As the crowd is abuzz after the amazing match that had taken place. Everyone can feel the electricity in the air as the lights dim and the crowd goes silent, waiting to see who is going to appear on stage. But instead of appearing on stage, what appears on the giant screen is a 1986 White Ferrari Testarossa rolls up next to the beachfront with the as Phil Collins- In the Air Tonight plays on the radio, giving the fans that 80s vibe. As the car comes to a stop, the right side door opens and a blond woman with shades slides out of the car and looks around, with a wooden katana in her hand as she makes her way over to the passenger side and opens it allowing Aliyah to make her appearance since the controversy happened. A chorus of boos is heard as she appears on the screen with her bodyguard by her side.

Body Guard

Facing the camera while being filmed "So it has come to my attention that I may have ruffled one or more feathers for what I did. And for the life of me I wonder why is everyone so tight about it, you have the right to defend yourself and that is what I did you all may not like what it but tough shit.'. 'You all can kiss my ass since nobody has the balls to do what I did, and instead of being like you boring people who all go home to your boring lives with an ugly ass partner and dumb ass kids, while I go to my personal mansion or take my own jet to Miami and slipping bottles and popping Instagram models on the DM's. Now do me a favor and shut the hell up since this is the closest any of you are getting to get to a classic lady like myself in your life, or do a favor and go back to your mother basement and watch videos of Kat being smothered while you're using tissue you fricking bums.' with another flip of her middle finger to flip the camera off again for good measure. Taking a moment to look around, her bodyguard is standing next to the car watching everything not saying a word, but her hand is on her katana stealth, just looking like a scary threat and one to watch out for.
'So yours truly is here to call out the bullshit that goes on in this company. Number one on my list, you all cheer and clap got blonde thot A who smothers people with her bare ass and you idiots clap and cheer like that weird kid in anime begging senpai will notice your ugly ass. Or you got that crazy purple hair Thot B who just likes to punch you in the belly for some fetish like reason, and everybody would cheer for that wild crap like it nothing business. Low-key the only thing I would say about that scary Thot is she knows how to get stuff done and not put up with other people crap, so mad respect Kyoko you crazy Thot.' mentioning the woman by name since Aliyah wanted to see if that woman would do some work for her... but decided getting beat up by that purple hair menace was not worth the effort. 'Another point is that Swan Thot going around and had the nerve to smother my client, and you all cheered like you just saw your first pair of breasts in your lives, but you all want to say what I did was wrong and crossed a line get the hell out of here with that crap.' the guard walks over and places her hand on the woman shoulder to calm her down since she is ranting right now. 'Alright I'm calm I'm calm five foot five of fury right here baby.' as she flexes her muscles to prove a point before leaning against the side of the car ready to speak some more.
''Now before I go, I have to call out some people who been most vocal about my methods. So first off who in the fuck is some little stalker having the nerve to try and book a match with me, sorry buddy, just because you're trying to do that notice me senpai motive by trying to defend some THOT honor who doesn't even like you is sad. That some high level Simping on your part Johnathan, but if you want to fight me that badly my rules are simple, you have to fight all three members of Cyber Legacy with both hands tied behind your back. Those are my rules and if you try anything to me or my clients backstage, well this is why I have her." pointing her finger at the blonde woman 'to watch my back in case you idiots try any funny business. And now to my favorite angry old man himself... Eiji... Eiji... Eiji how many times must I teach you this lesson old man. I'm here to stay, and you're nothing but an old forgotten relic of the past that should stay dead, but just like your old ass you can't stay away and complain about every little thing, but it's fine since I made sure to show your daughter what a firm figure is supposed to look like. Hell, I think she is on Forty street now blowing someone but I don't want to bring up family drama but old man... stay in your place and stay out of my way, or I will be sending my clients to give you a proper greeting on how we run things in the three-0-five.' with her guard beside her. Both make their way back to the car before the car drives away into the sunset with the radio blasting, and the screen goes black.