A video/vignette segment in response to the cowardly assault/call-out from Cyber Legacy
The camera fades in on a woman walking down a white hall. Her purple outfit is unmistakable. As the focus adjusts, she turns around and walks backwards to face the cameras. Her build, her body shape/frame, the outfit, the mask, these things are all unmistakable. It's none other than LAW's own Super Kitty, Katherine Hart!
"Hey!" Kat waves to the viewers.
"I don't bring this up very often. Because you don't always have to call attention to yourself when you try to do rift by others, but there's a reason we're at it today. Follow me." She gestured as she rounded a corner. Hart would quickly resume her backwards walk to continue guiding us down the halls. This hall was much busier. Individuals wearing scrubs and white coats could be seen walking about in the background.
"I actually spend a lot of time in facilities like these." The brawny, busty luchadora gestured broadly.
"Hospitals, community centers, graduations, sometimes special areas backstage at LAW arenas. I try to go the extra mile to do things to give back to the fans by doing out of my way to work with different charity organizations through LAW. Organizations like the make a wish foundation and the dream foundation. I also donate a good portion of my salary as a wrestler and as a champion to nonprofits like doctors without borders and the toys for tots foundation."
"But today, we aren't doing charity work. No, we're visiting someone. Come with me. In here." The luchadora would turn into a room. The cameras would follow her to show a blonde woman in a hospital bed, alone in the room. The woman was of an average build. There was nothing particularly noteworthy about her on the surface. Her leg was in a cast. She seemed quite lethargic. It was as if her hospital stay started only recently and she was still coming down from whatever sedatives were used during her treatment. Katherine stood by her side. She squeezed the mystery woman's hand.
"Hey, sweetie. It's me, again. I brought the cameras and the crew just like you asked. We're live on LAW television." Hart affirmed the woman in a sincere voice.
"Why don't you go ahead and tell us your name. The world should know your story."
"M... Margaret..." The woman strained her voice to say.
"That's good enough. I'll take it from here, okay?" Kat would squeeze the blonde's wrist once more before facing the camera. As the view panned, signatures and drawings from Katherine, Tracy, and Aurora could be seen on the lady's leg cast.
"This woman here is one of the many fans and staff that Cyber Legacy viciously attacked not too long ago. Margaret here got the worst of it. She's the one that the angry redheaded one put in the PTO hold. I'm no doctor, but I was told it'd be a while before she'd be walking again." Kat started, in a somber tone. The usual life and confidence in her eyes, her usual larger-than-life presence transitioned into something much more solemn, much more serious.
"Cyber Legacy....my tag partners and I have been making the rounds. Making sure that the fans and the production crew and staff that you attacked would be alright."
"You guys...especially Serilda, have been trying to damage our reputations for months. I tuned it out, mostly. After all, you're not the first or the last to try to drag my name through the mud. It took you a while to figure out that it doesn't work. That the very same fans you antagonized see through your lies. And once it's finally set in that your lies are just that, lies, what do you do?"
"You assault them." Kat's frown began to deepen.
"You know, I've always told everyone around me that the only difference between myself and the fans in the stands is the years of experience in the ring and in the business. That's it. It starts and ends there. A lot of people like Theresia, like Liger, and like Ana regard themselves as being so much better than the fans when the reality is that darn-near all of us at LAW at some point started off just like them. As fans and nothing more."
"Fans that wanted to see athletes like us inspire them in amazing matches and rivalries. I hold them in such high regard because I was exactly where they were not too long ago. I connect with the fans because I love this sport and so do they! I connect with fans because I revel in the idea that any one of them can become a self-made wrestler just like The Super Kitty, just like Katherine Hart."
"Heck, even if they don't, you should understand that without the fans there is no wrestling. No LAW....."
