Kennedy Lee

Kennedy got a mic from a ringside worker and hopped on the apron going through the ropes as she put her left hand up near her throat calling for the music to shut off. At the moment, the music shut off and silence fell over the crowd as Kennedy walked around huffing before standing in the middle raising the device to her mouth.
“Buenos Noches, LAW! Alright, you all are probably expecting a generic welcoming promo where I say it’s good to be here in front of you lovely fans or I’m here to dominate through the ladies….fuck that! I’m here for business and to set the record straight. My name is Kennedy Lee, born and bred in the jungle, but it says Chile on my birth certificate. Besides that point, I have been around anything dangerous since I was 6 years old and that means I have no fear of what’s to come from the back. I’ve wrestled men, women, luchadors, it didn’t matter. I became the first woman to win a prestigious Mexican championship and by the way, it happened in this country. Fond memories. This little background serves as a little reminder of who I am and where I came from. Just so the ladies know who their dealing with!” Kennedy shouted as she looked at the entrance stage with a glare.
The crowd either cheered or booed her, but Kennedy looked around before she raised her right hand for silence before speaking again.
“I’ve been paying attention to some of the women here and while some say they are impressed, I say I have seen better chicks brawl at a random roadside Hooters restaurant. Some of the ladies here just show off and expect praise on social media, but the difference is they aren’t that special. They make a gimmick change and you fans eat it up. You’ll just forget about them in two months time. Boo me all you want, I’m fucking right! Now, I do have some time here so let’s go down a list of women who need to be brought down to Earth. In no particular order….where the fuck’s my paper?” Kennedy wondered.
Kennedy felt all around her as she checked her pockets all around her and even in the jacket pockets. There wasn’t any sign of a paper as the crowd laughed at her before an idea clicked on her mind reaching into her bra and getting out a folded white piece of paper.
“What do you know? Last place you ever look. Anyway, I’ll start with my good friend Astrid Ostberg, miss heavyweight champion. She likes to portray herself as a good and kind soul, but if you people think she isn’t just leeching off her family legacy for the fame and recognition, get some fucking perspective….and some glasses cause you’re blind! Any third-generation superstar is going to use their family legacy to get to where they please and even though she has the sob story of her father not training her so she can become her own wrestler, Astrid still uses his old ass as “inspiration.” Bullshit if you ask me. Astrid, I know you’re watching this wherever….you and me got a match in the near future and if there’s anyone that can expose you, it’s moi! You and me have been friends, rivals, tag partners, even lovers, she didn’t tell you that, did she?! Worst fling ever. Anyway, Astrid, I’ll expose you for the fraud you are. So just wait. Cause I may not get the title, but I’ll get the thrill of the hunt,” Kennedy explained.
The crowd went into booing Kennedy straight after her tirade against the world champion, but Kennedy rolled her eyes continuing down her list.
“Next, let’s talk about “The Superstar” Harmonia Edelstein. Former supermodel. Ya know, I respect her for forging her own path and getting out of the glamour model/just stand there smiling routine, but she’s got to step into the real world now. Oh boy, a student of Shadow Fortress…big whoop. There are women at the top more brilliant and powerful than her and I’ve faced them all. Best thing in European wrestling? She’s lucky if she breaks the top 100 charts! I set out a challenge for her so Harmonia, if you want to prove me wrong, I’m right here. Also, control that dumbass sister of yours! I won’t hesitate to put the Austrian Eagles into an early retirement back to their nest!” Kennedy spat.
More boos came through as Kennedy snickered a little seeing the poison her words were spilling into the crowds. Kennedy laughed it all off holding onto her knees as if she told the worst joke at the comedy club, but she was having a grand ol’ time pissing people off.
“Love that enthusiasm! Anyway, let’s make the rest of this list quick. Um….Cyber Widow, bitch stop tweeting and retire already! Alaina Sanders, I’m the real Amazon around here, mother bear! Ducky Williams, why is your ass the best thing about you? Your biggest ASSet, if you will! Hehehehehehe….oh fuck off, that was good! Midori, queen of the skies, I’m queen of the jungle and I’ll climb the tallest trees to knock your ass out of the sky! Nico Cardona, soccer stripper! Cecelia Northam, another dumbass brute, but leave me some of Astrid, okay? Thanks! The other Cecelia no one fears, how’s Skylar helping you? The British Bunnies, hey Chels and Molly, Kennedy loves you both! Jem Holland, choose one job and stick with it, hoe! Alright, that’s enough!” Kennedy exclaimed as she tore up her list and spread it around the ring finishing her lightning round.
Kennedy looked to be finished as the boos just got louder as she tried addressing everyone and she shrugged snickering more. A ringside worker came in the ring with a dustpan and broom looking to clean up the pieces of paper as she was instructed to via her headset. Kennedy looked down at her cleaning up before grabbing her up by the uniform shirt she wore. The worker feared for her life as Kennedy snarled viciously like a tiger before grabbing the throat. Kennedy held the fearful worker licking her right thumb before hitting her Amazon Spike (Samoan Spike) hard in the neck! The worker went down coughing as she sputtered around the mat as Kennedy kicked her out of the ring.
“DON’T EVER GET IN MY WAY! THAT’S FOR YOUR LADIES RIGHT THERE! DON’T FUCK WITH ME!” Kennedy shouted in the mic before dropping it down and getting out of the ring leaving up the ramp to a big chorus of boos.
One could say that nukes were fired today and it was only a matter of time before more came raining down on Kennedy. A predator always welcomes the challenge.