LAW Company Press Conference! (open to all)

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Re: LAW Company Press Conference! (open to all)

Unread post by LowDefinition »

Kanata sat through the conference among the crowd. She had mostly slept through the boring parts of the conference. Waking up just in time when the part where LAW talents would talk a piece of their mind and demand a PPV match. Seeing all the younger talents show their fire in delivering why they're worthy of a PPV match, Kanata would smile and clap at every one of them.

And then it seemed like it was her turn to talk next... Kanata walked up onto the stage. Grabbing the mic and leaned over to the podium.
"Maa... <Seems like I'm not wrong in joining LAW in the first place.>" Kanata opened with her native language Japanese. "<I'm Kanata Yamamoto, a veteran pro wrestler. Though perhaps I've yet to do anything significant in LAW, I believe my past experience and skills makes me a worthy contender of a belt.>" She looked over to the crowd with confidence.

"Yes, that's right. You're looking at a future Heavyweight champion right here." She switched her spoken language to english. "I believe the Heavyweight tournament is already underway and I missed the entry match. So, I demand a match to show my worth to be a #1 contender for that future Heavyweight Champion!" After letting her intention known, she put the mic back on the stand. But she's not quite done yet.

"<I'm not done yet, I still have my fire on me.> So give! Me! More!" With that, she concluded and left the stage.
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are... High Definition.

Open for match ideas and stuffs, hit me up in Discord (cause that's mainly where I am when I'm not posting) LowDefinition#5144

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Re: LAW Company Press Conference! (open to all)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Given the vast amount of wrestlers whom had cut their speech immediately after one another, quite the queue was forming for poor Defranco as once again, before even been given time to speak, another wrestler had made her way to the stage. Uncharacteristically, in quite fashion, especially given the statements that had been made and one or two figures in attendance alongside her!

Clad in something of a new attire; a somewhat more stylish take on her previous one piece, with blue trim now surrounding near enough all the edges of that black fabric, Karen Starring had taken to the podium oddly enough, without a spec of drama. And with a weirdly calm voice!
"Now...I could easily go on, don't get me wrong. I could stand here for a hour or two, listing my achievements. How I ain't been fucking beaten yet in a clean fight. How I win any tournament I goddamn enter. But what's the point?" Smug grin to her face, Karen had apparently thought herself above listing her accolades, whilst doing exactly such.

"I could give a hundred more reasons why anyone that's talked up here, and anyone whose going to talk, is beneath me. I could give you another hundred as to why I should be the main event of this damn pay per view."

Leaning back, Karen took something of a small moment to cough, clearing her throat for what she deemed the defininite part of her speech.

"I'll give you just one. The only one you need. I'm Karen Starring."

And just like that, Karen had left the podium, before making a noted pace to the exit. Apparently under the belief there was next to no chance she could be denied with such a bold claim for the top spot!

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Re: LAW Company Press Conference! (open to all)

Unread post by winner3 »

Yoko wrote:
Yoko sat in the front row of the LAW Conference, catching the news article on the company's website that there will be a lot of discussion about the future LAW PPV. For the blonde Japanese heavyweight, that was a biggest opportunity for not just a massive payday...but, depending on whoever showed up at the Conference, she might have a choice in her "meal" that would be her match, be it a tough war with another heavyweight or middleweight...or a complete squash of a girl much smaller or simply weaker than her.

As the announcement was made for LAW Talent to put their claims up for the PPV, Yoko decided to sit quietly and not attract too much attention for now...though it was difficult for a woman her frame and height.

As Samuela came up, she was down on Yoko's list in her "war" column, being incredibly glad to be the first one in someone's win/loss record.

Kyoko didn't prove to be too interesting to the blonde, however, completely uninterested in the happenings of unofficial or division restricted belts...even though she believed that she could take a belt like that as easily as a candy from a baby.

