Feeding Time

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Feeding Time

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

At first, it was nothing all that unusual.

The LAW crowd were standing around, milling about as they waited for another match to start, or something, anything, to happen. It had been a normal night of wrestling. Nothing bad, mind you, but nothing exemplary, either. A normal, fun night of pro-wrestling in the middle of Japan.

And then came the music.
Long Live the Cheif
It was a different kind of music than they were used to hearing, that was for sure. Usually, wrestlers came out to more energetic tunes, stuff that sounded like something out of an anime, Japanese pop tracks or heavy metal. This was rap. Harder rap. With lyrics that most of them couldn't quite make out. It was a new kind of vibe, but that in itself wasn’t too alarming. It just meant that someone new was on the scene, and they were about to watch a debut. Typical stuff.

And then two figures emerged from the curtain, and…
Cersei and Bast
The first woman to step up was a slight thing, young, with light brown skin and flowing blonde hair. She wore an immaculate white dress that hugged her form, with a skirt that blessed the audience with a full view of her hips and pleasing thighs. She looked like someone better suited for the fashion runway than a wrestling ramp, and she walked like it, too.

But the woman that came out behind her was something else. LAW had plenty of heavyweight women, no stranger to towering titanesses, but most of them were svelte, full figured beauties with pleasing curves. The brute that came down to the ring was nothing less than a moving mountain of muscle. Ripped from head to heel, she looked more akin to a jungle cat than a female human, with a body built for power and speed, and a focused, terrifying visage.

The shadow she cast was long and the pressure she exuded was heavy, leaving the audience unsure what to even say or how to react. They wouldn’t have to speculate for long, however, as the smaller woman grabbed a microphone and the two made their way into the ring. Time for a promo.

“Japan. Welcome.” The larger woman took her place at the center of the ring, arms folded, while her shorter counterpart strolled around the perimeter, sliding her hand along the ropes while she spoke. Her accent was light, tinged with an African flavor that wasn’t often heard on this side of the world, and she made little attempt to hide it. ”My name is…well, you may call me Cersei. And this, this vision of dominance, this living ziggurat, this unstoppable juggernaut, this goddess in the flesh, my sister, is Bast. The Hammer of Africa.” She spun about on her heel and presented the name with a flourish, making sure the audience knew how important the title was.

”Now. I could tell you so much about Bast. I could regale you with tales of the men and women she has crushed in rings throughout Africa, horrify you with stories of brutality that would make your blood chill and leave your hearts aching. Or.” She held up a finger and pointed to the curtain. ”Or, better still, I could show you what my sister is capable of. But to do that, we need a volunteer. Any man, any woman. If you believe yourself worthy, come to the ring and test yourself. Come to this ring and become famous.”

And there was the challenge. Bast stood, unmoving and unwavering, as she looked up the ramp. Waiting for…

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Re: Feeding Time

Unread post by TheLoneWanderer »

Timeframe: After "Best Way To Make Friends"

Waiting....for a set of two. From behind the curtain set for their entrance, Senji held his ribcage lightly as he leaned on the wall adjacent to the entrance. Just about healed up, it seemed, from the adversity he'd faced up until now. They'd mainly sprung up from his sessions with one Huan Lei Brightspring. She hadn't broken anything, but one too many strikes there had caused him to need bandages. Luckily for Senji, there'd been a absence of striking matches barring this current one. That allowed his core and such to recover. Now the younger sibling was ready to face the full force of adversity yet again. A somewhat familiar face, if still new in his growth period. Senji pushed off the wall...the eyes like gold coins settling on his older sibling. The one who had accepted this challenge as a test and introduction. Why had Senji agreed? He didn't hate his brother. Quite the contrary! There was an opening for a two-person swing at this debacle so he chose to come with Hiroyuki. That, and he didn't want to alienate himself from his brother any longer following their violent separation a long while ago, if he could help it.

A long haired man, going on 24 years old, stood in front of the curtain silently listening to the grand gloating. A new fighter, debuting in LAW as a wrestler when he wasn't busy worrying over his studies and other occupation. His martial arts and medical methods should remain separate after all. The older among the two, clearly, gave a softened stare back at the dulled yellow eyes. One may have favored one side of the family over the other in the looks department, but they were tightly knit. Regardless, it was time.

As if to answer Bast's theme, a far more enthusiastic theme greeted the crowd. One presumed to play into the "Joined Forces" idea as opposed to being separate. From the curtain, they came dressed in appropriate, favored attire. The younger brother wore a long-sleeved rash guard with red as the main color. Black highlighted it, the entire outfit hugging the vigorous figure underneath. It leans into the direction of endurance and speed, mostly. From those larger than himself, Senji could withstand hits. Bast was simply not any berserker though. He was a body built from a scrappy toddler to a young combatant able to subsist against most.

