"Listen up, LAW! I have a few things to say," she began. But, much to the ex-model's displeasure, the crowd hardly seemed to pay her much attention. They continued to chatter away incessantly as though she wasn't there, and the ones that were paying her any attention were booing her before she'd even made any announcements! Her teeth clenched in a scowl, Danielle's shoulders locked up and her fists balled into fists. She would not tolerate this disrespect, and she evidently needed to make her presence known!
Dani tapped at the microphone, sending a metallic screech out through the stands that caused several of the fans to groan and cover their ears. "I SAID, listen up!!" After a moment, when it became clear that the fans weren't going to take their focus off of Danielle, she began to speak again. "Yes, that's more like it. Now, where were we? Ah, yes..."
"I've had enough having to put up with this company's booking committee! I've been in LAW for a few years now, and in all that time, I've seen nothing that should lead me to believe that the promoters in charge of putting the cards together are anything but a bunch of boors who have no idea how to do their jobs properly. As a matter of fact, I suspect that whatever they're doing is a targeted effort against me! Me, of all people!" She puffed out her chest with a huff.
"Well," she added, "I've had quite enough of that! I'm not going to allow it to happen any longer - because I'm taking matters into my own hands! That's why I've decided that for my next match, I wish to take on an opponent of my choosing!"
More boos came from the fans now. Many saw Danielle's plan, and they were already convinced that the redhead, who had never been known for her talent, was trying to force a match against someone she knew wouldn't stand a chance against her. But she spat in disgust, looking back into the stands. "SILENCE! Before anyone accuses me of any ill intent, I would have you know that I've cleared this with the individuals in charge of this business," she added - conveniently leaving out how she had bribed them to let her do so - "and they've agreed to let me make my decisions! I've had enough dealing with imbeciles who aren't worth my time, or who would dare to treat me so heinously. So, for my next opponent, I'm asking to face you, Jade Cho - because I have faith you would be someone I could actually tolerate wrestling!" She beckoned with her finger, inviting Jade to make her entrance. "Step forward, and let's make a deal, shall we?"