It had only been a few weeks after Bernadette's successful victory over Tina Armstrong at Turning Point, there was no denying she would be riding those coattails. With this newfound popularity The Harbinger's we're on an upcoming issue of Ladies of LAW magazine. So naturally after this found stardom there was one way to up herself as well as the Harbingers and that was a promo right at the beginning of the night! While on paper a promo at the start of a show was just there to hype up the crowd for the night's cards, Bernadette had something else in mind for her promo tonight as the Harbinger's we're all in their locker room gearing up for it. Candice was lacing her sneakers; Annabelle was brushing out her mini skirt while Bernadette stood in the center of the room as both turned their attention towards their leader. "Alright girls, put your game faces on. We might be cutting a promo tonight but it's our most important one yet so eyes up.""Roger Bernie, I'm ready." Annabelle jumped up with excitement as she playfully gave her leader a salute."Alright let's roll." Candice added on nonchalantly as she cracked her neck to loosen up in case a fight broke out. All members grabbed their signature hats and put them firmly on their heads before Bernadette grabbed a briefcase that contained something for tonight's big promo. Soon enough all three walked out of their locker rooms heading straight for the gorilla position. Spoiler
The lights would soon go dark before their theme blasted through the arena as they stood atop the ramp each stroke a pose. Annabelle stood to the right of Bernadette with her body to the side raising one knee up while putting her arms down in front of her stomach with a cute smile across her face as she let her hair fall to the side. Candice on the other hand stood to the left of Bernadette with her body turned to the side as well with her fists against her hips while she gave a mean glare to the audience. To end the trio Bernadette was right in the middle of her teammates as she turned her head down smiling with her hand firmly on her hip the other with the briefcase behind her back.
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The Harbingers
After a moment they would march down to the ring as a chorus of boos and jeers would be thrown their way. They could boo for an eternity, but it didn't phase Bernadette she lived for this type of reaction especially given her recent victory over Tina Armstrong. If anything, their booing gave Bernadette the strength she needed to press on with her career. So the leader waved back at them egging them on to give her more boos and attention. Candice didn't care either, sure Turning Point wasn't exactly a success, but this made her even more proud of what she did to that up-start Idol. Annabelle didn't care she just smiled and waved as her usual innocent self until they made it to the outside of the ring. Annabelle and Candice would walk up and hold open the ropes for Bernadette who put one leg over the ropes and leaned down to guide her body through it before her subordinates followed. Once in the ring Candice would turn to the ringside assistant and gritted her teeth. "Hey bimbo get Bernadette a mic or your ass is going through that table!" The thunderbolt threatened pointing her thumb back at the announcer's table. Quickly the threatened girl grabbed a microphone and awkwardly put her hand out shaking with fear until Candice yanked it out to give it Bernadette. "Ah thank you Candice now where we're me?" She joked for a moment before tapping the mic to see if it was on as she placed it right underneath her mouth. "HELLLLOOOOO LAWWWWWW!!!! A loud echo ripped across the arena as Bernadette leaned forward to let out a loud noise into the mic. It was par for the course for her mic skills as she wanted everyone to shut up and have all eyes on her. After a second she snickered before pulling herself back to a straight position. "Now as you may know. I the great Bernadette Nobel utterly annihilated Tina Armstrong at Turning Point!" She boasted about her most recent accomplishment even setting the briefcase down to flip her hair back for dramatic effect. "It did wonders for not just me but my two teammates here, in fact we are going to be on the next cover and interview for Ladies of LAW which will be coming out very soon." She added on boasting more about things they received from her victory before clearing her mouth. "But enough about that I have a briefcase here and it's an official LAW contract signed and approved for a challenge I have." Bernadette leaned down to grab the brief case and hold it in right in front of her for all to see as the audience was wondering what the challenge was.
"I Bernadette Nobel, Leader of the Harbingers challenge Alaina Sanders and Tina Armstrong to a three vs two tag team match!!!" Now with the audience on the edge of their seats with anticipation Bernadette proudly rang out at the top of her vocal cords a handicap tag team match against the one and only Thundergirls! The audience was left speechless that even after a victory over the first ever middleweight champion the Harbingers weren't done just yet with the Thundergirls! After a moment the audience went silent nothing came from the gorilla which only gave Bernadette more fuel to her fire."Awwww what's the matter? do we intimate you two so badly you won't show up? How disappointing from our heavyweight champion." Bernadette mocked with a fake pout as she began to tap into her inner theater kid to make such a dramatic claim as that. In truth it was all to lure out the iconic duo to see if they would even have the guts to show their faces after Turning Point.
Alaina and Tina were backstage when they heard the Harbingers starting to talk on a TV monitoring the show. What had started off as a nice night was quickly turning into an irritating one.