Noble Rose, someone she had heard about from other companies, stood up next after Dan answered the previous 2 women's questions. With the justice and peace talks, Yoko would simply chuckle to herself, while etching the name "Noble Rose" into the "Prey" column in her mind.

Next, came a complete newcomer in Moonyoung...and her making a hole in a podium to prove that actions speak louder than words...eliciting outright laughter from Yoko, and attention from some of the other people in the audience for the conference.

Upon Dan saying his piece Yoko would finally put her hand up. She felt it was time to draw preys and wars to her through words.

Once up on the stage, Yoko had recieved quite a few boos in her direction:

"Oh! It's so good for my fanclub to finally arrive here!"

"Now, to answer your question, boss guy, I am Yoko Kitsune, I wrecked some weaklings' careers and entire arenas with my battles elsewhere, and I destroyed a cute little duck that a lot of people are fans of and now they hate me for it."
, she started as matter of factly as possible:

"As per why I deserve a match at the second LAW PPV? all suck.", she pointed to all the LAW Ladies in attendance she could recognize. "You suck at both wrestling...and at being smart. Maybe some of you will give me enough challenge to work for a victory, but for the most part, I will end you in...oooo...less than 5 minutes? ...nah, make that 4. That's a fact. Don't like it? Call this dude...", she pointed at Dan: "Try to prove me wrong and fail. Thank you for your attention", she would say with a mocking smile, about to step off the stage, before realizing she forgot something:

"One more thing: <You realize most people here can't speak English? They can't make out a word you say without a translator? Only the hole-puncher had the right idea so far>", she would hypocritically mock other competitors while speaking in her native Japanese, before finally making her way off the stage.
"<This conference is being translated, streamed, and broadcast in multiple languages. With Closed Captions/Subtitles.> Thank you for stopping by Yoko. You can Kyoko should start a thing together. With your collective, ever-brimming 'confidence'. The GM would use air quotes here to emphasize his skepticism.

Dan was happy with the reception Ducky Williams was garnering with fans. He recognized Yoko as a woman who bested the blonde bombshell recently. The GM would try to be impartial with the remainder of his response. As Miss Kitsune departed, he'd shrug off any grievances he had with the heavyweight and leave off with a trailing thought. "Yeah they'd be like, KyoYoko or something....yeah...."
Celeste and the Queendom wrote:
Celeste would watch the conference on her laptop , and would yell for one of the tech guys to come into her office.As this felt like the perfect moment to get some attention , and reveal what she had bin doing since she revealed herself as the commissioner of hentai as she would appear on one of the tv screensas she said''Hello Dan how have you bin.At the moment I got nothing to report really ,but I can tell you that it seems I was wrong as we do got plenty of talent who can be compared to myself.So stay tuned for more info as I will soon reveal who will be fighting for the hen'' when music would start to play.

The anger and frustration at being cut off was all over the blond's face as she shouted ''cut this music off as I was talking here'' , but to her anger the music would only get louder as she heard someone sing ''welcome to the queendom.To the queendom now'' as a redhead walked into view.This person was none other then Summer Samson , and behind her was her right hand woman Bellatrix Booth as the redhead wore red boots , white knee socks with red and purple stripes on the top , a orange skirt , a purple tank top and black jacket.As for the bluenette who was following her was wearing blue boots ,blue knee socks , a very revealing blue dress with a cloth keeping her panties from view and a cloak and magic staff to finish the look as the queen bee would just say ''well I have not done anything really.Well besides kicking ass as I destroyed whoever fought against me as I managed to beat all my opponent's in the rising star tournament.That however is only the start as soon everyone can rejoice as I will rule over LAW as a Queen as this will be my queendom as I'm shooting for the stars together with my friends as were taking over'' as she then turned around not even waiting for Dan's responds.

