Skylar Makes a Statement!

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Skylar Makes a Statement!

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Skylar Jones had made herself quite the reputation around LAW. She was known to be loud and boisterous, taking little seriously and treating life like a game without much consideration for how others felt about her antics, though very rarely did she go out of her way to hurt people. Unless they deserved it, of course.
Skylar Jones
On this night during a LAW show, Skylar had booked a promo to speak her mind about a matter no one seemed to be interested in shutting up about. If someone brought up the name Skylar Jones on any internet forum, it wouldn't be long before someone brought up her match with Fenrir "The Butt Punisher", in which the brunette had left her enemy a bloody mess of broken bones. People seemed to think she was a monster for this, when really, she'd just been getting revenge against someone who hurt her friend. It still made Skylar grit her teeth thinking of how Fenrir took Newbie Nuo home after a POW match, and tortured her all night.

As the brunette stepped into the ring, mic in hand, she received a mixed reaction from the audience. While most of them cheered, a lot of them booed, but Skylar didn't care. She was simply here to explain herself. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!" Skylar says. "Well, I guess it's really night, but 'good night' is more of a goodbye thing, y'know?" The joke causes a bit of laughter to go over the crowd. "Anyway, I came here tonight to talk about something I'm sure everyone is tired of hearing about, myself included."

"So, I'm pretty sure everyone knows about my match with Fenrir a couple months back. I know you folks in the medical department do." Skylar smirked. "People 'ave been saying a lot of things about me since than. That Nuo knew what she was getting in to, that I had no right to be mad, that it was none of my business. Blah blah blah. I just wanted to let everyone know my response to that. Ahem..."

"I don't care."

"Yes, I know Nuo knew damn well what she was getting herself into when she signed on for that match, and for a soft girl like her, it was a rookie mistake on her part." Skylar states bluntly. "But what if she wasn't the soft girl we know? What if she stated publicly that if she won, she was gonna shove a garden hose up Fenrir's ass and fill her with boiling water? I still wouldn't of cared. And yeah, I know Fenrir won a night with Nuo fair and square. Here's the thing, I don't care about that either." The crowd is booing, but Skylar goes on undeterred. "But... There's one thing about this match I do care about." The brunette says.

"My friend, Huang Nuo, got hurt. So I showed Fenrir what happens when my friend gets hurt."

"So, what I want everyone in the locker room to take away from this, is... Fenrir wasn't the first skull I've split open, and she's not gonna be the last" Skylar states, an annoyed expression on her face. "So tread carefully, or you're gonna be next."

The audience erupts with boos, one fan up front even hurling their bag of popcorn at Skylar, hitting her square in the un-wincing face. "Anyway, that's all I had to say. Hope yall enjoy the rest of the show... Enjoy your snacks..." She looks at the man who threw his popcorn at her. "Except you. You just wasted all yours like an idiot. Anyway... Goodnight Tokyo!"

With that, Skylar Jones leaves, hands in her pockets, and a smile on her face as more than half the arena boos her.

Last edited by Deskfan45 on Thu Nov 18, 2021 2:31 am, edited 2 times in total.

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