"Whatcha thinkin'?" Tina asked Alaina as the blonde British wrestler looked over at the aging LAW Heavyweight Champion.
"I think there is only one thing to do." Alaina said with a smile. "Come on."
The Thundergirls music soon played and the crowd cheered as Alaina and Tina emerged into the arena! Both had mics and Tina raised hers to speak first. "Congrats Bernadette, ya did win although I hardly think you annihilated anything. When we face ya again in that ring there is no way you beat us." Tina said with a smile.
Alaina raised her mic up and glared at the other team in the ring. "You also won't get a chance to pull off any scumbag sneak attacks either. That big girl with the mind of a child is not going to get anyone from behind again." Alaina said pointing at Annabelle. "We will gladly face you all in the ring again and we can't wait to put you all in your place."
Last edited by Highfly on Fri Feb 21, 2025 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Bernadette continued to keep her eyes peeled towards the gorilla hoping the legacy tag team would finally show their face to her challenge. When it seemed like they wouldn't the bomb's face slowly turned into a hateful growl as she tightened her face and narrowed eyes at the empty gorilla. "There is no way after the beating I gave her she would at least show her face!" The bomb thought to herself angrily until a familiar song began to play. "Phew... I guess they did fall for my trap." Bernadette took a moment to let out a sigh of relief as the Thundergirls strolled down to the ring and now both teams we're face to face. Both girls had mics in hand and while Bernadette didn't say anything about Tina's comment, Alaina's comment caused quite a stir in Candice. "Hey! She got more braincells than you, flabazon! The greenette let out as she stormed to face to face with the heavyweight champ pressing her head against hers ready to kick her ass to the retirement home!"Candice come back now!" Suddenly the only thing to break through the intensity of this moment was Bernadette calling her teammate to fall back. Candice stood there for a moment before pushing her head forward into hers for a mini headbutt as she walked back to her team. "When the match start's you better go out first bitch!" Candice challenged Alaina furiously before standing behind her leader. "Thank you Candice." Annabelle whispered her thanks but this time instead of calling her "candy" instead she used her real name. Candice froze not able to believe it. She blinked her eyes a few times before she turned her head to her friend. "Heh, anytime and when we're done you can enjoy those flabby thighs for as long as you want." Candice whispered back to Annabelle causing her to giggle a bit. Bernadette meanwhile pulled her microphone back up looking at Alaina and Tina dead in the eyes."Now to start things off, Tina didn't I leave you in something but your blood so badly you couldn't compete for the rest of the year?" She chuckled before a lightbulb popped into her head as she turned her head to the announcers table."Actually would you two be so kind to show a replay of what the ring looked like after I left with Annabelle." Bernadette continued to run her mouth to spite Tina as the titantron showed the Amazon laying down on top of the battered and bloodied Tina."That's what I thought." She added in a mocking sincere tone as all three of the Harbingers chuckled.
"Now that we're done with the recap here is an official contract I had signed and approved for this match in particular." Bernadette said dangling the case right in front of them before Candice turned to the ring hand."Get us a table or else your my next opponent you broad!" The scared girl went to out and came back into the ring setting up a table all the while Candice smirked seeing her set up hasty."Good....." Candice would pause for dramatic effect as she stood face to face with the small girl."boo!" She leaned in to scare the girl who ran right out of the ring as if she had a firecracker shoved up her butt."Heh... works every time." Candice chuckled taking pride in scaring the pants of the ring girl."Thank you Candice." Bernadette applauded her teammates actions as she set the briefcase down on the table to open it up."If you want you two should read the very bottom, especially you Alaina." Bernadette stood back as the heel leader turned her attention to the Amazon to see how she'll react to a certain rule regarding her belt for this upcoming match.
Last edited by SRG on Fri Feb 21, 2025 6:20 am, edited 4 times in total.
The Thundergirls were silent as the women ranted like delusional lunatics so so they thought. "You are a funny one Bernadette. Ya get lucky once and think you are the queen of the ring. Its really sad more than anything." Tina said with a shrug with Alaina nodding along. They kept an eye on the other team and as a table was set up along with a contract Tina kept her focus on the trio while Alaina read over the contract.
The amazon looked it over quickly and... smiled. It was a genuine, broad smile. She couldn't sign quickly enough! She then handed the contract to Tina with Alaina taking her turn to glare at the other team but she raised her mic up as soon as Tina signed. "You do realize that if we lose and you hold on to the title that I am still the champion? It is a physical item, that is it. WHEN we win, which we will... you leave us alone. You do realize this stipulation is everything to gain for us with nothing to lose?" Alaina said. "Kennedy thought she was cute stealing the belt but it didn't mean I wasn't champion. I've been through this one before honey." Alaina said.
