Music plays on the speakers as Thereisa makes her way out on stage much to the fans clapping and cheering, after it not been just a four that they saw her being carted out of the ring after her match with Kathleen... who left her laying in a pool of her own blood.
Or her terrible showing in a match as she tried to force herself to compete against Thunder Ryuko who squashed her in record time, the fans can only think that the infamous woman who violent matches when she was first signed have started to take their troll on her hence why she is starting to lose more matches instead of winning.
Making her way down to ramp... just soaking in the cheers from the fans and getting their support even through she looks beat up, still having the deep cut above her eye healing... or the bruises on her body from Ryuko brutal strikes that left her on the canvas in a heap but to the hardcore fans it just shows of the battles she has been in... who she fought and defeated on her rise to the top and how many enemies she made along the way, their cheeks are the ones that are loudest as Thereisa gingerly makes her way up the steps and into the ring. Grabbing the mic as the fans chant her name over and over, she closes her eyes and smiles, waiting till they're done before finally getting to talk and tell her piece.
'Thank you...' she says before bowing her head to the fans in the crowd. 'I'm not going to come out here and waste any of your time and such with some long speech on about how I might retire and all of that.' the loud chants of 'No... or Please don't GO' echo throughout the arena as a lot of the fans are thinking that she's coming out to retire and leave her boot in the middle of the ring.
Water works are already starting to form in some crowd members eyes as Thereisa waits for the chants to die down again. ' I'm not going anywhere, everyone, I promise. I still have a lot in the tank to compete at a high level... That why I am telling all of you that I will be Open weight champion.' she says while pointing to the LAW APEX sign hanging in the rafter of the arena.
The crowd loses their minds at the thought of Thereisa being the first open weight champion, while others think about the match-ups she will have against some other women in the company. 'So let me tell you ladies backstage, I don't care who you are... Alizeh, Aella, Kathleen, Karen, Alaina, Kat, Dana, and whoever else backstage in those lockers rooms that think they can stop me from getting what is rightfully mines. I will be a champion again... and this time there are no blasted Ostberg standing in my way or trying to get me blacklisted from having a long reign with that title.'
Thereisa says before looking up at the ramp and spreads her right arm out as if guesting for any to come her way. ' Ich werde jeden Gegner auf meinem Weg zum Sieg besiegen (I will defeat any opponent in my way to victory)' speaking in her native tongue before she tosses the mic down, slowly walking out of the ring and up the ramp. The crowd chanting her name as she turns and bows to the crowd, heading backstage after saying her piece... vowing to herself that she will beat any opponent till she is crown champion.