A day later, there she was on the steps of the same building she'd have to fight her in again. She quickly approached, leaving her fear at the door as she searched aimlessly for her brother, before finally entering the arena, surprisingly filled to the brim with people. As quick as her dread over the situation left, was as quick as it came back. Her heart could barely contain the absolute anxiety that Renee might reveal her real identity. She had already won this abstract game of chess, managing to get Louise in a checkmate. She had no choice but to suck it up and walk down the ramp.
To her surprise, Renee wasn't waiting for her in the ring just yet. The only thing she was met with was adoring audience members chanting both of their names. She had nowhere left to go but forward as she stepped inside the ring, not even in ring attire as she waited for whatever Renee had planned.
As she stood there in the ring in her normal clothes, she felt completely alone, almost insecure. She regretted not pretending her brother well enough. It was her fault her brother got kidnapped and she was going to have to pay the price for the both of them. She knew if Renee revealed her true identity, Louise would surely get investigated and sent to court for murder. However, before that, she needed to make sure her brother was safe. She needed to get her brother back and leave him with Raven until she could figure out a plan to free them both. This was the end for Louise, and she knew it. She met her idol, she found herself, she got rid of her jobber status, and she made a friend in the process. Moreover, she even became a teacher. Even so, she still didn't feel like her journey was complete yet. She had to figure out a way to outsmart Renee before she loses everything. She just had to stay strong, even though there was almost twenty cameras pointed directly towards her face at all times.