she was in for an even worse-a-time than she was already having.

With hands appearing from no-where, Megumi would find her long locks grabbed, before the beauty was forcibly yanked in the direction of those mitts. Barely given time to comprehend that neither Helena nor Kyoko was the one attacking her, Megumi would only be given a flash of red before her figure was sent into the nearby barricade.

With uncharaceristic force, given the one whom did it tried to damn near cut a hole through that barricade with Megumi's head and shoulders.

"Would you still like Helena to join you, Ms. Mutoh?"

Muttered a voice with a slight German accent to it, as Eileen Sommers hovered over the downed beauty.

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Re: Calling Out the Cheater

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Megumi was in pain at the moment, unable to do anything. As she groaned on the floor, there was someone else who showed up, and she was lifted up before thrown into the barricade, hitting it with her head and shoulders.


Megumi let out a shrill cry of pain before she ended up slumping near the barricade. She moaned in agony, looking devastated by another surprise attack from whoever was conspiring with Helena. That person in question was Eileen Sommers.

"Auuhh... guh..." She moaned, trying to pick herself up, but couldn't muster her strength to do so.

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Re: Calling Out the Cheater

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

"Keep her still Eileen!" Cried another voice from closer than Megumi would have liked. Atop the turnbuckle facing the red-clad wrestler was Rose Gold. She was perched like a jungle cat. All elegance and grace. The curves of her body were highlighted by the pose and the immodest leotard she wore.
Rose Gold
"You had a lot of cruel things to say about my associate Ms. Mutoh." She offered girlishly. "I hope when we're through with this lesson you've learned to treat your peers with more respect." She added before measuring her opponent and then turning her back to her. She closed her eyes and smiled before bending at the knees.

What followed was a picture perfect moonsault. An arcing back-flip that bent the Caustic Cutie into an ill-intentioned crescent! Seconds later, the barricade laden and restrained Megumi would find herself struck with the Crown of Gold. Rose Gold's knee's would drive themselves into the poor disoriented woman's face and clavicle as she fell from the heavens like an especially athletic fallen angel. Her body would collide upside-down with Megumi's like a car wreck! Sandwiching her between the Brutal Blonde and the barrier behind her.
Crown of Gold
Rose on the other hand would topple off of her onto the arena floor with a heavy thud. "Agh!" And a sweet whimper of suffering. She'd roll to her knees and eagerly look to observe the damage. Her expression a wince juxtaposed against the excited smile of a child on Christmas morning.

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