Not believing how rude these two were Celeste would order her secretary to find out what she could about this those two as she hoped to resume what she was saying.Only to hear a voice say ''is it alright if I say something Mr chairman? If so I am shamed to say I have done nothing to contribute to LAW yet ,but not from a lack of trying more from a lack of having being given a shot as I am still waiting for my debut match.So if you could set something up for me I promise you that I will repay you back with my performance''as it would be revealed to be Jasmine Deva who was wearing her wrestling attire which consisted of red shoes , pants and a top while she wore golden bracelets as she then took a step to await what Dan would tell her.

The GM's trailing thoughts would be interrupted by Celeste's statement. A statement which was soon followed by the arrival of Summer Samsom and Bellatrix Booth of the Queendom. Summer immediately went off on a small tirade. The secretary girl soon tried to reign the mouthy heel in. She apologized for Summer's behavior before speaking of her anticipation of her debut.

"Thank you. Please see your friend out. I'll see to it that you get to debut, Jasmine. And I'll see to it that Summer's conquest to take over isn't an easy one. Best part is there's so many LAW women trying to run things at LAW that I don't even really have to do anything. You've all got plenty of competition."
Tina wrote:
Tina was sitting among the crowd, dressed in a most unassuming manner wearing blue jeans, a white tank top and a knit hat. She grinned as people all around her spoke and some made valid points while others sounded like bags full of hot air. All bark, no bite. Tina cleared her throat standing up and making her face much more easy to see now that she was no longer staying hidden.

"Hey everyone. I am gonna go out on a limb and guess that ya all know who I am. I know we have a big event comin' up so I figured it is only right for the true champion in LAW to defend that title!" Tina said with a smile, tilting her head to the side. "Ladies, there are a lot of deserving women out there but there is one in particular I'd like to call out." Tina said, taking a second to pause. "Megumi Mutoh. You and I will have us a match at the PPV. The middleweight championship will be on the line in a falls count anywhere match. I do hope ya don't shy away from this fight and I will show ya that I do deserve my belt, that I am a good champion... one who will enter and exit the arena that night with my title." Tina said before looking around a moment.

the middleweight champion sat back down, more than eager to hear what other women felt like they deserved a PPV matchup. So far the matches proposed were intriguing at the very least. She hoped that trend would continue...
Dan would clap after Tina's short speech.

"The LAW Champion, ladies and gentlemen." Tina seemed to be all business as per usual. The woman had a one-track mind, set on proving herself as a tried and true champion. Tina had been doing very well for herself, but her legacy was only just beginning.The Gm would do everything he could to ensure that she had challengers and that women who set their sites on the gold would get their chance, provided they proved themselves.

"I'm well aware of Miss Mutoh. If she's the woman you'd like to challenge, we need only await her response. Once she confirms, we'll book the match. Bear in mind that Megimu isn't the only one who wants that belt. There were many before her, as I'm sure you're well aware. And provided you make it past her, there will be many more after her....

So, best of luck to you. I'll be paying close attention, Miss Armstrong. Make us proud. Make LAW proud."

Kanata wrote:
Kanata sat through the conference among the crowd. She had mostly slept through the boring parts of the conference. Waking up just in time when the part where LAW talents would talk a piece of their mind and demand a PPV match. Seeing all the younger talents show their fire in delivering why they're worthy of a PPV match, Kanata would smile and clap at every one of them.

And then it seemed like it was her turn to talk next... Kanata walked up onto the stage. Grabbing the mic and leaned over to the podium.
"Maa... <Seems like I'm not wrong in joining LAW in the first place.>" Kanata opened with her native language Japanese. "<I'm Kanata Yamamoto, a veteran pro wrestler. Though perhaps I've yet to do anything significant in LAW, I believe my past experience and skills makes me a worthy contender of a belt.>" She looked over to the crowd with confidence.

"Yes, that's right. You're looking at a future Heavyweight champion right here." She switched her spoken language to english. "I believe the Heavyweight tournament is already underway and I missed the entry match. So, I demand a match to show my worth to be a #1 contender for that future Heavyweight Champion!" After letting her intention known, she put the mic back on the stand. But she's not quite done yet.