From Bast's view, she could probably identify the taller boy as the strongest between him and Senji. Even from underneath the black bodysuit, which left the hands and feet bare for gripping purposes, Hiroyuki's muscular figure was better suited for power and taking hits. Together, they'd be logically greater than fighting Bast separately. If Cersei was telling the truth then the woman they were being tracked by was an absolute dreadfulness. Perhaps there was something to that goddess sermon if this was the case. Hiroyuki went to straighten his right arm across his pectorals as to limber up for the conflict ahead. To assist, he hooked his left arm along it and exerted backward pressure. After that, he repeated the action. Senji drove his hands through his hair, it having grown since he neglected cutting it in the weeks since is joining of LAW, and pulled the fingers back to help focus himself. While they were getting ever closer, Senji asked his brother a question in a muted tone, echoing a sense of uncertainty for multiple factors. Chief among them being...

"Hiroyuki. Do you think we can beat 'her'?"

The elder one glanced back, light green/hazel orbs splitting between Senji and Bast's face. As they finally reach the center, Hiroyuki finishes his verdict and responds at a normal volume. Light-colored fingers wrap around the ropes as he did so.

"I am not sure."

It was not a yes. Not a no. Only the ominous premonition.

The two climbed past the ropes in only a few seconds, taking a position opposing Cersei and the Hammer of Africa. Two she was going to strive to nail down within the next few minutes. Already, Hiroyuki was wondering about the fight in particular and what Bast might do. He needed to interpose if she targeted the weaker point of her team. And he wouldn't let his sibling face a superior opponent alone. Inwardly, Senji reached a conclusion to his thoughts on Bast's conditions now that he could see her in all the glory she took up. Hell, Senji needed to raise his head up just to look Bast in the face from their short distance away.

["She's just as imposing as---he was."]

Geun. Huan. Miss Sky. His own father. None quite held the candle (without stipulations) to the black-eyed mercenary who took down the patriarch of their family. Quite the begrudging analysis he gave her in that case. This woman was a special case. Neither sibling ever faced a man or woman akin to this before now, even on their hardest matches.

``The Fighter and The Dealer``

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Re: Feeding Time

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Gods, Samira did not want to be here.

She had just gotten off from their flight to Japan five hours ago. It was a long, unpleasant ride, flying in a stuffy metal tube, strapped to a seat she could barely fit in, eating food that she wouldn’t give to her dog, and all she wanted to do when she landed was go to their hotel room and sleep and sleep and sleep, but no, Cersei insisted they come here and do this, and it was, to put in the mildest way possible, making her a touch cranky, and she was hoping against all hope that, perhaps, if she looked mean and scary enough, nobody would come out and mess with the big, tough black lady, and she could have a rest.

But no. Of course not. Instead, someone had to show up and be the hero.

You wouldn’t have known how peeved Samira was just to look at her, as she kept her expression unreadable, but she throwing all sorts of silent curses their way as they made their way to the ring. She wasn’t mad at them so much as she was at the situation, though, and she did her best to remember that. They were just doing their job, trying to raise their stock a little at her expense. She wasn’t going to let that happen, but that didn’t mean she had to punish them for it.

She cracked her knuckles and stepped back as the two men entered the ring, sizing her up. She did the same to them, and was reasonably impressed - they were athletic, in decent shape, suitably fit. Neither was close to her size, but that wasn’t the only important thing.

She was just about to address them when her sister stepped between, smirking the whole way. ”Oh, my. Two victims, so eager. I applaud the bravery. Or idiocy. Whichever applies.” She gave them a quick clap, then leaned forward. ”Well, don’t be shy, Bast won’t attack you before the bell. Names, let’s have them. Be gentlemen.”

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Re: Feeding Time

Unread post by TheLoneWanderer »

Yes. Unfortunate. Now it is to be noted that Hiroyuki or Senji weren't idiots. Alternatively speaking, they were not dumbasses. They wouldn't have gotten as far by being the town idiot. Neither was perfect yet both did want to compete here on a surface level. If they won, then it'd be a great boost to their overall profiles. If they lost, well...at least they would've survived against the Pantheress. While Hiroyuki abstained when Senji asked, he did reckon a chance was present especially since they were together. Senji would be far more reluctant if he was required to face Bast on his lonesome. He tended to get thrashed by those above his weight class when the chips were down and he got snagged.

When Cersei stepped between the two and Bast, Hiroyuki set about pulling his follicles back into a ponytail. This, now secured by a band, would make it easier to grapple. She wanted their names. On Senji's side, he could not see the reason why not. It isn't like they were standing in a one-way out space surrounded by potentially armed strangers or some other scenario. Hiro spoke at a room volume, but didn't bark his given name out like an adrenaline-fueled maniac.

"---Hiroyuki, Cersei. That is my brother."

Senji's ears perked up at that, his head snapped towards Hiroyuki and the older woman. Senji locked his hands together in front of his chest...cracking the digits as they were stretched and straightened adjacent to one another. The younger boy nodded in reference to himself before saying his short piece...


