Round Three

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Round Three

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Whenever Sanae Saitou took to the ring, it was a big occasion. Her career might have had humble beginnings as a Young Lioness, but her athletic prowess and her incredible determination in the face of all odds had drawn many an eye to her, and that had jump-started her into superstardom as both a wrestler and an idol. Naturally, when she stepped through the curtains and out onto the ramp, she was greeted by an uproar of cheers before she'd even said anything. With the fans around her flashing cameras and waving glow sticks in the air, the atmosphere was just as energetic and hyped up as one of Sanae's concerts. But Sanae wasn't here to put on a show. She had something else on her mind.
As she came to the ring, the green-haired girl took hold of the ropes and started to climb up, turning and waving to the fans as she did. "Hiiiiii, everyone!" she cheered, just before she jumped off the ropes and did a backflip into the ring, drawing even louder cheers. She looked out at the stands with a grin, beaming with pride - the warm welcome she'd gotten was a testament to how far her career had come. But then, as she reached for a microphone, her face grew more stoic. After all, there were bigger reasons why she was here.

"If there's one thing I'll never get tired of," she explained, "it's hearing how excited all of you are to watch me take to the ring!~" She pumped a fist proudly in the air. "I got into wrestling to get my name out there and prove I could make it as a star - and you all are living proof that it worked! But...I'd be doing a disservice if I said that I had done it all alone. I can't deny it - I wouldn't be where I am today without some incredible opponents to push me to my limits and encourage me to new heights. Opponents like the very first woman I faced as a member of the LAW roster, Alizeh Midori!"

Alizeh had indeed been Sanae's opponent for her debut match, and she could hardly imagine anyone better to go up against. Alizeh was every bit as strong-willed, determined, and talented as Sanae was, and the two of them kept pushing each other to greater and greater lengths in the name of outdoing one another, forcing Sanae to pull off some truly impressive moves and endearing her to the world. Outcompeting Alizeh was no easy task, but Sanae had strived to do it, and that had forced the peak of her potential out of her. Even if she had lost that match, she had come away with a deep respect for Alizeh and all the work she put into perfecting her craft. So much so that she was encouraged to keep training and getting stronger to live up to her example.

"Some times, to really succeed as a wrestler, it's all about trying to raise the bar that someone else set for you. And Alizeh definitely set that bar. I can say with confidence that she's one of the best wrestlers in this company, and I'm truly blessed to have faced off against her. She showed me things I didn't even think were possible, but I just came away all the more encouraged to live up to her example! I focused all my efforts into being even half the wrestler she was! So much so that when the two of us faced off at our Apex qualifier, I was happy to show her everything I'd learned. And it seemed to work out well, because I was even able to beat her!"

A few more cheers rang out at Sanae's mention of that match; she looked off into the distance with a grin on her face, thinking about it. " do realize where that leaves us, right? We're tied. And if we're going to keep pushing each other to improve, and to outdo one another...well, we can't just leave it at that, can we?" The prospect of another match between such talents as Sanae and Alizeh had stirred up even louder cheers, but Sanae wasn't finished.

"In fact, it wasn't long after that match that Alizeh and I made a proposal. That the next time we'd face would be in a POW match!" That announcement too got a few cheers - whether it was for the escalation in the action that would entail, or just because such matches tended to get steamy, Sanae wasn't sure. Either way, she looked off with a blush. She thought about her girlfriend, Lyra, and how she felt guilty to be agreeing to such a thing when she felt she had neglected their own relationship, though it had led the two of them to be more forward with their feelings. Still, Sanae couldn't let that stop her. She took a deep breath and looked back up, holding her back as straight as she could.