"<I'm not done yet, I still have my fire on me.> So give! Me! More!" With that, she concluded and left the stage.
After hearing and understanding Kanata declare her worth and future as a LAW Heavyweight Champion, DeFranco raised an eyebrow.

"Your fire is much appreciated Miss Miyamoto. Believe me, you will be given ample chance to prove yourself as being championship material. Once you've had a match or two, do make an effort to get ahold of me. I'll see to it that you're given a chance to be deemed number one contender. We'll put your words to the test and see if those skills you spoke of, hold up."
Karen wrote:
Given the vast amount of wrestlers whom had cut their speech immediately after one another, quite the queue was forming for poor Defranco as once again, before even been given time to speak, another wrestler had made her way to the stage. Uncharacteristically, in quite fashion, especially given the statements that had been made and one or two figures in attendance alongside her!

Clad in something of a new attire; a somewhat more stylish take on her previous one piece, with blue trim now surrounding near enough all the edges of that black fabric, Karen Starring had taken to the podium oddly enough, without a spec of drama. And with a weirdly calm voice!
"Now...I could easily go on, don't get me wrong. I could stand here for a hour or two, listing my achievements. How I ain't been fucking beaten yet in a clean fight. How I win any tournament I goddamn enter. But what's the point?" Smug grin to her face, Karen had apparently thought herself above listing her accolades, whilst doing exactly such.

"I could give a hundred more reasons why anyone that's talked up here, and anyone whose going to talk, is beneath me. I could give you another hundred as to why I should be the main event of this damn pay per view."

Leaning back, Karen took something of a small moment to cough, clearing her throat for what she deemed the defininite part of her speech.

"I'll give you just one. The only one you need. I'm Karen Starring."

And just like that, Karen had left the podium, before making a noted pace to the exit. Apparently under the belief there was next to no chance she could be denied with such a bold claim for the top spot!
After hearing Karen do her level best to out-brag all the other arrogant, unsavory women to say their piece, the CEO looked down and facepalmed.

"Phew..." He said with a deep exhale.

"Alright, DeFranco. Gotta remember that a good General Manager's gotta remain impartial unless otherwise necessary." Dan said to himself as if to resist the urge to staunchly and vehemently disagree. The man would lift his head to speak. opting to choose his words carefully.

"So, um, Karen definitely has something of a resume. I mean, she'd certainly shown it by talking a bigger game than most anyone that's graced us with their presence this afternoon. I cannot deny that you're certainly going places, Starring. We'll talk through main eventing PPV specials. We will.But for this particular upcoming PPV, I sadly can't promise you that spot. Do partake, though. Continue proving yourself. It'll happen. You've managed to find ways to keep yourself busy up until now. By the time you feel ready to make it big and go for gold and main event and all that good stuff, I'm sure you'll have an even stronger case than you do right now....then we can listen to you talk about it for two or three days rather than two or three hours...."
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

If you just need plain old winner, please reach out via If you're interested in scoping out my characters and/or pitching RP ideas, here's my roster
:raised_hands: Peace, Love, and Sexy Wrestling Roleplay Stories :raised_hands:

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Re: LAW Company Press Conference! (open to all)

