
"Ladies and gentlemen of LAW, fans here and around the globe...I've come to speak to you once again!" she said, her first words sending up a cheer. "This time, though, what I'm about to speak of goes beyond just LAW. Yes, this is an event so big, it can't be confined to just one promotion! I speak, of course, of the USPW Championship Scramble - an event being held in our partner promotion, United Supreme Pro Wrestling. Hank Strongbow Williams and everyone backstage have been hard at work making everything come together for the big event. And, as both a LAW champion and a long-time member of the USPW roster, it falls on my shoulders to bring this announcement to Japan!"
"You may be asking yourself, what is the Championship Scramble? It's a series of five-person matches, each being contended for a title. One of those positions is reserved for the reigning champion. But those other four slots, those hopefuls given the chance of claiming the prize for themselves, are drawn from the best of the contenders, those who meet the requirements for each championship and stand at the top of their respective divisions. For the most part, these are chosen from the winners of a series of qualifier matches. And to commemorate the collaboration between our promotions, I'm proud to announce that LAW's top stars will be getting a shot at the qualifiers for USPW's premier women's title, the Wildcat Championship!"
After a pause to welcome the fans' cheers, Astrid continued. "Two of the qualifiers, to determine two of the contenders who will take on Black Tornado for the Wildcat Championship - yes, the same Black Tornado scheduled to defend her title at Fight the LAW - will be held on USPW, with talent drawn from their roster. But the other two will be held here on LAW - and I'm pleased to announce that the names of those ladies you all know and love who will get their shot at the gold overseas have already been chosen!"
Astrid turned to the big screen, where the names of those chosen to participate in the qualifiers flashed by, each drawing another burst of cheers:
"However..." Astrid continued, her smile growing wider, "That is not the announcement I'm most excited to bring to you tonight. For it won't just be USPW titles being defended in the Scramble. With the blessing of Dan DeFranco himself...one of the Scramble matches will be held for a LAW championship belt!"
The fans cheered again, but this time, Astrid's expression grew grave, her voice softening and her eyes narrowed. "Originally," she said, "this would have been for the Lightweight Championship - the winners of the qualifiers taking on Rose Gold herself."
Almost immediately after Astrid had mentioned Rose Gold, the fans began to boo; after all, their match at We Are LAW - one that had ended with Astrid passing out just before she could slam Rose into the mat, ultimately granting the Lightweight Champion the win in a decision that had left quite the fallout - was still fresh in many a mind, including Astrid's own, with the thought of it causing her grip to tense up around the microphone. However, she cleared her throat, continuing. "However...as a result of her previous match...Rose has suffered an injury to the shoulder, one that will leave her unable to compete." She winked at that, and her smile grew a little wider. Everyone who had seen the match knew why - after all, it was Astrid who had been the one to deal Rose that injury. The Norsewoman usually wasn't the type to brag of such things, but against Rose, she couldn't help but feel a little bit smug.
"As a result, the planned competitors for the Lightweight Championship Scramble qualifiers - Miranda Tomi, Kaguya Hojo, Annie Clark, and Cassandra Selinofoto - will all be folded into a new series of qualifiers to determine the participants of a new, all-LAW Scramble, one where the prize will be a title match against the Wildcat Champion at any time of the winner's choosing. But...mark my words, I will still not let the dream of having a LAW title defended on the Scramble die! It is for that reason that I am putting this - the Heavyweight Championship - on the line at the USPW Championship Scramble!"
The crowd let out a gasp. This was only the latest in a series of stunts Astrid had pulled regarding her title - first it was challenging Dana Ashford to a title match without even giving herself time to recover from the match with Rose; then it was taking on Tina Kelley with the full knowledge that a loss there would cost her her place in the main event of Fight the LAW. But Astrid was determined, nonetheless, to prove she was worthy of holding the honors she did, lest anyone still doubt her after her loss to a lightweight. Now, she was taking on not one but four women , and putting the championship on the line against all of them! And yet, Astrid seemed as confident as ever, standing tall with a beaming grin as she pounded a fist against her chest in a show of strength!
"Of course, by this point, there's no time to arrange any further qualifiers...which is why I intend to make this Scramble an open challenge! I send this message out to everyone elligible for the Heavyweight Division, in LAW or elsewhere...if you think you have a shot, make your presence known between now and the Scramble! I'll pick any four of you, when the time comes - and those four will take me on in USPW, winner take all! So..." She took the belt in her hands and held it above her head. "Who thinks they have what it takes to bring this home?"
Behind the Scenes
All the slots for the Wildcat Champion and Wildcat Contender Scramble qualifiers have been decided. However, the participants for the Heavyweight Championship Scramble are fair game. This will be open to anyone who wishes to participate, with four LAW heavyweights going on to participate in the Scramble match. If you're interested, you can respond to this thread (in-character!) or just DM me or Wanderer.