In the wake of the impromptu street fight between Oscar Orelash and Drake Bendon, many fans were left abuzz on the matter- specifically the match's dramatic ending. A moment where it looked like Oscar was about to achieve victory was harshly interrupted when two masked women- a pair of wrestlers who have yet to make their names known- attacked Oscar and aided Drake in defeating the beloved Barbarian Prince in their long-awaited rematch. Most of the chatter was outrage at Drake for boasting about being the better man than Oscar, only to beat him with outside help- but many were also worried about what Oscar's condition was as both he and Drake needed to be hospitalized after the match. Especially when the mystery twins attempted to inflict a devastating injury onto Oscar that would've ended his career... only thanks to a surprising assist from Drake that Oscar was spared such a thing. Once the crowd settled in for another show tonight, they would be surprised to see a certain freckled redhead walk down the ramp in some formal attire and a bandage around his head- earning a loud cheer of support!

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you so much for the welcome. You guys always did know how to cheer a fella up"
Oscar beamed to the crowd, earning a few small cheers from various sections of the arena.
"I won't take up much of your time... but as many of you recall, I had a rematch with a certain Steel Colossus that didn't exactly go to plan. Along with that, I was given an ultimatum from the two masked ladies who rudely interrupted the match. Basically... they told me that if I didn't quit wrestling- not just in LAW, but leave wrestling as a career in general, then things were going to get worse and worse for me"
A chorus of boos echoed through the ring at this information, only firing up the crowd furthermore!
"I'm here tonight to address this threat... and after brief consideration, I have made the decision... TO STAY! I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE! In fact- I have some words to say about those two women if they're listening! I'm not scared of you two! I didn't come this far in this industry to quit what I love because some spooky mysterious person wants to tear everything about me down, but is too much of a coward to show their face! At least Drake had his own odd sense of honor- but you two? Whoever you are- you're just grunts being paid to do all of this. I know for a fact that you two haven't even had a debut match- so... how about we change, hm? I'm issuing a direct challenge- a handicap match. The two of you against me. If you think you're both so big and scary, let's see how you do in a REAL match!"
The crowd exploded into cheers at Oscar's choice to stay- and the callout of the unknown person targeting him AND his attackers! Eyes drifted toward the ramp... were these twins going to show their faces and respond?