Training: how to be a badguy?

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Training: how to be a badguy?

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Sandra would spin around and give the boxing bag a huge kick into the side before she would lower her leg again and go back to a normal stand. The American woman would turn her head around and grab the boxing bag, stopping it from swining around and making sounds.
Ring outfit
The red haired would look over to the clock hanging at the wall. She did agree to meet with Piper today to start her training… did the little rat change her mind and not tell Sandra anything about it? That would really piss her off. So far the little one was already 7 minutes late. Sandra would let go of the boxing bag and she would throw a fast hook into the middle of the boxing bag. If the little one would show up she would pay for not being on time.
Sandra somehow couldn´t explain why she wanted to help that little girl. Normally she was more of the type of girl who would let people fight for themselves and find their own way in life. But somehow Piper reminded her of her earliy days…

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Re: Training: how to be a badguy?

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Piper groaned lowly in annoynace as she pulled her hair up into a high ponytail while speedwalking towards the gym. Dressed in a pair of white yoga pants with gree mesh sides, green running shoes as well as a green sports bra with green and white fingerless gloves. ‘Fucking figures Ruby won’t stop snuggling me my first day of training.’ Piper thought in slight annoyance towards her room mate as she hurried as fast as she could. After all she didn’t want Snadra to think she wasn’t taking things seriously or was a bad student. Looking at a nearby clock as she passed it Piper cursed as she broke out into a run. ”Shit!” She said under her breath as she broke out into a full run now that her hair was in order. Pushing the doors open to the gym she looked sided to side before sighing in relief seeing Sandra. Quickly running over to the older woman Piper waved her hand above her head as she jogged over to her. “Hey Sandra! I’m soooo sorry my roommate was being clingy!” She said upon getting close enough before bending over to catch her breath from how much she ran to get here.

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Re: Training: how to be a badguy?

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Sandra would cross her arms under her chest and looked down to the small girl with one raised eyebrow. “Your roommate was clingy?” would she ask her new trainee, before she started to shake her head. After she was done shaking her head. “don´t worry how about you just give me some pushups to make up for this? You were like 10 minutes late… so how about you go 10 pushups for that?”
Would Sandra over the girl before moving to the side and making space for the girl. She would still keep her arms crossed under her chest.
When Piper was done with the first three push ups Sandra suddenly put her foot onto the back of Piper and was pushing her down, not with her full weight but making the push ups way harder than before. She would not say a single word while pushing her foot into the back of Piper.

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Re: Training: how to be a badguy?

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Piper sighed softly as she pushed her hair back out of her face after catching her breath from the run. Looking up at Sandra she nodded to the woman as she questioned her reasoning for being late. ”Yeahhh well thats the classy way of putting it.” she said witb a blush before groaning as she was told to do pushups.

She had wanted to complain but... well looking at Sandra Piper figured doing so would be a bad idea. Thus she dropped down without complaint and started doing push-ups which were simple enough. It wasn’t till the third push up when the exta weight came on her back making her groan. “Ughhh whats the big idea?” Piper whined looking up at Sandra’s boot on her back. But by the woman’s silence it was clear she wasn’t planning on answering.

Grumbling softly in annoyance Piper continued the push ups. Admittedly though with much more visible strain than before, but she did at least manage to do them consistently, despite her arms shaking. While irrititating Sandra’s boot on her back wasn’t anything particularly new or bad. After all she had been a cheerleader. She had been hazed and hazed others and could deal with stuff like this with her physical conditioning alone at least. Once she did all ten pushups however than Piper would shove Sandra’s boot off before standing up fully with a huff.

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Re: Training: how to be a badguy?

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“Wow I am impressed… really.!” Would Sandra way when the girl jumped up back to her feet. “but I hope from now on your on time each time!” she would then turn around and walk towards the ring and slide into it. “how about we start it easy off today and talk a little bit about ring psychology!” She would slowly stand back up onto her feet. “what would you do when I walk up to you and offer you a lock up at the start of a match?” would Sandra ask walking up and down waiting for piper to enter as well.

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Re: Training: how to be a badguy?

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Piper panted softly as she stood up, arms sagging forward a bit and her hair already being disheveled. “Yeah.. Thanks..” she said a little breathlessly. After all just cause she had the conditioning for it didn’t mean workous like that weren’t tiring! Thankfully though Sandra didn’t want to go right for weights or working out off the bat. Sighing in relief Piper followed the red head into tbe ring and raised a eye brow at her as she asked about what she’d do in a lock up. ”Uh I dunno enter it? Maybe slap you in the face if you annoyed me before hand?” She asked a bit unsure, really just going off what she ahd done in tbe past for what seemed like a straight forward objective in a match.

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Re: Training: how to be a badguy?

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“Okay… “ would Sandra start of breathing out heavily. “fighting is like dancing, its all about having control and knowing what you and your partner have to do… You are a little girl, you will never have control in a fight through dominance.. you will have to have control through leading your opponent and make them dance the steps you want them to dance!”
Sandra would slowly walk up to her opponent. “and one way to do this is simply by making oyur opponent think they have control!”
Sandra lifted her hands up. “lock up with me…” would Sandra say and she would reach out to grab the shoulders of her opponent to hold on tightly to them.

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Re: Training: how to be a badguy?

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Piper listened closely to what Sandra was saying, trying to understand her analogy but it was clear she wasn’t quite getting it. After all how was wrestling like dancing? Yeah some girls used dancing gimmicks but she doubted that applied. As the lesson progressed though she raised an eyebrow in surprise to Sandra telling her to lock up with her. That was surprising, but... Sandra was the expert. ”Uh.. ok.” She said reaching up to lock up with Sandra, feeling rather awkward from how much larger Sandra was than her. ”Sooo now what?” Ahe asked unsure of where to go from here.

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Re: Training: how to be a badguy?

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“so… how would you outdo me? How would you win this lock up?” would Sandra ask the smaller woman. Suddenly sandra´s fingers would start to squeeze together and clawing into th shoulders of Piper. The eyes of the red haried woman would be locked into the eyes of piper as she was suddenly adding some pushing momentum and trying to force her opponent backwards. “think fast!”

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Re: Training: how to be a badguy?

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Piper looked up at Sandra with a confused expression on her face from the red head’s instructions. ”Uhhhhm I can’t?” She asked back in confusion, finding the task impossible, after all how could someone like her win in a lock up with someone like Sandra? Unfortunately she wasn’t given time to think about it as nails dug sharply into her shoulders, nearly making her fall to her knees right off the bat from the sudden weight bearing down on her. “Whoa whoa whoa!” Piper yelled out in a mixture of pain and panic ss she tried to figure out an answer to what sandra wanted! But for now all she could do was do her best to stay upright and not get bowled over by Sandra’s impressive natural strength!

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