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

The overall feeling of this thing seems to be....a lot of arrogance on the part of the wrestlers chomping at the bits to get there 15 minutes of fame. She supposed she couldn't blame them regardless of there inflated ego's some at least had some credibility to what they were saying while others seemed to demand there spots with very little to back it up. Nevertheless Robin watched all of them with the same level of disinterest. Samus bored her, 6 wins was hardly worth bragging about just because you haven't lost yet. Kyoko annoyed her, such an arbitrary thing to boast about, no one cares who has the best abs and if she were in Dan's place she would ban such an ugly belt. Noble Rose was almost laughable, peace and justice? What was she 12? Moonyou g was just another blowhard who had a podium to replace. You were hired for your ass or because you looked a little tough not because your some special snowflake. Yoko was pathetic, bragging about crushing nobodies and acting like it was some big deal, Robin mentally pumped her in with Samus. Celeste was equally pathetic being upstaged by women who clearly had far more of an agenda then her and proved she was nothing more then a carpet to be walked all over. Tina said the only thing worth mentioning, a champ actually looking for competition was noble, stupid but noble. Though she imagined that would turn the heads of middleweights who had earned there contendership sooner being passed over, not that she cared her eyes were on the heavyweight belt. Nanata was probably the second biggest joke of this conference besides Moonyung, a girl with all bark and no substance to provide for it. Which placed Karen Starring as she so eloquently decided her name and bragging/not bragging was enough to put her on the PPV without listing what she wanted at all besides being in the main event, yeah cause people want to see you wrestle nobody number 13 in there main event.

After a few seconds Robin sighed and stood up walking towards the podium with purpose. She had talked to Adam once when she was discussing her new contract now that's she was signed on as a competitor, such active competition was beneath her but a PPV she could be willing to work for such a spotlight. She deserved such a spotlight, they just didn't know that yet. Raising her glasses to stare at Dan as she spoke Robin made sure her words came out loud and clear. "Since it's very possible you are the only person here when knows me by name Dan let me introduce myself to all the people here. Robin Mendez one of LAW's newest competitors. Now I'm not delusional about my place here, I'm at the bottom. Not because I'm the worst like a certain Karin Shin or because of my social status but simply because I have done nothing to prove otherwise. Well I hope to rectify that in the coming weeks. I hope to prove my worth in the build up to this illustrious PPV and earn my spot. As for who I'd like to fight when that time comes. Well it is a long ways away so for now I cannot truly propose anything but a request for an open mind to consider any match I might make for this card in particular. If you would please...that is all.."

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Re: LAW Company Press Conference! (open to all)

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Megumi Mutoh was sitting among others, making herself as unassuming as possible, but being someone with quite a high profile like her, keeping herself hidden among these people was very hard, especially after Tina Armstrong, the inaugural and current middleweight champion of LAW, called her out. Never the one to let any kind of calling out unanswered, Megumi stood up and made her response.

"First of all, thank you for presenting me with this chance, Tina..." Megumi began. "I acknowledge you as a great champion, I won't deny that. But, you are new and a very fresh face among the juggernauts here..." She looked at Tina, smiling as she gestured at the others. "I'll be the one to ascertain whether you deserve to have the gold wrapped around your waist or not, and knowing me..." She gave Tina a challenging look. "I'll probably emerge victorious and take the title from you. You better prove me otherwise, Tina Armstrong..."

After she's done, she sat down, feeling excited over this.

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Re: LAW Company Press Conference! (open to all)

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

Two figures stood at the door of the hall, the bustle and mumbled voices could be heard, but all that was meaningless. The only thing that mattered was the grand entrance.

Natasha and Valentina, the Russian's who were the most hated and potentially the most feared in LAW both in unison burst through the doors. Their entry did not disappoint, the room hushed and all eyes were fixed on them.

"Well, we are back girls, did you miss us?"

A smug look crept wide across the faces of the Soviet pair as they walked toward the podium where the CEO of LAW stood. Neither Val nor Natasha waited for the reply to her question that dripped with sarcasm. All that could be heard was mumbles, whispers and mostly groans.

With no sense of care for the authority before them, both Russians got up to approach the microphone. Valentina was about to go onto full promo mode, much to the crowds dismay.

"Move to one side and buy zee better suit Mr Chairman!"

Natasha sarcastically sassed the boss as she ushered him out of the way with her dangerous curves.

"Thank you Natasha. Well, I can see you all thought the pair of us had left LAW. Whilst its true, we have been admiring the Russian national team in the World Cup. For you see, Mother Russia will crush all before her, but I digress...."