One matter of note was how Senji detected her addressing of Bast. It was similar to how one would make reference to an attack dog instead of a beloved family member. He considered bringing it up but decided not to. Now was not the time. A final action was to give respect towards the opponent. The two had not been able to handily do this in previous matches, due to them beginning quite fast or the opponent quickly driving towards the other to begin things promptly. Hiroyuki clasped his hands together while the newer warrior followed suit at a slight delay of his own volition. Then, they bent over towards Cersei and Bast at a quarter angle before raising themselves back to standing tall. Senji kept his hands on his sides. The muscles became tense. Like a coiled spring, they'd be ready to snap into action within moments. The lad had not taken a stance, however. Hiro, on the other hand, split his attention between the Hammer of Africa and her promoter. Light green orbs flickered from one and the other, drinking in (and narrowly appreciating) their appearances and dispositions. Bast seemed to be the tight-lipped type due in part to that unreadable expression. Her skill at avoiding making her problems their issues disallowed the family members from seeing what was off in particular.

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Re: Feeding Time

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Gods, this was where Cersei loved to be.

All the glitz, the glamor, the gaudiness of professional wrestling was coming over her like a wave. She was no stranger to crowds, but this was something wholly different than the dingy backalleys and rat-infested pits that she and Bast had found themselves in before. The weight was greater, as thousands and thousands of eyes in the arena and millions and millions worldwide judged her every move. It was the sort of grand promenade that she had been waiting for her entire life, and she intended to make the most of it.

So, needless to say, she was more than pleased with the two men who decided to step up to Bast. A credible pair, nothing to scoff at - though, she would be scoffing at them, all the same. But together, she wagered they would be enough to give Bast some small challenge and last long enough for her to use some of her better moves. They would more than suffice.

”Hiroyuki. Senji.” She pointed to each of them and nodded. ”Good names. Strong names. I’ll be sure to tell them to the EMTs when they come to collect what’s left of you. And brothers! Family is so important.” A little overdramatic, perhaps, but not too far off from what she expected to happen. They might have been men, and fit ones at that, but Bast had broken bigger. Far bigger.

”I hadn't planned on making this a double show, but since you two seem eager to share in the glory, I’ll allow it. Now, all we need is…ah, there we are.”

Sure enough, a referee was making her way to the ring right now, coming down with a quick dash and sliding in between them. ”Perfect timing, good service. Let’s get started, shall we?”

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Re: Feeding Time

Unread post by TheLoneWanderer »

A master of puppets was what Cersei saw herself as. While the two couldn't have known, they were playing along to her tune. A ride they'd have to complete, regardless. Senji listened to Cersei's talk of family. Those eyes of his narrowed based on the previously brewing thoughts in his mind. These simmered into the backdrop though. As his eyes remained transfixed on the fighter, the so-called deity among the mortals, Senji's impressions reached one conclusion based on referring to a fated battle from two years ago. Well, that and his limited matches before now.

["---If I don't do my best, I could die."]

It was not a "try" situation. It was a do situation. The difference between the two, when not with Hiro, was too great for Senji to not bring out his best. If things didn't go their way, Hiroyuki had decided he'd at least drag Senji out of this even if it cost him something in return. But...perhaps they could manage a small victory. Their chances were not 0%. They could not be over 70% either. They would not win because they wanted to so badly. Frequently that was not how the world worked. Senji's gaze flicked to Cersei and the newly acquired mediator. Senji backed up from the situation, taking his position beside Hiroyuki. Unknown to him, reason-wise, Hiro had put his body more in front of Senji's but to the left side so that her offense would be concentrated on the greatest defense. Deep breaths. In and out, the two made. And then, they were prepared! Both brothers gave a smile and a nod to the referee before the shorter sibling's lips were uncurled into a focused expression. Senji raised his arms, keeping one in front of the other. More specifically, the left hand near his face so that he could defend with the more dominant limb and strike or grab using the right hand. His right foot was kept pointed towards Bast. The foundations in boxing called for the lad to strike a southpaw stance. Hiroyuki's eyes came to settle on the rippling figure of Bast before he commanded his body to follow suit in a mirror stance to Senji's. This was accented by him bouncing on his feet lightly to remain mobile.

Senji went over a plan of action in his mind, one of the perceptions being that, ["She is too large for me to takedown when she's prepared. Still, I don't know how good she is at grappling itself. Moves aren't made for Hiroyuki and I attacking one woman either."]

For the game plans, separately. In his mind, Senji would prefer if she attended the ground game on his terms. He'd need to defend himself if she managed to mount him or something. Judging by the way her thighs pulsed with clear power, being inside her guard would not be too enjoyable either. To get a read on her, Senji became compelled to observe her stance and movements. The strong point here would be endurance and technique. He had to acknowledge that she probably was stronger than him to an arbitrary extent. All in all, Senji would go with wrestling or striking since he was not mediocre in both fields. On Hiro's side, his intention was similar to his brother given their similar techniques. However, Hiroyuki had legs toned to be durable enough to withstand the demanding kicks his Muay Thai utilized. He wasn't like he'd gotten any weaker than when he had been actively practicing and his in-process reconditioning. With Senji guarding his rear, Bast would need to split her attention between two opponents. From what he could discern, she can do so...

The anticipation was detectable in the atmosphere of the arena.

"Let's get this commenced.", the more sociable one said as he gave a verbal admission of readiness too.
Last edited by TheLoneWanderer on Sat Sep 10, 2022 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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