Tina looked up from the contract and stood with her arms crossed shaking her head at the trio. "I think they are trying to be smart which is always fun. I can't wait to wreck the three of you all at once. When two of us beat three of you what excuses are ya gonna toss around?" Tina asked with a smile. "We are a better team than you. We are better wrestlers than you. You are just two hot-headed idiots and a big girl who has the thought process of a five year old." Tina said with a shrug. "Seriously I feel like Annabelle would have been all right if she didn't hang out with you two."
Bernadette wanted the video to be a reminder of her grand victory and how pathetic they we're after it. Instead, Tina ran her mouth off about how sad Bernadette actually was on the inside which made the bomb roll her eyes. "Oh really? At least I wasn't the one who peaked early in my career." The slender middleweight grinned as she fired back with an insult of her own at the former champ, all the while she twirled a few strands of her air. Once Alaina leaned over to sign the papers, Bernadette knew that all was according to plan. The one bad thing was that even in her old age didn't seem to learn much after decades of being in the squared circle."Oh please Alaina, I'm amazed with all experience you still don't understand a thing." Bernadette cut her off right as she was done taking a step forward to lean over to stare Alaina dead in the eye."Ya see Alaina while it may be a physical item but at the end of the day you would no longer be able to parade it around unless WE give the okay to." Bernadette continued on her speech taking a step back to gesture to Candice and Annabelle before twerking her head to the side."And honestly that would be the biggest shame of any champion and considering your age you won't get another title after this one. So, when we win say goodbye to holding onto your final belt, honey." Bernadette finished her explanation wanting to rub a little salt on the wound by using Alaina's own words against her in a sassy tone of voice.
However, things would start to get heated as Tina decided to open her mouth back and go on and on about how better they were. That was until she decided to say that Annabelle would be far better off without Bernadette or Candice. Both girls we're taken a back before both began to grit their teeth in frustration. While yes Bernadette did allow Annabelle to join because of her strength and insistence, and would mostly use her for her own gain, they still all cared for each other. They all have a respect for one another even if they don't say it out loud all the time. So for Tina to say that felt like an insult to their very core and before Candice got up close and personal and Bernadette rose the mic up."DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT ABOUT THEM!!!" Out of the blue both heels stopped as they turned a shoulder and saw Annabelle staring the Thundergirls dead in the eye with a big frown on her face."Anna....Belle?" Bernadette asked awkwardly as she never could imagine Annabelle raising her voice like that before. Annabelle meanwhile stepped forward to me in direct eyesight of the team."Bernie and Candy are my besties for life. I can't just stand here and see you two meanies say such awful things about them! We will win our match, and it will prove that we are the best team in the world! Annabelle continued not holding anything back with her words as while sure she didn't approve of them beating cute girls, Annabelle still loved them more anyone else and wouldn't stand for this. All the while neither Candice nor Bernadette could process what happened as Annabelle never spoke to people like that around them. It wasn't until she was done both would look at their heavyweight partner with a proud smirk stepping to the side of her so both teams we're face to face to each other. "Damn Annabelle, I never knew you had it in ya!" Candice chuckled giving a look at Annabelle of approval before turning to the face duo. "But she's damn right! You two bitches are dead next time!" Candice made a fist shooting it into her other hand which was an open palm giving a nasty lick of excitement around her lips ready to beat the hell out of these two. Bernadette meanwhile looked at them with a smirk pressing the mic against her mouth. "So then Thundergirls what rules do you want? Elimination, FCA, will accept any type, right girls?" Bernadette turned to her two partners who nodded in agreement before turning back to the Thundergirls. Now all eyes were set, all they needed we're the rules for this heated matchup of two teams and it was up for the other team to decide.
Tina and Alaina were motionless taking in everything that was said. They looked over their opponents body language and kept their ears open. They had an axe to grind with the Thundergirls for whatever reason. However these two weren't going to just let the Harbingers beat them to feel good about themselves.
Alaina stood and listened to everyone, her eyebrows raised a bit in surprise. These two really did have Annabelle fooled. "We aren't losing this match and I will not lose this title. If I hold it until I retire... so be it. In fact that is my plan." Alaina said. "Name a woman who has beaten me since I lose to Alizeh Midori in early 2023. I will wait." Alaina said crossing her arms.
Tina smirked as Alaina spoke raising her mic up soon after. "Listen ladies, I know ya like to keep a number advantage so we'll make it a 3 vs 2 tag match giving you a number edge. However we also know you fight dirty so it'll be a standard tag match other than that. We'll see ya in the ring later girls. Don't get too mad when we beat ya." Tina said as the Thundergirls glared at the Harbingers for a moment before turning around to head backstage.