The LAW crowd were standing around, milling about as they waited for another match to start, or something, anything, to happen. It had been a normal night of wrestling. Nothing bad, mind you, but nothing exemplary, either. A normal, fun night of pro-wrestling in the middle of Japan.
And then came the music.
Long Live the Cheif
And then two figures emerged from the curtain, and…
Cersei and Bast

But the woman that came out behind her was something else. LAW had plenty of heavyweight women, no stranger to towering titanesses, but most of them were svelte, full figured beauties with pleasing curves. The brute that came down to the ring was nothing less than a moving mountain of muscle. Ripped from head to heel, she looked more akin to a jungle cat than a female human, with a body built for power and speed, and a focused, terrifying visage.
The shadow she cast was long and the pressure she exuded was heavy, leaving the audience unsure what to even say or how to react. They wouldn’t have to speculate for long, however, as the smaller woman grabbed a microphone and the two made their way into the ring. Time for a promo.
“Japan. Welcome.” The larger woman took her place at the center of the ring, arms folded, while her shorter counterpart strolled around the perimeter, sliding her hand along the ropes while she spoke. Her accent was light, tinged with an African flavor that wasn’t often heard on this side of the world, and she made little attempt to hide it. ”My name is…well, you may call me Cersei. And this, this vision of dominance, this living ziggurat, this unstoppable juggernaut, this goddess in the flesh, my sister, is Bast. The Hammer of Africa.” She spun about on her heel and presented the name with a flourish, making sure the audience knew how important the title was.
”Now. I could tell you so much about Bast. I could regale you with tales of the men and women she has crushed in rings throughout Africa, horrify you with stories of brutality that would make your blood chill and leave your hearts aching. Or.” She held up a finger and pointed to the curtain. ”Or, better still, I could show you what my sister is capable of. But to do that, we need a volunteer. Any man, any woman. If you believe yourself worthy, come to the ring and test yourself. Come to this ring and become famous.”
And there was the challenge. Bast stood, unmoving and unwavering, as she looked up the ramp. Waiting for…