
Letting the fans get the cheers and excitement out of their system for a few moments before she started up. "Given what I have in mind I'll try and keep this brief." She said the seriousness returning to her face again as she spoke. "Officially speaking Apex ended not to long ago, and while I came up short in winning gold, I'd like to think I certainly made my case for it. By going above and beyond with the amount of qualifiers, with how far I went in my Apex match, and even past that with arguably the match of the night at We Are LAW 6! Shout out to you Kate by the way, love ya babe!" Alizeh said, her voice rising as she spoke, before breaking into a light flirty tone and wink towards the camera before returning to a more serious expression.
Taking a deep breath while letting the fans a moment to breathe in her words she would start up again. "With all that being said... I'm. Not. Done." She said, looking as serious as can be with a determined expression on her face. "Given the frequency of my matches, and with how taxing a lot of them were, I was advised to 'take it easy'." She said making a mocking air quote gesture at those last few words before continuing. "I gave myself a few days off between matches and while they were nice, got into some trouble and all that, I got bored real quick, went practically crazy which is exactly why I'm out here. I refuse to stay idle. Not when there's more chances to show out, when there's more opportunities to show what I'm capable, when there's more people to fight. Because that's why I'm here, and that's why anyone that really wants to be is here. To fight!" She said fiercely with a determined glare to the camera that immediately got the crowd just as fired up, cheering in response.
Shifting her gaze up to the entrance ramp she would roll her neck while raising the mic once more. "So I'll say this once to ANY woman back there right now. My blood is boiling for a fight, and anyone thats back there that feels the same way come out now so we can fight! I refuse to stay idle, and I refuse to back down so let's go!" She yelled proudly and fiercely earning another pop from the fans before all eyes fixed on the entrance, wandering just who would come out from the back to answer Alizeh's challenge.