Suplexing for Smiles: A Charity Event (for Van)

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Suplexing for Smiles: A Charity Event (for Van)

Unread post by Malkavia »

Madeleine believed in efficiency. Don't kill two birds with one stone; anything less than twelve is failure.

A glittering clientele required glittering entertainment. Yes, Madeleine had conceived this Suplexing for Smiles charity as a wrestling venue, but in her experience, it was wise to provide charitable types with a wide array of delicacies to enjoy. You wanted to convince the real high rollers that you had taste. And so she had invited Bill Edwards' Swingin' Lodestar Band to perform onstage to open things up.

Madeleine stood just off stage, tapping her foot along as the trumpets soared to brassy heights and the trombones slid and honked along to their infectious rhythm. She loved the glitter of their instruments, the energy in their performance, the sheer intense fun of their performance, and when the last face-scrunching, vein-popping blast from the brass band exploded out into the audience, Madeleine walked onstage genuinely beaming.

"Ladies and gentlemen, that was Bill Edwards with the Swinging...Lodestar Band!" She lifted her hands and applauded through the microphone. Turn once, watch Bill bow. She made sure to give the big round jolly saxophonist his moment in the sun, to bow and wave as he and his crew picked up and then shuffled offstage.

"Thank you Bill!" Bill hadn't come cheap—and that was the point. This wasn't Madeleine begging for cash. This was a refined opportunity for the good people out in the seats to contribute their money to a respectable and worthwhile cause. To build a name and a legacy. She turned to the crowd. "And thank you for being here!"

The fundraiser had drawn all types — the fancy types in slacks and ties, dresses and heels; the obvious wrestling fans with logos and favorite wrestlers plastered on their T-shirts. They were all here for music, for entertainment, for wrestling, and for charity. Madeleine greeted them all in the Ueno Park Ampitheatre. She spoke into a handheld mic, her voice echoing through the sound system.
The Countess
The Venue
"For those of you who don't know me, I'm Madeleine Citronelle, I'm contracted with LAW as a wrestler but also work for Jouets D'Or, and today I'm here for a cause near to my heart." At this point of the proceedings, the toy company run by the Citronelle family needed no introduction. Their golden logo and samples of their top of the line toys were present throughout the park. "At Jouets D'Or, we make it our daily mission to build a better childhood, today, because you only get to be a child..." She raised her free index finger. "Once. That's the reason why we, in cooperation with LAW, have organized this wrestling fundraiser on behalf of St. Marigal Children's Research Hospital. As you enjoy the show today, remember your contributions go towards the treatment of childhood illness for families who otherwise would have few medical options."

The crowd met her announcement with polite applause, which she accepted, graciously, as she paced the stage. Now for the bit that actually mattered. She smiled all the wider and caught eyes here, then there. Engaging her fans-to-be as eagerly as she might. "So! Without further ado, I'd like to announce our first event. Akira-san, if you would—"

A stagehand walked on stage and handed Madeleine a stuffed cat. It was a little larger than Madeleine's head, had sky-blue marble eyes, a big red bow on its neck, and fur the texture of a microfiber rag. Madeleine hugged it tight against her cheek before presenting it to the audience.
The Cat
"This..." She held out the toy. "Is Annabelle. She's been one of my best friends since I was twelve years old. She's one of only three custom-made vintage stuffed animals in her line, worth in ballpark of nine hundred thousand U.S. dollars." The crowd gave an appreciative hum, and Madeleine kissed Anabelle one more time at the top of her head.

"And today, I'm going to be wrestling on her behalf." Madeleine's ruby eyes scanned the audience. There were fancy folks, there were fans, but the most important gaggle of onlookers—those were the wrestlers themselves. The talent. Her eyes paused where she found them, issuing her offer to them with a smile and a cool gaze. "This is a challenge I'm issuing. In case you didn't catch that. I'm inviting anyone who wants to approach the stage. Offer me a match of any type you like. Choose any nearby venue under LAW's management. And we'll have our match for all these lovely onlookers. Proceeds go to St. Marigal. Winner gets Annabelle to do with as she likes."

Efficiency: Sell your toys. Build good will as a company and fresh talent at LAW. Scalp a competitor with spotlight-bright visibility. Stone meet bird.

"Do we have any takers?"
Last edited by Malkavia on Fri Nov 17, 2023 11:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Run for it
I'll keep them occupied
'Cause I love you, I love you so
Left me hanging at the station
But you'll be back for me soon
Madilyn Mei


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Re: Suplexing for Smiles: A Charity Event (for Van)

Unread post by TheManVan »

Thalia had heard that there was going to be an event open for wrestlers to attend, and although it was far from her trying to further her craft in wrestling, there was a part of her that was interested in seeing just what the rumbling was all about. She had heard some rumors from hearsay and talking with the other attendees, but never the less she didn't mind taking an off day.

But then suddenly through the event starting, she suddenly became very interested. Not only was an exceptionally rare doll was presented, worth far more than any reasonable doll would, the quality was clear to see even from the seat Thalia was in. And she could see just how freaking adorable it was! There was only one way that Thalia could get it, through challenging the organizer of the event herself in whatever match Thalia chose!

She could see the woman, as beautiful as she was, Thalia could tell that she was quite a wrestler from looks alone, at least a wrestler that was capable of honing Thalia's skills through trial!

The answer was a no brainer, get a match as well as that adorable doll if she won and all proceedings was going to charity?

"Me! Me!" Thalia quickly raised her hand, and separating herself from crowd as she was picked out by security. She was lead onto stage, standing across the beautiful blonde. "If you're looking for someone to fight, then I'm your girl, Miss Madeleine."

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