A Tale of Two Snakes

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A Tale of Two Snakes

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Asp found herself standing in the middle of the LAW ring, surrounded by thousands of fans, with cameras pointed straight towards her and a microphone in her hand. Her music was fading, and she still had the rush of energy that she’d come down the ramp with, storming her way down with a purpose. It had taken no small amount of coaxing to get management to let her come out and make a call-out challenge, but she’d haranged them enough to have her way, and here she was, ready to deliver her message.

And it was only now, at this moment, where a small problem had occurred to Asp: She had absolutely no experience with public speaking.

She could talk to individuals well enough, and considered herself a gifted conversationalist, but at the end of the day, she had never really gotten on a stage like this and spoken to such a mass of people. She had many gifts, but that had never numbered among them, and as she stood there, clad in her ring attire and looking ready for combat, she could feel the full weight of the moment descend on her.

It was awkward, and she found herself fidgeting, looking around, as if there was supposed to be a cue card. She knew what she wanted to say - namely, she was here to call out the woman who had trapped her and crushed her not long ago, Dominique Renaud, or Naga as had been aptly dubbed. She had been a guest of the woman’s sister, the more amicable Stephanie, but during her stay, this monstrous beast had ambushed her, dragged her to a room, and spent the night using her like some kind of toy, a tool for her gratification. Squeezing her, crushing her, knocking her out only to wake her up again and continue the torture. It was a harrowing experience, and one she did not care to repeat.

But she wasn’t about to be bullied, either, and she had every intention of paying this vile woman back and proving that she was not one to be trifled with. When she found out that Dominique was a wrestler herself, the path became clear: They would have a match. This was the rhythm of things.

She was confused on the exact way to go about doing that, though. She knew that Naga was present and in the building, even prepared for a possible match, but she wasn’t sure the right way to draw her out. Trash talk was something she had never really indulged in. What should she say? Should she be cocky, bold, assertive? The audience didn’t even know what had instigated this, they were looking at her with befuddled stares and shrugging shoulders.

Finally, her nerves got the better of her. It was too late to leave, but she had to say something. She might as well rip the band-aid off.

“Dominque Renaud!” She spoke in her loudest voice and tried to hide the stutters. “I challenge you to a match! Come out and face me!”

There, done. It did little alleviate the audience’s confusion, but at least it would accomplish what she needed. Dominique would be appearing soon, of that Asp had no doubt.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Thu Jul 13, 2023 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Tale of Two Snakes

Unread post by thesteedman »

The fans were naturally confused about why Asp would call out one of the newer wrestlers. They had no idea of what history there was between the two. All that was known was that Dominique Renaud was a very dangerous woman. She was new to the LAW, but her reputation was well known as a woman who decimated and crushed her opposition in brutal and devastating fashion. Despite the lack of knowledge to why Asp would dare to take on such a behemoth who was a new signing to the LAW (no doubt with the Baroness being of influence to the decision), they still would cheer on for the up and coming fan favourite! Asp had impressed during the Apex Qualifiers, managing to surprise enthusiasts of wrestling by giving Sophia Wolfe not just a significant challenge, but near defeat her. Since then, support was building for the beautiful Egyptian in droves, whilst her intoxicating appearance and attire only helped build such report.

Gasps and apprehension instantly took the atmosphere of the watching crowds when Naga's theme music began to play. After a brief moment, four Maids of the Baroness' employ entered from the entrance ramp, lining the way. They were significantly less in number then for the Baroness herself, but soon enough a massive presence entered, wearing dark robes. As she walked towards the ring, the Maid's began to remove items of clothing from the approaching menace, slowly revealing the black as pitch long hair and near deathly pale complexion of the woman who had menaced Asp. Her piercing eyes were wide open, and slowly the robes were removed to reveal something that would no doubt get Asp's attention. The attire she wore was a near copy of her own, almost belly dancer like in appearance, save for Naga's was all in black, grey and silver.

Most of her colossal form was exposed, revealing her chisled figure that almost looked like marble given her gothic pale flesh. Her abs were monstrous, her arms thick with muscle. In the dim light, Asp had not noticed just how built the Naga was. She was truly heavyweight, and Asp had already had a taste of her power. Walking barefoot, the Maids retreated backstage once they had taken Naga's robes, with Naga herself still approaching the ramp with a mic noticeable within her hand.
"Madame El-Shenawy. I hope you know what it is you are doing when you challenge me." Naga would address as her entrance music began to ease down.
"... I underestimated your courage. That is if it is really bravery that I am witnessing. It makes me wonder... do you hold desire for me as I hold for you?" Naga would add, slowly climbing into the ring, giving a clear view of the size difference between the two women as she slowly approached.

"I suppose it does not matter. You have called me out here regardless. I do have a match later tonight, but I do not see why I cannot indulge you first. I accept your challenge." Naga declared, making the crowd cheer as they realised they are about to witness a match right here and now between two Snakes.

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