Anticipation and cheers filled the arena as the announce team declared that the champs' segment was up next!
The SWAT Cats theme song fired up on the stadium speaker! Chants and cheers filled the arena as the trio of feline luchadoras emerged at top of the entrance ramp, championship belts in hand!
Entrance Music
As their theme song played, the crowd sang along! Katherine Hart squatted down to lift Aurora into a seated position on one of their biceps and Tracy into a seated position on the other! Aurora and Tracy would hold the tag belts up high as multicolored pyro went off above them to celebrate the champs' entrance! They hit a signature pose, drawing more noise from the live audience! As the fireworks finished up and petered out, Aurora and Tracy dismounted from Katherine's impressive arms.
The champs would make their way down the ramp and into the ring. Tracy would leap onto to ring apron and vault over the ropes.
SWAT Cats chants would start up as they took their place in the center of the ring. While the fans expressed their approval, Katherine peered her upper body through the ropes and consulted the production crew at ringside for a set of mics. Right away, Tracy would call attention to herself by standing in the dead center of the ring and consulting her partners.
"I get to do the thing?" The Circus Cat would ask. Aurora would nod reluctantly. Kat would answer her.
"Go ahead and do the thing."
"We've had some close calls and some close shaves and we ARE STIIIIIIIIILLLL your LAW! World! Tag! Team! Champions!!!!" The crowd said it with her as she made a point of it. Excitement reached a fever pitch as The Circus Cat fired up the crowd!
"Normally, I'd prefer to be a bit more reserved but we are quite proud to still be your reigning and defending champions!" Aurora would follow up! Kat would soon chime in.
"Indeed we are. See, we had a mission statement a few pay-per-views ago. Our debuting pay-per-view as champions, before our segment was hijacked by The Ashfords we made it clear! Our goal was to elevate this tag division and these tag titles!" Kat would say as she lifted one of the two belts high above her head with one hand while gripping her mic with the other.
"We set out to prove that LAW has the best tag team division and the best tag wrestling in the world! There's certainly no shortage of talent on our tag roster. And by proxy, if we could spearhead that division as the forerunners, that would make The SWAT Cats the best tag team in the world of professional wrestling today!"
"So let's recap. The goal in this challenge, which so many teams have answered over the past few months is to give each and every team that's willing a chance to prove that they represent the best tag division there is on this planet! And to give the Cats a chance to prove that they belong at the top of it! Yeah, we've come close to losing these belts on several occasions but you have to remember that that's by design. This Open Challenge Series allows the challengers the chance to set the stipulations! This Open Challenge Series allows the challengers the chance to pick which two out of the three of us they wanna throw down with! We want each and every team that comes at us for these belts to have the very best circumstances they can manifest so that we can have the very best tag titles matches and so that we can continue to prove ourselves as the very best champions!"
"So if you got all that, and you feel like you have it in you to dethrone to Top Cats and become the new top team then grab your partner and come on down so that you can find out what everyone else in the arena and everyone watching at home already knows!" With that, Hart would motion to the crowd and get her partners Tracy, and Aurora would pantomime and enliven them alongside her. The audience would slowly break out into a SWAT Cats chant from their PPV debut!
The fans would chant over and over again! Hyping up the champs and heightening anticipation for the possibility of a team challenging for the titles tonight!