Shocking Deception

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Shocking Deception

Unread post by Devastated »

Friday 18:12

It was a little under an hour before the matches of tonight would start and as it would happen Trinette had a match lined up tonight. Though she wasn't sure who she was slated to face off against, they had been surprisingly hush hush about that specific detail. However, Trinette knew that this was fairly common, especially when LAW wanted to do some shocking kind of reveal. What she hadn't expected though was as she was finishing up getting situated and having just started to don her attire, she heard the jingle of her phone.

Reading over the message she received, Trinette would tilt her head a bit. Supposedly there was going to be a fan meet before the match. Trinette didn't mind it but it was a bit short on time, though perhaps she wasn't first up tonight? Trinette shrugged her shoulders, finished putting on her attire.
Trinette would head out of her locker room and make her way to the designated area she had been informed about in the text message. Upon arriving at the area, the time was probably around 18:20-25ish if she would guess. She didn't bring her phone with her since there weren't a lot of places for her to store it in her attire. She'd look around for a bit, as her gaze soon met with a woman who seemed to be the one organizing what was going on. Considering she could see a rather sizable group of people a bit further away that seemed to carry signs and merchandise of the Paladin herself.

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Re: Shocking Deception

Unread post by Monsy »

“Over here, my Triniteers! Attend and you’ll get free tickets, graham crackers and a chance to meet bully-blue herself!”
ushered the stragglers at the back of the group, then pointing to another bozo with popcorn. “You! Do you like heroines being absolutely obliterated?!” The bozo looked, put a finger to their chest, and looked right and right, saying meekly, “m-me?” Before Katja stomped forward, grabbing his arm. “Yes, you! You look like a terrorist sympathizer! Come with me!” She went behind the guy, shoving him. He didn’t resist.

The front of the group was hosted by a masked scion.
, dressed in a long-sleeved dress shirt and dress pants in blue, white and gold trim. Like a casual transformation of the Paladin’s wrestling attire. Her shirt had a graphic of Trinette’s chibi face on the centre! And then—

“Look who it is!” Dot shouted, waving with one hand. A clipboard in the other. Her LED lit up with a beaming grin, coming forward with a hurried shoulder turn left and right to navigate the crowd that lit up with joy. The crowd came forward, first 3 feet, then two, then a little uncomfortably close with phrases, praises, questions and requests with their merch. Dot came between them. “Don’t you heroine addicts know how to make a line? Hup-two! Three! Four!” She marched on the spot to the beat, occupying their attention and making a section reflect and find their senses. One fan needed to wipe a tear, shivering in their arms from giddiness (or caffeine, to Dot’s estimation). She turned around, looked at the clipboard and said… “Well. You weren’t expected for another two minutes, but this works. Happy to finally meet the pompous stomper of all things villainous and tomato-flavoured.” Dot went for a handshake. Meanwhile--

“Hup-two! Hup-two!” Katja was shouting to make commotion in people’s proximity, giving them shoves so they didn’t block the key doorway.

Under Dot’s clipboard was a modified black and purple wristwatch, sleek in design and light as a penny. She grabbed it, then let the strap hang over her index while the rest hid behind the angle of her hand, showing it half-passionately. “Clearance bracelet. There are a few of yous runnin’ around tonight, so this’ll show the crew you’re the real deal.” Then without much acknowledged permission, she reached for Trinette’s wrist and attempted to put it on as naturally as possible.

If it cinched, then the watch’s tiny screen would light up with a Spectre symbol underneath failing lights that cued for this exact moment.
Last edited by Monsy on Sun Jan 26, 2025 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Shocking Deception

Unread post by Devastated »

Trinette would tilt her head a bit to the side as she would look on at the situation. She wasn't really sure what to make of it, what she could say was that she hadn't really attended many fan meets, so she didn't have enough experience with this to know if it was going in the usual manner. Trinette would hear someone shout out which got her attention, if that hadn't then the mask? would. She would wait for the woman to approach her as she waded her way through the crowd, before she then marched in place and organized the crowd into a line.

"Ah, sorry for being early I suppose?" Trinette spoke out , "Happy to meet you as well." Trinette's thoughts drifted a bit as she thought about the masked organizer's words. Did she call her pompous? Or the villains she was stomping pompous...also tomato flavoured? It was somewhat lost on her and it made her reach forward for the handshake more so out of instinct than being actively there.