"And yet, what do you broads in Cyber Legacy do? You attack fans and staff alike. Injure and hurt the very same people that give their time, effort, and money to this industry to contribute to it and make it prosper. You injure cameramen! You get slapped with heavy fine after heavy fine from DeFranco and how do you pay for them? With the very same money from the fans that's used to pay your salaries."
"Now, committing to this hypocrisy is something I could see Serilda doing. She's young. She's dumb. She's doing whatever she can to get her fifteen minutes of fame so that she can branch out from underneath her mom's shadow."
"But Theresia, I gotta say, as someone who's been doing this as long as you have. To see you back your daughters in senselessly attacking fans and camera crews?!"
"Heh.." Hart scoffed.
"I'm not mad. I'm disappointed."
"You three went through all these lengths. You find clips to try and paint us in a bad light. You piss us off by attacking SWAT Cats fans. You even jumped Tracy in her match with Serilda and you tried to end her career....."
Kat took a seat in the chair next to Margaret's bed. She put her hands together and interlocked her fingers in front of her mouth. Hart stewed for a moment before getting up. Slowly, she made for the exit.
"Cyber Legacy, you sent a message. You sent several, actually but this is the first one that we can't just outright ignore."
"And our response? All 3 of you are so convinced that The SWAT Cats are "fake heroes"....I've never gone around calling myself a hero before now. That's a word the fans have ascribed to me. That LAW staff has given me. That goons like you have labeled me and my team."
"But if being a real hero means making sure you never pull this crap again....? Then we'll get our super suits and capes. And you can meet us in the ring so we can settle this once and for all."
A Declaration Of War: The SWAT Cat's Rebuttal
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A Declaration Of War: The SWAT Cat's Rebuttal
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Re: A Declaration Of War: The SWAT Cat's Rebuttal
As soon as the woman finished speaking... An assailant who is holding a tablet with a live feed on it comes over and gives it to the masked woman to look at... shaking her head at what she saw before turning away quickly knowing that the masked woman is going to be upset and furious at what she is about to see on the live feed.
Clapping is heard coming from Serilda, who is wearing her red suit outfit with that crazed smug look on her face staring back into the camera knowing that her message to the Cats was received and now she got her answer.
'It's so nice of you to visit poor Margaret in the hospital or tell the world about you do with your money and everything else in the world. But you made one big mistake... you thought that beating I gave Margaret was the only one I done to get your attention you know.' All the while muffled groans are coming from behind the woman as a bright spotlight is shining down on that single spot in the wrestling ring, before being revealed for everyone to see.
It is a blond woman wearing Kat mask and gear, but it is cleared to everyone that the woman is just another big fan of the stable team and now she is the next woman to be beaten in such a manner. Bruises and welts are seen on the woman's body from being hit repeatedly with the kendo stick the woman is carrying on her shoulder.
As the red hair woman takes her jacket off still holding the weapon in her hands... ' You see Kat your mistake was assuming that I'm young, dumb, and I'm only doing this for that so called fifteen minutes of fame...' Serilda says... before turning around and smacking the hung up woman with the kendo stick to the ribs.
Another loud smack is heard from another shot, this time to the stomach area as the woman is pleading at the camera for help from anybody watching.
' Well, guess what Kat... it was past fifteen minutes and I still have your attention and I already branched out from underneath my mother shadow, I already made my name infamous already by coming after the things you hold dear to your little fake heart.' ' You talk about being disappointed well the only one who should be disappointed is your Kat, this is what you created when you ran your mouth and now you want to look around asking those little friends of yours on why everyone is coming after you. Well, this is what you started, but unlike the other ladies... I am going to finish it by doing the one thing nobody has ever done before.' While she is talking, Serilda would cut the beaten woman down.
Leaving the helpless woman on the ground in front of her before placing her foot on the back of the woman's head to keep her down. ' you see when I called Wilde Jagd on you. the Hunt means that no matter who supports you, your fans, Auroa and Tracy, hell even your own family Kat... they are fair game to the Hunt and who knows maybe I be doing a video package of me going to see your family I wonder if that will get your attention hmm.'