The sigh from the crowd grew

"I will make this brief, as frankly the sight of you all makes me sick. So, Mr Chairman, Natasha and I are putting our hats into the ring for the tag team titles. We have crushed everyone so far, in fact there are no teams who can compete. Not the Blundergirls, not the SWAT FATS.... Why don't you just crown us now and save a lot of faces from being sat on"

Valentina chuckled and her tag team partner nodded with a smirk. Then she saw one figure in the crowd who caused Natasha's blood to boil.

It was Tina and the belt she held.

Natasha approached the microphone and spoke

"Tina, you pathetic middleweight. I can zee the title you have, juzt be aware, zat is MY title! I am letting you hold onto zis, az soon az you have finished with zeeze jobbers, you WILL give me zee belt!'

Valentina smirked as Natasha stepped away.

"Well then Mr Chairman, it seems simple. The Imperial Russian Empire are tag team champions and my darling partner is soon to be middleweight champion. Over to you!"

She stepped away with a flick of her hair to allow the CEO to speak
Last edited by RiotGrrl on Tue Jun 19, 2018 6:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LAW Company Press Conference! (open to all)

Unread post by winner3 »

Robin Mendez wrote: The overall feeling of this thing seems to be....a lot of arrogance on the part of the wrestlers chomping at the bits to get there 15 minutes of fame. She supposed she couldn't blame them regardless of there inflated ego's some at least had some credibility to what they were saying while others seemed to demand there spots with very little to back it up. Nevertheless Robin watched all of them with the same level of disinterest. Samus bored her, 6 wins was hardly worth bragging about just because you haven't lost yet. Kyoko annoyed her, such an arbitrary thing to boast about, no one cares who has the best abs and if she were in Dan's place she would ban such an ugly belt. Noble Rose was almost laughable, peace and justice? What was she 12? Moonyou g was just another blowhard who had a podium to replace. You were hired for your ass or because you looked a little tough not because your some special snowflake. Yoko was pathetic, bragging about crushing nobodies and acting like it was some big deal, Robin mentally pumped her in with Samus. Celeste was equally pathetic being upstaged by women who clearly had far more of an agenda then her and proved she was nothing more then a carpet to be walked all over. Tina said the only thing worth mentioning, a champ actually looking for competition was noble, stupid but noble. Though she imagined that would turn the heads of middleweights who had earned there contendership sooner being passed over, not that she cared her eyes were on the heavyweight belt. Nanata was probably the second biggest joke of this conference besides Moonyung, a girl with all bark and no substance to provide for it. Which placed Karen Starring as she so eloquently decided her name and bragging/not bragging was enough to put her on the PPV without listing what she wanted at all besides being in the main event, yeah cause people want to see you wrestle nobody number 13 in there main event.

After a few seconds Robin sighed and stood up walking towards the podium with purpose. She had talked to Adam once when she was discussing her new contract now that's she was signed on as a competitor, such active competition was beneath her but a PPV she could be willing to work for such a spotlight. She deserved such a spotlight, they just didn't know that yet. Raising her glasses to stare at Dan as she spoke Robin made sure her words came out loud and clear. "Since it's very possible you are the only person here when knows me by name Dan let me introduce myself to all the people here. Robin Mendez one of LAW's newest competitors. Now I'm not delusional about my place here, I'm at the bottom. Not because I'm the worst like a certain Karin Shin or because of my social status but simply because I have done nothing to prove otherwise. Well I hope to rectify that in the coming weeks. I hope to prove my worth in the build up to this illustrious PPV and earn my spot. As for who I'd like to fight when that time comes. Well it is a long ways away so for now I cannot truly propose anything but a request for an open mind to consider any match I might make for this card in particular. If you would please...that is all.."
Miss Mendez's words, tone, and body language came across to the General Manager as rather grounded and warranted. Unlike some of the more boastful wrestlers, she didn't outright declare and revel in a sense of superiority. Rather, she spoke eloquently and got to the point. An approach that DeFranco often went with, himself. The man nodded at some of Robin's words and leaned towards the microphone on his podium to respond.