As she was presented with the bracelet, Trinette would snap out of her thoughts and look at the masked woman. " Understood." She had no reason to be on her guard at the moment, and besides she had just been snapped out of trying to discern the meaning behind her words, it had dawned on her rather quickly that it was probably to do with the hair colour of some of the villainous individuals she had been up against in LAW so far, and that quite a few of them were redheads, it wasn't something she had put much thought towards until now. "Strange..." She would let out to herself under her breath, as Dot put on the modified wristwatch on her.

She'd turn her wrist to look at it, only to see that it wasn't a normal clearance bracelet but a wristwatch with an LED screen! Not only that a symbol of a skull appeared and for some reason it gave Trinette a bad feeling... "What's with this skull?" She'd ask as she looked over at Dot with a raised right eyebrow.

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Re: Shocking Deception

Unread post by Monsy »

As Trinette asked her laaaast question in the bundle, Dot cupped the Paladin’s chin, guided it to eye level then raised an index in front of her visor, shushing Trin with a corresponding emoticon. Then, quickly transitioning into wrapping an arm around their shoulder, pointing to a monitor hung on the wall playing the live show.

A formally-dressed announcer was at the centre of the ring, holding the mic with a calm hand, speaking with fire and passion for pro-wrestling. “NOW HOLD ONTO YOUR SEATS, BECAUSE UP NEXT IS TRINETTE VAILANT VS DAISHOUR--”

Static took the titantron. Audio pops blared on the speakers. Hissing smoke came out the machines in malfunctioning steam from the burnt electronics, infected with a little physical device that activated by timer. Right on cue. The screens backstage turned off. But there was an audio feed between those at the commentary desk and those backstage, reassuring that everything is ok. Clever bastards.

Spectre’s logo plastered across the screen. The teeth and nuclear eyes glowing as she talked.

"About that.” Her voice carried through the sound systems throughout the LAW building. She planted bugs filling the gaps so no one escaped her voice. Her icon moved and shrank in the top-left corner, then the Titantron spawned a Trinette file that typed out Spectre's profile for her, containing her physical info, favourite moves, weaknesses and moral code, circled in red. “First. I hear there has been a heroine making waves. One little warrior queen called Trinette Vailant, The Paladin. The world’s most righteous to ever lick a puritan's portrait. A completely spotless background, a real angel. But, as time proves: conviction doesn't help her glass jaw, weakness to cheap shots or that her legs bruise from a boston crab. You know how much I want a slave like that?”

The Trinette model grew and took over the display with chrome arrows pointing to the weaknesses Spectre called out. Afterwards, it transitioned to a live feed of a dark room with a purple light showing Daishouri tied to a chair by her ankles and wrists. The virus came up from behind. “Then there’s Daishouri.” Her victim shivered. Dot’s visor developed sparkling fixtures over her eyes and amazement in her expression. “Crossfire casualty. I'd give this one three out of ten.” She stroked the girl’s hair, who tried to jerk away, only to be punched across the cheek, then re-grabbed and pulled back, looking straight up. “Just isn’t quite ready yet.”

“Get -off-!” Daishouri yelled. Spectre put a hand over her mouth. “But she does have courage. Give it time. She’ll be on my table too. But enough about this upstart. Trinette, my darling victim. Get to knowing me fast, because I'm only going to declare this once. You’re -MINE- to hunt. Wherever you are, at any time, I'll watch -closely-.” The screen showed pictures flashing up like pop-ups of Trinette in public, at a restaurant, at a gym, aquarium, history museum, library and an overhead shot of a bug planted in a vent inside Trinette’s condo. Spectre began to cackle, first low— then she stopped.

“The best way to crush a public defender is by ruining their public trust, so I gathered a whole colony of blue-loving rats to witness what I have in store first.” After a pause, she revealed.

“Ironwoman.” And the crowd gasped. ”Twenty minutes to break every value. Every pledge. Every promise you have for herself. And the best part?” Spectre’s cackles, looking down at her feet to keep it together. “You've already lost. Horribly.” The crowd’s voice went from annoyed jeers to anger. Anger they couldn’t direct anywhere. They couldn’t see her at all now. Dot flashed a side-mark, mischievous like a cheshire.

“Watch your wrist. On the count of three, you’re going to feel something extremely painful. Worse than the brass knuckles Karla Ray Bitchheart knocked you out with. Are you ready?”

Dot scooted away. Spectre hit the button, sending a high-volt wave of electricity ripping through the Paladin’s body.
Last edited by Monsy on Mon Feb 17, 2025 6:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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