"We figured that after all we've been through, and all we've done...when we've already competed for attention, and for a shot at Apex...the only way to possibly escalate the stakes would be to gamble for our own freedom! That, we thought, was the only way we could bring the best out of us! Well, Alizeh, I think the time has come!" Sanae looked back at the ramp, pointing a finger in that direction. "We've waited long enough! If you're as ready as I am...why don't you come down here so we can make this final?"
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Re: Round Three

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It wasn't even a minute after Sanae made the call that Alizeh's entrance music began to play throughout the arena. Soon after Alizeh would come out from behind the entrance curtain, looking over the crowd before gaze drifted to the ring, taking focus on the young woman standing there in the center who had called her out. Alizeh knew this would be coming, it was inevitable since she and Sanae had first discussed it. Granted things happened that put it off and delayed, but neither had forgotten and.. result here they were.
After posing for a minute Alizeh would make her way down the ramp, her expression getting more serious the closer she got to it before she slid under the bottom rope and angled herself back to her feet within moments after. Seeing the two in the ring together again naturally got the crowd even more excited and hyped than before, cheering and whooping at the two even with a word being said between them just yet. Seeing this and smirking slightly Alizeh would raise the mic she had come out with to her lips.

color=#008000]"By the sounds of it, we're not the only ones excited for this to be happening."[/color] Alizeh said with a small chuckle before stepping closer to Sanae. "And I am excited for this, maybe more than any other match I've had in LAW, I think you are too... Even if it'll end up like the first time we fought." Alizeh said, unable to help the bit of competitive edge and teasing nature from her tone as she looked directly into Sanae's eyes, gauging her reaction to see what she'd when pressed.

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Re: Round Three

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And there it was - as soon as Sanae had issued the challenge, Alizeh was there to make it official. As soon as her music came over the speakers, the arena lit up with cheers, the sort that could only come from the arrival of a fan-favorite like she was. And those cheers would only be amplified tenfold when her appearance was hyping up a match that so many fans had already been stoked for - one that would see two high-profile competitors bringing forth nothing less than the peak of their potential now that the stakes were higher than ever. Sanae's fists clenched as she held herself straighter, and she puffed her chest out as she turned to face Alizeh. The fact that the big event they'd been looking forward to for so long was just on the horizon had risen some butterflies in Sanae's stomach...but she wasn't going to turn back now! Going into something like this, she couldn't be anything less than fully prepared!

Sanae's fist balled tighter at her side as she stepped closer to Alizeh. Her eyes were fixed unblinkingly on hers - she couldn't flinch, and she couldn't back down. Not now. They drew closer until their chests were pressed up against each other. For a moment, they were silent - a moment that felt like an eternity, when the tension was so thick in the air. Sanae took in a deep breath as she listened to Alizeh taunt her...but she wasn't going to take that for an answer.

"Oh, I'm excited too...but if you think that, then you're sorely mistaken." Sanae reached up to grab a hold of Alizeh's hair, tugging her head closer until their foreheads were pressed together, and she was staring directly into her eyes. "If there's one thing I've learned about myself, Alizeh, it's that I'm a fast learner. Think of how close I came to beating you then...and now, think of all the time that's past, and all the boundaries I've broken since then. I've only gotten stronger. I know I'm strong enough to beat you - and I can do it again!"
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Re: Round Three

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Marching into the ring confidently Alizeh would step right too Sanae to the point that the two's chests were pressing up against one another, mushrooming upwards in a display that would be distracting for anyone else but not tonight. Neither the crowd nor the woman facing off were focused on anything but the matter at hand. Setting up this third, tie breaking bout to settle things. It was rare for either Sanae or Alizeh to be this serious, especially when not against an outright enemy, but at the same time it just spoke to how serious each was taking this, how much they wanted that tipping point victory over the other.

Something made even more clear as Sanae reached up and grabbed Alizeh by the hair, pulling her in towards her face. Blushing slightly while wincing in pain Alizeh knew not to take it personally, or that Sanae was trying to start something, others might but Alizeh? She knew the hidden meaning of a hair pull in Joshi wrestling. It meant Sanae was wanting a fight and Alizeh was happy to reciprocate as she reached over and grabbed Sanae's hair as well, tugging forward as well causing the two to be pressed forehead to forehead, barely an inch or so between their lips as Sanae spoke.

Saying that she came within a hairs breath of beating her in their first bout which was true, and how much she had grown since then, that she was strong enough to beat her once and again if that's what it took. "The thing is Sanae... You're right. You learn faster than anyone I've ever met and if you had pinned me in our first match there's a good chance I wouldn't have kicked out... But you didn't and I won that day, and you may have only gotten stronger but so have I. Or do I need to remind you of the difference in our records and actual accomplishments since that day?"

