
After spending several moments in the yoga pose Ember released it with a sigh of relief. "Alright, warmup's over," Ember muttered to herself before getting back to her feet. She would make her way to the barbell she had set up for herself earlier on the floor. It still held the same amount of weight Ember had placed on it, which was quite a bit.
Rolling her shoulders a bit Ember took in a few quick breaths before she squatted down to grip the bar with both hands. When she rose again she took the barbell up with her, grunting from the effort but managing alright. Lifting the bar up across her shoulders Ember would proceed to squat in place, brining the weight down with her then lifting it again again with the strength of her legs and core. The muscles in her legs bulged as she lifted and her rather large behind stuck out every time she went down. Stout and tough already, Ember looked to get even tougher...