What's Happenin'! with Top Heavy

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Re: What's Happenin'! with Top Heavy

Unread post by Dubski »

Casey had a simple smile on her face as she patiently waited for a response. Surely, Anna could parse it all together if she put her mind to it. At least, she hoped so, because Kiernan didn't have the answer written down anywhere either. She honestly wasn't paying attention to anything Anna would have said, just pleasantly happy that she had nailed that question. A true, real interviewer, asking the hard questions. Some may say borderline impossible ones.

And despite Casey Kiernan's pride in her question, she didn't think anything of Mizaki grabbing hold of her coffee. She must be thirsty for that sweet, sweet coffee. The only thing that Casey looked forward to in her day. And, in a moment, Tantka's coffee was in her neck and top. Her eyes went wide, in shock at first. She hadn't ever been attacked in her interviewer position before. She'd never been humiliated in it. And Mizaki had furiously covered her outfit with coffee now.

A normally lackadaisical Casey Kiernan's face scrunched up in anger, a shocking image for anyone who knew Casey. And honestly, it was probably one thing that people were begging to see out of her for a long while. And Mizaki, despite certainly being the Mizaki Tantka who had a reputation in LAW for being nasty, probably couldn't be blamed in the situation that many people would have liked to enact upon the laziest interviewer in LAW.

Mizaki screamed and yelled at Casey, and Kiernan stood up, her coffee cup dropping off to the side off her lap. Security had already gotten into motion, trying to get between Mizaki and Casey. The blunette being given all of the focus from security. After all, it was Casey Kiernan as the other party, and she wouldn't pick a fight with anyone. But on this day, Casey was different. She suddenly rushed forward with a yell and vaulted on top of the table between them, attempting to land on top of Mizaki so she could fire forearms and frantic punches towards her! The movement instantly getting the security guards into proper motion to try breaking it up entirely!

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Re: What's Happenin'! with Top Heavy

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Mizaki was restrained near enough instantly, and not by security. With Bea around her nearest arm and Anna tugging from behind around her shoulders, they would do their best in reigning in their stable leader as to not bring about a punishment that affected all three. Though it was a given that Anna had to be directed by Bea, given that the greenette at first had absolutely no clue what to do.

Trying to barge through to Casey all the same, stablemates and security team be damned, the busty bluenette was near enough restrained by every limb in mere seconds. Had she been twice as strong as she actually was, she still would still have struggled to make even the slightest bit of headway in the form of such resistance. Though that didn't stop her running her mouth, as even amidst the ruckus caused by her struggles her cries could be heard clear as day!

Though they wouldn't be at all legible, certainly not as Casey opted to cut the distance and award the girl for her audacity in ruining her interview!

Struck cleanly in the cheeks a good few times before the security split to restrain Casey in equal parts, Mizaki would come from the exchange looking worse off given that she had never actually landed a clean blow on the talk show host. Where as her own cheeks were visibly turning red not a moment after space was made between them!

Albeit the security and top heavy alike would be grateful for Casey's strikes landing so cleanly, given it became a much easier task to practically heave Mizaki off her feet and force her away from her target!

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Re: What's Happenin'! with Top Heavy

Unread post by Dubski »

Casey Kiernan got some good shots in. Impressively good shots, actually. And although Mizaki had attempted to hit Casey Kiernan with some blows of her own, the interviewer came out relatively unscathed! She was being pulled away from Tantka, even as her stable mates held her, along with security. Casey still looked incensed and angry, fighting violently against the security who was doing an astonishing job dragging her away.

Finally, she got her wits about herself enough to speak to the mic attached to her lapel, still looking enraged, but collecting herself enough. Her voice strained, and she still sounded mighty upset. "I'd like to thank Top Heavy... for being my guests tonight," stated Casey before trying to make another rush towards Mizaki again, only to be held in place. "INCLUDING THAT IDIOT MIZAKI TANTKA!"

Collecting herself once more, Casey groaned and continued, "...And that's what's happenin'! I'm Casey Kiernan, signing--" Kiernan's eyes rolled up as she listened to her earpiece, a message from the back to her. Her eyes lit up in absolute fury. A madwoman possessed as her look went right to Mizaki again, and she charged right at her, breaking free of the security team for just a moment as she screamed, "And I'm facing Mizaki Tantka next week!?"

Her voice became more high-pitched and manic as she shrieked, being drug away by security. "AND NOW YOU'VE FORCED ME TO HAVE A MATCH!? A MATCH!? HOW DARE YOU!?" Casey continued to fight violently as she was being drug from the back. It was bad enough that Mizaki had humiliated her by throwing coffee at her, and wasted coffee, but now as a result of it all, Casey had to wrestle a match? The rest could be forgiven, but Kiernan refused to let Mizaki be forgiven for forcing her to wrestle a match now too.

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