As she kicks the woman in the ribs for good measure again. ' Sadly our time is coming to an end, but I wanted to leave you one last thing to know about... Since DeFranco was so nice to not fine or suspend me and my family again, for these assaults were doing... So they're going to be a lot of blood on your hands now Kat, your message of war has been answered by me.'
As Serilda would lock in the hold that was used to put Margaret in the hospital... that modified scorpion crosslock. Those familiar screams of pain and surrender echoes throughout the ring and the video as Serilda locks the hold in and with no one to help the woman escape or beg to be let go as that pop like noise is heard and the screams get louder before the woman passes out mercifully.
Dropping the woman's body to the ground, Serilda would lift the woman's head up by the mask and hold it up for the camera to see. 'Pity this one didn't last as long in the Kat Killer... Maybe your family might put up a better fight next time Kat... I be seeing you soon...' as the screen turns black.
Clapping is heard coming from Serilda, who is wearing her red suit outfit with that crazed smug look on her face staring back into the camera knowing that her message to the Cats was received and now she got her answer.

'It's so nice of you to visit poor Margaret in the hospital or tell the world about you do with your money and everything else in the world. But you made one big mistake... you thought that beating I gave Margaret was the only one I done to get your attention you know.' All the while muffled groans are coming from behind the woman as a bright spotlight is shining down on that single spot in the wrestling ring, before being revealed for everyone to see.
It is a blond woman wearing Kat mask and gear, but it is cleared to everyone that the woman is just another big fan of the stable team and now she is the next woman to be beaten in such a manner. Bruises and welts are seen on the woman's body from being hit repeatedly with the kendo stick the woman is carrying on her shoulder.
As the red hair woman takes her jacket off still holding the weapon in her hands... ' You see Kat your mistake was assuming that I'm young, dumb, and I'm only doing this for that so called fifteen minutes of fame...' Serilda says... before turning around and smacking the hung up woman with the kendo stick to the ribs.
Another loud smack is heard from another shot, this time to the stomach area as the woman is pleading at the camera for help from anybody watching.
' Well, guess what Kat... it was past fifteen minutes and I still have your attention and I already branched out from underneath my mother shadow, I already made my name infamous already by coming after the things you hold dear to your little fake heart.' ' You talk about being disappointed well the only one who should be disappointed is your Kat, this is what you created when you ran your mouth and now you want to look around asking those little friends of yours on why everyone is coming after you. Well, this is what you started, but unlike the other ladies... I am going to finish it by doing the one thing nobody has ever done before.' While she is talking, Serilda would cut the beaten woman down.
Leaving the helpless woman on the ground in front of her before placing her foot on the back of the woman's head to keep her down. ' you see when I called Wilde Jagd on you. the Hunt means that no matter who supports you, your fans, Auroa and Tracy, hell even your own family Kat... they are fair game to the Hunt and who knows maybe I be doing a video package of me going to see your family I wonder if that will get your attention hmm.'
As she kicks the woman in the ribs for good measure again. ' Sadly our time is coming to an end, but I wanted to leave you one last thing to know about... Since DeFranco was so nice to not fine or suspend me and my family again, for these assaults were doing... So they're going to be a lot of blood on your hands now Kat, your message of war has been answered by me.'
As Serilda would lock in the hold that was used to put Margaret in the hospital... that modified scorpion crosslock. Those familiar screams of pain and surrender echoes throughout the ring and the video as Serilda locks the hold in and with no one to help the woman escape or beg to be let go as that pop like noise is heard and the screams get louder before the woman passes out mercifully.
Dropping the woman's body to the ground, Serilda would lift the woman's head up by the mask and hold it up for the camera to see. 'Pity this one didn't last as long in the Kat Killer... Maybe your family might put up a better fight next time Kat... I be seeing you soon...' as the screen turns black.
Last edited by The Riders on Mon May 02, 2022 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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