Asking For Trouble

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Asking For Trouble

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

A few weeks ago, the WoWW champion, Kira Kusangi, had made her debut in LAW, and had quickly established herself as somebody to be feared. She'd dismantled and humiliated her opponents, and many of the women in the locker room dreaded the idea of having to go toe to toe with her. Skylar Jones, though, Skylar Jones was responding to things in a very different way.
"Ladies and gentleman, please welcome, SKYLARRRR JOOOONES!!!"

Skylar's music played over the speakers, the crowd blowing the roof off the place with cheers and jeers as Sky strolled down the ramp, microphone in hand and a smirk on her face. She'd seen what Kira was doing in LAW, and she had some fucking things to say about it. She jumped into the ring, and lifted the microphone to her lips. "HELLOOOOOOOO MOTHERFUCKERRRRRS!!!!" She greeted, taking a seat on the middle rope. "Folks, I've come to talk to you tonight about a very special lady who just made her debut here in LAW not too long ago, and her name is Kira Kusangi." The audience erupted into a chorus of boos at the mention of the Golden Queen's name, causing Sky to snicker. "Kira Kusangi is a woman who's been in this business a long time, a lot longer than I have, and in her ten year career she's accomplished a lotta things. She's risen to the top of promotion, after promotion, after promotion, and she's earned a lotta big victories. Most important a' all that is this: She's the World of Women's Wrestling World Champion. This woman is an accomplished, formidable, fucking bad ass professional wrestler!" Skylar declared. "So why hasn't she been booked like it?" She asked, getting up off the rope and walking to the middle of the ring. "A woman on her level should be goin' head to head with LAW's main eventers. So I want yall to guess who her debut opponent was. Kat Hart? Karen Starring? Cecilia Northman? Maybe Amy Evans? No no no, she had her debut against Mizuki Sakura, some poor jobber who isn't even trained! And after that who'd she face? A fucking rookie, Yukino Fuyumi. Now, I don' mean any disrespect to these gals, but let's face it, they do not belong in the same ring as Kira Kusangi! They ain't on that level just yet!" She shouted into the microphone. "So... What the hell?" She asked, the crowd chanting along with her. "What the hell! What the hell! What the hell!"

Sky paused as the crowd chanted, before lifting the mic to her mouth once more. "Now, I got a pretty good fuckin' guess as to what's goin' on here!" She scowled, pointing an accusatory finger at the hard camera. "It's cause Kira Kusangi is a coward and a bully! She'd rather get 'er rocks off torturing girls who can barely put up a fight then wrestle someone who can actually give her a challenge, and to that I say: Kira, we already got a Rose Gold, that spot's taken, so fuck off!" She roared, the crowd popping. "Wait wait wait, before ya do that, there's something I want from you." She started, a confident smile reappearing on her face. "That's a reeeeeaaaally pretty belt you got around your waist. Howzabout I take you on in a Hardstyle Hentai match for it!" She grinned."Cause Kira, you're just the type a' girl I love beating down, and that pretty lil' belt a' yours is the cherry on top! So, if you got any figurative balls between your legs, you're gonna come out here, and accept my challenge!" She yelled, before fixing her eyes on the entrance ramp, pacing around the ring as she waited for an answer.

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Re: Asking For Trouble

Unread post by SRG »

Kira was backstage in her own private locker room. She was finishing up getting out a relaxing shower as she put on a robe to get ready to change into her regular clothes. However something happened, she looked up and saw a mini tv showing skylar Jones insulting her on live television! This didn’t stand with the goddess, not one bit…. She quickly put her wrestling attire and put her belt around her waist as she stomp her way through the halls to the ring ramp.

Her music blasted as she came down the ring keeping her eyes locked on the younger wrestler. When she made her way to the ring she stepped through the ropes and looked at her”you little shit!” Kira hissed looking down at the younger wrestler. She clutched her first trying to hold it in. The goddess let out a sigh getting rid of her anger before saying”welll then how about this? I’ll accept you’re challenge on one condition, I get to derobe you when you loose are those terms agreeable?” she hissed planting her hand on her hip waiting for her response.
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Re: Asking For Trouble

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

When Kira stormed into the ring, the shit eating grin on Sky's face grew wider. It was always so amusing when she managed to get under a rival's skin. "Oooooh, looks like I hit a nerve, eh?" She quipped, not flinching as the larger woman screamed at her. When she heard Kira add her own stipulation, she tilted her head, smirking. "Winner strips loser, huh? You're on, bitch. You and me, next week, shame vs, shame!"

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Re: Asking For Trouble

Unread post by SRG »

Kira would listen to skylar and nod”fine then those terms are acceptable, and I’ll enjoy knocking you down skylar” she said with an evil glare in her eye as the goddess turn around. Kira stepped through the ropes and began to walk back to the ramp going backstage to prepare herself for her upcoming title defense.
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