The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants (Complete)

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The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants (Complete)

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Ember Sykes stretched comfortably into the yoga position she had placed herself in, letting out a controlled breath as she settled in. One leg was bent underneath her while the other rose its way behind her. Despite her thick muscled form her flexibility was pretty impressive. Extending her arms above her head Ember got a good stretch going. It was a good warmup for the workout that was to come.
The purple haired shorty had come to the gym that day in order to keep her body lean and mean. Being quite a bit smaller than most of roster in LAW meant that Ember had to work extra hard in order to compete in the same ring with them. She had won her debut match but only by the skin of her teeth and next time she might not be so lucky. If Ember did lose a match it wouldn't be because her body was weak. She would see to that.

After spending several moments in the yoga pose Ember released it with a sigh of relief. "Alright, warmup's over," Ember muttered to herself before getting back to her feet. She would make her way to the barbell she had set up for herself earlier on the floor. It still held the same amount of weight Ember had placed on it, which was quite a bit.

Rolling her shoulders a bit Ember took in a few quick breaths before she squatted down to grip the bar with both hands. When she rose again she took the barbell up with her, grunting from the effort but managing alright. Lifting the bar up across her shoulders Ember would proceed to squat in place, brining the weight down with her then lifting it again again with the strength of her legs and core. The muscles in her legs bulged as she lifted and her rather large behind stuck out every time she went down. Stout and tough already, Ember looked to get even tougher...
Last edited by Darius 2.0 on Sun Dec 12, 2021 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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It was admittedly rather rare that Tara Kwan hit the gym. Ever.
White Sports Bra and White Gym Shorts
Blessed with what many would deem to be an annoyingly-naturally athletic body, Tara only hit the gym when she felt she absolutely needed to. Spry by default and rarely using power to her advantage, it wasn't as if the Korean ever had to commit to the weights or even cardio. Though had she, she may have been able to gun for a belt. If she were ever so inclined.

Having deemed today to be a rare appearance by the firm bodied Korean, she'd pace her way through those double doors with a sports bra and shorts combo to bare. Caring little for modesty, given her lack of actual shirt, Tara paced across the crowded mats as if she owned them. Whatever piece of equipment she so deemed to half-heartedly commit to today would likely be chosen by random, as her eyes danced lazily amongst what few spots in the gym were free.

Soon enough, she'd find possibly the greatest piece of equipment she had ever seen...

"HEY!" Tara roared out, so loud in fact it was hard to ignore her even a little. Her voice bellowing across all sides of the room, the Korean had as much modesty for her speaking volume as she did for her attire. All in the hopes of getting the attention of the figure before her. And what a figure it was.

"You shouldn't do stuff like that without a spotter!" Tara figured, knowing next to nothing about the world of weight lifting. Any excuse to get close to the body before her, she figured.

"Lemme help.." Hand already throwing her towel and gym bag to the side, as she shuffled onto the gym mat Ember was already occupying.

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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Ember continued her reps counting each one off in her head. The effort and the heavy weights were already making the stout girl sweat but she kept at it. Up and down she went, controlling her breathing and letting the muscles in her legs do all the work. She had almost made it to ten reps. Just one more push and-

The tiny girl's heart nearly stopped when a loud shout echoed through the gym and with a surprised yelp she dropped the barbell to the floor with a loud crash. The shout combined with the heavy drop of the weights made nearly everyone in the vicinity turn to the source of the disturbances, and much to Ember's mortification she realized quite a few were looking at her. Luckily her face was already red from the workout or her blush would have been more noticeable. Just who had shouted like that to make Ember cause such an embarrassing scene?

The source would soon reveal herself as a skinny redhaired girl calling to someone in the gym. Then it looked like she was heading over to whomever she had called out to, someone close to where Ember stood. The girl kept getting closer and Ember looked around to see who among the gym goers this girl was so eager to greet.

It wasn't until the redhead was right in front of Ember that she realized she had been calling out to her.

Ember blinked in surprise, her mouth falling open but no words coming out as the girl set herself up in Ember's area. "I-I uh...." Ember managed to mutter out, completely not understanding what was happening here. To her knowledge she had never met this girl before. "S-Sorry I'm a little confused. Who....are you?"

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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The fact Ember was lost for words didn't at all hinder Tara's curious efforts. Regardless of response, save for Ember actually taking a swing or otherwise at Tara for having the audacity to scream at her, Tara was going to commit herself to getting close to this thick bodied gal!

"I'm your spotter..!" Tara responded, a smile to her face but Ember could tell she was serious, despite it being apparent she was asking for her name.

"Now...Shall we get back to it?" Tara tilted her head - the ruckus she had created dying down, leaving the two on the mats to their own devices. Though it didn't leave Ember any less confused.

"Say, you were doing really well there. You come here often?" A cheesy grin as Tara teased the bewildered beauty with an extended elbow to nudge her, as if she was hitting on the gal at a bar. Though whilst the bar was far away, it had to be said that the moment Tara gazed upon the gal before her, she imagined herself hitting on her...

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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Despite her question Ember got no clear answer as to who exactly was standing before her because for the life of her she didn't recall ever meeting this girl. She was taller than Ember (no surprise there), athletically skinny, with striking red hair trailing all the way down to her lower back. She was also dressed in a manner one might not deem appropriate for a visit to the gym. Yes, Ember would have remembered meeting someone such as this.

"Um...right...." Ember said slowly in response to the girl's greeting. "B-But you see-" Even as Ember tried to stammer out an excuse as to why she couldn't accept the redhead's offer of spotting the girl had already made the assumption that Ember had agreed!

