Bridget Williams - "THE CLASH OF PATRIOTS!" [Featuring: Weonna]

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Bridget Williams - "THE CLASH OF PATRIOTS!" [Featuring: Weonna]

Unread post by LuigiN64 »

Law has always been a place with different facets, personalities, shapes, concepts, ideals, moves!... you can find everything yo want! but there is something missing. What the hell happened to the good old school of American wrestling? Where have the true patriots gone? who are the ones ready to sacrifice themselves for the flag and defend it in times of need in the international ring?! America is the home of professional wrestling for God's sake!

For all those who are wondering what kind of point of view is that? who dares would even say, "the 80s are over, this stuff is old", well think again! or you will be forced to receive a powerslam by Uncle Sam himself!!!

This evening in the Law arena, a special Promo has been organized to welcome a well-known wrestler who has already shown great attitude with the public at home in other federations and companies, and after a few matches here and there in LaW, it's time to give her a warm and proper welcome here!


The arena is in fervent wait, but suddenly, a classic tune that fills the memories of many echoes throughout the building!!!

An electric guitar and a drum kit begin to play the entrance of our beloved heavy-weight wrestler, and the crowd goes crazy, many start holding up boards and remove their t-shirts exposing on their bellies the letters that form the words:

"Bridget rocks!"

Lights compulsively flash everywhere in shades of blue, white, and red, while assault aircrafs, waving American flags, and explosions appear on the big screens! What's happen? Was oil found under the arena? of course not!maybe just a few barrels under the ring to use against some bad guy!-


Finally the big lady herself arrives in all her tricolor splendor!

"From the United States, Texas! Standing at 6'7 tall and weighing in at 220lbs; Veteran, volunteer, pilot, and pro wrestler: the so-called "Winged Justice", the all-american mama. Bridget...Wiiiilliaaaams!"

entrance attire with jacket

Bridget walks off the stage, smiling as she holds up an American flag attached to a pole. She's wearing a cowboy hat, a pair of glasses and her Ace pilot jacket on top of her fighting gear, as she usually does in each of her stage appearances.for many years now.

A series of fireworks explode on the stage and the entire ramp, always in tricolor colors.
(Visual example)

Bridget invites the crowd and fans to get louder waving the flag up, pointing with her other hand up in the sky

"U-S-A! U-S-A!"

She starts screaming but then stops, soon followed by the arena, letting them sing at her place.

"haha! I love you all my friends!!!"

She starts walking down the ramp with a determined step! holding a hand stretched to give some high fives, eventually pointing with her finger at some distant guys, remembering the famous poster "I WANT YOU!" of the US Army.

She also sends a few kisses, to those who have signs praising her, continuing to wave the flag in the process-
She waves the flag high with both hands, laughing in pure excitement, before giving a kiss to the fabric. She eventually sees an old man in a veteran's hat saluting the flag, so Bridget simply hands it to him, knowing he will take good care of it! while continuing towards the ring.


After a long walk up the ramp, and giving a hug to a fan, taking a photo with him in the process, she continues to cheer on the crowd, while using the side steps of the ring to access the mat's edge, and with a high, long step , climbing over the top rope, finding herself inside.

As she walks on the mat, she waves her hands up, inviting the crowd to get even louder, turning to each side of the ring to look at the stands, putting her palm near her ear:

"come ooon I CAN'T HEAR YOUUUUU!"

one side, then another, and the other, going faster before laughing out and clapping, sending more kisses around.

After receiving a wireless mic, the music unfortunately fades out slowly , but the crowd continues to roar loudly.


"HooOoooOOowdy friends!! how nice it is to see you all here! I love you for god's sake-!"

Bridger speaks with a deep but surprisingly firm and commanding tone of voice, and a heavy Southern accent.

"enjoyed my last matches? I really hope so! Nothing is easy in the ring, any opponent, any weight class, any challenge is a wall to overcome, and do you know what is the reason that pushes me to get up every...single... time?!"

She remains silent as the crowd goes louder, before pointing her finger towards the stands

"you! that's right! and you! and you!" she starts targeting various people indiscriminately.

"there is nothing more beautiful than having your boost! which is something genuine and true, and it is a bond that cannot be broken. Like our freedom! our camaraderie! we are all brothers, we support each other , as the patriots did during the war of indipendence, and we have been kicking asses while doing so for centuries!!"

