Entrance Music
"I've approached my career in the wrong way. The wrong matches, the wrong motivations, the wrong methods. To everyone who said I was just some brat wrestling cause she couldn't get to Daddy's money, as much as I hate to say it, you would be right." The crowd cheered. "BUT...I don't plan to leave it this way. I'm about to come back, stronger than ever. Hell, I'm even willing to do hentai matches now!" Tessa said, sounding more passionate. The crowd was sure loving it, as did the goons, happy for thier boss. "Jamie, Candy, now we come to you. You've stuck by me throughout my whole career." Tessa said, looking at them and smiling. The goons felt proud. "You guys even took beatings for me! Yeah, guys, give it up!" The crowd cheered.
"That being said...you two are some of the dumbest people I've ever met in this business." Tessa said, her tone turning a bit cold. The two looked confused. "You two are nothing but followers, and one's that can't FOLLOW instructions. Needless to say, during my time of self reflection, I realized that you two were a hinderance." Tessa said, the goons looking a bit sad.
Behind them, two women were crawling out from beneath the ring apron. One was a muscular latina with dark hair, and the other was a more athletic blue haired girl.