"Very well said, Miss Mendez. Thank you for the introduction. I hope to see great things from you during your career here at LAW. I'll be keeping an eye on your exploits and ventures. Just as I've said to the others, go out there and prove yourself. As long as you've put in the work, success will follow."
Megumi Mutoh wrote: Megumi Mutoh was sitting among others, making herself as unassuming as possible, but being someone with quite a high profile like her, keeping herself hidden among these people was very hard, especially after Tina Armstrong, the inaugural and current middleweight champion of LAW, called her out. Never the one to let any kind of calling out unanswered, Megumi stood up and made her response.

"First of all, thank you for presenting me with this chance, Tina..." Megumi began. "I acknowledge you as a great champion, I won't deny that. But, you are new and a very fresh face among the juggernauts here..." She looked at Tina, smiling as she gestured at the others. "I'll be the one to ascertain whether you deserve to have the gold wrapped around your waist or not, and knowing me..." She gave Tina a challenging look. "I'll probably emerge victorious and take the title from you. You better prove me otherwise, Tina Armstrong..."

After she's done, she sat down, feeling excited over this.
Of course, after having heard Tina speak, it would only be a matter of time until the challenger she named made her appearance. Megumi was looking as confident and determined as ever. Clearly she meant business. And that business would be settled in the Tokyo Dome during her middleweight championship match with Tina Armstrong.

"Thank you for responding, Miss Mutoh. I look forward to your championship match with Tina. I believe we all are. Please show us your resolve, your grit, your drive. Show me that each of you have the makings to be more than a credible and threatening champion and challenger. Put it all on the line for LAW."
RiotGrrl wrote:
Tue Jun 19, 2018 6:22 pm
Two figures stood at the door of the hall, the bustle and mumbled voices could be heard, but all that was meaningless. The only thing that mattered was the grand entrance.

Natasha and Valentina, the Russian's who were the most hated and potentially the most feared in LAW both in unison burst through the doors. Their entry did not disappoint, the room hushed and all eyes were fixed on them.

"Well, we are back girls, did you miss us?"

A smug look crept wide across the faces of the Soviet pair as they walked toward the podium where the CEO of LAW stood. Neither Val nor Natasha waited for the reply to her question that dripped with sarcasm. All that could be heard was mumbles, whispers and mostly groans.

With no sense of care for the authority before them, both Russians got up to approach the microphone. Valentina was about to go onto full promo mode, much to the crowds dismay.

"Move to one side and buy zee better suit Mr Chairman!"

Natasha sarcastically sassed the boss as she ushered him out of the way with her dangerous curves.

"Thank you Natasha. Well, I can see you all thought the pair of us had left LAW. Whilst its true, we have been admiring the Russian national team in the World Cup. For you see, Mother Russia will crush all before her, but I digress...."

The sigh from the crowd grew

"I will make this brief, as frankly the sight of you all makes me sick. So, Mr Chairman, Natasha and I are putting our hats into the ring for the tag team titles. We have crushed everyone so far, in fact there are no teams who can compete. Not the Blundergirls, not the SWAT FATS.... Why don't you just crown us now and save a lot of faces from being sat on"

Valentina chuckled and her tag team partner nodded with a smirk. Then she saw one figure in the crowd who caused Natasha's blood to boil.

It was Tina and the belt she held.

Natasha approached the microphone and spoke

"Tina, you pathetic middleweight. I can zee the title you have, juzt be aware, zat is MY title! I am letting you hold onto zis, az soon az you have finished with zeeze jobbers, you WILL give me zee belt!'

Valentina smirked as Natasha stepped away.

"Well then Mr Chairman, it seems simple. The Imperial Russian Empire are tag team champions and my darling partner is soon to be middleweight champion. Over to you!"