She smiles with some chuckles, resting one hand on her hip, letting the crowd roar back, as Bridget keeps to address the crowd, boasting about her dedication to American values and her commitment to representing the country and all her people in the wrestling world.

"hell yeah, punishing bad guys and girls since 1775! pure stars and stripes culture and tradition baby!-"

Then she walks a bit around, rubbing the mic on her head before bringing it back in front of her mouth.

"but, oh my my! what a disappointment, there are no longer the wrestlers of the past. Am I right my friends? I meaaaaan! now everyone fights only for themselves, dumb shiny belts made of cheap plastic... contracts, money! - where has the love gone!? Yes! the love of fighting for a glorious and profound nation like ours?! hmhm, well, don't worry! Mama Bridget is here! If before you had no one to fight FOR YOU here in LaW, now the cavalry has arrived! blow the trumpets! because the all-american mama will make patriotism come back into fashion EVEN here! and not only in American federations! I will show all the wrestlers who challenge me around the world what we Americans are made of! in a fair, friendly, loyal manner, without hatred! just pure challenges! and a lot of slams between women that dedicated their lifes to the fight, indipendently from their nationality!!! because this is what we are, we are the nation of the free! the people of justice! and in kicking "heels" ,either in a war or in a ring is no difference! in the end I did both! HAHAHA! God bless America! God bless all your good people!"


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Re: Bridget Williams - "THE CLASH OF PATRIOTS!" [Featuring: Weonna]

Unread post by Weonna »

As Bridget's words echo through the arena, the crowd's energy is palpable. Patriotic fervor fills the air, and the all-American mama has the audience in the palm of her hand. Suddenly, the atmosphere begins to shift. There's a sense of anticipation, a feeling that something—or someone—is about to challenge the beloved American Mama!

The lights dim, and a new theme song begins to reverberate through the speakers. It's different, yet familiar—a powerful, driving beat that suggests strength and determination. The crowd turns their attention to the entrance ramp, waiting to see who dares to interrupt Bridget's passionate speech.
From the back, a figure emerges. Standing tall and imposing, this new wrestler commands attention even before she steps into the light. The audience watches, some with curiosity, others with a hint of excitement, as the figure is revealed to be none other than Theodora, the rising star from the cold, rugged landscapes of Alaska.

Theodora's presence is as formidable as her reputation. She's not just an athlete; she's a bodybuilder with an impressive physique that speaks to her dedication and hard work. She was dressed in a deep brown leotard, topped with a cozy fur cap, and paired with dark brown boots adorned with furry leggings, creating a striking resemblance to a bear.
As she strides down the ramp, Theodora's eyes are locked on Bridget. There's no fanfare, no flag-waving—just a singular focus on the woman in the ring who represents the old guard of American wrestling patriotism. Theodora's boots thud against the metal ramp, each step resonating with the promise of a confrontation.

The crowd is abuzz with whispers and speculation. Some cheer for Theodora, recognizing the challenge she's about to pose. Others are staunchly in Bridget's corner, unwilling to see their hero face adversity. But all eyes are on the two wrestlers as Theodora reaches the end of the ramp, climbs the stairs, and steps over the top rope with a fluidity that belies her size.

The two women stand face to face in the ring, Bridget with her microphone still in hand, Theodora with a steely gaze that matches the intensity of her opponent.

Theodora takes the microphone, her voice carrying a different tone than Bridget's—a cold, clear edge that cuts through the noise of the crowd.

"Bridget, I truly admire your contributions to both this sport and our nation. But the times, they are changing. It's not enough to wave a flag and reminisce about the good old days. We need strength, determination, and an unyielding will to dominate in the ring."

Theodora pauses, letting her words sink in, her eyes never leaving Bridget's.

"I'm here to prove that the spirit of America isn't just about history—it's about the here and now. It's about being the best, and that means being better than you. I've trained in the Alaskan wilderness, where only the strong survive. And I didn't come all this way to play second fiddle to anyone, not even you, Bridget."

The crowd reacts with a mixture of cheers and boos, the tension between the wrestlers palpable.

"So, let's see if your patriotism and your love for the crowd can hold up against someone who's spent her life battling nature's elements. Someone who's not here for the applause or the adoration, but for the competition, for the fight, for the victory."