"Look I don't really need-" Once again cut off it was then she was given what could have passed as a pickup line. That is if it was the right place and time which clearly it was not! "W-What? I guess, but I don't-" Finally Ember sighed in defeat. Unable to get a word in edgewise she decided to indulge the stranger.

"Fine," she muttered before turning back to the barbell on the ground. Once again displaying impressive strength in lifting it back up again she settled the bar upon her shoulders. "Just.....get into position."

In order for stranger to spot her she would have to stand directly behind Ember, close enough that Ember's big butt was nearly right against the girl's crotch. When Ember went down she would have to go down too and stay close enough that she would feel the heat coming off Ember's tightly packed body. Once the stranger got into such a position Ember would begin to squat anew, although now with a very strange partner.

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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Tara wasn't actually much use as a spotter, given her own physical strength was likely vastly superior to Ember's, but she didn't know that! More than aware of the position she'd be 'forced' to find in order to help, Tara did so with quite a giggle. Just like that, everything she had desired so quickly came to her so fast!

Behind Ember, with her figure a lot closer than it needed to be, Tara's front was already to Ember's rear before she had even begun to squat. Needless to say, when Ember did squat down, she may have well have been sitting on Tara's lap!

"Woa...! Shit" Tara muttered under her breath - her face already a picture and that was merely from one squat. Biting her lip, she'd try as she could to straighten up and actually look as if she knew what she was doing.

The fact she did so only brought her front tighter to Ember's back, as her own hands nearly clutched the bottom of the bar despite the girl needing no help.

"Yeh...Really not safe for you to do this...Without me..."

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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When Ember started her set again in the back of her mind she considered that having a spotter was a good thing. After all, it was quite a bit of weight she was pressing. One wrong move and she risked serious injury. The redhead's offer may have just been a friendly gesture but Ember couldn't help shake the feeling there was about this girl.

Those feelings only intensified when she performed her first squat. Her own form was near perfect and her leg muscles flexed tightly as a result, but the girl practically clung to Ember when she went for the lift. Her crotch seemed to be pressing right up against Ember's behind! Not exactly proper form for someone who was trying to be helpful. Ember's face began turning a slight red hue, and not because of the exertion.

As she performed more squats with increasing effort the hairs began to stand up on the back on Ember's neck. Even though she couldn't see her Ember could practically feel the girl's eyes scan across her sweat covered body. The husky tone in the stranger's voice also set off red flags in her head. Her body began to heat up and each squat would press her big rear up against her spotter's pelvis, much to Ember's growing embarrassment.

"Uh, wow, thanks," Ember stammered out before carefully dropping the weights to the floor with a slight crash. "But I gotta go. I got some, uh, practicing to do in one of the rings. Thanks for" Ember would then attempt to turn around and head to one of the practice rings the gym had, hoping that would be the end of her interaction with the redhead.

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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Admittedly, one of Tara's curious skills was that she didn't appear as thirsty as she actually was. If someone were to look over at the duo, they'd perhaps see a spotter a little closer than she should have been, nothing more. Tara's face hardly gave away what she was feeling. Though that was through years and years of practice!

On and on her motions went, with her front grinding ever so lightly across Ember's back with every squat she gave. Until all at once, her fun was ended!

"Oh?" Tara hummed, stepping back as if she wasn't just lightly grinding on the thick bodied gal for a good few minutes. Hands to her hips, her eyebrows tensed up.

"Sure you're not meant to do more? I'd of imagined so...But sure, I can help you in the ring instead!" Tara grinned, despite the fact she was never even asked to. Then again, this entire interaction wasn't an invited one.

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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Despite being sweaty and unkept Ember was more than happy to head off to another part of the gym to avoid this hanger on. Maybe try something that didn't need a spotter to perform at all, just in case. She would have marched off to avoid this girl completely if she hadn't suggested to help out in the ring instead. That offer made Ember stop in her tracks. She would turn back to face the redhead, her baby blues blinking in surprise. "The ring?" she repeated questionably. "You mean like.....a spar? With me?"

The reason for her incredulousness was because when it came to practice sparring in the gym Ember often didn't get a lot willing partners. She didn't exactly have a lot of friends in LAW to call upon, and despite winning her debut match many of the other gym goers thought the short fighter wouldn't have made for a challenging sparring partner. It reminded Ember of high school when she would get picked last for volleyball despite being very athletic.

Now here she had someone who was not only willing to spar with her but actually brought it up themselves! Of course, Ember was still questioning the redhead's motives but she wasn't about to look this gift horse in the mouth. She needed more practice in the ring. Maybe if she put on a good enough show in the ring others would be more willing to spar with her in the future!

"Yeah...." Ember slowly agreed before smiling brightly. "Yeah! Okay, let's do it! I'm game." Ember would then walk back up to the girl and extend her hand. "I'm Ember," she greeted looking upwards with a smile. "What's your name?"

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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Tara on the other hand, couldn't imagine anyone more perfect to spar with. Then again, most came into the spar fully intending to practice their holds, strikes and general repertoire. Tara was sure she'd get some practice in. But that Ember would get alot more.

Almost as if this particular sparring partner for the thick bottomed gal wanted to be subdued...

"Good stuff..!" Roared Tara, already five steps ahead of Ember - her figure near enough about at the ring already, suggesting that much like their first little moment, the Korean simply didn't believe the response 'No' could be thrown her way. And even then, she'd likely still insist.

"Ember hmm? Cute..." Tara grinned, stopping just shy of the ropes to reach back, and give a soft hand shake to the girl she'd soon be scuffling with. All the whilst miraculously, given it was Tara, she kept eye contact.

"I'm Tara."

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