That one felt a bit like a low blow but Alizeh couldn't help it, Sanae was challenging her verbally and Alizeh wasn't one to shy away and back down. "But if you're so confident.. lets add one more wrinkle to this bout... prisoner of war... best of three falls! Since you want to bring up our first bout... only seems appropriate." Alizeh said, attempting to take a measure of control by pulling back on Sanae's hair to force her to lean back slightly with Alizeh looming over her in a bid to try and exert some dominance.

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Re: Round Three

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Sanae didn't take her eyes off of Alizeh for a moment - not even to blink. For an occasion as important as this, the middleweight demanded every second of her attention. Nothing else even passed through her mind - nothing could possibly compare to how much this meant to her, right here and now. Alizeh had been a constant presence in Sanae's career - she had been the role model she aspired to be, and she had encouraged her every step along the way in her journey to lift herself to those same heights she enjoyed. Sanae had a lot of respect for Alizeh, and she owed all of her success to how she had motivated her to be the best she could be. But the whole way through, the two girls had been in fierce competition with one another, always trying to surpass each other when it came to their perfection of their styles. They always had to prove they could outdo the other - that they had learned even more since last time, and that that would be enough to tip the scales in their favor. Now, they were tied. They needed this one last match to settle it all. Now that opportunity had come - and Sanae was ready for it.

She winced a little from the pain in her scalp as Alizeh pulled her closer by the hair, but her eyes still narrowed down on her rival's with a steely, unwavering gaze. Their bodies were pressed tightly together now - they breathed the same air, taking in each others' scent with every inhale. The fans were cheering louder and louder at the prospect of such an intense rematch, but Sanae wouldn't pay that any heed. There was nothing in the world to her right now besides her and Alizeh. Nothing else mattered!

In fact, not even her close friendship with Alizeh mattered. She had plenty of respect for the girl, and the two of them had even teamed up before, but Alizeh wasn't afraid to strike a verbal blow at Sanae when she brought up how much more successful she had been in her career. That made Sanae tense and her teeth grit tighter - but above all, she didn't flinch. She only held her back straighter and muscled her way in closer. Even when Alizeh proposed another stipulation for the match, it did nothing to rattle Sanae's composure - she knew, that in a match as important as this one, she had no choice but to be ready for whatever came her way!

"You're on!" she said. Alizeh pulled her head back just a little; her eyelid twitched against the rising pressure. But so too, Sanae hauled back on Alizeh's hair, keeping their unblinking stares locked firmly on each other. "I don't want you to forget - every time you and I have faced off, I've pushed myself further and further to excel, and to move past my limits. You might have more wins on me now - but with this much riding on this match, I have more motivation than ever to reach my next level. And you know I'll go for it! So do whatever you want - I'll just beat you two times in a row with all I've learned, and all I'll learn between then and now!" Not skipping a beat, Sanae shoved her chest back up against Alizeh's as she muscled in closer, the two of them jousting for the position even before any bell had rung! Sanae knew she couldn't come in second place - and she had absolutely no intentions of doing so!
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Re: Round Three

Unread post by Bare »

Such intensity and borderline violence was unexpected for most who knew anything about Alizeh and Sanae. They were known as friends, best friends even, some even speculated that the two were dating prior to their respective public relationships being made known, and they were tag team partners on top of friendly rivals. When they had their rematch it was welcomed but only held as a result of a heel's machinations. This however? This was different. This was the two wanting this against one another. It was more than about a win or loss, or being taken as a prisoner of war.

It was a matter of pride against the other and they were treating it as such, hence the intense stare down and hair pulling. It was the actions both felt they had to take to prove that no matter what they'd do whatever it took to win, even from this point here before the match was even close to a start. Sanae's words especially were firing up Alizeh to an inferno to the point that even as her hair was wrenched back she didn't blink, just continuing to stare down her fellow green haired competitor.

"Talk however much you want Sanae. I know how much you grow. How strong you've become. Go for whatever you want. It won't change a thing when I beat you!" Alizeh shot back simply, so focused on Sanae and her response that she didn't notice how fully Sanae was leaning into her, or the fact that she was starting to bend backwards from the force...

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