Theodora steps closer, the two towering athletes almost nose to nose now.
Last edited by Weonna on Wed Feb 28, 2024 4:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bridget Williams - "THE CLASH OF PATRIOTS!" [Featuring: Weonna]

Unread post by LuigiN64 »

Oh! here we go~ obviously, as soon as she finishes speaking, someone suddenly arrives! classic ~

As the incoming wrestler's theme blasts through the area, Bridget rests her hands on her large hips, peering intently through her sunglasses, holding the microphone firmly in the palm of her left hand.

And the surprise for this Theodora! Bridget has heard good things about her, not only from a pro wrestling perspective, but also in the gym, since she also loves lifting weights at a professional level, here there are all the cards for a fun hand!

Bridget stands there, watching the fellow heavy weight getting in the ring, pround, confident...and then, after grabbing the microphone, she begins her speech, responding to Bridget's previous statements.

The blondie listens carefully, clearly showing with the micro movements of her body and facial expressions what she thinks about every sentence that Theodora said, but always remaining with a decisive, confident and impassive face, but also pleased and excited!

She remaining motionless in the center of the ring. Bridget already smells a cauldron ready to explode, and she can't wait to feast on whatever is going to blow up from its inside.
With a hard movement of her hand, Bridget brings the microphone back in front of her lips, while she stands there, one step away from the other girl, almost nose to nose without taking her eyes off from the bear, the two just look like giants towering over the arena.

"ohhh well well well, oh my! Such a surprise! it seems like Santa brought us a little present from up there, The muscle Bear herself, 6'0 of pure woman, with a physique hardened like steel, the same steel they use for tanks probably !-" she'd wink. Then she responds to Theodora'ss last statement. "but hey, don't get me wrong kid, I fight for no adoration, the only one who deserves it is the all-mighty up there! I fight FOR the people, they are my strength~! And I am their fist. And this fist, I can assure that, is here to win~"

She compliments the other girl, pointing out her goals in the process, letting the spectators finish the cheers and loud noises before continuing

"And let me tell you something, sister! the future is here, and now, we all agree, but, well, what would America be without the sacrifice of our fathers, right?" the crowd rejoices "where would America be without our fancy flags, the crazy parties, the traditions! giant cars, football, baseball, a beer in front of the TV, and lots of barbecues in the courtyard of a nice house? oh well I don't know what kind of gardens you guys have up there deep in the snow and the woods .. always supposing you know how grass looks like... "

She smiles as some would chuckle in the crowd for the dumb joke "you think you're that strong? Oh my dear I wont doubt that! but you see, WE, in the deep south of the continent, in Texas, survived the desert! and we kicked anyone who tried to take our home with weapons - and you? you guys always preferred to stay in the cold of your huts to cut wood, actually...I would even dare to are more Canadian than American looking at the bigger picture! sorry to be frank." She adds while walking a bit around the ring, taking off her hat and keeping it in one hand.

"oh! but now that I am thinking...yes...wasn't Alaska a Russian territory some time ago? hmmm... this raises some small doubts in me... my dear Theodora...kinda suspicious don't you think? " she smiles as she teases the other wrestler with some basic story lessons.

"very well, if it's a fight what you are looking for, my dear bear, I'll give you a fight: deep south vs deep vs cold, experience vs ambition, past vs future, Memories versus progress...!" She points the hat against Theodore, waiting for a reply as the crowd goes crazy! Ready for whatever Theodora will say.

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Re: Bridget Williams - "THE CLASH OF PATRIOTS!" [Featuring: Weonna]

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Theodora, standing tall and imposing in the ring, meets Bridget's challenging gaze with her own unflinching stare. The crowd is electric, buzzing with the tension between these two leviathans of the wrestling world. As Bridget finishes her spirited speech, Theodora takes a deep breath, grabs the microphone with a confident grip, and begins her retort.

Theodora's voice is deep and resonant as she addresses the crowd and Bridget,

"Well, Bridget, you sure do know how to stir up a storm. You paint a picture of America that's as colorful as a summer barbecue, but let me remind you, not all histories are to be celebrated."

She steps closer to Bridget, her eyes locked onto her opponent's.

"You speak of the sacrifices of our fathers, and yes, they've paved the way for what we have today. But let's not forget, some of those same fathers built their legacies on the backs of those they enslaved and oppressed. The deep south you so proudly represent? It has a past stained with the blood and sweat of countless souls who never got to see the freedom they were promised."

The crowd reacts, some with cheers for Theodora's boldness, others with murmurs at the uncomfortable truths being aired in such a public forum.

