The Barbarian's Declaration

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The Barbarian's Declaration

Unread post by MappleMan7 »

(Writer's note: This takes place before the Kings and Queens tournament)

In the wake of the impromptu street fight between Oscar Orelash and Drake Bendon, many fans were left abuzz on the matter- specifically the match's dramatic ending. A moment where it looked like Oscar was about to achieve victory was harshly interrupted when two masked women- a pair of wrestlers who have yet to make their names known- attacked Oscar and aided Drake in defeating the beloved Barbarian Prince in their long-awaited rematch. Most of the chatter was outrage at Drake for boasting about being the better man than Oscar, only to beat him with outside help- but many were also worried about what Oscar's condition was as both he and Drake needed to be hospitalized after the match. Especially when the mystery twins attempted to inflict a devastating injury onto Oscar that would've ended his career... only thanks to a surprising assist from Drake that Oscar was spared such a thing. Once the crowd settled in for another show tonight, they would be surprised to see a certain freckled redhead walk down the ramp in some formal attire and a bandage around his head- earning a loud cheer of support!
Oscar took a moment to peacefully wave to the crowd before he got into the ring and took a microphone in hand. Giving a moment to let the crowd quiet down before he spoke.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you so much for the welcome. You guys always did know how to cheer a fella up"

Oscar beamed to the crowd, earning a few small cheers from various sections of the arena.

"I won't take up much of your time... but as many of you recall, I had a rematch with a certain Steel Colossus that didn't exactly go to plan. Along with that, I was given an ultimatum from the two masked ladies who rudely interrupted the match. Basically... they told me that if I didn't quit wrestling- not just in LAW, but leave wrestling as a career in general, then things were going to get worse and worse for me"

A chorus of boos echoed through the ring at this information, only firing up the crowd furthermore!

"I'm here tonight to address this threat... and after brief consideration, I have made the decision... TO STAY! I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE! In fact- I have some words to say about those two women if they're listening! I'm not scared of you two! I didn't come this far in this industry to quit what I love because some spooky mysterious person wants to tear everything about me down, but is too much of a coward to show their face! At least Drake had his own odd sense of honor- but you two? Whoever you are- you're just grunts being paid to do all of this. I know for a fact that you two haven't even had a debut match- so... how about we change, hm? I'm issuing a direct challenge- a handicap match. The two of you against me. If you think you're both so big and scary, let's see how you do in a REAL match!"

The crowd exploded into cheers at Oscar's choice to stay- and the callout of the unknown person targeting him AND his attackers! Eyes drifted toward the ramp... were these twins going to show their faces and respond?

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Re: The Barbarian's Declaration

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

There was a brief wait. For a moment the crowd began rumbling, thinking that Oscar’s enemies were too scared to face him. But then pyro went off and music began playing.
Two women emerged. This time not wearing their masks, their hair was done in afros.
The twins were wearing black leather jackets over Trinidad and Tobago soccer jerseys and jeans. When the music stopped, they each spoke into lavalier microphones attached to their jackets.

“Oscar, Oscar, you wanted us?”
“Here we are.”
”You are right about one thing.”
”Introductions are in order.”
“I am Oria Phillips.”
”And I am Jade Phillips.”
“We were supposed to come out here and tell you that our client will be revealed in time, and that you are making the wrong choice by not quitting.”
“But… we’re so glad you’re staying. We’ve been looking forward to tangling with you even before we were being paid extra to do it.

Both twins, in unison, yelled “SO WE ACCEPT!”

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Re: The Barbarian's Declaration

Unread post by MappleMan7 »

The crowd exploded with hype as the twins, now known publically as Oria and Jade Phillips, accepted Oscar's challenge! Oscar would stare down the twins for a few seconds before crossing his arms with a small smirk.

"Good. I'm glad to hear it. I look forward to showing your boss, whoever they are, that they're wasting their time. This whole 'bully the Barbarian guy out of the company on vague reasons' thing has been going on far, far longer than it had any business to. My only regret in my entire career had to be not nipping this in the bud sooner- but I intend to see this to the end. And to the person behind the curtain... if you're watching this... then I look forward to putting on a show for you"

The crowd blew up with "OOHHHHH!!!" at Oscar's wise-ass remark. With an official challenge put on paper, fans grew excited to see this eventual match go off!

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Re: The Barbarian's Declaration

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

The twins stood there as the crowd jeered. When they quieted down, Oria spoke.
”Oh I forgot to mention. We figured this match would happen and talked to LAW management.”
“You have to beat both of us. Now we don’t expect you to be able to tell us apart. So we came to a compromise with the bosses. You need TWO FALLS to win!”
The crowd erupted into boos.
“Ain’t that a kick in the head” Jade purred.
Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Barbarian's Declaration

Unread post by MappleMan7 »

Oscar narrowed his eyes at the new information given to him. The more this played out, the more daunting a challenge this was going to present. But rather than show any form of anxiety or fear, Oscar simply shrugged at the twins!

"Very well. If that's the conditions you want then I can work with that. It wouldn't be a handicap match if it was going to be easy"

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Re: The Barbarian's Declaration

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

The twins’ music played as they stared Oscar down from the ramp. The three of then faced off until LAW cut to a commercial break.


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