She stepped away with a flick of her hair to allow the CEO to speak
The Chairman cringed slightly when he saw the Russian pair burst through the entrance doors. Natasha Rostovik and Valentia Vladinova were as uppity and antagonistic as ever. They immediately broke into the act of making spectacles of themselves. In the interest of not inciting conflict, DeFranco stood aside and allowed the Imperial Russian Empire their chance to speak. Along with their usual boasting and insults, along with their support for Russia in the world cup, they announced their intention to become LAW's tag team champions! And Natasha announced her intention to wrestle Tina Armstrong's middleweight title away from her!

After the curvy heel tag team finally let up and the audience aired out their grievances in the form of exasperated sighs and groans, DeFranco would adjust his tie and take his place at the podium again.

"Ah....well....thank you for sharing that all with us. Many things to consider when it comes to the words that Rostovik and Vladinova shared with us. We will indeed have LAW tag team champions. They seem to have their eyes on the Thundergirls and the SWAT Cats in particular. Tina's already got enough to worry about as far as the middleweight championship goes. We've already had several wrestlers announce their intention to aim for it. But the Imperial Russian Empire are the first to announce their bid for the tag team titles. And they may very well be one of the most credible tag teams at LAW. I do wish the SWAT Cats were here to react, as I'm sure they're also a team eager to become tag team champions. At any rate, all this and more will be decided soon enough."

"The landscape at LAW is ever-growing. Whether it's any weight division, tag, hardcore, or eventually mixed wrestling, there will always be competition of the highest caliber for our fans to enjoy, and for our ladies to pit themselves against."
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

If you just need plain old winner, please reach out via If you're interested in scoping out my characters and/or pitching RP ideas, here's my roster
:raised_hands: Peace, Love, and Sexy Wrestling Roleplay Stories :raised_hands:

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Re: LAW Company Press Conference! (open to all)

Unread post by TheManVan »

A loud crash entered the conference room as a chair went sailing down to the ground as an irate Queen Cobra entered the room. "HOLD UP!" she shouted as she shoved her way past many camerapeople and reporters as she grabbed the nearest microphone, looking directly at the chairman up front. She had heard that there was going to be an open forum for the upcoming PPV for LAW where wrestlers can voice their opinions and reasoning why they should be on the card.

There were many good reasons, title matches, making a name for themselves, or even just elevating their respective division. But Reiko was not here for any of that. The Cobra was here for one reason and one reason alone. "I don't care about titles, I don't give a shit anything about that!" She shouted as she pointed a finger at the Chairman, "There's one bitch here who deserves an assbeating more than anyone else! And I demand that she and I have a match at the next PPV!" she shouted, referring to her rival Candy Cane who recently triumphed over her in a mud match in humiliating fashion. Everything had reached a boiling point and beyond for the two of them and Reiko was ready to settle it once and for all.

"I want Candy Cane dammit! You're going to put a match for us at that PPV, and you're going to make it a Deathmatch!"

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Re: LAW Company Press Conference! (open to all)

Unread post by Devastated »

Not a long after the bleached blonde biker went out to shout at the chairman, did a punk rocker step out and march her way through the camera men and women, and the reporters. She marched her way up towards Rowdy Reiko, as Candy Cane had made her way right into the center stage right now. For a moment she just stared and glared at the Biker chick, Becky would then grab Rowdy Reiko by her collar and yank on her.

" da fuck's your problem?" Candy Cane spoke as she would glare at Rowdy Reiko, " Thought kickin' your fat butt would make ya understand that this biker trash bullshit was useless." Candy Cane was straight up pissed at Rowdy Reiko, that she didn't want to drop this whole tough girl act and go back to her old self.

Candy Cane would try and then release Rowdy Reiko and shove her away. She wanted to end this with Reiko once and for all. " You!" She said, shouting towards the chairman. " Put us in a match! The more brutal the better, I'm knockin' this wannabe biker down once and for all."

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