"Sure, we might have been Russian territory once,"

Theodora continues, addressing Bridget's earlier jab with a wry grin,

"but that's the beauty of America, isn't it? A melting pot of histories, cultures, and people. Alaska might be cold, but the hearts of its people burn with a passion for justice and a commitment to righting the wrongs of the past."

She takes a step back, giving Bridget room as the crowd's roar grows louder.

"And that's what I'm bringing to this fight, Bridget,"

Theodora declares, with a fire in her eyes.

"The resolve of the north. The strength of those who endure the harshest winters. We don't hide from our past; we face it head-on and learn from it. We evolve. And tonight, I'm not just fighting for victory in the ring; I'm fighting for progress and for a future where everyone's history is acknowledged and respected."

Theodora tosses her head back, her powerful frame casting a formidable shadow across the ring as she finishes,

"So, let's make this a thing to remember. Not just deep south versus deep north, but a clash of ideals, where the best of America can truly shine. Let's show the world what happens when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object!"

The crowd is at a fever pitch, waiting with bated breath for the inevitable collision of these two titans, each fighting for something greater than themselves.

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Re: Bridget Williams - "THE CLASH OF PATRIOTS!" [Featuring: Weonna]

Unread post by LuigiN64 »

Bridget lets the girl talk, waiting patiently for her turn quite politely - her typical smile remains printed on her face, bright as the sun! it seems like nothing could bring down the morale of this gigantic woman!

"oh slowly-slowl down, my friend. Of course, history is made up of many good, and sadly, bad things, and remembering it serves as a warning for the future- let me specify one thing, Theodora; I do not represent the south, center, north, west , up and down, I don't stand here for specific type of americans; I fight for them all!"

The crowd cheers at those words-

Then, Bridget begins walking on the mat, with her heavy steps produced by her shiny white short-boots, continuing to look at Theodora quite deeply, before walking over, and taking her furry hat from her head, putting it on, and placing her cowboy hat on the other woman's head, patting it a couple of times to fix it on.

"And, I agree. Don't take my words too literally! I was just pumping the thing up for our friends here in the arena... I have not the slightest interest in cheap provincialisms! - ours will be a clash of ideals, where the best of you stated... can truly shine. but I want you to promise me one thing." She approaches with a deeper voice

"You will have to give all yourself...without holding back." She smiles, slowly moving forward her huge, muscular arm for a for a sporty handshake.

"and of course...have fun, even if I don't think I need to mention that. After all you showed up here by yourself."

She'd keep her hand in mid air at the center of the ring, keeping her eyes on the bear. The crows focusing on the moment with some suspance!-

Last edited by LuigiN64 on Thu Feb 15, 2024 12:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bridget Williams - "THE CLASH OF PATRIOTS!" [Featuring: Weonna]

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Theodora is taken aback by the unexpected hat exchange, but she can't help but smile genuinely. Bridget now wears the furry hat that was once on Theodora's head, creating an amusing contrast with Bridget's towering figure. Theodora takes the cowboy hat that was placed on her head and adjusts it with a twinkle in her eye, ensuring she can see clearly while facing her friendly opponent.

"You've got spirit, Bridget, and I truly admire that,"

Theodora responds with a chuckle, locking eyes with Bridget as the crowd eagerly watches. The atmosphere is charged with excitement, as everyone anticipates what's to come. This exchange between the two competitors is not just about the competition, it's a demonstration of sportsmanship and camaraderie, something that is often rare in the heat of the moment.

With a nod, Theodora steps forward, closing the distance between them. Her steps are light, in stark contrast to Bridget's purposeful stride. The crowd falls silent as Theodora reaches out, shaking Bridget's hand firmly and warmly. This gesture symbolizes their shared commitment to give their all and to do so with honor and joy.

"I promise you, Bridget,"

Theodora says confidently, her voice steady and filled with warmth.

"I won't hold anything back. We'll make this a memorable match, not just for ourselves, but for everyone watching. And how could I not have fun when I have such a formidable and fair opponent in the ring with me?"

The handshake lingers for a moment, sealing an unspoken agreement between them. Then, with a respectful nod, they release their grip and return back behind the gorilla postion and to their respective locker rooms. The crowd erupts into cheers and applause, their enthusiasm filling the arena. Bridget and Theodora have set the stage for a match driven by ideals, a shared belief in what they're fighting for, and above all, the promise to enjoy every moment of the challenge that lies ahead.

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